588 research outputs found

    Analisis SER (Symbol Error Rate)Pada MIMO untuk Orthogonal STBC dan Quasi-Orthogonal STBC

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    Masalah gangguan pada kanal atau multipath fading dapat diatasi dengan sistem MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output). Sistem ini menggunakan sejumlah antena pengirim dan sejumlah antena penerima.Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk menjadikan sinyal pantulan sebagai penguat sinyal utama sehingga saling mendukung atau tidak saling menggagalkan. Selain itu sistem ini juga secara signifikan mampu meningkatkan troughput data dan range (jangkauan) komunikasi tanpa lebar pita (bandwidth) frekuensi dan daya pancar tambahan. Fading merupakan penurunan dan fluktuasi daya sinyal pada penerima. Fadingmenyebabkan kondisi dimana sinyal tidak dapat lagi dikenali pada proses pengembalian sinyal kedalam bentuk informasi. Fadingdapat dikategorikan kedalam dua bagian yaitu large-scle fading yang berkaitan dengan path-lossdan small-scale fading yang berkaitan dengan lintasan jamak antara pemancar dan penerima. Jika dipandang pada bagaimana pengaruh kanal pada dimensi waktu dan frekuensi mempengaruhi sinyal, maka kanal dapat dikelompokan kedalam kanal flat fadingdan kanal frequency selective fading. Sedangkan jika dipandang pada seberapa cepat sinyal yang dikirim mengalami Perubahan bila dibandingkan dengan seberapa cepat Perubahan darikanal, kanal dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam kanal yang fast fadingdan kanal slow fading

    Technology in Controlling of Sucking Pest of Shoot and Flowers on Cashew

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    The major pests of cashew plant (Anacardium occidentale L.) are Helopeltis spp. and Sanurus spp. A number of cashew trees damaged be attacked by the pest are increasing from year to year. Some research found on effectiveness technologies, environmentally friendly and easily adopted by farmers have been done. One kind of controlling technologies that provides great expectations to be developed by farmers was biological control by utilizing parasitoids, predators and pathogens. Development of rangrang ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) and the fungus Beauveria bassiana as biological agent of Helopeltis spp. on a large scale will suppress the population of the insects. Meanwhile, the egg parasitoid Aphanomerus sp., moth parasitoids Epieurybrachys nsp. and the fungus Synnematium sp. are potentially developed as a biological control agents for Sanurus spp. in the field. The results of these studies should be integrated as a technology package on which the farmers should be involved in implementation of the technology

    Glycerol as an Energy Source for Ruminants: a Meta-Analysis of in Vitro Experiments

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    Glycerol or glycerin is generally recognized as a safe compound to be used in animal feed, especially for ruminants. A number of in vitro studies related to glycerol supplementation in ruminant ration have been published but to date the results have not been summarized. The objective of this study was, therefore, to evaluate in vitro digestibility, ruminal fermentation characteristics, total gas and methane production through the meta-analysis approach. Meta-analysis was applied to 13 experiments and 42 treatments dealing with glycerol supplementation in ruminants. Data were analyzed by general linear model procedure in which the glycerol levels and the different studies were treated as fixed effects. Results revealed that glycerol supplementation did not affect the in vitro digestibility and total VFA production, but significantly decreased molar proportion of acetate and iso-valerate (P<0.05). In contrast, molar proportion of propionate, butyrate, and valerate significantly increased, and thus the ratio of acetate to propionate declined linearly (P<0.05). Methane production decreased linearly and accompanied with an increase of total gas production with increasing levels of glycerol supplementation (P<0.05). It is concluded that the use of glycerol as an energy substitution in animal feed has no detrimental effects in the rumen and environmentally friendly

    Ekskresi Natrium Dan Iodium Urine Pada Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar Dan Dewasa (Urinary Sodium and Iodine Concentration Among School Age Children and Adults)

