17 research outputs found

    Inferring infection hazard in wildlife populations by linking data across individual and population scales

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    Our ability to infer unobservable disease-dynamic processes such as force of infection (infection hazard for susceptible hosts) has transformed our understanding of disease transmission mechanisms and capacity to predict disease dynamics. Conventional methods for inferring FOI estimate a time-averaged value and are based on population-level processes. Because many pathogens exhibit epidemic cycling and FOI is the result of processes acting across the scales of individuals and populations, a flexible framework that extends to epidemic dynamics and links within-host processes to FOI is needed. Specifically, within-host antibody kinetics in wildlife hosts can be short-lived and produce patterns that are repeatable across individuals, suggesting individual-level antibody concentrations could be used to infer time since infection and hence FOI. Using simulations and case studies (influenza A in lesser snow geese and Yersinia pestis in coyotes), we argue that with careful experimental and surveillance design, the population-level FOI signal can be recovered from individual-level antibody kinetics, despite substantial individual-level variation. In addition to improving inference, the cross-scale quantitative antibody approach we describe can reveal insights into drivers of individual-based variation in disease response, and the role of poorly understood processes such as secondary infections, in population-level dynamics of disease

    Fructose Intake Impairs the Synergistic Vasomotor Manifestation of Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen Sulfide in Rat Aorta

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    In this study, we evaluated the effect of eight weeks of administration of 10% fructose solution to adult Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats on systolic blood pressure (SBP), plasma and biometric parameters, vasoactive properties of the thoracic aorta (TA), NO synthase (NOS) activity, and the expression of enzymes producing NO and H2S. Eight weeks of fructose administration did not affect SBP, glycaemia, or the plasma levels of total cholesterol or low-density and high-density lipoprotein; however, it significantly increased the plasma levels of γ-glutamyl transferase and alanine transaminase. Chronic fructose intake deteriorated endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation (EDVR) and increased the sensitivity of adrenergic receptors to noradrenaline. Acute NOS inhibition evoked a reduction in EDVR that was similar between groups; however, it increased adrenergic contraction more in fructose-fed rats. CSE inhibition decreased EDVR in WKY but not in fructose-fed rats. The application of a H2S scavenger evoked a reduction in the EDVR in WKY rats and normalized the sensitivity of adrenergic receptors in rats treated with fructose. Fructose intake did not change NOS activity but reduced the expression of eNOS and CBS in the TA and CSE and CBS in the left ventricle. Based on our results, we could assume that the impaired vascular function induced by increased fructose intake was probably not directly associated with a decreased production of NO, but rather with impairment of the NO–H2S interaction and its manifestation in vasoactive responses

    The Possible Role of the Nitroso-Sulfide Signaling Pathway in the Vasomotoric Effect of Garlic Juice

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    The beneficial cardiovascular effects of garlic have been reported in numerous studies. The major bioactive properties of garlic are related to organic sulfides. This study aimed to investigate whether garlic juice works exclusively due to its sulfur compounds or rather via the formation of new products of the nitroso-sulfide signaling pathway. Changes in isometric tension were measured on the precontracted aortic rings of adult normotensive Wistar rats. We evaluated NO-donor (S-nitrosoglutathione, GSNO)-induced vasorelaxation and compare it with effects of hydrogen sulfide (H2S)/GSNO and garlic/GSNO. Incubation with garlic juice increased the maximal GSNO-induced relaxation and markedly changed the character of the relaxant response. Although incubation with an H2S donor enhanced the maximal vasorelaxant response of GSNO, neither the absolute nor the relative relaxation changed over time. The mixture of GSNO with an H2S donor evoked a response similar to GSNO-induced relaxation after incubation with garlic juice. This relaxation of the H2S and GSNO mixture was soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) dependent, partially reduced by HNO scavenger and it was adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channels (KATP) independent. In this study, we demonstrate for the first time the suggestion that H2S itself is probably not the crucial bioactive compound of garlic juice but rather potentiates the production of new signaling molecules during the GSNO-H2S interaction

    The Vasoactive Effect of Perivascular Adipose Tissue and Hydrogen Sulfide in Thoracic Aortas of Normotensive and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the vasoregulatory role of perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) and its mutual interaction with endogenous and exogenous H2S in the thoracic aorta (TA) of adult normotensive Wistar rats and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). In SHRs, hypertension was associated with cardiac hypertrophy and increased contractility. Regardless of the strain, PVAT revealed an anticontractile effect; however, PVAT worsened endothelial-dependent vasorelaxation. Since H2S produced by both the vascular wall and PVAT had a pro-contractile effect in SHRs, H2S decreased the sensitivity of adrenergic receptors to noradrenaline in Wistar rats. While H2S had no contribution to endothelium-dependent relaxation in Wistar rats, in SHRs, H2S produced by the vascular wall had a pro-relaxant effect. We observed a larger vasorelaxation induced by exogenous H2S donor in SHRs than in Wistar rats. Additionally, in the presence of PVAT, this effect was potentiated. We demonstrated that PVAT of the TA aggravated endothelial function in SHRs. However, H2S produced by the TA vascular wall had a pro-relaxation effect, and PVAT revealed anti-contractile activity mediated by the release of an unknown factor and potentiated the vasorelaxation induced by exogenous H2S. All these actions could represent a form of compensatory mechanism to balance impaired vascular tone regulation

