1,062 research outputs found

    A Study on the Inter-communication System as Used in South Dakota Schools for the Instruction of Non-ambulatory Students from 1951-1956

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    he importance of education in American Society is regarded by many as a concern for a child’s total personality and not just with his absorption of specific information. Our public schools are the basic institutions through which democratic principles are maintained and improved among our people. An institution which deals with such important principles, with so much money and so many people is bound to be faced with many problems. However, one of the problems most difficult to solve has been the education of the exceptional child. Among those included as exceptional children are the blind, partially sighted, deaf, hard-of-hearing, mentally retarded, gifted, speech handicapped, orthopedically handicapped, and those with special health problems. For them some form of special educational service is required. This problem becomes even greater when it is narrowed down to the field of exceptional children who are non-ambulatory. A non-ambulatory child may be defined as one who can be educated or can continue his education but due to illness or accident is, upon the advice of his physician not permitted to leave his sick bed or his home. Educating the non-ambulatory child calls for different teaching methods, materials and equipment. This particular study will deal with non-ambulatory students and one method of their education in the South Dakota Public schools between the years 1952-1956. Despite the wide sue of the Inter-Communication System in other states, its use in South Dakota Schools has been limited. It is the purpose of this study to evaluate, by means of a questionnaire, the use of the Inter-Communication System in South Dakota for the education of such students

    Impact of Effective Information Technology Governance on Audit Technology Performance in Ghana

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    The notion of Industry 4.0 significantly changed the way firms’ operate and has influenced everyday life. The rapid digitalization and emergent trend of information technology (IT) transformation in firms and ample investment in IT by Ghanaian government stimulated the importance of IT-based risks and its associated controls. In addition, technology enabled the auditing and IT-related audit methods have significance when carrying out audit tasks. This study aims to investigate the effects of IT governess effectiveness on audit technology performance in the public sector of Ghana. This study used closed-ended to collect data. An online survey admitted to record 186 responses. The findings of the study stated that top management support, IT support services, and IT committee have a positive and statistically significant influence on audit technology performance. The proposed model of the study explained 65.1% variance in the audit technology performance. The study proposes that public sector companies must strengthen IT governance by developing an appropriate IT committee and IT support services for the auditors. Besides, firms should clearly elucidate their priorities and requirements associated with technology-based training in their IT policies, and action plans to improve the utilization of audit technology. Keywords: Information technology governance, audit technology performance, IT support services, IT committee, top management support. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-24-05 Publication date: December 31st 202

    Trials and tribulations in locating tree farmers and sites for research and extension activities

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    The major aim of ACIAR project ASEM 2003/052 is to improve financial returns to existing smallholder tree farms in Leyte through a number of extension activities. In order to identify sites suitable for extension activities, visits were made to some tree farms (either registered or not registered with DENR) in Leyte. For this purpose, the initial aim was to identify at least 30 tree farms representing a range of age classes, species, soil types, elevation and climate. In addition, tree farms should have an area of at least 0.25 ha. Various difficulties were encountered in fieldwork designed to locate these tree farms. The main reason was associated with inconsistencies in the database of registered tree farms compiled by Community Environment and Natural Resources Offices (CENROs) which included information concerning tree farm location, owner, species and plantation area. Specific difficulties encountered in finding sites included nonexistence of some registered tree farms, inability to interview some farm owners because they do not reside near their tree farm, some tree farms have a low stocking against what was listed with the CENRO. Despite these difficulties, 76 tree farms were found during October to December 2004. Seventy one tree farms were GPS referenced and 37 tree farm owners were interviewed

    Conversion of Invasive Grasses into Hand Made Paper for Artistic Creations

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    The devastating impact of invasive grasses has created serious challenges for casual workers who consistently deal with this nuisance. The paper explores the possibilities of converting invasive grasses which are prevalent at the Department of Painting and Sculpture, in the Faculty of Art, into hand made paper to enhance artistic creations. Two grasses were identified namely Goose grass (Eleusine indica) and Japanese Lawn grass (Zoysia Japonica). Basic experimental procedures such as boiling and retting were followed before achieving the desired results. Artistic creations made on the paper revealed appealing, interesting and natural results. In sum, the tensile strength, and opacity of the paper produced was standard and an artistic medium for art explorations. It is a new material that engenders new forms of contemporary sculptural and painting works and challenges traditional philosophical ideas of artists to go beyond to create new vistas in art. Keywords: Art, invasive grass; papermaking; artistic creation

