389 research outputs found

    Additive antitumor effect of plant polyphenols and synthetic inhibitors of polyamines biosynthesis

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    The method of checking equations for energy resources flows data validating

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    The development of energy resources flows verifying methods is aimed primarily at automatic energy accounting systems improvement. Creation of the hi-technology energy resources metering and accounting systems supports the practical application of the total energy efficiency concept and enables the financial mutual settlements between the parties to be improved. The paper presents an advanced mathematical method of checking equations (CE) for monitoring the validity of metering data in the energy transportation networks. The analysis of CE mismatches allows all the measurements of any energy resource flows to be divided into four groups: true, false, uncertain and untestable (critical). The method proposed in the paper gives an opportunity to detect bad data and its source. Also, it provides for a bad data filtering at the stage of data acquisition. © 2013, European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ). All rights reserved

    A mathematical method of energy resources flows data validating using the state estimation theory

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    The energy efficiency improvement is known to start with creating the hi-technology energy resources metering and accounting system which enables the financial mutual settlements between the parties to be improved. With data errors or data loss due to any process failures, the financial consequences may turn out to be severe. As a rule, currently existing methods for energy billing imply a posteriori detection of gross errors in the measurements, which often leads to heated arguments of the parties involved and sometimes results in litigation. The paper presents a mathematical method for monitoring the validity of metering data in the energy transportation networks. The method proposed in the paper gives an opportunity to improve the reliability of measurements of energy, to smoothen inaccurate measurements and slight inconsistencies. Also, it provides for a bad data filtering at the stage of data acquisition. Taking into account developing the production infrastructure and increasing attention being paid to energy efficiency, the methodology is very promising. © 2012, European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ). All rights reserved

    An experience of distant consumers power supply by means of the renewables given specific conditions

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    Local renewable energy resources (RES) are often considered as an alternative to the conventional power supply by means of power lines. This is an urgent approach for rural electrification if there are long distances from main substations, and distribution feeders’ construction and service is not cost-effective for grid companies. Nevertheless, the real potential for RES implementation at some regions could be limited by economic, geographical and climatic factors especially. The paper gives a review of the experience of power supply type selection for distant consumers given the specific northern continental conditions. The main goal of the paper is the methods estimating technical and economical efficiency of power supply system alternatives including centralized power supply and standalone microgrid implementation to select suitable power supply variant. © 2016, European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ). All rights reserved.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 13.1928.2014/KThe work was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006 and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (in the framework of state assignment, №13.1928.2014/K (project №1928))

    Formation of Consumption Properties of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) Sauce

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    The aim of the study is to form consumption properties of a green sweet pepper sauce with a balanced content of macro- and microelements. Due to the use of Xanthium strumarium and chitosan a new product has high organoleptic properties that attract a consumer and increase its competitiveness at the market.Sweet green pepper that relates to most valuable vegetable cultures as to food value and taste was chosen as a main component of a sauce. For giving it a necessary consistence and for decreasing a time of thermal processing, there was used chitosan. According to results of the conducted studies, it was established, that among studied types of chitosan, advantages as to forming a consistence belongs to food acid-soluble chitosan with particle sizes up to 0,5 mm in amount 0,5 %.For preserving the natural green color, pepper fruits were preliminarily processed in 1 % decoction of Xanthium strumarium at temperature 75ºС during 15 min. For increasing its food value, the recipe was added with spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials: garlic, dill, parsley, celery.The sauce quality was formed by mathematical modeling using general criteria of optimization of organoleptic parameters. There were also determined specific criteria of optimization of the recipe composition taking into account their daily need. As a result of the conducted studies the composition of recipe components for the sauce was optimized: sweet pepper 80 %, garlic leaves – 5 %, parsley leaves,dill – 5 %, celery leaves – 5 %, salt – 1,5 %, sugar – 0,5 %, chitosan – 0,5 %.There were studied organoleptic parameters of the developed sauce, characterized by a pleasant bright-green color, homogenous paste-like consistence, pleasant taste and smell. The used stabilizing factors allowed to get the sauce with the increased content of essential factors of nutrition. They participate in the increase of protective forces of the organism, so allow to recommend them in prophylactic, child and dietary nutrition

