367 research outputs found

    ScannerS: Constraining the phase diagram of a complex scalar singlet at the LHC

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    We present the first version of a new tool to scan the parameter space of generic scalar potentials, ScannerS. The main goal of ScannerS is to help distinguish between different patterns of symmetry breaking for each scalar potential. In this work we use it to investigate the possibility of excluding regions of the phase diagram of several versions of a complex singlet extension of the Standard Model, with future LHC results. We find that if another scalar is found, one can exclude a phase with a dark matter candidate in definite regions of the parameter space, while predicting whether a third scalar to be found must be lighter or heavier. The first version of the code is publicly available and contains various generic core routines for tree level vacuum stability analysis, as well as implementations of collider bounds, dark matter constraints, electroweak precision constraints and tree level unitarity.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables. Project development webpage - http://gravitation.web.ua.pt/Scanner

    NLO electroweak corrections in general scalar singlet models

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    If no new physics signals are found, in the coming years, at the Large Hadron Collider Run-2, an increase in precision of the Higgs couplings measurements will shift the dicussion to the effects of higher order corrections. In Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) theories this may become the only tool to probe new physics. Extensions of the Standard Model (SM) with several scalar singlets may address several of its problems, namely to explain dark matter, the matter-antimatter asymmetry, or to improve the stability of the SM up to the Planck scale. In this work we propose a general framework to calculate one loop-corrections in BSM models with an arbitrary number of scalar singlets. We then apply our method to a real and to a complex scalar singlet models. We assess the importance of the one-loop radiative corrections first by computing them for a tree level mixing sum constraint, and then for the main Higgs production process ggHgg \to H. We conclude that, for the currently allowed parameter space of these models, the corrections can be at most a few percent. Notably, a non-zero correction can survive when dark matter is present, in the SM-like limit of the Higgs couplings to other SM particles.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figure

    The effects of sovereign credit rating downgrades on investment-to-price sensitivity

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    Dissertação de mestrado in FinanceThis work examines how changes in the information environment affect real investment decisions. The information contained in stock prices, accordingly to the managerial learning hypothesis, can guide managers’ investment decision; a deterioration in the informational environment should thus affect negatively decision-making. Sovereign credit rating downgrades, as an exogenous information shock, test this prediction by analyzing changes in the sensitivity of investment to stock prices, using a difference-indifferences methodology. Following a worsening in the informational environment, results find a decrease in investment-to-price sensitivity. The decrease in the investment-to-price sensitivity is stronger for investment grade rating home government’ firms, than for non-investment grade rating home government’ firms, following a worsening in the informational environment. Results also evidence that the stock price of investment grade rating home government’ firms have negative and statistically significant relationship with investment. Finally, results document an increase on the investment-to-price sensitivity during the late 2000’s crisis relative to the period before, but a higher decrease following a worsening in the macroeconomic fundamentals.Este trabalho examina como as mudanças no ambiente de informação afectam as decisões de investimento reais. A informação contida nos preços das acções, de acordo com a managerial learning hypothesis , pode direccionar as decisões de investimento dos gestores; então, uma deterioração do ambiente informacional deve afectar a tomada de decisões de forma negativa. Os downgrades nos ratings dos créditos soberanos são considerados um choque informacional exógeno, para testar a previsão anterior, analisando as mudanças na sensibilidade do investimento para os preços das acções, utilizando uma metodologia de diferenças em diferenças. Na sequência da deterioração do ambiente informacional, os resultados encontram uma diminuição na sensibilidade investimento-preço. Na sequência de um agravamento do ambiente informacional, a diminuição da sensibilidade do investimento-preço é mais forte nas empresas cujos governos estão classificados como nível de investimento do que para as empresas cujos governos estão classificados como nível de não investimento. Os resultados também revelam que o preço das acções das empresas, cujos governos estão classificados como nível de investimento, tem uma relação negativa e estatisticamente significativa com o investimento. Finalmente, os resultados documentam um aumento na sensibilidade do investimento para preços durante a crise dos finais dos anos de 2000, em relação ao período anterior, mas um decréscimo mais elevado após uma deterioração nos fundamentos macroeconómicos

