18 research outputs found

    Measuring Chern numbers in Hofstadter strips

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    Topologically non-trivial Hamiltonians with periodic boundary conditions are characterized by strictly quantized invariants. Open questions and fundamental challenges concern their existence, and the possibility of measuring them in systems with open boundary conditions and limited spatial extension. Here, we consider transport in Hofstadter strips, that is, two-dimensional lattices pierced by a uniform magnetic flux which extend over few sites in one of the spatial dimensions. As we show, an atomic wavepacket exhibits a transverse displacement under the action of a weak constant force. After one Bloch oscillation, this displacement approaches the quantized Chern number of the periodic system in the limit of vanishing tunneling along the transverse direction. We further demonstrate that this scheme is able to map out the Chern number of ground and excited bands, and we investigate the robustness of the method in presence of both disorder and harmonic trapping. Our results prove that topological invariants can be measured in Hofstadter strips with open boundary conditions and as few as three sites along one direction.Comment: v1: 17 pages, 10 figures; v2: minor changes, reference added, SciPost style, 26 pages, 10 figures; v3: published versio

    Topological bound states of a quantum walk with cold atoms

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    We suggest a method for engineering a quantum walk, with cold atoms as walkers, which presents topologically non-trivial properties. We derive the phase diagram, and show that we are able to produce a boundary between topologically distinct phases using the finite beam width of the applied lasers. A topologically protected bound state can then be observed, which is pinned to the interface and is robust to perturbations. We show that it is possible to identify this bound state by averaging over spin sensitive measures of the atom's position, based on the spin distribution that these states display. Interestingly, there exists a parameter regime in which our system maps on to the Creutz ladder.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figure

    Towards Prediction of Financial Crashes with a D-Wave Quantum Computer

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    Prediction of financial crashes in a complex financial network is known to be an NP-hard problem, i.e., a problem which cannot be solved efficiently with a classical computer. We experimentally explore a novel approach to this problem by using a D-Wave quantum computer to obtain financial equilibrium more efficiently. To be specific, the equilibrium condition of a nonlinear financial model is embedded into a higher-order unconstrained binary optimization (HUBO) problem, which is then transformed to a spin-1/21/2 Hamiltonian with at most two-qubit interactions. The problem is thus equivalent to finding the ground state of an interacting spin Hamiltonian, which can be approximated with a quantum annealer. Our experiment paves the way to study quantitative macroeconomics, enlarging the number of problems that can be handled by current quantum computers

    Quantum artificial vision for defect detection in manufacturing

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    In this paper we consider several algorithms for quantum computer vision using Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices, and benchmark them for a real problem against their classical counterparts. Specifically, we consider two approaches: a quantum Support Vector Machine (QSVM) on a universal gate-based quantum computer, and QBoost on a quantum annealer. The quantum vision systems are benchmarked for an unbalanced dataset of images where the aim is to detect defects in manufactured car pieces. We see that the quantum algorithms outperform their classical counterparts in several ways, with QBoost allowing for larger problems to be analyzed with present-day quantum annealers. Data preprocessing, including dimensionality reduction and contrast enhancement, is also discussed, as well as hyperparameter tuning in QBoost. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first implementation of quantum computer vision systems for a problem of industrial relevance in a manufacturing production line.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 16 tables, revised versio

    Application of Tensor Neural Networks to Pricing Bermudan Swaptions

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    The Cheyette model is a quasi-Gaussian volatility interest rate model widely used to price interest rate derivatives such as European and Bermudan Swaptions for which Monte Carlo simulation has become the industry standard. In low dimensions, these approaches provide accurate and robust prices for European Swaptions but, even in this computationally simple setting, they are known to underestimate the value of Bermudan Swaptions when using the state variables as regressors. This is mainly due to the use of a finite number of predetermined basis functions in the regression. Moreover, in high-dimensional settings, these approaches succumb to the Curse of Dimensionality. To address these issues, Deep-learning techniques have been used to solve the backward Stochastic Differential Equation associated with the value process for European and Bermudan Swaptions; however, these methods are constrained by training time and memory. To overcome these limitations, we propose leveraging Tensor Neural Networks as they can provide significant parameter savings while attaining the same accuracy as classical Dense Neural Networks. In this paper we rigorously benchmark the performance of Tensor Neural Networks and Dense Neural Networks for pricing European and Bermudan Swaptions, and we show that Tensor Neural Networks can be trained faster than Dense Neural Networks and provide more accurate and robust prices than their Dense counterparts.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 2 table