67 research outputs found


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    This article aims to investigate and experiment environmentally sustainable solutions using cotton knit waste and hand knitting to develop new fashion products. The knit waste came from imperfect knit fabrics discarded by industries and circular knit garments discarded by consumers. The tool used as a creative mean of development was the morphological chart, which allowed approximately one hundred and fifty ideas of garments to be generated. Five ideas were identified as main product concept. A prototype of a vest was made to test the viability of the use of the morphological chart do develop a creative fashion product. The reproducibility of the methodology was successfully tested by handcraft artists that work with hand knitting.

    Assessment of coconut fibers for textile applications

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    Brazil is the fourth larger producer in coconut fruit in the world. However, the industry processes only asmall portion of coconut byproducts, which have caused serious environmental problems. The purpose of thisarticle is to test an alternative for the recovery of coconut byproduct. In a series of experiments, recoveredcoconut fibers (coir) were treated to be employ in textile application. After initial classification and sampling,the fine coconut fibers were subjected to a simultaneous scouring and pre-bleaching process in a mild alkalisolution together with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The fibers were first subjected to this treatment for 10minutes at 80°C and then again for 20 minutes at the boiling point. The samples were then treated with a cationicsoftener for 10 minutes at 60°C. After this process, the physical and mechanical properties were measuredand values proved not to be statistically significant. The article indicates some of the main obstacleswhen handling coconut fiber for textile applications and reveals that besides elongation, softness and homogeneityare essential for coconut fibers spinning. Findings in this investigation showed some improved resultsin relation to the previous literature in two aspects: Firstly, because the treatment did not harm the fibersquality; secondly, because due to the treatment the coconut fibers could be arranged in fibrous strands, whichfacilitated spinning and weaving for use in textile applications.Keywords: coconut fiber, coir, scouring, softening, textile

    Assessment and technological forecasting in the textile industry : from first industrial revolution to the industry 4.0

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    Each Industrial Revolution played a key role in the production-consumption pattern of textile products. Given the complexity of the Textile and Apparel Industry, the production systems have varying degrees of conceptual and technological innovation. Thus, the objective of this research is to present a model that includes the projection of technological changes in the production and consumption of textiles from the contrast between the descriptions of patents, scientific articles, and trends and tools of the Industry 4.0. It was possible to infer that the components of the Textile and Apparel Industry are undergoing an evolutionary process, which includes the automation of machinery parts and processes. The technological tools that characterize the Industry 4.0 are not yet fully integrated into textile production, and the challenge for the textile industry is to keep up with these innovations that impact on production, on business models, on consumer habits, and on social aspects113193202COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESNão te


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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo investigar e experimentar soluções ambientalmente sustentáveis, utilizando resíduos de malharia circular de algodão e o tricô, para a fabricação de novos produtos de moda. Como matérias-primas principais foram utilizados tecidos defeituosos descartados por empresas e peças descartadas por consumidores. A ferramenta usada para o desenvolvimento do processo criativo foi a matriz morfológica, com esta técnica foram geradas aproximadamente cento e cinquenta ideias de produtos de vestuário. Cinco ideias de concepção de produtos foram identificadas como principais. Foi confeccionado um protótipo de um colete curto com o objetivo de mostrar a viabilidade da aplicação da matriz morfológica para o desenvolvimento de produtos criativos em moda. A reprodutibilidade da metodologia proposta foi testada com sucesso por artesãos que trabalham com técnicas de tricô manual

    Assessment and technological forecasting in the textile industry: From first industrial revolution to the Industry 4.0

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    Each Industrial Revolution played a key role in the production-consumption pattern of textile products. Given the complexity of the Textile and Apparel Industry, the production systems have varying degrees of conceptual and technological innovation. Thus, the objective of this research is to present a model that includes the projection of technological changes in the production and consumption of textiles from the contrast between the descriptions of patents, scientific articles, and trends and tools of the Industry 4.0. It was possible to infer that the components of the Textile and Apparel Industry are undergoing an evolutionary process, which includes the automation of machinery parts and processes. The technological tools that characterize the Industry 4.0 are not yet fully integrated into textile production, and the challenge for the textile industry is to keep up with these innovations that impact on production, on business models, on consumer habits, and on social aspects.Keywords: textile and apparel industry, Industry 4.0, assessment, forecasting

    Materiais de descarte das Micro e Pequenas Confecções - Uma proposta de procedimento para o desenvolvimento de produtos sustentáveis na indústria têxtil

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    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo propor procedimentos, utilizando como referência a metodologia projetual de Löbach para desenvolvimento de produtos sustentáveis têxteis a partir de sobras dos materiais das micro e pequenas confecções. A Metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica, que constitui o procedimento básico para os estudos monográficos, e a pesquisa exploratória, pois não requer a formulação de hipóteses para serem testadas. Ela se restringe por definir objetivos, buscar mais informações sobre determinado assunto de estudo e identificar qual o melhor método a ser utilizado. No caso deste projeto, a ideia foi adaptar a sintetização de Löbach no processo de design, relacionando-o com o processo de resolução de problemas e o processo criativo, em quatro iniciativas essenciais: definir claramente o problema (preparação); reunir informações sobre o problema, analisá-las e relacioná-las criativamente entre si (geração); criar alternativas de soluções para o problema, julgando-as segundo critérios estabelecidos (avaliação) e desenvolver a alternativa mais adequada, concretizando-a (realização). Após a elaboração do projeto, comprovou-se que a metodologia utilizada se mostrou viável para o desenvolvimento de produtos sustentáveis, voltados para a sociedade e consumo

    Mechanical characterization of the green coconut fiber for application in the footwear industry

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    In the tropical countries, the green coconut water consumption generates a great problem with the fruit \ud final destination. To minimize this problem, it is necessary to find applicability to the residues. In this \ud sense, this study had as its objective to investigate the characteristics of the green coconut fiber, from the \ud fruit disposed in the city of Francisco Morato – Sao Paulo, and to compare them to the characteristics from \ud other natural fibers, to check the viability of application of these fibers in the manufacturing of shoe parts. \ud It was made a biological maceration on the fibers and traction and microscopy tests were run. The results \ud showed that the green coconut fibers have potential related to other natural fibers studied in literature, to \ud be used as reinforcement in the manufacturing of shoe parts and other design product

    Assessment and technological forecasting in the textile industry: From first industrial revolution to the Industry 4.0

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    Each Industrial Revolution played a key role in the production-consumption pattern of textile products. Given the complexity of the Textile and Apparel Industry, the production systems have varying degrees of conceptual and technological innovation. Thus, the objective of this research is to present a model that includes the projection of technological changes in the production and consumption of textiles from the contrast between the descriptions of patents, scientific articles, and trends and tools of the Industry 4.0. It was possible to infer that the components of the Textile and Apparel Industry are undergoing an evolutionary process, which includes the automation of machinery parts and processes. The technological tools that characterize the Industry 4.0 are not yet fully integrated into textile production, and the challenge for the textile industry is to keep up with these innovations that impact on production, on business models, on consumer habits, and on social aspects.Keywords: textile and apparel industry, Industry 4.0, assessment, forecasting

    Prendas para atletas paralímpicos: desarrollo de uniformes para la práctica del goalball

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    Goalball es el único deporte paralímpico no adaptado, fue desarrollado específicamente para personas con discapacidad visual. Goalball is the only non-adaptive Paralympic sport, it was developed specifically for people with visual impairments.  O goalball é o único esporte paralímpico não adaptado, foi desenvolvido especificamente para pessoas com deficiência visual.&nbsp