554 research outputs found

    Additive antitumor effect of plant polyphenols and synthetic inhibitors of polyamines biosynthesis

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    National Economies Intellectualization Evaluating in the World Economy

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    The state of national economies development varies and is characterized by many indicators. Economically developed countries are known as doubtless leaders that are in progress and form political stability, social and economics standards, scientific and technical progress and determine future priorities. It is worth mentioning that the progressive development of national economies in conditions of globalization can take place only in case of the increase of their intellectualization level, through saturation of people`s life, economic relations and production by brain activity, knowledge, creativity, innovation, culture, ethical considering of the historical heritage. The main aim of the research is national economies intellectualization evaluating in globalization conditions. In order to gain this aim, the following tasks were defined: to identify existing indices of the national economies intellectualization level evaluation, develop the authors’ methodological approach to the national economies intellectualization level, determine the areas of measurement results application. While conducting the research, systematic approach, the methods of analysis, synthesis, grouping, abstracting, generalization, imaginary experiment and grounding were used. In the modern world, there are a large number of indicators which characterize differences in intellectual state of the national economy. When comparing the state of national economies intellectualization, the problems arise with different number of countries, duplication of indicators, disproportionate number of the components of indicators, various years of publication, etc. Therefore, to ensure comparability, we choose four general indicators – the index of human development, the global innovation index, the global competitiveness index and the knowledge economy index. Using these indices, we do the research and determine the state of national economies intellectualization in the world economy. According to the calculated results, as of 2013, we have divided 190 national economies by level of intellectualization into five groups: countries with the highest (30 countries), high (30 (countries), low (30 countries), the lowest (35 countries) and the countries with uncertain state of intellectualization (65 countries). The leaders in the state of intellectualization are Switzerland, Sweden, The Netherlands, Finland and the USA. The countries with the highest level of intellectualization serve as an example to all other countries of the world. These countries are characterized by developed market economy; a dominant position in the international economy, which allows actively engaging own and imported resources in the economic turnover; the shift of the center of gravity of economic activity into the services sector and the dominance of service economy; the greatest exhaustion of sources and factors of industrial development; advanced post-industrial development. The economic policy of the first group of countries has a decisive influence on the state and dynamics of the global economy, defining the main directions of its scientific and technological development and structural adjustment. The average index of the national economy intellectualization (AINEI), calculated by the authors, shows the place of each country in the world community as to their intellectual capital. Considering the continued deployment of R&D progress, the growing role of high-tech production and the complexity of social and economic relations, AINEI can serve as a reliable indicator of the macroeconomic environment intellectualization state. Therefore, the following organizations, bodies and individuals can use the comparative results of this study: the international organizations while developing international economic development programs; the state authorities of the countries in foreign and domestic policy forming; companies that create innovative and investment policy; migrants, tourists and persons who perform professional and transit activity for the formation of human potential and capital; scientists and teachers who develop mechanisms of intellectualization

    An experience of distant consumers power supply by means of the renewables given specific conditions

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    Local renewable energy resources (RES) are often considered as an alternative to the conventional power supply by means of power lines. This is an urgent approach for rural electrification if there are long distances from main substations, and distribution feeders’ construction and service is not cost-effective for grid companies. Nevertheless, the real potential for RES implementation at some regions could be limited by economic, geographical and climatic factors especially. The paper gives a review of the experience of power supply type selection for distant consumers given the specific northern continental conditions. The main goal of the paper is the methods estimating technical and economical efficiency of power supply system alternatives including centralized power supply and standalone microgrid implementation to select suitable power supply variant. © 2016, European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ). All rights reserved.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 13.1928.2014/KThe work was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006 and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (in the framework of state assignment, №13.1928.2014/K (project №1928))

