78 research outputs found

    Characteristics of liquid milk-clotting enzyme for soft Carpathian cheese production

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    Захист відбудеться 27 грудня 2019 р. о 9 годині на засіданні екзаменаційної комісії № 18 у Тернопільському національному технічному університеті імені Івана Пулюя за адресою: м. Тернопіль , вул.Танцорова 2, навчальний корпус №5,аудиторія №14В дипломній роботі було використано для порівняння використовували стандартний сичужний ензим і пепсин. Загальний казеїн виділяли зі свіжого знежиреного молока ізоелектричним осадженням. Гомогенні фракції αS1- і βказеїну виділяли диференційним осадженням. Гомогенний κ-казеїн отримували повторною гель-фільтрацією на сефадексі G150. Гомогенність казеїнів та склад продуктів їх розщеплення за дії молозсідальних препаратів аналізували електрофорезом в анодній системі однорідного поліакриламідного гелю. В результаті проведених досліджень встановлено, за специфічністю дій карпатський рідкий препарат близький до хімозину. Він активно розщеплює κ-казеїн і майже не діє на αS1- і β-казеїни. Результати свідчать про високу якість традиційного рідкого карпатського молокозсідального препарату.In the graduate work was used for comparison used standard rennet enzyme and pepsin. Total casein was isolated from fresh skim milk by isoelectric deposition. Homogeneous fractions of αS1- and β-casein were isolated by differential deposition. Homogeneous κ-casein was obtained by repeated gel filtration on Sephadex G-150. The homogeneity of caseins and the composition of the products of their cleavage under the action of sedentary preparations were analyzed by electrophoresis in the anode system of a homogeneous polyacrylamide gel. As a result of the conducted researches it is established that by the specificity of actions Carpathian liquid preparation is close to chymosin. It actively cleaves κ-casein and has almost no effect on αS1- and β-caseins. The results indicate the high quality of the traditional liquid Carpathian milk-based preparation.Зміст...2 Реферат...3 Вступ...4 Мета і завдання...5 Огляд літератури...6 1.1 Характеристика молокозсідальних препаратів...6 1.2.Механізм зсідання молока...17 1.3.Значення процесів ферментативного зсідання молока у технології молочних продуктів...21 Матеріали і методи проведення дослідження..28 Результати власних дослідження та їх обговорення...29 3.1.Результати власних досліджень та їх обговорення...29 3.1.2 Отримання субстратів для характеристики специфічності протеаз...31 3.1.3 Визначення специфічності ензимного препарату “Глек” до казеїнових фракцій...44 Техніко-економічні обґрунтування...55 Екологія...58 5.1 Екологічні інновації переробки вторинної молочної сировини...58 Охорона праці та безпека в надзвичайних ситуаціях...64 6.1 Організація та проведення дезактивації продуктів харчування харчової сировини і знезараження води від НХР...64 6.2 Охорона праці на молокоперебному підприємстві...71 Висновки...76 Бібліографія...7

    Evaluation of Expression of the PTEN Gene, Oestrogen and Progesterone Receptors as Diagnostic and Predictive Factors in Endometrial Cancer

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    Endometrial cancer belongs to the commonest malignancy in females after breast cancer, malignant neoplasm of female genitals in Europe and North America but there is still not significant improvement as far as the curability of this neoplasm is concerned, especially its advanced forms. That is why there is need to define new factors that could be not only diagnostic but also predictve factors. In present study we analyzed the mRNA PTEN expression by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) in 123 women of endometrial carcinoma and 14 women of control group. Moreover we assessed oestrogen (ER) and progesterone receptors (PgR) in all cases. We defined the correlation between expression of PTEN gene and receptors and between PTEN expression and maturity grade of cancer. Neoplasm advancement grade G1 was diagnosed in 82.11 % of patients (n = 101), G2 in 9.76 % of patients (n = 12) and G3 in 8.13 % of patients (n = 10). Presence of ER and PgR and decreased expression of PTEN gene was found in majority of patients with endometrial cancer (79.12 % and 59.34 % respectively) and the most numerous group was with weak expression of ER and strong expression of PgR. There was no statistically significant difference in gene expression depending on receptors expression nor maturity grade of cancer (p > 0.05). Evaluation of expression of PTEN gene may turn out to be a very useful tool aimed at qualifying patients for different therapies of endometrial cancer and at searching of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods of this cancer independently on its receptor status nor maturity grade of cancer