    The influence of non-vacuum electron-beam facing on the structure of Ti-Ta layers formed on the surface of VT1-0 alloy

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    The influence of electron-beam facing modes on the structure of Ti-Ta layers formed on the surface of commercially pure titanium VT1-0 has been studied in the paper. The mode of the electron-beam treatment of alloying powder mixture, by which there were no defects in the pad, has been identified. The methods of optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy have shown that in pads there is dendritic segregation typical for the process of initial crystallisation. At greater magnifications it is possible to observe a structure of the laminar type. The X-ray phase analysis of titanium-tantalum layers justifies the presence of two phases: a hexagonal [alpha]'-phase and a cubic ([beta]-phase of titanium)

    Estimating distributed generation reliability level

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    The paper considers the reliability level of different distributed generation units. The world comparative statistics of reliability parameters depending on the unit capacity and other influencing factors are presented. The study includes an analysis of possible approaches to the correction of statistical parameters under the particular conditions. The calculation and analysis of structural reliability parameters for a group of distributed generation units is performed. It is shown that conventional N+1 reliability principle is not enough for distributed generation given a great number of operation conditions. A set of N+n principles is proposed according to the required distributed generation reliability level. Considering the reliability parameters is of great importance for the selection of installed power and the structure of distributed generation for industrial and household facilities under the design and evaluation of its technical and economic efficiency. Gradual growth of the share of distributed generation in power and energy balances of power systems raises the issue of its reliability calculation and regulation. The results obtained in the paper are also important for the maintenance, planning of repairs, and providing necessary logistics solution for the delivery of spare parts and consumables to generating plants. © European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ). All rights reserved.The work was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006

    Energy flow problem solution based on state estimation approaches and smart meter data

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    Accurate electric energy (EE) measurements and billing estimations in a power system necessitate the development of an energy flow distribution model. This paper summarizes the results of investigations on a new problem related to the determination of EE flow in a power system over time intervals ranging from minutes to years. The problem is referred to as the energy flow problem (EFP). Generally, the grid state and topology may fluctuate over time. An attempt to use instantaneous (not integral) power values obtained from telemetry to solve classical electrical engineering equations leads to significant modeling errors, particularly with topology changes. A promoted EFP model may be suitable in the presence of such topological and state changes. Herein, EE flows are determined using state estimation approaches based on direct EE measurement data in Watt-hours (Volt-ampere reactive-hours) provided by electricity meters. The EFP solution is essential for a broad set of applications, including meter data validation, zero unbalance EE billing, and nontechnical EE loss check. © 202

    Ефективність хірургічних методів лікування гастродуоденальних виразкових кровотеч на тлі коморбідного цукрового діабету

