12 research outputs found

    Use of different food classification systems to assess the association between ultra-processed food consumption and cardiometabolic health in an elderly population with metabolic syndrome (PREDIMED-plus cohort)

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    The association between ultra-processed food (UPF) and risk of cardiometabolic disorders is an ongoing concern. Different food processing-based classification systems have originated discrepancies in the conclusions among studies. To test whether the association between UPF consumption and cardiometabolic markers changes with the classification system, we used baseline data from 5636 participants (48.5% female and 51.5% male, mean age 65.1 ± 4.9) of the PREDIMED Plus (“PREvention with MEDiterranean DIet”) trial. Subjects presented with overweight or obesity and met at least three metabolic syndrome (MetS) criteria. Food consumption was classified using a 143-item food frequency questionnaire according to four food processing-based classifications: NOVA, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), International Food Information Council (IFIC) and University of North Carolina (UNC). Mean changes in nutritional and cardiometabolic markers were assessed according to quintiles of UPF consumption for each system. The association between UPF consumption and cardiometabolic markers was assessed using linear regression analysis. The concordance of the different classifications was assessed with intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC3, overall = 0.51). The highest UPF consumption was obtained with the IARC classification (45.9%) and the lowest with NOVA (7.9%). Subjects with high UPF consumption showed a poor dietary profile. We detected a direct association between UPF consumption and BMI (p = 0.001) when using the NOVA system, and with systolic (p = 0.018) and diastolic (p = 0.042) blood pressure when using the UNC system. Food classification methodologies markedly influenced the association between UPF consumption and cardiometabolic risk markers

    Inflammatory-related clinical and metabolic outcomes in Covid-19 patients

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    Background. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2) infection elicits inflammatory manifestations that relate with a “cytokine storm.” Objective. The aim of this research was to assess the role of circulating interleukin 6 (IL-6) levels and other inflammatory markers in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on metabolic functions and accompanying clinical complications. Patients and Methods. A total of 165 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia were examined for medical features and inflammatory markers such as blood IL-6, CRP, ferritin, LDH, neutrophil/lymphocyte index (NLI), D-Dimer, and Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW). Regression analyses concerning electronically collected medical data were adjusted by appropriate factors and confounding variables. Results. Plasma IL-6 determinations evidenced a consistent association with hospital stay days, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission, and mortality rates. Similar trends were found for other proinflammatory variables, where ferritin and NLI showed a remarkable value as surrogates. Hyperglycaemia and the Charlson Comorbidity Index Score were positively associated with the inflammatory response induced by the SARS-COV-2 infection. An unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking and alcoholic drinks consumption as well as excessive body adiposity influenced inflammatory-related outcomes in the screened patients. Conclusion. IL-6 together with other inflammatory biomarkers accompanied poor clinical and metabolic outcomes in COVID-19-infected patients. IL-6 may result in a suitable proxy to individually categorise patients in order to manage this infectious pandemic.CIBERon Instituto Carlos III in Madrid is credited for institutional support

    Inversion charge study in TMO hole-selective contact-based solar cells

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    © 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this article, we study the effect of the inversion charge ( Q inv ) in a solar cell based on the hole-selective characteristic of substoichiometric molybdenum oxide (MoO x ) and vanadium oxide (VO x ) deposited directly on n-type silicon. We measure the capacitance–voltage ( C – V ) curves of the solar cells at different frequencies and explain the results taking into account the variation of the space charge and the existence of Q inv in the c-Si inverted region. The high-frequency capacitance measurements follow the Schottky metal–semiconductor theory, pointing to a low inversion charge influence in these measurements. However, for frequencies lower than 20 kHz, an increase in the capacitance is observed, which we relate to the contribution of the inversion charge. In addition, applying the metal–semiconductor theory to the high-frequency measurements, we have obtained the built-in voltage potential and show new evidence about the nature of the conduction process in this structure. This article provides a better understanding of the transition metal oxide/n-type crystalline silicon heterocontact.The authors would like to acknowledge the CAI de Técnicas Físicas of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. The authors would also like to thank the Mexican grants program CONACyT for its financial collaboration.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Connected Insulin Pens and Caps : An Expert's Recommendation from the Area of Diabetes of the Spanish Endocrinology and Nutrition Society (SEEN)

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    Undoubtedly, technological advances have revolutionised diabetes management in recent years. The development of advanced closed hybrid loop insulin pumps or continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems, among others, have increased the quality of life and improved glycaemic control of people with diabetes. However, only some patients have access to such technology, and only some want to use it. CGM has become much more widespread, but in terms of insulin delivery, most people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and almost all people with type 2 diabetes (T2D) on insulin therapy are treated with multiple-dose insulin injections (MDI) rather than an insulin pump. For these patients, using connected insulin pens or caps has shown benefits in reducing missed insulin injections and promoting correct administration over time. In addition, using these devices improves the quality of life and user satisfaction. The integration of insulin injection and CGM data facilitates both users and the healthcare team to analyse glucose control and implement appropriate therapeutic changes, reducing therapeutic inertia. This expert's recommendation reviews the characteristics of the devices marketed or in the process of being marketed and their available scientific evidence. Finally, it suggests the profile of users and professionals who would benefit most, the barriers to its generalisation and the changes in the care model that implementing these devices can bring with it

    Extended Gabor approach applied to classification of emphysematous patterns in computed tomography