    Mechanical and Physical Properties of Both Unaged and Aged Coflon and Tefzel

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    This report deals with all recent mechanical testing performed on variously aged samples of Coflon and TefzeL to complete the work for Phase 1. Earlier results were reported in CAPP/M.7. Fluids A, F, G, and I have all been used for ageing in the last 12 month period, with particular attention concentrated on the effects of Fluid F as a result of discussions at the December 1995 steering committee meeting in Austin. Dramatic mechanical and physical changes occurred to Coflon in our initial studies after 4 weeks at 120 C in this sour gas mixture and so a detailed matrix was drawn up to investigate the effects of time and temperature of exposure. Subsequent tensile tests and compact tension (CT) fatigue tests were performed. Fatigue testing has been limited during this period to Coflon only; however, Tefzel CT samples have been exposed to the same conditions as the Coflon allowing the possibility for fatigue tests to be performed at a later date. Fluid A exposures during the last 6 months have been long-term at 65 C, 100 C and 120 C only. These exposures have been a continuation of earlier work and will complete the investigation of this fluid. Other chemical ageings have involved Fluid G at 120 C to confirm and investigate the hostile nature of this fluid on Coflon. Again, this fluid will not be used in Phase 2. Finally, long-term exposures in Fluid 1, a high aromatic oil mixture, were carried out to investigate the effects on the polymers of aromaticity in a simulated service fluid

    Monitoramento via PCR de Salmonella spp. no processamento de carne suína

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    The Salmonella spp is major pathogens involved in Food borne Diseases (FBD), especially outbreaks involving the ingestion of meet and this products. The aim of this study was to evaluate the food safety in pork and sausages production for the Salmonella spp. presence in the process. The samples were collected in a refrigerator that slaughter pigs and manufactures sausages, located in the Campos Gerais - PR. Initially, to standardize the PCR was necessary to determine an extraction protocol, as well as methodological adjustments to the PCR reaction. For these tests it was used sample of Salmonella isolated from food. The extraction protocol was tested by heating process and for amplification reaction were evaluated three different concentration of DNA and hybridization temperatures to establish the ideal standard. The chosen protocol proved to be very efficient for the Salmonella ssp DNA extraction because it allowed obtaining DNA in sufficient quality and quantity for amplification bands. For amplification, the best condition was found a concentration of approximately 40 ng DNA and a hybridization temperature of 57 ° C. In order to validate the molecular analysis by PCR, we carried out a comparative study with the initial conventional microbiology for proof of all results obtained by molecular analysis. Seventeen points were chosen during the different stages of production process. Two carcasses were monitored throughout the procedure and samples were collected, comprising the scalding step to the final product inlay. The PCR usage technique proved advantageous in the following aspects: total analysis time of approximately 30 hours; higher sensitivity compared to conventional. After validation, we performed a new collection, covering stages from pre-slaughter until embedded obtaining, making a total of 62 samples, in order to assess contamination during production of pork and sausages. As a result, it was found that 60% of the samples were contaminated with Salmonella spp, in various stages of production. From this evaluation, we selected some points contaminated and developed a corrective action plan in order to control and reduce microbiological hazards on the premises. Through further analysis by PCR was possible to verify that the action plan was effective in 100% of samples.CAPESA Salmonella spp. é um dos principais micro-organismos patogênicos envolvidos em Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos (DTA’s), com destaque para surtos envolvendo a ingestão de carne suína. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a segurança alimentar na produção de carne suína e embutidos quanto a presença de Salmonella spp. no processo produtivo. As amostras foram coletadas em um frigorífico que abate suínos e fabrica embutidos, localizado na região dos Campos Gerais - PR. Inicialmente, para padronização da PCR foi necessário determinar um protocolo de extração, bem como, ajustes metodológicos para amplificação de DNA. Para esses testes realizados, foi utilizada amostra de Salmonella spp previamente isolada de alimento. O protocolo de extração testado foi lise térmica e para reação de amplificação foram avaliadas três concentrações de DNA e diferentes temperaturas de hibridização para estabelecimento do padrão ideal. O protocolo escolhido mostrou-se bastante eficiente para extração do DNA de Salmonella spp, pois permitiu a obtenção de DNA em quantidade e com qualidade suficiente para amplificação de bandas. Para a amplificação, a melhor condição encontrada foi a concentração de DNA de aproximadamente 40 ng e uma temperatura de hibridização de57 ºC.Com o intuito de validar a análise molecular via PCR, realizouse um estudo comparativo inicial com a microbiologia convencional para comprovação dos resultados obtidos pela análise molecular. Inicialmente foram escolhidos dezessete pontos durante as diferentes etapas do processo produtivo do frigorífico em estudo. Duas carcaças foram acompanhadas durante todo o processo e amostras foram coletadas, contemplando desde a etapa de escaldagem até o embutimento do produto final. A utilização da técnica de PCR mostrou-se vantajosa nos seguintes aspectos: tempo de análise total de aproximadamente 30 horas; maior sensibilidade comparado ao método convencional. Decorrida a validação, foi realizada nova coleta, contemplando etapas desde pré-abate até a obtenção do embutido, perfazendo um total de 62 amostras, com intuito de avaliar contaminação durante a produção de carne suína e embutidos. Como resultado, foi verificado que 60% das amostras estavam contaminadas por Salmonella spp, em diversas etapas do processo produtivo. A partir dessa avaliação, foram selecionados alguns pontos contaminados e elaborado um plano de ações corretivas, a fim de controlar e diminuir os perigos microbiológicos existentes no local. Através de novas análises via PCR foi possível verificar que o plano de ações foi eficiente em 100% das amostras

