9 research outputs found

    GrÀset Àr alltid godare pÄ den fruktbara sidan : utforskning av potentialer, möjligheter och utmaningar med urban matproduktion: en fallstudie av Uppsala

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    Urbanization has globally led to economic and infrastructural growth but has also resulted in environmental degradation, decreased access to fertile agricultural land, increased food demand, and fragmentation of essential ecosystems. These challenges are prevalent in Swedish cities, including Uppsala, where green spaces are predominantly covered by lawns. Concurrently, there is a growing interest in urban food production in Uppsala, with the municipality aiming to promote urban and rural agriculture and examine its feasibility through a political task in the 2023 Goals and Budget. Despite increased awareness of the need for urban food production, there is a significant gap between ambition and infrastructure for promoting it at the municipal level. This thesis explores the opportunities and challenges in planning, establishing, and managing urban food production on a municipal level, with a focus on transforming lawns into productive urban spaces that can address the human-nature dissociation through the lens of “Extinction of Experience”; a theory which explores human-nature disconnection, where individuals are less likely to value, preserve, and protect the environment, thus exacerbating environmental degradation. We seek to map the complexity of the issue by studying the experience, ambitions and reflections of municipal actors and the potential of urban food production as a pathway to reverse the "Extinction of Experience" by examining the case of Ultuna Permakultur, an urban food production initiative. It is within this context that our thesis is framed. The findings of this thesis demonstrate that planning and anchoring aspects are the primary concerns within the municipal sector regarding the longevity and sustainability of urban food production in Uppsala. The possibilities and challenges are found to be determined by land ownership and land use, with public spaces presenting the most obstacles due to their public nature, especially for commercial purposes. Examples of solutions from other municipalities where these challenges have been partially overcome are agreements with associations and the regulation of accessibility through official documents and municipal coordination roles for cultivation. However, other land use e.g. vacant land holds greater potential for conversion into food-producing environments than public land. The results also indicate that integrating food production into urban spaces, including public lawns can promote self-sufficiency, foster a deeper connection with nature, and potentially reverse the “Extinction of Experience”. If properly planned and anchored, these initiatives can serve as catalysts for community-building, education, and sustainable transformation, promoting environmentally conscious behaviors to address broader societal issues. Municipalities can play a vital role by actively supporting local initiatives, providing necessary infrastructure, and adopting proactive sustainability measures for urban food production within Uppsala's urban and peri-urban boundaries that can address the conflicts arising from urbanization, population growth, and increasing food demand. As landscape architects and planners, we bear the responsibility to promote sustainable planning and design, acting as catalysts for necessary social and environmental transformations. By taking proactive action rather than waiting for crises, we can pave the way towards