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    The aim of the work: to analyze the results of different methods of surgical treatment of gastroduodenal bleeding on the background of comorbid DM, to distinguish the prognostic criteria. Materials and Methods. 319 patients with ulcerative gastroduodenal bleeding undergone hemostatic drug therapy were operated and they formed the main group of the follow-up. The comparison group included 623 patients receiving only similar medical treatment. Comorbid DM was diagnosed in 15 % of the patients of the main group and 18 % of the comparison group. 34 % of the operated patients had ulcers of the stomach and 58 % – duodenal ulcers, the other 9 % – the combination of both. The average age of the observed patients was 49 years old, the duration of the disease manifestation – 7 years, the duration of bleeding – 44 hours, the severity index – 6 r.u., the severity of bleeding – 2.5 points. Results and Discussion. Comorbid DM determines a more pronounced severity of ulcerative gastroduodenal bleeding, a greater frequency of its jet character, wall blood leakage from ulcers and the development of hemorrhagic shock before surgical treatment, it is a risk factor for the recurrences of bleeding in the postoperative period and it significantly worsens the survival of patients. Thus the operations of choice in such patients with DM include excision of ulcers with parallel application of sympathetic proximal vagotonia, resection by Bilrot-1 and Barry-Hill, and, the initial level of glycosylated hemoglobin more than 9 % has prognostic significance in relation to the lack of effectiveness of further surgical measures. In the context of the prognostic criterion of the recurrences of gastroduodenal ulcerative bleeding in the patients with comorbid DM after surgery, it is recommended to use an insulin resistance index of more than 30 r.u., a predictive criterion for the patients’ life is the level of glycemia more than 17 mmol/l.Цель работы: проанализировать результаты разных методов хирургического лечения гастродуоденальных кровотечений на фоне коморбидного сахарного диабета (СД), выделить прогностические критерии. Материалы и методы. Прооперированы 319 больных с язвенными гастродуоденальными кровотечениями с последующим проведением гемостатической медикаментозной терапии, которые составили основную группу наблюдения. В группу сравнения вошли 623 пациента, получавших только аналогичное медикаментозное лечение. Коморбидный СД диагностирован у 15 % от числа больных основной группы и 18 % группы сравнения. 34 % прооперированных больных имели язвы желудка, 58 % – язвы двенадцатиперстной кишки, остальные 9 % – их сочетания. Средний возраст наблюдаемых больных составил 49 лет, длительность манифестации заболевания – 7 лет, продолжительность кровотечения – 44 ч, индекс тяжести болезни – 6 о. е., тяжести кровотечения – 2,5 балла. Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. Коморбидный СД определяет более выраженную тяжесть язвенных гастродуоденальных кровотечений, большую частоту его струйного характера, постеночного подтекания крови из язв и развитие геморрагического шока перед началом хирургического лечения, является фактором риска рецидивов кровотечений в послеоперационном периоде и значительно ухудшает выживаемость больных, а к операциям выбора у таких пациентов с СД относятся иссечение язв с параллельным применением симпатической проксимальной ваготонии, резекции по Бильроту-1 и Барри–Хиллу, причем исходный уровень гликозилированного гемоглобина более 9 % обладает прогностической значимостью в отношении недостаточной эффективности дальнейших хирургических мероприятий. В контексте прогностического критерия рецидивов гастродуоденальных язвенных кровотечений у больных с коморбидным СД после выполненных хирургических вмешательств рекомендуется использовать показатель инсулинорезистентности более 30 o. e., а прогнознегативным критерием в отношении жизни больных является уровень гликемии более 17 ммоль/л.Мета роботи: проаналізувати результати різних методів хірургічного лікування гастродуоденальних кровотеч на тлі коморбідного цукрового діабету (ЦД), виділити прогностичні критерії. Матеріали і методи. Прооперовано 319 хворих із виразковими гастродуоденальними кровотечами з подальшим проведенням гемостатичної медикаментозної терапії, які склали основну групу спостереження. В групу порівняння увійшли 623 хворих, що отримували тільки аналогічне медикаментозне лікування. Коморбідний ЦД діагностовано у 15 % з числа хворих основної групи і 18 % групи порівняння. 34 % прооперованих пацієнтів мали виразки шлунка, 58 % – виразки дванадцятипалої кишки, інші 9 % – їх поєднання. Середній вік хворих склав 49 років, тривалість маніфестації захворювання – 7 років, тривалість кровотечі – 44 години, індекс тяжкості хвороби – 6 в. о., тяжкість кровотечі – 2,5 бала. Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Коморбідний ЦД визначає більш виразну тяжкість виразкових гастродуоденальних кровотеч, більшу частоту його струминного характеру, постінкового підтікання крові з виразок та розвиток геморагічного шоку перед початком хірургічного лікування, є чинником ризику рецидивів кровотеч у післяопераційному періоді й значно погіршує виживаність хворих, а до операцій вибору у таких пацієнтів із ЦД належать вирізання виразок із паралельним застосуванням симпатичної проксимальної ваготонії, резекції за Більротом-1 і Баррі–Хіллом, причому початковий рівень глікозованого гемоглобіну більше 9 % має прогностичну значущість відносно недостатньої ефективності подальших хірургічних заходів. У контексті прогностичного критерію рецидивів гастродуоденальних виразкових кровотеч у хворих з коморбідним ЦД після виконаних хірургічних втручань рекомендується використовувати показник інсулінорезистентності понад 30 в. о., а прогнознегативним критерієм відносно життя хворих є рівень глікемії більше 17 ммоль/л