512 research outputs found

    Do We Need to Put God into Emotional Support?: A Comparison of Caucasians’ and African-Americans’ Evaluations of Religious versus Non-Religious Comforting Messages

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    The current study explored whether ethnicity influences young adults’ evaluations of two different sets of comforting messages: those in which concepts such as God, prayer, religion, and faith are woven into low, moderate, and high person-centered strategies (called ‘‘religious strategies’’) and those in which such concepts are not embedded (called ‘‘non-religious strategies’’) into the messages. One hundred ninety-seven college students (63% African-American; 37% Caucasian) rated the sensitivity and effectiveness of religious and non-religious comforting messages. Several significant differences were observed between Caucasians and African-Americans in their evaluations of these strategies. Findings are discussed in terms of their practical implications for ‘‘real world’’ comforting efforts as well as the theoretical significance they hold for the concept of person-centeredness

    Men’s and women’s evaluations of communication skills in personal relationships: When sex differences make a difference—and when they don’t

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    Abstract OnlyMuch recent research on gender and communication has emphasized differences in men's and women's communicative conduct, with some theorists going so far as to claim that men and women constitute different cultures. However, comparatively little research has assessed both similarities and differences in men and women's communication to determine whether the sexes are more alike or different. The present paper provides such assessments with respect to men's and women's evaluations of the importance of diverse communication skills in two relationships, friendship and romance. Two studies are reported. In Study 1, participants (N = 382) evaluated the importance of eight communication skills in same-sex friendships. Results indicated that although females rated affectively oriented communication skills as somewhat more important than males and males rated instrumentally oriented skills as somewhat more important than females, both males and females overwhelmingly viewed affectively oriented skills as more important than instrumental skills. Study 2 sought to replicate and extend the findings of Study 1 by having participants (N = 685) evaluate the importance of eight communication skills for either same-sex friendship or opposite-sex romances. Results virtually identical to those of Study 1 were obtained in Study 2 for both friendship and romance. Findings are discussed in terms of their implications for our understanding of communication in personal relationships and the different cultures perspective

    Los grupos de estimulación y ejercitación de la memoria como espacios convocantes de mayores de sectores medios desde el Trabajo Social

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir la experiencia desarrollada por dos Trabajadoras Sociales, provenientes de distintos espacios institucionales, que llevaron a cabo un proyecto para desarrollar dos Talleres de Estimulación y Ejercitación de la Memoria en el marco de las actividades de una ONG de la CABA. Dicho proyecto fue aprobado y financiado por el Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y se ejecutó en el año 2012 en el barrio de Caballito, de la citada ciudad. La experiencia de coordinación de estos dos espacios permitió, una vez finalizados, visualizar un ámbito sumamente propicio de participación de los mayores de sectores medios de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. En dichos espacios, se favoreció la posibilidad de reflexión e intercambio de opiniones en torno a numerosos temas que inquietaban a los mayores, y que los mismos manifestaron no tener –o no saber- dónde (o con quién) plantearlos. Por lo expuesto, a través del presente trabajo se busca valorizar la experiencia desarrollada, animar a otros colegas al armado de espacios grupales a partir de temáticas que movilicen el interés de los mayores y, a través de los mismos, habilitar el abordaje de situaciones comunes que preocupan a muchos mayores para mejorar su acceso a la información sobre el momento en el que se encuentran y, por ende, mejorar su calidad de vida.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    Los grupos de estimulación y ejercitación de la memoria como espacios convocantes de mayores de sectores medios desde el Trabajo Social