a more resilient and sustainable future.Urbaniseringen har globalt lett till ekonomisk och infrastrukturell tillvĂ€xt men har ocksĂ„ resulterat i miljöförstöring, minskad tillgĂ„ng till bördig jordbruksmark, ökad efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ mat och fragmentering av viktiga ekosystem. Dessa förluster utmanar Ă€ven svenska stĂ€der, inklusive Uppsala, dĂ€r grönomrĂ„den till övervĂ€gande del domineras av grĂ€smattor. Samtidigt finns ett vĂ€xande intresse för urban matproduktion i Uppsala, dĂ€r kommunen har som mĂ„l att frĂ€mja stads- och byodling och undersöka dess genomförbarhet genom ett politiskt uppdrag i MĂ„l och budget 2023. Trots ökad medvetenhet om behovet av urban matproduktion finns det en betydande klyfta mellan ambition och infrastruktur för att frĂ€mja frĂ„gan pĂ„ kommunal nivĂ„. Denna uppsats utforskar möjligheterna och utmaningarna i att planera, etablera och förvalta urban matproduktion pĂ„ kommunal nivĂ„, med fokus pĂ„ urbana grĂ€smattors omvandling till produktiva miljöer som kan ta itu med dissociationen mellan mĂ€nniska och natur genom linsen "Extinction of Experience"; en teori som utforskar frĂ„nkoppling mellan mĂ€nniska och natur, dĂ€r individer Ă€r mindre benĂ€gna att vĂ€rdera, bevara och skydda miljön, vilket i sig eskalerar miljöförstöringen. Vi försöker kartlĂ€gga frĂ„gans komplexitet genom att studera kommunala aktörers erfarenheter, ambitioner och reflektioner och potentialen för urban matproduktion som en vĂ€g framĂ„t för att vĂ€nda "Extinction of Experience" genom att undersöka fallet med Ultuna Permakultur, ett urbant matproduktions-initiativ. Det Ă€r i detta sammanhang som vĂ„r uppsats utformas. Resultaten av denna uppsats visar att planerings- och förankringsaspekter utgör de primĂ€ra farhĂ„gorna inom den kommunala sektorn vad gĂ€ller försĂ€kringen av livslĂ€ngden och hĂ„llbarheten av urbana matproduktionsprojekt i Uppsala. Möjligheterna och utmaningarna visar sig bestĂ€mmas till hög grad av markĂ€gande och markanvĂ€ndning, dĂ€r allmĂ€nna platser medför de flesta hindren pĂ„ grund av sin offentliga karaktĂ€r, sĂ€rskilt i kommersiella Ă€ndamĂ„l. Exempel pĂ„ lösningar frĂ„n andra kommuner dĂ€r dessa utmaningar delvis överkommits Ă€r avtal med föreningar och reglering av tillgĂ€nglighet genom styrdokument och kommunala odlingssamordningsroller. Även annan markanvĂ€ndning t.ex. markreserver har visat sig ha större potential för omvandling till matproducerande miljöer Ă€n pĂ„ allmĂ€nna platser. Resultaten indikerar ocksĂ„ att integrering av matproduktion i urbana miljöer, inklusive allmĂ€nna grĂ€smattor, kan frĂ€mja sjĂ€lvförsörjning, samt en djupare koppling till naturen och potentiellt vĂ€nda "Extinction of Experience". Om ordentligt planerade och förankrade kan dessa initiativ fungera som katalysatorer för gemenskapsbyggande, utbildning och hĂ„llbar omstĂ€llning, samt frĂ€mja miljömedvetna beteenden för att ta itu med bredare samhĂ€llsfrĂ„gor. Kommuner kan spela en viktig roll genom att aktivt stödja lokala initiativ, tillhandahĂ„lla nödvĂ€ndig infrastruktur och anta proaktiva hĂ„llbarhetsĂ„tgĂ€rder för urban matproduktion inom Uppsalas stads- och stadsnĂ€ra grĂ€nser för att hantera de konflikter som uppstĂ„r frĂ„n urbanisering, befolkningstillvĂ€xt och ökande efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ mat. Som landskapsarkitekter och planerare bĂ€r vi ett stort ansvar för att frĂ€mja hĂ„llbar planering och design, och bör agera som katalysatorer för nödvĂ€ndiga sociala och miljömĂ€ssiga förĂ€ndringar. Genom att vidta proaktiva Ă„tgĂ€rder snarare Ă€n att vĂ€nta pĂ„ fler kriser kan vi bana vĂ€g mot en mer motstĂ„ndskraftig och hĂ„llbar framtid