    Baza noclegowa jako istotny element obszarowego produktu turystycznego na przykładzie Szczecina

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    Accommodation as a component of the tourism infrastructure is used by tourists only. Its size and condition has a direct impact on the development of tourism in the whole region, or the city, i.e. in Szczecin.The aim of this article is to show size and structure of the Szczecin’s accommodation as well as to present possibilities of its development – based on types of tourism on this territory. This paper describes the tourism product of area and accommodation facilities. Accommodation described in the article should be treated as an integral part of the tourism product of area

    O medo em Westworld

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    Orientadora: Valquíria Michela John.Monografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design, Curso de Graduação em Comunicação Social, habilitação em Jornalismo.Inclui referênciasEsta pesquisa se apoia em uma fonte central, a série de televisão Westworld, desenvolvida por Jonathan Nolan e Lisa Joy e transmitida pelo canal por assinatura HBO. A série estreou em outubro de 2016 e foi inspirada num filme de mesmo nome, lançado em 1973. A trama principal se passa num parque, Westworld, que permite que pessoas vivenciem experiências ambientadas num cenário western. O parque conta com diversos androides que garantem uma experiência próxima da realidade. O objetivo fundamental da pesquisa é examinar os elementos apresentados pela série que identifiquem como o medo se expressa nesses androides, conhecidos na série como anfitriões. Para tanto, três personagens foram escolhidas: Dolores Abernathy, Maeve Millay e Bernard Lowe. A produção deste trabalho representa um esforço para compreender qual o papel do medo em figuras pós-humanas, e assim proporcionar um olhar para personagens que usualmente são analisados como reflexos dos próprios humanos. O objetivo é demonstrar como este sentimento afeta de modo diferente cada uma das personagens, mesmo que algumas das consequências sejam as mesmas. Para atingir tal objetivo, conto com o suporte de pesquisadores tais como Zygmunt Bauman, para considerar o medo; Adam Roberts, como uma rica fonte para uma análise histórica da ficção científica; e Rodrigo Seabra para oferecer o suporte na análise das séries de televisão e seus impactos midiáticos

    Expression of galectin-3 in nephrotic syndrome glomerulopaties in children.