    Museums in Ghana: Visitor Education, Experiences and Satisfaction

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    This study looked at visitor experience and satisfaction on museum education in Ghana. Visiting and studying nine museums under the Ghana Museums and Monument Board (GMMB) and using both qualitative and quantitative approaches, the study revealed that visitor experiences, satisfaction, and education within museums under GMMB are unsatisfactory. There are issues with teaching methods, the state of exhibits and exhibition styles and a challenge of low possibility for visitor revisit. There is the need to commit resources to strengthen museums and the introduction of activities which would serve as grounds for museum learning. A strong engagement of visitor education in a positive, socio-cultural, and conducive learning atmosphere is very much expedient. The paper recommended a framework of diversity and inclusion that would support the creation of meaningful visitor experiences and enhance museum education in Ghana. Museum di Ghana: Pendidikan, Pengalaman, dan Kepuasan Pengunjung Abstrak Studi ini melihat pengalaman dan kepuasan pengunjung terhadap pendidikan museum di Ghana. Mengunjungi dan mempelajari sembilan museum di bawah Dewan Museum dan Monumen Ghana (GMMB) dan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif, studi ini mengungkapkan bahwa pengalaman pengunjung, kepuasan dan pendidikan di dalam museum di bawah GMMB tidak memuaskan. Ada masalah dengan metode pengajaran, keadaan pameran dan gaya pameran dan tantangan kemungkinan rendah untuk kunjungan kembali pengunjung. Ada kebutuhan untuk menyediakan sumber daya untuk memperkuat museum dan pengenalan kegiatan yang akan berfungsi sebagai landasan untuk pembelajaran museum. Keterlibatan yang kuat dari pendidikan pengunjung dalam suasana belajar yang positif, sosial budaya dan kondusif sangat diperlukan. Artikel ini merekomendasikan kerangka keragaman dan inklusi yang akan mendukung terciptanya pengalaman pengunjung yang bermakna dan meningkatkan edukasi museum di Ghana

    A comparative study on morphometric and meristic characters of Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch, 1791) in the coasts of India

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    A total of 200 threadfin bream Nemipterus japonicus was collected from Chennai in the east coast and Kochi in the west coast during January to February 2013 and studied for their morphometric and meristic characters. In total, 21 characters were analyzed out of which 3 characters namely dorsal, ventral and anal fins were not considered since they were unaltered. The findings indicate that 91% of the total variation in the data can be accounted for by three clusters. Small values of 1-R**2 ratio for the three clusters obtained indicate good clustering. The small values of p (≤0.0001) indicate that there are significant differences in the variables of Chennai and Kochi data which are shown through MANOVA. This might depict that the fish of Chennai and Kochi might be of 2 different stocks. Moreover, the study has also aided in identifying the importance of regular monitoring of stock assessment and the biology of commercially important fishes

    Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Tindak Pidana Memeprniagakan Kukang Jawa(Nyctecibus Jawa) Sebagai Satwa Liar Dilindungi (Studi Kasus Putusan 243/Pid.B/LH/2020/PN Bks)

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    Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang mempunyai keanekaragaman hayati yang beragam. Keanekaragaman hayarti tersebut perlu diaga. Salah satu kenekaragamn hayati di Indonesia adalah satwa liarnya. Salah satu satwa liar yang dilindungi adalah kukang jawa. Perniagaan kukang jawa sebagai satwa liar dilindungi menurut aturan di Indonesia dapat dipidana. Rumusan masalah dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana pengaturan hukum pidana terhadap perniagaan kukang jawa sebagai satwa liar yang dilindungi menurut hukum positif di Indonesia dan bagaimana pemidanaan terkait dengan tindak pidana perniagaan kukang jawa sebagai satwa liar yang dilindungi pada putusan Nomor 243/Pid.B/LH/2021/PN Bks Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan kasus. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa bahan hukum primer. Kitab Undang-undang hukum pidana, Putusan Nomor 243/Pid.B/LH/2021/PN Bks bahan hukum sekunder diperoleh dari buku-buku maupun literatur terkait, dan bahan hukum tersier berupa kamus, kemudian semua bahan hukum tersebut disusun dan dianalisis./ Indonesia is a country that has diverse biodiversity. This biological diversity needs to be maintained. One of the biodiversity in Indonesia is its wildlife. One of the protected wildlife is the Javan slow loris. Trading the Javan slow loris as a protected wild animal according to Indonesian regulations can be punished. The formulation of the problem in this thesis is how to regulate the criminal law against the trade of the Javan slow loris as a protected wild animal according to positive law in Indonesia and how the punishment is related to the criminal act of trading the Javan slow loris as a protected wild animal in the decision Number 243/Pid.B/LH/ 2021/PN Bks This research is a normative legal research with a case approach. The data used is secondary data in the form of primary legal materials. The Criminal Code, Decision Number 243/Pid.B/LH/2021/PN Bks Secondary legal materials are obtained from related books and literature, and tertiary legal materials are in the form of dictionaries, then all legal materials are compiled and analyze
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