1,109 research outputs found

    Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Ethnicity, Obesity, and Type 2 Diabetes of Adults in Urban Populations of Central America

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    The purpose of this meta-analysis was to examine the impact of ethnicity and obesity as it relates to Type-2 Diabetes (T2D) in specific Central American countries. A meta-analysis was conducted to determine the association of ethnicity, obesity, and T2D. Four studies that qualified for inclusion were identified by searching MEDLINE and PubMed databases. The studies on the association of ethnicity and T2D had a combined population resulted in 265,858 study participants. Two studies on the association of obesity and T2D had 197,899 participants. An analysis of the data was conducted utilizing the relative risk ration, odds ratio, and forest plots. The comparison of the relative risk of T2D across ethnic categories by studies range for Blacks was 1.59 to 2.74, Asians was 1.43 to 2.08, and Hispanics .92 to 2.91. The ethnic difference in the prevalence of diabetes was almost two-fold higher in all ethnic groups than among the Caucasians with a significance level of 95%. A comparison of relative risk of T2D across weight categories was significantly higher among those with a diagnosed of diabetes in all reported areas. The odds ratio was very close to the risk ratio in both ethnicity and obesity to the development of T2D. The meta-analysis findings documented that an association does exist between ethnicity and obesity to the development of type 2 diabetes

    Ethnicity, Obesity, and Type 2 Diabetes of Adults in Urban Populations of Central America

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    The purpose of this meta-analysis was to examine the impact of ethnicity and obesity as it relates to Type-2 Diabetes (T2D) in specific Central American countries. A meta-analysis was conducted to determine the association of ethnicity, obesity, and T2D. Four studies that qualified for inclusion were identified by searching MEDLINE and PubMed databases. The studies on the association of ethnicity and T2D had a combined population resulted in 265,858 study participants. Two studies on the association of obesity and T2D had 197,899 participants. An analysis of the data was conducted utilizing the relative risk ration, odds ratio, and forest plots. The comparison of the relative risk of T2D across ethnic categories by studies range for Blacks was 1.59 to 2.74, Asians was 1.43 to 2.08, and Hispanics .92 to 2.91. The ethnic difference in the prevalence of diabetes was almost two-fold higher in all ethnic groups than among the Caucasians with a significance level of 95%. A comparison of relative risk of T2D across weight categories was significantly higher among those with a diagnosed of diabetes in all reported areas. The odds ratio was very close to the risk ratio in both ethnicity and obesity to the development of T2D.The meta-analysis findings documented that an association does exist between ethnicity and obesity to the development of type 2 diabetes

    Network-based Data Collection for a Project-based Freshman Class

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    The hands-on experience for engineering students is often lacking with class sizes increasing and classroom resources under constant pressure. Even with smaller class sizes and studio classrooms there is only so much equipment and technical support to run experiments and allow for student interaction. Network-based data collection and control may alleviate some of these issues and allow for more hands-on experiences, although remote, in the classroom. This paper discusses the interesting problems and not so obvious pitfalls of setting up some simple network-based data acquisition systems for a multidisciplinary freshman level engineering course. The course as currently taught includes some sensor calibration and feedback/control projects using LabVIEW that are introduced in the last six weeks of the term. In groups of three or four students, they develop a basic understanding of interfacing to sensors and using LabVIEW through a series of guided exercises. The projects assigned are all team based, so it is always a concern that each student in the team develops a good understanding of sensor calibration, data acquisition and control fundamentals. Too often one student will operate the system and the other students just stand to the side watching. With the limited number of control experiments and data acquisition systems, there have been few options for improving the experience. This paper discusses the options and approaches currently in development for this rather difficult approach. We address how this might be integrated into the existing freshman course and how it might improve student learning.This approach may also have a role for many other courses by bringing more applied problems into the classroom through the network-based laboratory experience

    Science-Technology Division

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    Ethnicity, Obesity, and Type 2 Diabetes of Adults in Urban Populations of Central America

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    The purpose of this meta-analysis was to examine the impact of ethnicity and obesity as it relates to Type-2 Diabetes (T2D) in specific Central American countries. A meta-analysis was conducted to determine the association of ethnicity, obesity, and T2D.  Four studies that qualified for inclusion were identified by searching MEDLINE and PubMed databases. The studies on the association of ethnicity and T2D had a combined population resulted in 265,858 study participants.  Two studies on the association of obesity and T2D had 197,899 participants. An analysis of the data was conducted utilizing the relative risk ration, odds ratio, and forest plots. The comparison of the relative risk of T2D across ethnic categories by studies range for Blacks was 1.59 to 2.74, Asians was 1.43 to 2.08, and Hispanics .92 to 2.91. The ethnic difference in the prevalence of diabetes was almost two-fold higher in all ethnic groups than among the Caucasians with a significance level of 95%. A comparison of relative risk of T2D across weight categories was significantly higher among those with a diagnosed of diabetes in all reported areas. The odds ratio was very close to the risk ratio in both ethnicity and obesity to the development of T2D.The meta-analysis findings documented that an association does exist between ethnicity and obesity to the development of type 2 diabetes

    Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Needs of Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A Rural-Urban Comparison in Delaware, USA.

