369 research outputs found

    Telling Our Story, Because No One Else Will: Cape Verdean Transnational Identity Formation as Knowledge Production

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    “This article was published as Gibau, G.S. (2015). Telling Our Story, Because No One Else Will: Cape Verdean Transnational Identity Formation as Knowledge Production. Mande Studies, 16-17, 107-117. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or distributed in any form, by any means, electronic, mechanical, photographic, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Indiana University Press. For education reuse, please contact the Copyright Clearance Center http://www.copyright.com/. For all other permissions, contact IUPress at http://iupress.indiana.edu/rights/.”Seemingly from birth, Cape Verdeans are charged by their elders to go forth and "tell their story." Yet the Cape Verdean story remains relatively unknown despite its relevance to world history and ongoing processes of globalization. Nevertheless, Cape Verdeans refuse to be rendered "statistically insignificant" in the American imagination. This article explores recent scholarship and personal standpoints produced by people exploring Cape Verdean transnational identity as a means of making their truths known, thus redirecting the recurrent scholarly gaze from its focus on knowledge production among anglophone diaspora communities to the equally-relevant lusophone experience

    Considering Student Voices: Examining the Experiences of Underrepresented Students in Intervention Programs

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    Qualitative studies that examine the experiences of underrepresented minority students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields are comparatively few. This study explores the self-reported experiences of underrepresented graduate students in the biomedical sciences of a large, midwestern, urban university. Document analysis of interview transcripts from program evaluations capture firsthand accounts of student experiences and reveal the need for a critical examination of current intervention programs designed to reverse the trend of underrepresentation in the biomedical sciences. Findings point to themes aligned around the benefits and challenges of program components, issues of social adjustment, the utility of supportive relationships, and environmental impacts

    The effects of birth weight and accelerated weight on body composition and appetite regulation

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    The link between early life and development of metabolic disorders and obesity in later life has been the focus of many studies over the past decades. Fetal life and early infancy are two of the most critical periods of physiological and metabolic development and plasticity, and thus, are periods whereby a stimulus can cause long term consequences on the health of an individual (developmental programming). Accelerated weight gain during early life per se or in combination with extreme birth weights (low/high birth weight) have been postulated as factors that can affect the development of individuals with later consequences in health. However, there is not a clear understanding of the specific contribution at different ages to impaired health neither of the mechanisms involved in these alterations. In this thesis, I used an isogenic murine model with natural birth weight variation within a normal range to investigate the effects of extreme birth weights on body composition and appetite regulation at different stages of life. I compared low and high birth weights phenotypes during lactation, at the time of weaning, and a young adulthood as well as early matured age. Mice were challenged to a moderate high fat diet for 12 weeks after weaning in order to assess the effects of both birth weight and a hypercaloric feed on body composition and hypothalamic neural activity. At weaning, adiposity was positively related to birth weight and weight gain but negatively related to growth rate. Low birth weight male mice (LBWm) had a lower plasma glucose concentration but similar levels of insulin to High birth weight male mice (HBWm), indicating a degree of hyperinsulinemia. Low birth weight females (LBWf) were hyperinsulinemic and hyperglycemic compared to High birth weight females (HBWf). There was an upregulation in the expression of genes related to insulin signaling, adipogenesis/lipid metabolism and thermoregulation in Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue (SAT) of LBWm mice compared to HBWm mice but the contrary was seen in LBWf mice in respect to their counterpart. LBWm mice caught up in weight with HBWm mice at younger age than the equivalent catch up in female mice. Birth weight and diet impacted body fat patterning and appetite regulation differently in both young males and females. However, at week 51 of age (early matured age), diet seemed to override the effects of birth weight on total body fat. LBWm mice tended to have smaller adipocytes than young and matured HBWm mice, especially when fed a HF diet, and this pattern was independent of fat mass. In conclusion, the current study suggests that extreme birth weights in an isogenic mouse model (within natural birth weight variation), as well as postnatal nutrition influenced growth, glucose / lipid metabolism, body fat patterning and appetite regulation in an age-gender dependent manner.Open Acces

    Cape Verdean diasporic identity formation

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    The politics of Cape Verdean American identity

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    In the United States, the idea of having a "choice" in the construction of identity is made problematic by the social constraints under which racial and ethnic minority groups live. One such constraint is the system of social classification that has historically polarized U.S. citizens and residents into aggregates of "Black" or "White," and more recently "White" and "non-White," through the hegemonic discourse of racial ascription. This discourse underlies the process of racialization whereby intragroup cultural differences are homogenized under the rubric of race. This phenomenon is most apparent in the contemporary ordering of Blacks, Latinos, Asian Americans and Native Americans into culturally homogenized groups through the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Although the U.S. system of racial classification has become less static over time, the federal government continues to officially classify persons according to race and ethnicity. The following essay explores the impact of self-identification and outside ascription on Cape Verdean American identity formation, which can be interpreted as Diasporic and transnational in nature. Specifically, I am interested in the ways in which Cape Verdean Americans, especially those of second and third generation, construct themselves as members of both the Cape Verdean and African American communities of the United States. This construction of what I and others have called "Cape Verdeanness" is manifested in a range of experiences and practices that embody the historical memory, politics and everyday, lived experiences of this racial/ethnic group

