105 research outputs found

    Lunar mansions and Timekeeping in Western Islam

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    A working edition of the table of lunar mansions by Ibn al-Raqqām in his Shāmil Zīj, is used as the basis for an analysis of two cases of the use of lunar mansions for the purpose of timekeeping. One of them corresponds to al- Judhāmī (an Andalusian author of the end of the 12th c. and beginning of the 13th c.) who uses the mediation of mansions to establish the beginning of dawn and obtains excellent results. The second author is the well-known Moroccan muwaqqit al-Jādirī (1375-c. 1416) whose data on the lunar mansions are also analysed

    Mohammed Abattouy and Salim al-Hassani, The corpus of al-Isfizārī

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    El tratado alfonsí sobre la esfera

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    En dos trabajos recientes (1) Richard Lorch no sólo ha dado a conocer dos nuevos tratados medievales sobre la sphaera solida sino que ha reunido además toda una serie de datos en torno a la tradición medieval de este instrumento astronómico tanto en el mundo árabe como en la Europa latina. La lectura de los articulos de Lorch me ha movido a analizar el tratado alfonsí sobre la esfera, titulado Libro de la faygón del1 espera, et de sus jguras, et de sus huebras, con el fin de aportar algunas precisiones sobre el tema, especialmente en lo que concierne a la España Medieval

    S.M. Razaullah Ansari (ed.), History of Oriental Astronomy. Proceedings

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    Qusta ibn Luqa and Alfonso X on the Celestial Globe

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    The celstial globe seems to have been known in al-Andalus and in the Christian Kingdoms of the iberian Peninsula in the tenth century, although evidence of its scarce

    PAUL KUNITZSCH AND RICHARD LORCH, Theodosius, Sphaerica. Arabic and Medieval Latin Translations

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    Ibn al-Haytham and Jābir b. Aflah's criticism of Ptolemy's Determination of the Parameters of Mercury

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    Lunar mansions and timekeeping in Western Islam

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    A working edition of the table of lunar mansions by Ibn al-Raqqām in his Shāmil Zīj, is used as the basis for an analysis of two cases of the use of lunar mansions for the purpose of timekeeping. One of them corresponds to al- Judhāmī (an Andalusian author of the end of the 12th c. and beginning of the 13th c.) who uses the mediation of mansions to establish the beginning of dawn and obtains excellent results. The second author is the well-known Moroccan muwaqqit al-Jādirī (1375-c. 1416) whose data on the lunar mansions are also analysed