    Wrong sign and symmetric limits and non-decoupling in 2HDMs

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    We analyse the possibility that, in two Higgs doublet models, one or more of the Higgs couplings to fermions or to gauge bosons change sign, relative to the respective Higgs Standard Model couplings. Possible sign changes in the coupling of a neutral scalar to charged ones are also discussed. These \textit{wrong signs} can have important physical consequences, manifesting themselves in Higgs production via gluon fusion or Higgs decay into two gluons or into two photons. We consider all possible wrong sign scenarios, and also the \textit{symmetric limit}, in all possible Yukawa implementations of the two Higgs doublet model, in two different possibilities: the observed Higgs boson is the lightest CP-even scalar, or the heaviest one. We also analyse thoroughly the impact of the currently available LHC data on such scenarios. With all 8 TeV data analysed, all wrong sign scenarios are allowed in all Yukawa types, even at the 1σ\sigma level. However, we will show that B-physics constraints are crucial in excluding the possibility of wrong sign scenarios in the case where tanβ\tan \beta is below 1. We will also discuss the future prospects for probing the wrong sign scenarios at the next LHC run. Finally we will present a scenario where the alignment limit could be excluded due to non-decoupling in the case where the heavy CP-even Higgs is the one discovered at the LHC.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figure

    Intrinsic quantum dynamics and its measurement through local-in-position weak values

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    Due to quantum backaction, generalized positive-operator valued measurements without post-selection happen to be invasive for superposition states. This precludes a clear-cut definition of intrinsic (i.e. measurement-independent) dynamical properties such as, for example, a coherent quantum work.On the contrary, certain weak values, i.e., including a particular post-selction rule, are, by construction, free from quantum backaction effects and hence provide apparatus-independent information. In this work we will prove the existence of a one-to-one correspondence between any local-in-position weak value and the intrinsic Bohmian property associated to the corresponding observable. Therefore, intrinsic Bohmian properties, independent of the measuring apparatus by definition and measurable through local-in-position weak values, can be understood as a genuine representation of the unperturbed/intrinsic dynamics of coherent quantum systems.The dwell time, the work distribution and the high-frequency electrical current defined for quantum systems are shown to be paradigmatic examples of the physical soundness of intrinsic Bohmian properties

    Qualidade, Certificação e Emprego. Contribuição para o Recrutamento e Retenção nas Fileiras

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    Este trabalho de investigação tem como objectivo verificar a forma como o modelo de formação adoptado pelas Forças Armadas, dentro do actual paradigma de Forças Armadas profissionalizadas, tem respondido às necessidades de recrutamento e retenção nas fileiras. Incidimos exclusivamente sobre a formação profissional daqueles que se destinam aos Regimes de Voluntariado e de Contrato e cujas habilitações académicas não correspondem a nenhuma qualificação escolar de nível superior já orientada para uma área profissional. Após um enquadramento conceptual e legislativo do tema, analisamos a realidade existente nos três ramos, quer em termos de como o sistema de formação se enquadra com os requisitos de qualidade, certificação e emprego, como da forma que os militares, durante o seu período de contrato, se posicionam sobre a questão da importância da formação tanto escolar como profissional. É analisada ainda a realidade existente, neste âmbito, em alguns dos países europeus pertencentes à Aliança Atlântica, de forma a concluir até que ponto a nossa realidade se replica neles. Terminamos com uma análise em termos de potencialidades, vulnerabilidades do sistema de formação existente, e quais as oportunidades e ameaças com que se confronta, propondo linhas de acção a serem seguidas de forma a incrementar a sua eficácia na contribuição para o processo de aumento de qualificações certificadas da população portuguesa. Abstract: This research work aims to verify how the model of training adopted by the Armed Forces, within the current paradigm of professionalized Armed Forces, has responded to the needs of recruitment and active duty. It focus exclusively on the training of those who intended to volunteer to non-permanent staff and whose academic qualifications do not correspond to any kind of higher level qualifications already oriented to a professional area. After a conceptual and legal framework of the topic, we will analyze the existing reality in the three branches of the Armed Forces, either in terms of how the training system fits the requirements of quality, certification and employment as the way the military personnel, during the period of their contract, approach the importance of both academic and vocational training. We will also study the existing reality, in this context, in some European countries belonging to the Alliance in order to conclude the extent to which our reality is similar to them. We will finish with an analysis in terms of capabilities, vulnerabilities of the existing training system, and what opportunities and threats the system faces. Finally we propose some courses of action to be followed in order to increase the training system effectiveness in order to contribute to the process of certified qualifications improvement of the Portuguese population


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    The present article is intended to evaluate the quality of training and initial vocational qualification of young people, of professional courses secondary levels, with school accreditation and professional qualification of level IV. In that sense, it´s intended to know the perspective of students of professional courses in various areas of knowledge, their perceptions and expectations about the quality observed in a vocational education organization in Alentejo – Portugal through the SERVQUAL methodology. With this work it is shown that, on the one hand, the continuous improvement in the quality of vocational training process brings new approaches and best strategies in order to achieve competitive and sustainable development. On the other, it was found that the need for investment in quality management systems must not be separated from the acquisition of specific knowledge, justifying the analysis of perceptions of trainees in vocational education