990 research outputs found

    Reflexiones sobre los factores que pueden condicionar el desarrollo de los deportistas de alto nivel

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    A raíz de una nueva orientación en el estudio de los deportistas expertos, desde una perspectiva sociocrítica, en los últimos años han surgido líneas de investigación cuyo objeto de estudio han sido las distintas variables que influyen en la formación del deportista experto. El objetivo del presente artículo es presentar los resultados de dichas investigaciones, analizando cómo deben ser contemplados dichos aspectos en el entrenamiento

    Characteristics of the dairy goat primary sector at the Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.

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    A survey was done based on 19 goat shepherds at counties of Centre-highlands, Northern and North-western regions of the Rio de Janeiro State and at the county of Pedra Dourada, Zona da Mata region, State of Minas Gerais. We aimed to characterise the primary sector of the goat milk production chain settled at those regions. Therefore, questionnaires were applied in order to depict profiles of the shepherds, their families, the role of the wife in the activity, the resources available, dependence on income generated by the activity, and how producers administrate their business. Farms were distributed in five strata according to the following daily milk production averages and standard deviations: 8.8 ± 0.9, 15.7 ± 3.9, 22.6 ± 2.7, 34.4 ± 3.4, and 183.8 ± 54.2 L/d. Approximately 42% of the interviewed producers conducted their activities according to a household production model and the income earned was exclusively from the dairy goat husbandry. Sons and daughters performed an important role in the business (27.80%), but most of them (62.73%) worked out at non farm activities. The percentage of wives that worked directly in the activity (@47%) indicated that it could contribute to gender equity in the rural environment. Most of the production systems (63.16%) presented positive gross margins. We have noticed, however, that shepherds perceived only the business gross margin and that the most accurate registries taken were those related to revenues. In general, producers of the higher strata were favoured by their larger production scale, but asymptotic behaviours for costs and amounts invested in animals, equipments and buildings were observed. These characteristics should be considered when policies related to the dairy goat primary sector have to be planned

    Analysis of critical moments in the league ACB 2007-08

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    The aim of this paper was to identify the variables that determine winning or losing in the critical moments of the basketball games. A total of forty one critical moments were analyzed, corresponding to 30 games of the regular season from the Spanish Professional League (ACB, season 2007-2008). Games were selected according to the definition of critical moments (described in the available literature), which corresponded to overtime and the last 5 minutes of games with score differences equal or below to six points. The results revealed better values in the winners in defensive rebounds and successful free-throws

    Game-related statistics that discriminated winning and losing teams from the spanish mens professional basketball teams

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    The purpose of the present study was to analyse men’s basketball competitions, trying to identify which game-related statistics allow to discriminate winning and losing teams. The sample used corresponded to 306 games from the 2004– 2005 Regular Season of the Spanish Men’s Professional League. The game-related statistics gathered were: 2 and 3 points field-goals (both successful and unsuccessful), free-throws (both successful and unsuccessful), offensive and defensive rebounds, blocks, assists, fouls, turnovers and steals. The data were analysed in two groups: balanced games (final score differences equal or below 12 points) and unbalanced games (final score differences above 12 points). Discriminant analysis allowed to conclude the following: (i) in balanced games, the variable that best differentiate both groups were the defensive rebounds; (ii) in unbalanced games, the variables that discriminate between both groups were the successful 2 points field-goals, the defensive rebounds and the assists; and (iii) in all games, the statistical analysis identified two variables that discriminate winning and losing teams (defensive rebounds and assists). The defensive rebounds were the only game-related statistic that discriminates both groups in all performed analysis. Coaches and players should be aware of these different profiles in order to increase knowledge about game cognitive and motor solicitation and, therefore, to enhance specificity at the time of practice and game planning

    Experience-related reductions of myelin and axon diameter in adulthood

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    The production of new myelin has been highlighted as an underappreciated mechanism of brain plasticity, but whether plastic decreases in myelin also happen in the adult brain has been largely unexplored. Recently, Sinclair et al. (Sinclair JS, Fischl MJ, Alexandrova O, Heß M, Grothe B, Leibold C, and Kopp-Scheinpflug C. J Neurosci 37: 8239–8255, 2017) have shown that auditory deprivation can lead to decrease in myelination and axon caliber even in healthy adulthood. These findings show that activity-regulated myelination is more complex than previously thought and expand our knowledge of how adult brain plasticity could operate on a cellular level

    Game location influences basketball players performance across playing positions.

