77 research outputs found

    Congenital pulmonary adenomatoid malformation: Indication and management of fetal shunting in our center

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    Objective: Congenital pulmonary adenomatoid malformations (CPAM) are increasingly diagnosed in recent years thanks to the expert hands and the technology of ultrasonography used in antenatal diagnosis. The purpose was to examine a series of cases referred to our fetalmaternal tertiary center for lung disease and to present the natural course, treatment and outcome of antenatally diagnosed cystic lung disease. Material and Methods: We proposed a retrospective study (October 2003 to September 2016) in a single center. Prenatal and postnatal data of fetus, with suspected CPAM, where analyzed. Results: We studied 34 cases. One child was excluded post-natally because at birth diagnosis of esophageal duplication was made. Mean gestational age at the diagnosis was 22 weeks (range 21 to 28). Thoracoamniotic shunting was performed in 9 cases. In 8 cases, it was an intra-cystic drain and in 1 case, a pleuroamniotic drain. Mean gestational age for drainage was 25 weeks (range 22 to 28). Mean gestational age at delivery was 38 weeks. All patients underwent postnatal radiological assessment. Anatomical surgical resection was performed in all cases: immediately at birth in 7 symptomatic cases, in the first year of life for 1 case that became symptomatic and 1 patient died immediately at birth due to severe respiratory distress. Conclusion: Antenatally diagnosed CPAM have an excellent prognosis. We propose invasive prenatal thoracoamniotic shunting in rare cases with unequivocal fetal compromise (i.e., polydramnios and hydrops)

    Time-to-birth prediction models and the influence of expert opinions

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    Preterm birth is the leading cause of death among children under five years old. The pathophysiology and etiology of preterm labor are not yet fully understood. This causes a large number of unnecessary hospitalizations due to high--sensitivity clinical policies, which has a significant psychological and economic impact. In this study, we present a predictive model, based on a new dataset containing information of 1,243 admissions, that predicts whether a patient will give birth within a given time after admission. Such a model could provide support in the clinical decision-making process. Predictions for birth within 48 h or 7 days after admission yield an Area Under the Curve of the Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUC) of 0.72 for both tasks. Furthermore, we show that by incorporating predictions made by experts at admission, which introduces a potential bias, the prediction effectiveness increases to an AUC score of 0.83 and 0.81 for these respective tasks

    PP2A/B55 and Fcp1 regulate Greatwall and Ensa desphorylation during mitotic exit

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    Entry into mitosis is triggered by activation of Cdk1 and inactivation of its counteracting phosphatase PP2A/B55. Greatwall kinase inactivates PP2A/B55 via its substrates Ensa and ARPP19. Both Greatwall and Ensa/ARPP19 are regulated by phosphorylation, but the dynamic regulation of Greatwall activity and the phosphatases that control Greatwall kinase and its substrates are poorly understood. To address these questions we applied a combination of mathematical modelling and experiments using phospho-specific antibodies to monitor Greatwall, Ensa/ARPP19 and Cdk substrate phosphorylation during mitotic entry and exit. We demonstrate that PP2A/B55 is required for Gwl dephosphorylation at the essential Cdk site Thr194. Ensa/ARPP19 dephosphorylation is mediated by the RNA Polymerase II carboxy terminal domain phosphatase Fcp1. Surprisingly, neither Fcp1 nor PP2A appear to essential to dephosphorylate the bulk of mitotic Cdk1 substrates following Cdk1 inhibition. Taken together our results suggest a hierarchy of phosphatases coordinating Greatwall, Ensa/ARPP19 and Cdk substrate dephosphorylation during mitotic exit

    Transcriptional Regulation Is a Major Controller of Cell Cycle Transition Dynamics

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    DNA replication, mitosis and mitotic exit are critical transitions of the cell cycle which normally occur only once per cycle. A universal control mechanism was proposed for the regulation of mitotic entry in which Cdk helps its own activation through two positive feedback loops. Recent discoveries in various organisms showed the importance of positive feedbacks in other transitions as well. Here we investigate if a universal control system with transcriptional regulation(s) and post-translational positive feedback(s) can be proposed for the regulation of all cell cycle transitions. Through computational modeling, we analyze the transition dynamics in all possible combinations of transcriptional and post-translational regulations. We find that some combinations lead to ‘sloppy’ transitions, while others give very precise control. The periodic transcriptional regulation through the activator or the inhibitor leads to radically different dynamics. Experimental evidence shows that in cell cycle transitions of organisms investigated for cell cycle dependent periodic transcription, only the inhibitor OR the activator is under cyclic control and never both of them. Based on these observations, we propose two transcriptional control modes of cell cycle regulation that either STOP or let the cycle GO in case of a transcriptional failure. We discuss the biological relevance of such differences

    A cluster randomized trial of a transition intervention for adolescents with congenital heart disease: rationale and design of the CHAPTER 2 study

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    BACKGROUND: The population of adolescents and young adults with congenital heart disease (CHD) is growing exponentially. These survivors are at risk of late cardiac complications and require lifelong cardiology care. However, there is a paucity of data on how to prepare adolescents to assume responsibility for their health and function within the adult health care system. Evidence-based transition strategies are required. METHODS: The Congenital Heart Adolescents Participating in Transition Evaluation Research (CHAPTER 2) Study is a two-site cluster randomized clinical trial designed to evaluate the efficacy of a nurse-led transition intervention for 16–17 year olds with moderate or complex CHD. The primary endpoint is excess time to adult CHD care, defined as the time interval between the final pediatric cardiology appointment and the first adult CHD appointment, minus the recommended time interval between these appointments. Secondary endpoints include the MyHeart score (CHD knowledge), Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire score, and need for catheter or surgical re-intervention. Participants are enrolled in clusters based on week of attendance in the pediatric cardiology clinic. The intervention consists of two one-hour individualized sessions between a cardiology nurse and study participant. Session One focuses on knowledge of the participant’s CHD, review of their cardiac anatomy and prior interventions, and potential late cardiac complications. Session Two focuses on self-management and communication skills through review and discussion of videos and role-play. The study will recruit 120 participants. DISCUSSION: Many adolescents and young adults experience a gap in care predisposing them to late cardiac complications. The CHAPTER 2 Study will investigate the impact of a nurse-led transition intervention among adolescents with CHD. Fidelity of the intervention is a major focus and priority. This study will build on our experience by (i) enrolling at two tertiary care programs, (ii) including a self-management intervention component, and (iii) evaluating the impact of the intervention on time to ACHD care, a clinically relevant outcome. The results of this study will inform pediatric cardiology programs, patients and policy makers in judging whether a structured intervention program provides clinically meaningful outcomes for adolescents and young adults living with CHD. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT0172333

    Évaluation d’un outil de mesure avec affichage de la norme en temps rĂ©el pour les biomĂ©tries fƓtales

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    International audienceObjectifs: La plupart des appareils Ă  ultrasons comprennent un outil permettant l’affichage en temps rĂ©el de la valeur standard de la mesure biomĂ©trique prise. Notre hypothĂšse Ă©tait que cet outil influence l’échographiste au fur et Ă  mesure des mesures, en induisant une normalisation, donc une tendance vers le 50e centile. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer l’impact d’un affichage en temps rĂ©el de la valeur standard dans le dĂ©pistage par Ă©chographie prĂ©natale.MĂ©thode: Nous avons menĂ© une Ă©tude observationnelle, prospective, contrĂŽlĂ©e et ouverte incluant tous les patients ayant subi une Ă©chographie prĂ©natale au 2Ăšme ou 3Ăšme trimestre aux HĂŽpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg entre dĂ©cembre 2017 et juin 2018. Les critĂšres d’exclusion Ă©taient la prĂ©sence d’une anomalie morphologique fƓtale ou d’une anomalie caryotypique. L’outil testĂ© Ă©tait l’affichage en temps rĂ©el Ă  l’écran de l’ñge gestationnel, dont la mesure correspond au 50e centile. Les mesures ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©trospectivement transformĂ©es en Z-scores. Le principal point final Ă©tait de comparer la distribution des scores Z entre les groupes.RĂ©sultats: Nous avons inclus 3551 examens Ă©chographiques: 696 effectuĂ©s avec l’outil et 2796 effectuĂ©s sans. Cinquante-neuf scans ont Ă©tĂ© exclus en raison d’anomalies morphologiques. Il n’y avait pas de diffĂ©rence statistiquement significative entre les distributions Z-scores des mesures effectuĂ©es avec ou sans l’outil, quel que soit le paramĂštre Ă©tudiĂ©. Il n’y avait pas non plus de diffĂ©rence dans la dĂ©tection des mesures pathologiques: en dessous du 10e centile ou au-dessus du 90e centile.Conclusion: L’utilisation d’un tel outil ne semble pas nuire au dĂ©pistage biomĂ©trique, mais ne semble pas non plus utile

    Vanishing Gastroschisis with a Favorable Outcome after a 3-Year Follow-Up: A Case Report and Literature Review