    Determination of sheet-like geological structures parameters using Marquardt inversion of the magnetic data

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    450-457A stable inversion method to estimate the depth to top, width and dip of a sheet-like geological structure from pole-reduced magnetic field is introduced. The inverse modelling is based on Marquardt optimization algorithm. The performance of the proposed method is considered by the theoretical magnetic data due to some dyke–shape models, with and without random noise. The inverted parameters convergence demonstrates the ability of the inversion approach as a powerful and useful tool, especially where the data are corrupted with noise. We employ this method for interpreting a real magnetic data set produced by a tabular structure from Iran. The inferred structure has approximately a depth to top of 17.12 m, a width of 12.74 m and a dip of 100.8 degree anticlockwise from horizontal, i.e. 10.8 degree from vertical towards east

    Ecologically sustainable- or regenerative city planning? : a study of two planning paradigms for the re-creation of ecological links in the planning of new districts

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    Dagens befolkningstillvÀxt och urbanisering, löses i stadsplanering genom förtÀtning och otalig exploatering av naturen; i strÀvan efter storskalig effektivitet, vilket sker pÄ bekostnad av mÀnniskans respektive naturens livskvalitet. Detta medför bland annat miljöförstöring, extrema klimatförÀndringar och rubbade ekosystem, vilket gör det svÄrare att ÄterstÀlla livskvaliteten för respektive part. VÄrt sÀtt att planera vÄra stÀder har dÀrmed en avgörande roll i att lÀka och generera ekosystemtjÀnster och skapa lÄngsiktiga lösningar. Vi utgÄr frÄn tvÄ framtrÀdande planeringsparadigm som syftar till att förfara med de antropogena miljöproblemen; ekologisk hÄllbarhet respektive regenerativ design. Syftet med ekologisk hÄllbarhet Àr att möjliggöra en fullvÀrdig tillvaro för sÄvÀl naturen som mÀnniskan utan att blottstÀlla framtida generationers möjligheter. Syftet med regenerativ design Àr att möjliggöra cykliska utbyten mellan mÀnniskan och naturen inför en lÄngvarande och hÀlsosam samvaro. Med denna studie ÄskÄdliggör vi att de tvÄ planeringsparadigmen, som i vÄr mening utgör tvÄ olika banor mot ekologisk resiliens, har ett antal gemensamma syften. BÄda efterstrÀvar bildandet av stadsdelar med fungerande ekosystem och lokala kretslopp, med syftet att minska mÀnniskans fotavtryck pÄ miljön och klimatet. Skillnaden Àr att regenerativ design Àmnar att utöver detta, generera de resurser som behövs och Äterföra mer energi Àn vad som förbrukas. Detta sÀtt att planera bör utforskas mer inför etableringen av lÄngsiktiga, smÄskaliga urbana system.Today's population growth and urbanization are solved in urban planning through densification and incomputable exploitation of nature; in the pursuit of large-scale efficiency, which occurs at the expense of human and natural quality of life. This entails, among other things, environmental degradation, extreme climate change and disturbed ecosystems, which makes it more difficult to restore the quality of life for each party. Our way of planning our cities thus plays a crucial role in healing and generating ecosystem services and creating long-term solutions. Our study is based on two prominent planning paradigms that aim to deal with the anthropogenic environmental issues; ecological sustainability and regenerative design, respectively. The purpose of ecological sustainability is to enable a full-fledged existence for both nature and humans without endangering the possibilities of future generations. The purpose of regenerative design is to enable cyclical exchanges between human and nature in the face of a long-term and healthy co-existence. With this study, we illustrate that the two planning paradigms, which in our opinion compose two different paths towards ecological resilience, have a number of common purposes, both of which strive for the formation of districts with functioning ecosystems and local cycles. Both aim to reduce human footprints on the environment and climate. The difference is that regenerative design intends, in addition to this, to generate the resources needed and generate more energy than what is consumed. This way of planning should be explored more with an eye to establish long-lasting, small-scale, urban systems

    Association of UCP3 (uncoupling protein 3) gene -55C/T polymorphism and obesity in a juvenile population of Iran

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    Background & Objective: UCP3 is a member of uncoupling proteins which plays an important role in energy homeostasis and it might be important in obesity. C-55T (rs1800849) polymorphism in promoter of UCP3 can affect the expression level of UCP3. The aim of this study was to analyze the association of UCP3 C-55T polymorphism and obesity in a juvenile population of Iran. Material & Methods: peripheral blood sample from 120 obese and 120 normal university students were collected for DNA extraction. Genotyping of C-55T polymorphism in the UCP3 gene was performed by PCR-RFLP method. Chi-square test was applied to analyze the data at P<0.05 significance level. Results: The variant T allele was significantly associated with the obesity risk. The frequency of T allele was 72% in Obese group compared to 40% in normal subjects (P= 0.000, OR=3.8 CI 95% 2.1 – 6.9). Conclusion: The UCP3 C-55T polymorphism was associated with higher BMI and can be regarded as a risk factor for the development of obesity

    Comparing the Need for Recovery in the Operating Room Practitioners with and Without Covid-19 Infection History

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    Background: Healthcare staff are at the heart of the covid-19 pandemic and play an important role in controlling this disease. Operating room practitioners could be contaminated by a coronavirus, which imposes a high pressure on them, affecting their need for recovery from work. This study aimed to compare the need for recovery in the operating room practitioners with and without covid-19 infection history. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the operating room department of a public hospital on 217 operating room practitioners, including Operating room technicians, anaesthesiologists, and service staff. The data collection tools were a demographics questionnaire and the need for recovery scale. Descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA were used for data analysis. Results: The mean and standard deviation of the need for recovery score in the studied population were 71.30±21.40. The practitioners with covid-19 infection history had a significantly higher need for recovery (P=0.001) than those without covid-19 history. In addition, the service staff had a higher percentage of covid-19 infection and had more need for recovery than operating room technicians (P=0.014). Conclusion: The operating room practitioners with a history of covid-19 infection had a significantly higher need for recovery than those without a history of infection. Therefore, protecting the operating room practitioners against covid-19 infection is the first step in preventing the excessive need for recovery levels. In addition, increasing the number of operating room staff, reducing the number of working hours, and paying more attention to their work-life quality can help reduce their need for recovery. © 2022 The authors