67 research outputs found

    Fenomena Munculnya Tokoh Islam Progresif Muhammadiyah 1980-2019

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    Since its first establishment until the productive contemporary period, Muhammadiyah have successfully generated noticeable figures who always oriented towards finding a path to the progress of Muslims. Some of Muhammadiyah progressive figures who are well known such as; M. Syafi'i Maarif and other associates. However, in the journey of contribution from their thoughts, they get criticized and cause controversy. It is believed that their thoughts are considered controversial and contrary to the tradition of thinking of the general public and lead to polemics among Indonesian Muslims. Even, these Muhammdiyah figures and their characters are often labelled as liberal figures who have ever been forbidden by MUI. Concerning this issue, the writers are interested in examining the issue by exploring main purposes: First, an overview progressive Islamic figures of Muhammadiyah. Second, what are the typology of progressive Islamic figures from Muhammadiyah? In this study the writers employed the historical method including heuristics, criticism or analysis, interpretation, and historiography. Based on the research results, the authors determined that the emergence of progressive Islam in contemporary period of Muhammadiyah produced many noticeable figures such as: Ahmad Syafii Maarif, Azyumardi Azra, Bahtiar Effendi, Dawam Raharjo, and Zuly Qadir. Second typology, in this term, progressive Islamic figures from Muhammadiyah are categorized into two typologies namely; Progressive-moderate and progressive-radical

    PROGRAM BIMBINGAN BELAJAR BERDASARKAN PEMAHAMAN SISWA TENTANG FAKTOR PENYEBAB KESULITAN BELAJAR : Studi Pengembangan Program Bimbingan Belajar di SMP Labotarorium Percontohan UPI Bandung Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh terdapatnya banyak siswa yang mengalami kesulitan belajar yang disebabkan oleh pemahaman yang rendah tentang faktor penyebab kesulitan belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menyusun program bimbingan belajar untuk membantu meningkatkan pemahaman siswa tentang faktor penyebab kesulitan belajar yang dihadapinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode quasi experiment dan desain penelitian nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Prosedur penelitian meliputi studi pendahuluan, studi dokumentasi, penyusunan dan validasi instrumen, penyusunan dan validasi program, uji coba, revisi dan treatmen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan temuan berupa : (1) dalam profil kesulitan belajar siswa Kelas VIII SMP yang diteiliti, menunjukan masih terdapat beberapa siswa yang mengalami kesulitan belajar dilihat dari rata-rata nilai rapot maupun dilihat dari hasil perolehan angket pengungkap pemahaman siswa tentang faktor penyebab kesulitan belajar: (2) program bimbingan belajar yang dirumuskan berdasarkan pemahaman faktor penyebab kesulitan belajar terbukti membantu meningkatkan pemahaman siswa tentang faktor kesulitan belajarnya; (3) Program bimbingan belajar berdasarkan pemahaman siswa tentang faktor penyebab kesulitan terbukti membantu meningkatkan pemahaman siswa tentang aspek motivasi, aspek situasi pribadi, dan aspek situasi lingkungan sosial siswa. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat dan kontribusi pada pengembangan program bimbingan belajar di sekolah

    Understanding Simulation and Simulacra in Samsung Commercial as Powerful Public Relations Strategy

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    The aim of this study was to examine whether the students of Jember State Polytechnic could understand the embedded meaning in the Samsung mobile phone commercial as they were in taking the public relation class. This study uses purposive sampling of 30 students to determine whether they understand the work of simulation and simulacra in the commercial to provoke the customer into buying the product. The students were given the basic theory of semiotics in the initial meeting to understand the power of governing crowds using symbol in order to justify their reasoning into the image being displayed in the mobile phone commercial. This study concludes that most of students agree to buy the products without concerning the utilities but more into making a social statement when buying. The images of having high social status, being the part of global community are the significance being attached not only to the product but to customer possessing the Samsung mobile phone. Keywords: public relation, semiotics, Samsung, simulation and simulacr