    Vasoactive Effects of Chronic Treatment with Fructose and Slow-Releasing H<sub>2</sub>S Donor GYY-4137 in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats: The Role of Nitroso and Sulfide Signalization

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    Increased fructose consumption induces metabolic-syndrome-like pathologies and modulates vasoactivity and the participation of nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). We investigated whether a slow-releasing H2S donor, GYY-4137, could exert beneficial activity in these conditions. We examined the effect of eight weeks of fructose intake on the blood pressure, biometric parameters, vasoactive responses, and NO and H2S pathways in fructose-fed spontaneously hypertensive rats with or without three weeks of GYY-4137 i.p. application. GYY-4137 reduced triacylglycerol levels and blood pressure, but not adiposity, and all were increased by fructose intake. Fructose intake generally enhanced endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation, decreased adrenergic contraction, and increased protein expression of interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), and concentration of conjugated dienes in the left ventricle (LV). Although GYY-4137 administration did not affect vasorelaxant responses, it restored disturbed contractility, LV oxidative damage and decreased protein expression of TNFα in fructose-fed rats. While the participation of endogenous H2S in vasoactive responses was not affected by fructose treatment, the expression of H2S-producing enzyme cystathionine β-synthase in the LV was increased, and the stimulation of the NO signaling pathway improved endothelial function in the mesenteric artery. On the other hand, chronic treatment with GYY-4137 increased the expression of H2S-producing enzyme cystathionine γ-lyase in the LV and stimulated the beneficial pro-relaxant and anti-contractile activity of endogenous H2S in thoracic aorta. Our results suggest that sulfide and nitroso signaling pathways could trigger compensatory vasoactive responses in hypertensive rats with metabolic disorder. A slow H2S-releasing donor could partially amend metabolic-related changes and trigger beneficial activity of endogenous H2S

    Inferring infection hazard in wildlife populations by linking data across individual and population scales

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    Our ability to infer unobservable disease-dynamic processes such as force of infection (infection hazard for susceptible hosts) has transformed our understanding of disease transmission mechanisms and capacity to predict disease dynamics. Conventional methods for inferring FOI estimate a time-averaged value and are based on population-level processes. Because many pathogens exhibit epidemic cycling and FOI is the result of processes acting across the scales of individuals and populations, a flexible framework that extends to epidemic dynamics and links within-host processes to FOI is needed. Specifically, within-host antibody kinetics in wildlife hosts can be short-lived and produce patterns that are repeatable across individuals, suggesting individual-level antibody concentrations could be used to infer time since infection and hence FOI. Using simulations and case studies (influenza A in lesser snow geese and Yersinia pestis in coyotes), we argue that with careful experimental and surveillance design, the population-level FOI signal can be recovered from individual-level antibody kinetics, despite substantial individual-level variation. In addition to improving inference, the cross-scale quantitative antibody approach we describe can reveal insights into drivers of individual-based variation in disease response, and the role of poorly understood processes such as secondary infections, in population-level dynamics of disease

    Vascular Effects of Low-Dose ACE2 Inhibitor MLN-4760&mdash;Benefit or Detriment in Essential Hypertension?

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infects host cells through angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Concurrently, the product of ACE2 action, angiotensin 1&ndash;7 (Ang 1&ndash;7), binds to Mas receptors within the cardiovascular system and provides protective effects. Therefore, it is crucial to reveal the role of ACE2 inhibition, especially within pre-existing cardiovascular pathologies. In our study, we imitated the action of SARS-CoV-2 in organisms using the low dose of the ACE2 inhibitor MLN-4760 with the aim of investigating to what degree ACE2 inhibition is detrimental to the cardiovascular system of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), which represent a model of human essential hypertension. Our study revealed the complex action of MLN-4760 in SHRs. On the one hand, we found that MLN-4760 had (1) (pro)obesogenic effects that negatively correlated with alternative renin-angiotensin system activity and Ang 1&ndash;7 in plasma, (2) negative effects on ACE1 inhibitor (captopril) action, (3) detrimental effects on the small arteries function and (4) anti-angiogenic effect in the model of chick chorioallantoic membrane. On the other hand, MLN-4760 induced compensatory mechanisms involving strengthened Mas receptor-, nitric oxide- and hydrogen sulfide-mediated signal transduction in the aorta, which was associated with unchanged blood pressure, suggesting beneficial action of MLN-4760 when administered at a low dose