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    Background: Older adults in rural areas have unique transportation barriers to accessing medical care, which include a lack of mass transit options and considerable distances to health-related services. This study contrasts non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) service utilization patterns and associated costs for Medicaid middle-aged and older adults in rural versus urban areas. Methods: Data were analyzed from 39,194 NEMT users of LogistiCare-brokered services in Delaware residing in rural (68.3%) and urban (30.9%) areas. Multivariable logistic analyses compared trip characteristics by rurality designation. Results: Rural (37.2%) and urban (41.2%) participants used services more frequently for dialysis than for any other medical concern. Older age and personal accompaniment were more common and wheel chair use was less common for rural trips. The mean cost per trip was greater for rural users (difference of $2910 per trip), which was attributed to the greater distance per trip in rural areas. Conclusions: Among a sample who were eligible for subsidized NEMT and who utilized this service, rural trips tended to be longer and, therefore, higher in cost. Over 50% of trips were made for dialysis highlighting the need to address prevention and, potentially, health service improvements for rural dialysis patients

    Preeclampsia knowledge among postpartum women treated for preeclampsia and eclampsia at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra, Ghana

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    BACKGROUND: Preeclampsia/eclampsia is a major cause of maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide, yet patients\u27 perspectives about their diagnosis are not well understood. Our study examines patient knowledge among women with preeclampsia/eclampsia in a large urban hospital in Ghana. METHODS: Postpartum women diagnosed with preeclampsia or eclampsia were asked to complete a survey 2-5 days after delivery that assessed demographic information, key obstetric factors, and questions regarding provider counseling. Provider counseling on diagnosis, causes, complications, and future health effects of preeclampsia/eclampsia was quantified on a 4-point scale (\u27Counseling Composite Score\u27). Participants also completed an objective knowledge assessment regarding preeclampsia/eclampsia, scored from 0 to 22 points (\u27Preeclampsia/Eclampsia Knowledge Score\u27 (PEKS)). Linear regression was used to identify predictors of knowledge score. RESULTS: A total of 150 participants were recruited, 88.7% (133) with preeclampsia and 11.3% (17) with eclampsia. Participants had a median age of 32 years, median parity of 2, and mean number of 5.4 antenatal visits. Approximately half of participants reported primary education as their highest level of education. While 74% of women reported having a complication during pregnancy, only 32% of participants with preeclampsia were able to correctly identify their diagnosis, and no participants diagnosed with eclampsia could correctly identify their diagnosis. Thirty-one percent of participants reported receiving no counseling from providers, and only 11% received counseling in all four categories. Even when counseled, 40-50% of participants reported incomplete understanding. Out of 22 possible points on a cumulative knowledge assessment scale, participants had a mean score of 12.9 +/- 0.38. Adjusting for age, parity, and the number of antenatal visits, higher scores on the knowledge assessment are associated with more provider counseling (beta 1.4, SE 0.3, p \u3c 0.001) and higher level of education (beta 1.3, SE 0.48, p = 0.008). CONCLUSIONS: Counseling by healthcare providers is associated with higher performance on a knowledge assessment about preeclampsia/eclampsia. Patient knowledge about preeclampsia/eclampsia is important for efforts to encourage informed healthcare decisions, promote early antenatal care, and improve self-recognition of warning signs-ultimately improving morbidity and reducing mortality


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    Pengenalan dan pelatihan merupakan langkah awal yang penting dalam pembuatan produk pastry dan bakery. Sebuah keharusan untuk memahami dengan benar kegunaan dari setiap alat dan bahan yang akan digunakan saat akan melakukan produksi suatu produk serta tahapan dan metode yang benar untuk menghindari kesalahan-kesalahan yang tidak diinginkan. Oleh karena itu, Program Studi Pengelolaan Perhotelan, Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Pelita Harapan bermitra dengan Desa Curug Wetan untuk melaksanakan suatu kegiatan pengenalan dan pelatihan Olahan Kue Klepon Kukus di Desa Curug Wetan. Pelatihan yang dilaksanakan ini bertujuan untuk membantu masyarakat yang berada dalam Desa Curug Wetan untuk lebih mengenal dan meningkatkan pengetahuan serta keterampilan dalam membuat produk pastry dan bakery yang mudah dilakukan di rumah serta pelatihan ini akan memberikan pengalaman yang berharga dan mendalam dalam hal kuliner dan budaya serta olahan ini dapat berkembang di desa curug wetan. Masyarakat Desa Curug Wetan sangat antusias tinggi dalam mengikuti kegiatan ini yang dilakukan Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Pelita Harapan setiap tahun

    Compatibility of Niobium Alloys and Superalloys in a Flowing He-Xe Power Conversion System

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    Proposed concepts for an ambitious mission to explore Jupiter's three icy moons place significant demands on the various spacecraft systems. There are many challenges related to the high output power conversion systems being considered, and one example is the need to ensure system compatibility at all levels. The utilization of appropriate materials for component structures is important to ensuring long mission life. Refractory metal alloys have attractive high-temperature properties in inert environments, but these alloys are sometimes susceptible to contamination. Potential material compatibility issues exist between refractory metal candidates and more conventional alloys. Nb-1Zr has long been considered one of the most well characterized refractory alloys that is well suited for elevated-temperature use and liquid-metal compatibility. However, previous studies have suggested that niobium alloys can not co-exist in a closed system with traditional stainless steels or superalloys due to transport of contaminants. The relevance of this information to a proposed power conversion system is discussed. Also, experiments and fundamental calculations are being performed to determine contamination transport from candidate superalloys to Nb-1Zr in a closed system with an inert carrier gas. Potential protective schemes are explored to ensure system level compatibility between the refractory alloy Nb-1Zr and a nickel-based superalloy
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