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    BACKGROUNDGalectins are a family of ancient animal carbohydrate binding proteins; the name is from their description as beta-galactoside-specific lectins. They have been strongly implicated in inflammation and cancer. Studies of the association of galectins with various aspects of kidney disease in humans are still at an early stage. In line with the above, the aim of the present report was to analyse the immunohistochemical expression of galectin-3 (the only chimera galectin currently identified) in renal biopsy specimens of children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS).PATIENTS AND METHODSEighteen children with minimal change disease (MCD), 30 with diffuse mesangial proliferation (DMP) and 11 with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) treated between 2003 and 2006 in the Department of Paediatric Cardiology and Nephrology, Poznan University of Medical Sciences. An indirect immunohistochemical protocol using a polyclonal rabbit antibody against human galectin-3 was employed.RESULTSIn the control, MCD and DMP children who responded to steroid therapy anti-galectin-3 reactivity was present both in renal cortex and medulla. It was the strongest within cortical collecting ducts and subjectively less expressed in distal tubules. The total number of galectin-3 positive cortical and medullary segments of collecting ducts was significantly higher in the subjects who did not respond to steroid therapy These patients revealed also immunohistochemical reactivity of galectin-3 within nuclei of individual glomerular mesangial cells (

    Trimethylamine N-oxide and the reverse cholesterol transport in cardiovascular disease: a cross-sectional study

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    The early atherosclerotic lesions develop by the accumulation of arterial foam cells derived mainly from cholesterol-loaded macrophages. Therefore, cholesterol and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) have been considered as causative in atherosclerosis. Moreover, recent studies indicate the role of trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) in development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The current study aimed to investigate the association between TMAO and CETP polymorphisms (rs12720922 and rs247616), previously identified as a genetic determinant of circulating CETP, in a population of coronary artery disease (CAD) patients (n = 394) and control subjects (n = 153). We also considered age, sex, trimethylamine (TMA) levels and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) as other factors that can potentially play a role in this complex picture. We found no association of TMAO with genetically determined CETP in a population of CAD patients and control subjects. Moreover, we noticed no differences between CAD patients and control subjects in plasma TMAO levels. On the contrary, lower levels of TMA in CAD patients respect to controls were observed. Our results indicated a significant correlation between GFR and TMAO, but not TMA. The debate whether TMAO can be a harmful, diagnostic or protective marker in CVD needs to be continued

    Gender-related differences in trimethylamine and oxidative blood biomarkers in cardiovascular disease patients

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    Gender differences in the burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) have been observed worldwide. In this study, plasmatic levels of trimethylamine (TMA) and blood oxidative biomarkers have been evaluated in 358 men (89 controls and 269 CVD patients) and 189 women (64 control and 125 CVD patients). The fluorescence technique was applied to determine erythrocyte membrane fluidity using 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) and Laurdan, while lipid hydroperoxides were assessed by diphenyl-1-pyrenylphosphine (DPPP). Results show that levels of plasmatic TMA were higher in healthy men with respect to healthy women (p = 0.0001). Significantly lower TMA was observed in male CVD patients (0.609 ± 0.104 μM) compared to healthy male controls (0.680 ± 0.118 μM) (p < 0.001), while higher levels of TMA were measured in female CVD patients (0.595 ± 0.115 μM) with respect to female controls (0.529 ± 0.073 μM) (p < 0.001). DPPP was significantly higher in healthy control men than in women (p < 0.001). Male CVD patients displayed a lower value of DPPP (2777 ± 1924) compared to healthy controls (5528 ± 2222) (p < 0.001), while no significant changes were measured in females with or without CVD (p > 0.05). Membrane fluidity was significantly higher (p < 0.001) in the hydrophobic bilayer only in control male subjects. In conclusion, gender differences were observed in blood oxidative biomarkers, and DPPP value might be suggested as a biomarker predictive of CVD only in men