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    11 pags.; 4 figs.; 6 tabs.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive and irreversible lung condition typically related to emphysema. It hinders air from passing through airpaths and causes that alveolar sacs lose their elastic quality. Findings of COPD may be manifested in a variety of computed tomography (CT) studies. Nevertheless, visual assessment of CT images is time-consuming and depends on trained observers. Hence, a reliable computer-aided diagnosis system would be useful to reduce time and inter-evaluator variability. In this paper, we propose a new emphysema classification framework based on complex Gabor filters and local binary patterns. This approach simultaneously encodes global characteristics and local information to describe emphysema morphology in CT images. Kernel Fisher analysis was used to reduce dimensionality and to find the most discriminant nonlinear boundaries among classes. Finally, classification was performed using the k-nearest neighbor classifier. The results have shown the effectiveness of our approach for quantifying lesions due to emphysema and that the combination of descriptors yields to a better classification performance. © 2014 International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering.This work has been partially sponsored by the grants UNAM PAPIIT IN113611, IG100814, and TEC2010-20307 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy.Peer Reviewe

    Lifestyle and Health-Related Quality of Life Relationships Concerning Metabolic Disease Phenotypes on the Nutrimdea Online Cohort

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    Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular events are non-communicable diseases (NCDs) directly related to lifestyle and life quality. Rises on NCDs rates are leading to increases in early deaths concerning metabolic morbidities. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) has been described as a subjective perception about the influence of health and personal features on human well-being. This study aimed to characterize phenotypic and lifestyle roles on the occurrence of metabolic diseases and determine the potential mutual interactions and with HRQoL. Data from an online adult population (NUTRiMDEA study, n = 17,332) were used to estimate an adapted Obesogenic Score (ObS), while logistic regression analyses were fitted in order to examine relevant factors related to the prevalence of different metabolic diseases including HRQoL. Sex and age showed significant differences depending on lifestyle and metabolic health (p < 0.05). Adherence to the Mediterranean diet and physical activity showed a mutual interaction concerning ObS (p < 0.001), as well with metabolic health (p = 0.044). Furthermore, metabolic diseases showed own features related to sociodemographic and lifestyle characteristics in this population. Metabolic syndrome components may be differently influenced by diverse lifestyle or socioeconomic factors which in turn affect the perceived HRQoL. These outcomes should be taken into account individually for a precision medicine and public health purposes

    Integrative development of a short screening questionnaire of highly processed food consumption (sQ-HPF)

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    Background Recent lifestyle changes include increased consumption of highly processed foods (HPF), which has been associated with an increased risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). However, nutritional information relies on the estimation of HPF consumption from food-frequency questionnaires (FFQ) that are not explicitly developed for this purpose. We aimed to develop a short screening questionnaire of HPF consumption (sQ-HPF) that integrates criteria from the existing food classification systems. Methods Data from 4400 participants (48.1% female and 51.9% male, 64.9 ± 4.9 years) of the Spanish PREDIMED-Plus (“PREvention with MEDiterranean DIet”) trial were used for this analysis. Items from the FFQ were classified according to four main food processing-based classification systems (NOVA, IARC, IFIC and UNC). Participants were classified into tertiles of HPF consumption according to each system. Using binomial logistic regression, food groups associated with agreement in the highest tertile for at least two classification systems were chosen as items for the questionnaire. ROC analysis was used to determine cut-off points for the frequency of consumption of each item, from which a score was calculated. Internal consistency of the questionnaire was assessed through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Cronbach’s analysis, and agreement with the four classifications was assessed with weighted kappa coefficients. Results Regression analysis identified 14 food groups (items) associated with high HPF consumption for at least two classification systems. EFA showed that items were representative contributors of a single underlying factor, the “HPF dietary pattern” (factor loadings around 0.2). We constructed a questionnaire asking about the frequency of consumption of those items. The threshold frequency of consumption was selected using ROC analysis. Comparison of the four classification systems and the sQ-HPF showed a fair to high agreement. Significant changes in lifestyle characteristics were detected across tertiles of the sQ-HPF score. Longitudinal changes in HPF consumption were also detected by the sQ-HPF, concordantly with existing classification systems. Conclusions We developed a practical tool to measure HPF consumption, the sQ-HPF. This may be a valuable instrument to study its relationship with NCDs.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidade

    Transport mechanisms in hyperdoped silicon solar cells

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    According to intermediate band (IB) theory, it is possible to increase the efficiency of a solar cell by boosting its ability to absorb low-energy photons. In this study, we used a hyperdoped semiconductor approach for this theory to create a proof of concept of different silicon-based IB solar cells. Preliminary results show an increase in the external quantum efficiency (EQE) in the silicon sub-bandgap region. This result points to sub-bandgap absorption in silicon having not only a direct application in solar cells but also in other areas such as infrared photodetectors. To establish the transport mechanisms in the hyperdoped semiconductors within a solar cell, we measured the J–V characteristic at different temperatures. We carried out the measurements in both dark and illuminated conditions. To explain the behavior of the measurements, we proposed a new model with three elements for the IB solar cell. This model is similar to the classic two-diodes solar cell model but it is necessary to include a new limiting current element in series with one of the diodes. The proposed model is also compatible with an impurity band formation within silicon bandgap. At high temperatures, the distance between the IB and the n-type amorphous silicon conduction band is close enough and both bands are contacted. As the temperature decreases, the distance between the bands increases and therefore this process becomes more limiting.The authors would like to thank the Physical Sciences Research Assistance Centre (CAI de Técnicas Físicas) of the Complutense University of Madrid. This study was partially funded by Project MADRID-PV2 (P2018/EMT-4308), with aid from the Regional Government of Madrid and the ERDF, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation/National Research Agency (MCIN/AEI) under grants TEC2017- 84378-R, PID2019-109215RB-C41, PID2020-116508RB-I00 and PID2020- 117498RB-I00. Daniel Caudevilla would like to express his thanks for grant PRE2018-083798, provided by the MICINN and the European Social Fund. Francisco Pérez Zenteno would also like to express his thanks for grant 984933, provided by CONACyT (Mexico).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft