245 research outputs found

    Уживання мови та питання ідентичності серед ромів-мігрантів

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    The paper presents the issue of language use and identity among Muslim Roma youth from Bulgaria, living in Berlin, Germany. Interviews with a structured questionnaire on language use and identity was conducted with Bulgarian Muslim Roma living in Berlin, Germany. The results showed that, in order to be accepted by the German Turks, Bulgarian Muslim Roma youth change their language use and identity from Muslim Roma to a new identity - Bulgarian “Osmanli” Turks. The findings showed that the change of language and identity among young Roma in this study served as strategies for integration and acceptance in the German society.Стаття присвячена питанням використання мови та ідентичності серед ромівмусульманів, котрі проживають у Берліні, Німеччина. Результати показали, що для того, щоб бути прийнятими німецькими турками молоді роми- мусульмани змінюють свою мову в щоденній комунікації, а також ідентичність, та називають себе болгарськими османськими турками. Проведене дослідження демонструє, що зміна мови та ідентичності серед молоді ромів слугували стратегіями для інтеграції та прийняття в німецьке суспільство. Стратегії, які використовують молоді роми-мусульмани, емігруючи з Болгарії до Німеччини через дискримінацію та расизм у болгарському суспільстві, що спостерігається проти ромів та мусульман, відомі з наукових джерел серед інших мігрантів, а також в інших частинах світу, як стратегії прийняття в суспільство та успішної інтеграції

    Electropulse Compaction of Metal Shavings and Waste Products

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    A promising way to develop efficient technologies for obtaining materials with a new level of properties is the use of high-intensity energy flows as a technological tool, incl. electric current. Electropulse compaction (briquetting) of metal waste ensures their rational processing and obtaining cheap porous materials and products. As atechnological tool, an electric current of high density is used

    Metal Grain Prodaction Bay Hight Density Electric Current Use

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    Methods of receiving metal grain and granules of high purity are provided. The main advantage of the proposed methods is the possibility of obtaining granules of high purity due to the use of a clean energy carrier - electric current and a clean granulation medium: vacuum, gas, liquid, incl. conductive flux

    Electron Transport in the Assemblies of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes

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    The assemblies (films) of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) possess very stable, reproducible, and extraordinary electronic properties. These films have been considered as attractive materials for various nanosensors and as electrodes of electrochemical energy storage devices, like supercapacitors, with low equivalent series resistance and highly developed internal surface. In order to develop CNT devices operating at the room temperature, it was necessary to determine the assembled films’ properties, such as the mechanism of conductivity, carrier concentration, and mobility. In this study, we are focused on the assemblies (monolayers, arrays, and films) of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). We applied a wide temperature range resistance and magnetoresistance as a tool to determine the transport characteristics of MWCNT films. The measurements of the electrical transport (temperature dependence of the resistance) in the assemblies of nanotubes were tested in the temperature range T = 1.5–300 K, and the magnetoresistance measurements were carried out in pulsed magnetic fields up to 35 tesla in the temperature range 1.5–300 K. The mechanisms responsible for the transport in these systems, including weak localization, antilocalization, Luttinger liquid, Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations, and intertube coupling, were observed

    Interaction of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone with the photosystem II acceptor side

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    AbstractWe show that CCCP, known as an uncoupler of photophosphorylation and an ADRY agent, inhibits FeCy photoreduction and coupled O2 evolution by isolated chloroplasts equally (150 ∼ 2μM), but is practically without effect on the O2 evolution coupled with SiMo reduction within the 0.2–10μM concentration range. CCCP has no effect on the nanosecond chlorophyll fluorescence in chloroplasts incubated at low light intensity, but decreases it at high light intensity. The electron transfer from reduced TMPD or duroquinol to methylviologen is resistant to CCCP. The efficiency of the CCCP inhibitory action on the FeCy photoreduction depends on the rate of electron flow, which is controlled by the light intensity. The data obtained show that CCCP is oxidized by the photosystem II donor side and is reduced by Qp, competing for electrons with FeCy and the cytochrome blf complex

    The Use of Electrophoresis and Phonophoresis with Heparin in Dental Medicine

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    Modern medicine successfully combines both non-pharmacological and pharmacological ways of treatment in all areas. The examined therapeutic properties of heparin expand its area of application in dental medicine. Physical therapy offers a wide range of treatment options for dental pathology. However, the trend for development and improvement in this direction suggests a new vision over the actuality of time-tested methods like electrophoresis and phonophoresis of heparin.The aim of this article is to evaluate international publications and experiences regarding the application of electrophoresis and phonophoresis in dental practice.Materials and methods: documentary-content analysis of available literature about the application of electrophoresis and phonophoresis of heparin in dental medicine.Results and discussion: The overview of the available literature brings out the efficiency of electrophoresis and phonophoresis of heparin in the complex treatment of mucosal and periodontal diseases, with the advantages of combined physical and pharmacological therapy in mind.Conclusion: When compliant with the individual case of each patient, the procedure's therapeutic value, and socioeconomic factors, the application of electrophoresis and phonophoresis of heparin in dental medicine is a suitable and effective method of treating mucosal and periodontal inflammation diseases