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir la experiencia desarrollada por dos Trabajadoras Sociales, provenientes de distintos espacios institucionales, que llevaron a cabo un proyecto para desarrollar dos Talleres de Estimulación y Ejercitación de la Memoria en el marco de las actividades de una ONG de la CABA. Dicho proyecto fue aprobado y financiado por el Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y se ejecutó en el año 2012 en el barrio de Caballito, de la citada ciudad. La experiencia de coordinación de estos dos espacios permitió, una vez finalizados, visualizar un ámbito sumamente propicio de participación de los mayores de sectores medios de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. En dichos espacios, se favoreció la posibilidad de reflexión e intercambio de opiniones en torno a numerosos temas que inquietaban a los mayores, y que los mismos manifestaron no tener –o no saber- dónde (o con quién) plantearlos. Por lo expuesto, a través del presente trabajo se busca valorizar la experiencia desarrollada, animar a otros colegas al armado de espacios grupales a partir de temáticas que movilicen el interés de los mayores y, a través de los mismos, habilitar el abordaje de situaciones comunes que preocupan a muchos mayores para mejorar su acceso a la información sobre el momento en el que se encuentran y, por ende, mejorar su calidad de vida.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    Adolescent fertility and high school completion in Chile: Exploring gender differences

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    Objective: This study has two objectives: first, to estimate the effect of adolescent fertility on high school completion for Chilean adolescents, considering selectivity due to socioeconomic background and prior academic achievement, and, second, to explore the gender differences that exist in this effect. Methods: We use propensity score weighting and regression adjustment to estimate the average treatment effect on the treated groups. We employ a rich dataset built on several administrative sources, covering a cohort of students attending publicly funded schools from 2011 to 2018. Results: Considering the samples of men and women separately, we find that a teenage girl who experiences adolescent fertility is 13Š less likely to complete high school, whereas the corresponding probability for a teenage boy is only 3Š. As compared to boys, girls who experience adolescent fertility also have higher probabilities of delayed high school graduation and dropping out of school. Conclusions: Our analyses indicate that the detrimental effect of adolescent fertility on high school completion is larger for girls than boys in Chile, after taking into consideration the selectivity due to socioeconomic origin and prior academic performance. Contribution: This is the first study in Chile, and probably the first in Latin America, that directly estimates the difference in the effect of adolescent fertility on educational outcomes for young men and women, considering issues of endogeneity due to treatment selection. Our results point to continuing gender inequity because adolescent mothers suffer more negative effects of fertility than adolescent fathers

    Which comforting messages really work best? A different perspective on Lemieux and Tighe’s “receiver perspective”

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    Abstract OnlyThis article responds critically to a recent article by Lemieux and Tighe (Communication Research Reports, 21, 144–153, 2004) in which the authors conclude that recipients of comforting efforts prefer messages that exhibit a moderate rather than high level of person centeredness. It is argued that an erroneous assumption made by Lemieux and Tighe about the status of “receiver perspective” research on the comforting process led to faulty interpretations of the data and unwarranted conclusions about recipient preferences regarding comforting messages. Alternative interpretations of Lemieux and Tighe's data are presented; these are guided by the extensive previous research that has assessed evaluations and outcomes of comforting messages

    Needle Knife-assisted Endoscopic Polypectomy for a Large Inflammatory Fibroid Colon Polyp by Making Its Stalk into an Omega Shape Using an Endoloop

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    Colonic inflammatory fibroid polyp (IFP) is an uncommon benign polypoid lesion, which is composed of fibroblasts, numerous small vessels and edematous connective tissue with marked eosinophilic inflammatory cell infiltration. This condition is frequently detected in the stomach and small intestine, but uncommon in the colon. Although IFP is a benign lesion, surgical resections are performed in most colonic cases because the polyps are usually too large to resect endoscopically. Only three patients underwent endoscopic polypectomy in our literature reviews. Here, we present a case of IFP in the descending colon successful endoscopically resected using a novel technique of trapping its stalk with an endoloop, forming the stalk into an omega shape, and then dissecting the stalk with a needle knife

    Aspirin-Exacerbated Respiratory Disease: Evaluation and Management

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    The clinical syndrome of aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) is a condition where inhibition of cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) induces attacks of upper and lower airway reactions, including rhinorrhea and varying degrees of bronchospasm and laryngospasm. Although the reaction is not IgE-mediated, patients can also present with anaphylactic hypersensitivity reactions, including hypotension, after exposure to COX-1 inhibiting drugs. All patients with AERD have underlying nasal polyps and intractable sinus disease which may be difficult to treat with standard medical and surgical interventions. This review article focuses on the management of AERD patients with a particular emphasis on aspirin desensitization and continuous treatment with aspirin