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    Self Access Center (SAC) yang bersumber dari pembelajaran bahasa akses mandiri diharapkan dapat menjadi sarana pembelajaran eksploratif yang dapat membuat siswa merasa senang dalam mempelajari bahasa tentang literasi baru dan juga mudah untuk mereka pahami. Self Access Centre (SAC) yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas yang ada di lingkungan sekolah dalam mendukung proses dan hasil pembelajaran, ingin memproyeksikan peran Self Access Centre (SAC) dalam meningkatkan komptensi berbahasa siswa, membentuk kemandirian dan penyesuaian diri anak serta pembentukan pola pembelajaran yang terjadi. Terkait dengan sampel, siswa kelas IV sebanyak 25 orang sangat tepat untuk mendalami proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media visual pada fasilitas yang dikemas khusus untuk menarik perhatian mereka. Penerapan fasilitas Self Access Centre (SAC) menjadi sumber informasi terkini dan perwujudan integrasi teknologi dan literasi baru dalam pembelajaran yang akan mudah dipahami siswa. Observasi terhadap aktivitas siswa dan aspek-aspek dari kompetensi berbahasa, kemandirian, penyesuaian diri serta peran Self Access Centre (SAC) dilakukan setiap hari selama enam bulan yang didukung dengan sesi wawancara serta tes pengetahuan sebagai data triangulasi dilakukan pada waktu yang telah dijadwalkan. Pada tahap evaluasi bukti penelitian, microsoft excell diimplementasikan untuk mendapatkan data kuantiatif, sementara analisis hasil observasi dan wawancara dilakukan secara kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan terdapatnya peningkatan kompetensi berbahasa dengan penilaian dari aspek komeptensi berbahasa yang sangat baik, untuk kemandirian dan penyesuaian diri anak dengan kategori sangat baik dan kategori sangat baik, keberadaan Self Access Centre (SAC) pada kategori sangat baik. Pola pembelajaran yang terjadi, peneliti menamakan “Pola Mandiri” yang melibatkan terhadap tujuan pembelajaran, sarana pembelajaran dan perilaku belajar yang menunjukan keseimbangan antara rekognisi pengetahuan, perilaku dan keterampilan


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    Today there are still children who are unfamiliar with good and bad behavior, especially in courtesy, such as saying rude things, borrowing things without permission, not saying and answering greetings, kissing the teacher's hand when meeting, passing without permission. Likewise, in Kober Awanta there are still children who do not understand what good and bad deeds are, therefore the purpose of this study is to improve children's moral values through the application of habituation and exemplary behavior, especially in being kind to teachers, parents and his age friends. The method used in conducting this research is the Class Action or Action Research where the research is carried out with 2 cycles, namely the first cycle and the second cycle. Data collection techniques used are observation and documentation techniques after the data collected and then analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. Before the study was conducted there were children who were still undeveloped, as much as 30%, but after the first cycle, there was an increase to 50%. Then the second cycle is carried out and the results are even more increasing, namely to 80%, this is certainly in accordance with the desired expectations. Thus it can be concluded that the application of habituation and example can actually improve the moral values of children, especially in courtesy.Dewasa ini masih ada anak-anak yang belum mengenal perilaku baik dan buruk,terutama dalam sopan santun,  seperti berkata kasar, meminjam barang tanpa izin,, tidak mengucap dan menjawab salam, mencium tangan guru ketika bertemu, lewat tanpa permisi. Begitu juga di Kober Awanta masih ada anak yang belum faham apa itu perbuatan baik dan buruk,  maka dari  itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan nilai-nilai moral anak melalui penerapan pembiasaan dan keteladanan dalam bersikap , terutama dalam bersikap baik itu kepada guru, orang tua maupun teman seusianya. Metode yang digunakan dalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah Tindakan Kelas atau Action Research dimana penelitian dilaksanakan dengan 2 siklus yaitu tindakan siklus I dan tindakan siklus II. Teknik  pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik observasi dan dokumentasi, setelah data terkumpul lalu di analisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriftif kualitatif. Sebelum dilakukan penelitian terdapat anak yang masih belum berkembang, sebanyak 30 %, tetapi setelah adanya tindakan siklus I ada peningkatan menjadi 50 %. Selanjutnya dilakukan tindakan siklus II dan ternyata hasilnya lebih meningkat lagi  yaitu menjadi 80% , ini tentunya sesuai dengan harapan yang diinginkan.  Dengan demikian  dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa penerapan  pembiasaan dan keteladanan ternyata dapat  meningkatkan nilai-nilai moral anak teutama dalam sopan santun


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    This research is motivated by the corona virus pandemic that affects the provision of guidance and counseling services in schools. Group guidance services are provided to students who have learning motivation problems. To support group guidance services, the right technique is needed, namely group discussion techniques. This research was conducted using qualitative research methods with data collection through interviews, observation, and documentation. The subjects in this study were class XI students with a sample of 5 students based on the recommendations of the BK teacher and homeroom teacher who tended to have learning motivation problems. The results of the study showed that there was a change in students after being given group guidance services with group discussion techniques compared to before the service was carried out. So that the application of group guidance services can increase student motivation in class XI MIPA 8 at SMAN 2 Cimahi