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    Home advantage in sport has been the subject of much empirical work, although the 3 causes underlying this effect are still unclear. In team sports such as Basketball, available 4 literature has analyzed home versus away performances at a team level. The present study 5 investigated the presence of home advantage at the level of the individual player’s position. It 6 also attempted to identify a subset of game-related statistics that could discriminate home and 7 away performances according to each player’s position. To achieve these aims, archival data 8 were obtained from 225 games for the 2004-2005 Euroleague. Players were subdivided so 9 that the “point guards” and “offguards” were pooled as guards (n=493), the “small forwards” 10 and “power forwards” were grouped as forwards (n=485) and the centres (n=233). A 2x3 11 (game location: home and away; playing position: guards, forwards and centres) factorial 12 MANOVA followed by a discriminant analysis was performed. For the guards, the 13 discriminant function was significant and the game-related statistics that differentiated most 14 home and away performances were the successful two point field-goals, defensive rebounds, 15 assists, steals, blocks and committed fouls. The forwards’ home and away performances were 16 discriminated by successful free-throws, assists, steals, blocks and committed fouls. The 17 function for centres was non significant. Results suggested a differential effect of home 18 advantage in basketball players by role in the team, with guards from home teams playing 19 more assertively, whereas in away teams forwards played more assertively. These results 20 provide initial evidence to support a position specific approach when preparing for home and 21 away games in team sports

    Isomorphism, institutionalization and legitimacy : operational auditing at the court of auditors

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    Este trabalho objetiva verificar qual a relação entre o conceito de legitimidade e o fenômeno de institucionalização da atividade de auditoria operacional no Tribunal de Contas da União em um contexto de isomorfismo institucional. Foi realizado exame documental abrangendo o período de 1987 a 2004 e entrevistas com 18 pessoas envolvidas na referida atividade no TCU. Os resultados sugerem que existe relação entre isomorfismo e legitimidade, entretanto apenas no que se refere a um tipo de legitimidade. O fenômeno do isomorfismo atua no sentido de conferir legitimidade cognitiva, enquanto que atuam outros fatores, ligados a cultura e ao ambiente institucional do país, que interferem na dimensão da legitimidade moral, resultando na institucionalização da atividade em um nível secundário na organização analisada. Por fim, observou-se que o processo de instituticionalização, no caso presente, apresenta característica circular, no qual as fases de inovação, difusão, saturação parcial e desinstitucionalização parcial se sucedem de forma cíclica, modificando a atividade de auditoria operacional ao longo do tempo no TCU.The aim of this paper is to verify the nature of the relationship between the concept of legitimacy and the phenomenon of institutionalization of operational auditing at the Court of Auditors in a context of institutional isomorphism. A documental examination was conducted covering the period of 1987 to 2004 and 18 people involved in the aforementioned activity at the Court of Auditors were interviewed. The results suggest that there is a relationship between isomorphism and legitimacy but only concerning one type of legitimacy. The phenomenon of isomorphism acts in the sense of checking cognitive legitimacy while other factors are at work which are connected to the culture and institutional environment of the country, which interfere in the dimension of moral legitimacy, resulting in institutionalization of the activity at a secondary level in the analyzed organization. It was seen that the process of institutionalization, in this case, has a circular characteristic, in which the phases of innovation, diffusion, partial saturation and partial deinstitutionalization follow one another cyclically, modifying the activity of operational auditing over time at the Court of Auditors

    Estudos de economia rural do Minho. O gado.

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    4 (2) Abr.-Jun. 1887, p. 77-106

    Resposta a uma pergunta. Convirá promover uma exposição industrial em Guimarães?.

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    1 (1) Jan.-Mar. 1884, p. 25-34

    As Vilas do Norte de Portugal.

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    13 (1) Jan.-Mar. 1896, p. 19-2