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    The prevalence of hypertension among people aged over 18 years old at national level is high (31.7%) and the median value of urinary iodine concentration among school age children is also high (224 µ/g/L). In Indonesia, all salt for consumption should be iodised. Is there any relationship between urinary iodine and urinary sodium concentration? This study is to assess urinary sodium and iodine concentration among school age children and adults. The study is conducted in highland of Getasan Subdistrict, Semarang District, Central Java. The unit of sample is household that consist of male and female aged 18-45 years and school age children (aged 8-12 years). Total samples are 297 people consist of 99 male and 99 female adults and 99 school age children. Data collection includes sample of salt, 24 hours urine collections, 24 hours food recalls and anthropometric measurements. Percentage of Urinary Iodine Concentration (UIC) value with category of iodine deficiency is 55.6 percent and with category excess of iodine is only 1.0 percent. Percentage of Urinary Sodium Concentration (USC) value with category of low is 26.3 percent and with category high of sodium was 62.3 percent. Median value of UIC was 93 µg/L and median value of USC is 2588 mg/day. Around 37.4 percent of house-holds use salt that contained sufficient iodine. Almost all respondent (98%) consume food-stuff source of sodium such as monosodium glutamat, soy sauce and spices more than once a day. There is a positive correlation between USC and UIC. However, there is no correlation between urinary sodium concentration and sistolic blood pressure. Median value of urinary iodine is in the category of iodine deficiency and median value of urinary sodium concentration is in the category above the recommended requirement. Majority of sodium and iodine intakes come from salt added in cooking


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    This study aims to determine internal audit, internal control effectiveness, and accounting information systems on fraud detection at the Dompu Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM). Sampling using purposive sampling method and analysis tools using multiple linear regression method with a total of 55 employees as respondents. The data collection method used is a questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that internal audit, internal control effectiveness influences fraud detection. Meanwhile, the accounting information system has no effect on fraud detection. The Adjusted R Square value for the coefficient of determination is 0.366 or 36.6% of the level of fraud detection. The remaining 63.4% is influenced by other factors that are not included in this research method


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    Latar belakang:   Gerakan Lumbung Hidup ‘Aisyiyah (GLHA) adalah salah satu upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pemanfaatan pekarangan yang dikelola kelompok dengan memanfaatkan sumberdaya lahan yang tersedia di lingkungannya. GLHA diharapkan mampu memberikan kontribusi ketersediaan pangan secara mandiri baik di masa sekarang dan masa depan untuk mengantisipasi masalah kelangkaan pangan yang menjadi isu global. Tujuan: Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mewujudkan kemandirian ekonomi melalui peningkatan pengetahuan, wawasan, ketrampilan kelompok dan manajemen usaha. Metode: Empat tahapan dilakukan, yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan monitoring. Terdapat kegiatan penyuluhan, pelatihan, praktek dan pendampingan dalam penyediaan   media tanam, penanaman, perawatan tanaman dan pengelolaan hasil panen. Hasil: Dampak positif dari GLHA sangat signifikan, yaitu disamping  mendapatkan akses lebih mudah dan murah dalam memperoleh bahan makanan segar dan sehat, juga lebih mandiri dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pangan keluarga. GLHA juga memberikan peluang ekonomi tambahan melalui penjualan hasil panen yang berlebih

    Hubungan Kadar Tiroglobulin, Tsh Dan Ft4 Serum Pada Anak Usia Sekolah Di Tiga Kabupaten Dengan Tingkat Endemisitas Defisiensi-iodium Berbeda (Association Between the Serum Thyroglobulin, Tsh, and Ft4 Among School-aged Children in Three Districts with Dif

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    Iodine deficiency lowers circulating thyroxine (T4) and raises serum Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), where free T4 (fT4) and TSH have strong corelation with thyroglobulin (Tg). The results from population studies indicate, Tg appears to be a valuable indicator of thyroid status, but it has yet to be fully explored. This study aimed to measure the association between serum Tg with TSH and fT4 as alternatif indicators thyroid status in school-aged children. This was a cross-sectional study of sample of 398 schoolchildren aged 10-12 years in three districts with different iodine-deficiency endemicity level, i.e. Pati as a mild endemic district, Purbalingga as a moderate endemic district, and Malang as a severe endemic district. Children\u27s blood have taken 3 cc as a sample for the determination of Tg, TSH, and fT4. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) was used to determine Tg, TSH and fT4. Mean of serum Tg 14.3 ± 11.1 ng/mL (cut-off 2-50 ng/mL), TSH 3.7 ± 2.2 µIU/mL (cut-off 0.3-6.2), fT4 1.4 ± 0.4 ng/dL (cut-off 0.8-2.0 ng/dL). Correlation analysis was showed the significance of Tg and TSH (p< 0.05) and Tg with fT4 (p< 0.05). The significance analysis of Tg with TSH and fT4 may be evaluated as indicator for thyroid function in school-aged children in iodine-deficiency endemic areas
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