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    Vanishing gastroschisis (VG) is a severe complication of gastroschisis with a high mortality rate. We report here a case of VG with a favorable outcome after a 3-year follow-up. A 26-year-old primigravida woman was referred to Strasbourg University Hospital because her fetus was diagnosed with an isolated gastroschisis at 13-week gestation. The ultrasound evolution was marked by a progressive closure of the abdominal wall defect from 19-week gestation and the appearance of dilated intra-abdominal loops. The child was born with a closed abdominal wall except a small remnant at the level of the former gastroschisis orifice. Explorative laparotomy revealed extensive midgut atresia with only 50 cm of remaining midgut. A jejunocolic anastomosis was performed. The child is now 3 years old and has a favorable outcome with only 2 nights a week of parenteral nutrition. A total of 39 cases of VG type D from Perrone et al. classification are described in the literature from 1991 to 2019, among which 19 (48.7%) are alive at the time of publication but only 4 cases are described with a long-term follow-up of 3 years or more. This is the fifth case described with a favorable evolution after 3-year follow-up

    PremiÚres tentatives de quantification des flux de macro déchets plastiques en Seine

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    International audienceMacroplastiques, bassin de la Seine, barrages flottants, taux de fuite CHAPÔ Le projet MacroPLAST, soutenu et financĂ© par le ministĂšre de la transition Ă©cologique et solidaire, est issu de la mise en oeuvre de la Directive Cadre de Surveillance du Milieu Marin, qui initie diverses actions relatives aux macrodĂ©chets marins afin de rĂ©duire Ă  la source leurs quantitĂ©s en mer et sur le littoral. CONTEXTE Pas un jour ne passe sans la diffusion d'images chocs de la pollution marine Ă  travers le monde par le plastique. Bien que le plus grand nombre de fragments soient des microplastiques ( 5 mm). Les stocks Ă  la surface des ocĂ©ans sont estimĂ©s Ă  300 000 tonnes alors que des modĂšles statistiques Ă  l'Ă©chelle mondiale prĂ©disent des flux entrant de l'ordre de 1-10 millions de tonnes/an (Eriksen et al., 2014; Jambeck et al., 2015). Les fonds ocĂ©aniques pourraient quant Ă  eux constituer la destination finale des plastiques (Galgani et al., 2000). Alors que les dĂ©chets plastiques ne reprĂ©sentent que 10% de l'ensemble des dĂ©chets gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s par les activitĂ©s humaines, leur durĂ©e de vie (siĂšcles Ă  millĂ©naires) en fait les dĂ©chets les plus reprĂ©sentĂ©s dans des zones trĂšs Ă©loignĂ©es de leur origine, i.e. les grandes agglomĂ©rations urbaines (Barnes et al., 2009). Ce n'est que trĂšs rĂ©cemment que la communautĂ© scientifique a pris conscience que 1) les fleuves et riviĂšres sont des vecteurs majeurs de la pollution plastique des continents vers les ocĂ©ans (le chiffre de 80 % des dĂ©chets provenant des continents est souvent citĂ©), et 2) les macroplastiques sont des gisements de microplastiques secondaires dont le rĂ©el impact Ă©cologique est Ă  peine connu aujourd'hui. Encore plus que pour les microplastiques, les connaissances concernant les flux de macroplastiques dans les eaux de riviĂšre ainsi que leur dynamique de transfĂšre et leurs sources sont trĂšs lacunaires. Pourtant, elles sont essentielles pour calibrer les modĂšles statistiques de flux de plastiques en mer Ă  l'Ă©chelle mondiale. Dans ce contexte, le projet MacroPLAST, financĂ© par le MinistĂšre de la Transition Écologique et Solidaire, a pour objectif d'Ă©valuer les flux de macrodĂ©chets dĂ©versĂ©s en mer Ă  l'Ă©chelle du bassin de la Seine. Bien que l'ensemble des dĂ©chets soit considĂ©rĂ© (dĂ©bris plastiques, mĂ©talliques, bois manufacturĂ©s, verre), l'Ă©tude s'oriente principalement sur les macroplastiques. Cette synthĂšse prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats obtenus ou en cours d'obtention dans le cadre des programmes de recherche PIREN-Seine, OPUR et MacroPLAST. Ils proviennent en partie de la thĂšse de Rachid Dris (Dris, 2016) complĂ©tĂ©s des donnĂ©es rĂ©centes de l'ORDIF (Observatoire RĂ©gional des DĂ©chets d'Île de France) et du site sinoe.org (ADEME). VERS LES PREMIERES ESTIMATIONS DE FLUX DE MACROPLASTIQUES EN SEINE L'estimation des flux de dĂ©chets peut ĂȘtre abordĂ©e selon deux approches : une approche de modĂ©lisation conceptuelle (AMC) et une approche expĂ©rimentale (AE). La premiĂšre considĂšre un taux de fuite de dĂ©chets plastiques dans l'environnement constituant une quantitĂ© de dĂ©chets mal gĂ©rĂ©s dĂ©pendante de la pression anthropique (Jambeck et al., 2015). Elle a l'avantage d'ĂȘtre globale et d'intĂ©grer toutes les tailles de plastique