    An Improved Limit on Invisible Decays of Positronium

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    The results of a new search for positronium decays into invisible final states are reported. Convincing detection of this decay mode would be a strong evid ence for new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM): for example the existence of extra--dimensions, of milli-charged particles, of new light gauge bosons or of mirror particles. Mirror matter could be a relevant dark matter candidate. In this paper the setup and the results of a new experiment are presented. In a collected sample of about (6.31±0.28)×106(6.31\pm0.28) \times 10^6 orthopositronium decay s, no evidence for invisible decays in an energy window [0,80] keV was found and an upper limit on the branching ratio of orthopositronium \invdecay could be set: \binvdecay<4.2\times 10^{-7} (90% C.L.) Our results provide a limit on the photon mirror-photon mixing strength ϵ1.55×107\epsilon \leq 1.55\times 10^{-7} (90% C.L.) and rule out particles lighter than the electron mass with a fraction Qx3.4×105Q_x \leq 3.4 \times 10^{-5} of the electron charge. Furthermore, upper limits on the branching ratios for the decay of parapositronium Br(pPsinvisible)4.3×107Br(p-Ps\to invisible)\leq 4.3 \times 10^{-7} (90% C.L.) and the direct annihilation Br(e+einvisible)2.1×108Br(e^+e^-\to invisible)\leq 2.1 \times 10^{-8} (90% C.L.) could be set.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, added references, fixed limit on millicharged particles and changed two plots accordingl

    Measurement of the η\eta -η\eta' mixing angle in π\pi^{-} and KK^{-} beams with GAMS-4π4\pi Setup

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    The results of mixing angle measurement for η\eta', η\eta mesons generated in charge exchange reactions with π\pi^{-} and KK^{-} beams are preseneted. When the η\eta', η\eta mesons are described in nonstrange(NS)--strange(S) quark basis the π\pi^{-} and KK^{-} beams allow to study ηq>|\eta_{q}> and ηs>|\eta_{s}> parts of the meson wave function. The cross section ratio at t=0t'=0 (GeV/c)2^{2} in the π\pi^{-} beam is Rπ(η/η)=0.56±0.04R_{\pi}(\eta'/\eta)= 0.56 \pm 0.04, results in mixing angle ϕP=(36.8±1.)o\phi_{P} = (36.8 \pm 1.)^{o} . For KK^{-} beam the ratio is RK(η/η)=1.30±0.16R_{K}(\eta'/\eta)= 1.30 \pm 0.16. It was found that gluonium content in η\eta' is sin2ψG=0.15±0.06\sin^{2}\psi_{G}= 0.15 \pm 0.06. The experiment was carried out with GAMS-4π\pi Setup.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, to be submitted in European physical journal C. Minor changes, the Bibliography extende

    Genre Originality of Travel Cycle in Modern Russian Poetry (“Indian cycle” by V. Polozkova)

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    The article is devoted to the study of genre features of the lyrical cycle of travel in modern poetry on the example of “Indian Cycle” (2008) by Vera Polozkova. The relevance of the study is due to the need to comprehend the lyrical cycle of travel as a synthetic genre form, in the structure of which various kinds of changes take place, first of all, genre features of the lyric cycle and travelogue are synthesized. The study of this genre form makes it possible not only to determine the originality of the author's creative manner and his place in the modern literary process, but also to trace the main trends in the development of the lyric cycle of travel in modern Russian poetry as a whole. The novelty of the research lies in the identification of genre, problem-thematic, compositional features of the “Indian Cycle”, which makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the expansion of the genre-typological features of the travel cycle due to additional lyrical motives (landscape, philosophical, love). It is established that the lyrical cycle of V. Polozkova’s travel is built along a real geographical route, the image of the country being visited becomes a plot-forming basis. In the course of the study, the peculiarities of the artistic perception of the geographical, cultural and historical space of the eastern country, national spirit and attributes are revealed. The features of the influence of the travel route on the inner world of the lyrical heroine are analyzed. Cultural codes and clichés associated with stereotypical perception of India are being rethought. The work proves that V. Polozkova's "Indian Cycle" clearly demonstrates the trend of genre synthesis emerging in contemporary poetry

    Complex treatment of generalized periodontitis at the patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 and prevention of postoperative complications