    Development of a Universal Design Playroom for Children with Visual Impairments

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    This project aims to create a safe and inclusive playroom for children 0-4-year-old with visual impairment (VI), and to promote the development in social interaction, motor, and process (thinking) skills. With the use of play, children with VI can improve their developmental skills by their interaction with peers and the environment which will improve their well-being. The Person-Environment-Occupation- Performance Model was used to find dysfunction in the constructs that would limit the performance in play for children with VI. The project renovated the San Antonio Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired (SALBVI) playroom to accommodate the needs of the children with VI. Universal design principles were used to increase inclusivity and safety to reduce parental overprotection during activity and encourage exploration for children with VI. Handouts were created to increase caregiver role competence and understanding of what are the needs of children with VI and how to support the children\u27s development and participation in play.https://soar.usa.edu/otdcapstonesfall2020/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Starting with the Space: Integrating Learning Spaces and Technologies

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    Teaching introductory courses to college freshmen requires innovative pedagogies, which are often powered by new advanced technologies. In addition to the potential for increased student engagement promised by new technologies, instructors may also plan and deploy active learning strategies that first consider the physical spaces in which learning will take place. Effective pedagogies acknowledge both the impact that space has on student learning and the utility of both “low” and “high” technologies to facilitate such learning, merging the inherent power of each. The following case study provides the example of a themed learning community (TLC) as a vehicle through which instructors may maximize technologies and spaces to enhance the teaching and learning process. The case study highlights both the use of physical learning spaces (e.g., cutting-edge Mosaic classrooms; traditional classrooms; the off-campus settings of museums) and learning technologies (e.g., high technology tools such as image sharing software versus low tech white boards and paper-based pop-up museum exhibits) to illustrate the ways in which instructional teams collaborate to intentionally design meaningful learning experiences for their students


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    Por lo tanto, el objetivo de la presente tesis es analizar la relación entre el ciclo económico y los componentes del gasto público a nivel nacional y a nivel estatal, para la región centro; así como también determinar si existe algún cambio estructural en cuanto a la relación ya mencionada, durante el periodo de 1980-2012. Las variables a considerar para el periodo de análisis son: El gasto público total y sus componentes, gasto administrativo, obras públicas, transferencias y, Producto Interno Bruto. La región centro del país, que incluye al Distrito Federal, Estado de México, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Morelos, Puebla, Querétaro y Tlaxcala, es sumamente importante para la economía mexicana, puesto que en conjunto representa el 6.6 por ciento de la superficie del país (INEGI, 2015b), aporta más del 30 por ciento del PIB, alberga al 38 por ciento de la población (INEGI, 2015c) y capta más del 50 por ciento del total de inversión extranjera (Moreno, 2008). El análisis se basa, en primer lugar, en la metodología de Kydland y Prescott (1990), la cual se ha ocupado para el análisis de ciclo económico y su relación con distintas 8 variables macroeconómicas en diversos estudios (Manzano, 1998; Clements et al., 2007; Ramírez, 2006; Clemens, 2012). Como segunda parte de la metodología se determina la existencia de cambios estructurales en la relación entre el ciclo económico y el gasto público aplicando la prueba de Bai y Perron (1998), la metodología permite identificar múltiples quiebres estructurales en modelos de regresión lineal secuencialmente estimados a través de la minimización de la suma de los residuos al cuadrado (Bai y Perron, 1998). Para realizar el análisis propuesto, la presente tesis se estructura de la siguiente forma: En el capítulo 1 se plantea la definición de ciclo económico y las diferentes teorías que han surgido para explicar su relación con el gasto público; se enfatizan los planteamientos de la teoría de los ciclos económicos reales y de la nueva economía keynesiana. En el capítulo 2 se explican los procedimientos para obtener el componente cíclico de las diferentes variables y medir el co-movimiento de los componentes del gasto y el ciclo, identificando tanto el grado como el perfil temporal de éste. Asimismo se desarrolla la metodología que permitirá determinar la existencia de cambios estructurales en la relación entre las mismas variables. En el capítulo 3 se aplica la metodología descrita en el capítulo previo. Se realiza la descomposición de componentes cíclicos y el análisis de co-movimiento por medio del filtro Hodrick y Prescott (1997) y se determina si hay cambios estructurales en la relación entre el gasto público y ciclo económico, a través de la prueba Bai y Perron (1998). Por último, se presentan las conclusiones, tanto a nivel nacional como a nivel estatal, a partir de los resultados obtenidos mediante la metodología aplicada, las cuales se comparan con las hipótesis planteadas en un inicio

    Diplomado de profundización Cisco prueba de habilidades practicas CCNP

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    Packet Tracer es un simulador que nos permite realizar montajes de redes empresariales con imágenes de Cisco donde observaremos el comando de códigos necesarios para la configuración de router y switches que componen una topología simulando un ambiente real. El diplomado de CCNP de Cisco permite evidenciar las habilidades adquiridas mediante las configuraciones del Escenario 1 como lo son sus conexiones de cable, configuración de parámetros básico y direccionamiento de las interfaces, así como los protocolos de enrutamiento como lo son OSPF que el protocolo de direccionamiento de tipo enlace-estado, desarrollado para las redes IP y basado en el algoritmo de primera vía más corta (SPF), configuración de redundancia del primer salto con el protocolo HSRPv2, protocolo de autenticación AAA.Packet Tracer is a simulator that allows us to make assemblies of business networks with Cisco images where we will observe the command of codes necessary for the configuration of router and switches that make up a topology simulating a real environment. The Cisco CCNP diploma allows to demonstrate the skills acquired through the Scenario 1 configurations such as its cable connections, basic parameter configuration and addressing of the interfaces, as well as the routing protocols such as OSPF that the addressing protocol type-state, developed for link IP networks and based on the shortest first-way (SPF) algorithm, first-hop redundancy configuration with the HSRPv2 protocol, AAA authentication protocol