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    Online Career Guidance Services Using Google Class Room and Google Meet for Student Career Independence at YUPPI Soreang Madrasah Aliyah 2020/2021 Academic Year. This study aims to find out how the Implementation, Response and Barriers of Career Guidance services using the Google Class Room and Google Meet applications towards the career independence of students at Madrasah Aliyah YUPPI Soreang Academic Year 2020/2021. The counselee's independence development service which is the basis of the service, guides students in developing the counselee's talents and abilities. The stage of service implementation is to prepare services and mediap applications that will be used in service delivery. Conducted in the form of a service that uses a reality approach, data collection is carried out using qualitative descriptive research. Conducted in 5 meetings, covering four stages of implementation consisting of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research was conducted at Madasah Aliyah YUPPI Soreang. The results showed an increase in changes in student behavior activities to become more independent. These results show that online Career Guidance Services using Google Classroom and Google Meet towards student career independence at MA YUPPI Soreang for the 2020/2021 Academic Year have become more independent than before

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Gambaran Keterampilan Berhitung Pada Siswa Kelas IV SD

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    The application of numeracy skills is a skill that must be possessed by students with feedback. This study aims to determine the PBL learning model in the application of numeracy skills to elementary school students. This research is motivated by the problems that occur, namely the lack of numeracy skills in students of SDN 197 Karang Taruna Karangsari. Based on this, the researchers used the PBL (Problem Based Learning) model to overcome problems at SDN 197 Karang Taruna Karangsari. Numeracy skills from experts are very relevant to describe numeracy skills using the PBL (Problem Based Learning) model which has the characteristics of problem-based learning. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research. The research subjects were fourth grade students at SDN 197 Karang Taruna Karangsari totaling 40 students. Based on the results of the study, it showed that students' numeracy skills were very good, learning was also very enjoyable and students were more confident about learning through a problem-based learning model. It can be said that this PBL learning model is very relevant in knowing the description of numeracy skills in class IV students at SDN 197 Karang Taruna Karangsari


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    Discipline is an attitude of obedience and obedience to the rules or regulations that apply with full responsibility without any coercion from anyone. This study aims to determine the description of student discipline at MTs Negeri 4 Bogor. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive type of research. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the low discipline of students against rules at school was caused by a lack of awareness of discipline, not being able to control their own will, managing themselves and lack of attention from parents to motivate and remind them to be orderly, so they do whatever they want

    Deradicalization of Religion Models: Comparative Study of Jamaah Tablig Movement in The Region of Garut, Indonesia and Yala, Thailand

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    Deradicalization of religion will run on an ongoing basis when the power of the state is actively involved in it. That involvement can be shaped at the same time planning the implementation of policies, programs and budgets. In addition, the deradicalization of religion tends to be effective in the group of the owner of a basic understanding of religious inclusive. However, the practice of deradicalization of religion in Jama'ah Tabliq, which incidentally exclusive and fundamentalist, sustained even likely to be effective with minimal intervention of state power. This study aimed to describe the problem by uncovering and explaining the program that has been implemented Jama'ah Tabliq movement in deradicalization on those who embrace religious radicalism; The doctrine of Jama'ah Tabliq movement that managed to lose the attitude of the radicalism followers; and success factors Jama'ah Tabliq movement in conducting deradicalization. The approach in analyzing is the theoretical framework of power relations and the construction theory of history. With using qualitative methods and techniques as well as the locus descriptive analytical research and case studies Tablighi Jamaat movement in Garut, Indonesia, and Yala, Thailand, this research shows that, the first, deradicalization Tablighi Jama'a religious in the main program in the da'wah movement emphasizing the missionary movement of peace; the second,  Jama'ah Tabliq doctrine, 1) the doctrine of ikromul Muslims, the honor and respect of every Muslim. 2) The doctrine or the doctrine of proselytizing and sermons. Jihad political set up and establish an Islamic State or seize political power of infidel countries is not mandatory, mandatory preached about the truth of Islam. 3) "four things that should not be done", namely the one discussed politics both inside and outside the country and discuss khilafiyah or differences of opinion in matters of religion; And third, the effectiveness and sustainability of the deradicalization of inter Jama'ah Tabliq are factors source of knowledge and practice everyday, the book "Fadhaiul Amal," which teaches the spirit and practice of peace.  Referring to the book Jama'ah Tabliq develop the message to the model maqomi, intiqoli, ta'lim wata'lum, infirodi, non-political, and amaliyah dizkr