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    The aim of our research is to improve the efficiency of reconstructive treatment of generalized periodontitis and prevention of postoperative complications at the patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 by using various types of autologous platelet rich fibrin, photodynamic therapy and immunocorrecting therapy. Methods. We used modern clinical, immunological and biochemical methods of research that have been conducted in 96 patients with generalized periodontitis with diabetes mellitus type 2 before and after flap operations with the usage of different types of autologous platelet rich fibrin. Results. To test the modified method of reconstructive treatment of generalized periodontitis was formed two groups: in the main group treatment was carried out according to the developed method (56 patients); in the comparison group treatment was carried by the conventional protocol (40 patients). Final analysis of the results revealed that in the main group the restoration of bone tissue more than 75% was observed in 85.7% of cases. In the comparison group, a complete regeneration of bone tissue after 12 months was observed in 67.5% of cases. Conclusions. To optimize the recovery of periodontal bone defects in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 was proposed an improved method of surgical treatment, which comprises the use of autologous injection platelet rich fibrin (i-PRF) with autologous advanced platelet rich fibrin membranes (a-PRF), which allows to reduce the healing time of wounds by an average of 2,8±0,4 days and to achieve full recovery of bone tissue in 85.7% of cases. Цель исследования. Повышение эффективности реконструктивного лечения генерализованного пародонтита и профилактика послеоперационных осложнений у больных сахарным диабетом 2 типа путем использования различных видов аутогенного богатого тромбоцитами фибрина, фотодинамической и иммунокоррегирующей терапии. Методы. В работе использованы современные клинические, иммунологические и биохимические методы исследования, которые были проведены у 96 пациентов, страдающих генерализованным пародонтитом, отягощенным сахарным диабетом 2 типа до и после хирургических вмешательств на пародонте с применением различных видов аутогенного богатого тромбоцитами фибрина. Результаты. Для апробации модифицированного способа реконструктивного лечения генерализованного пародонтита сформировано 2 группы: в основной группе лечение осуществлялось по разработанному методу (56 пациентов); в группе сопоставления – по общепринятому протоколу (40 пациентов). Итоговый анализ полученных результатов показал, что в основной группе восстановление костной ткани более 75% отмечалось у 85,7% случаев. В сравниваемой группе полноценная регенерации костной ткани через 12 месяцев после оперативного лечения наблюдалась у 67,5% случаев. Выводы. Для оптимизации восстановления костных дефектов пародонта у больных сахарным диабетом 2 типа предложен усовершенствованный метод хирургического лечения, предусматривающий применение аутогенного жидкого фибрина, богатого тромбоцитами (i-PRF), с аутогенными фибриновыми мембранами, богатыми тромбоцитами (a-PRF), позволяющий сократить сроки заживления раны в среднем на 2,8±0,4 дня и добиться полноценного восстановления костной ткани у 85,7% случаев

    On the possibility of observing tetraquarks in the K+ beam

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    Various models of tetraquark generation in the reaction K+pT(us;sˉsˉ)XK^{+} p \rightarrow T (us; \bar{s}\bar{s})X are considered. The predictions for corresponding inclusive spectra were evaluated at the energy 32 and 250 GeV.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables, 22 ref


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    Experience of authors on development of distance education at ENT is represented in the article. It is indicated on advantages of such studies, its methodological principles, offered the system of selection on studies.В статье представлен наш опыт по созданиию системы дистанционного обучения в оториноларингологии. Указано на преимущества такой учебы, ее методологические принципы, предложено систему отбора на обучение.У статті висвітлено наш досвід зі створення системи дистанційного навчання в оториноларингології. Вказано переваги такого навчання, його методологічні засади, запропоновано систему відбору на навчання


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    The lecture presents the most commonly utilized nonparametric methods of statistical investigations with the view of objectivization and standardization of research and  to aid  defenders of theses and applicants in selecting appropriative techniques  of numerous existing mathematical methods.  Special attention is paid to investigations with censored (incomplete) data.Для объективизации и стандартизации научных исследований, а также с целью помощи молодым ученым-оториноларингологам в выборе математических методов в данной работе рассматриваются наиболее используемые в диссертационных исследованиях непараметрические методы оценки достоверности исследований. Особое внимание уделено исследованиям с цензурированными (неполными) данными.Для об’єктивізування та стандартизації наукових досліджень, а також з метою допомоги молодим науковцям-оториноларингологам у виборі математичних методів у даній роботі розглядаються непараметричні методи оцінки достовірності досліджень, які найчастіше використовуються в дисертаційних дослідженнях. Особлива увага приділена дослідженням з цензурованими (неповними) даними