27 research outputs found

    Implementasi Alat Ukur Kapasitansi Digital (Digital Capacitance Meter) berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    Intisari – Kapasitansi Meter merupakan alat yang penting bagi seorang perancang elektronika, karena sangat berguna dalam perancangan dan pembuatan suatu rangkaian elektronika yang membutuhkan keakuratan nilai kapasitansi dari kapasitor yang digunakan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan dan implementasi sebuah alat ukur kapasitansi secara digital (digital capacitance meter) menggunakan  mikrokontroler.  Kata kunci --  Alat ukur Kapasitansi, digital, Mikrokontroler, Kapasitansi meter digitalAbstract - Capacitance meter is an important device for an electronic designer, since it is useful for designing an electronic circuits that need the accurate value of capacitor. The project is aimed to design and implement a digital capacitance meter by using microcontroller.Keywords --  Capacitance Meter, digital, Microcontroller, digital capacitance mete


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    Ultracapacitor usually use as a short-term duration electrical energy storage because it has several advantages, like high power density (5kW/kg), long lifecycle and very good charge/discharge efficiency. Unlike batteries, ultracapacitors may be charged and discharged at similar rates. This is very useful in energy recovery systems such as dynamic braking of transport systems.  Here are a few characteristics of ultracapacitors that should be kept in mind when integrating/designing a charging system for the intended application. An ultracapacitor with zero charge looks like a short circuit to the charging source. Most of low cost power supplies fold back the output current in response to a perceived short circuit, making them unsuitable for charging of ultracapacitors. Ultracapacitors have a low series inductance allowing easy stabilizing with switch mode chargers. The RC time constant of passive charging networks is usually too long. Therefore, linear regulators are inefficient components for ultracapacitor charging. In this paper, the development of a current control ultracapacitor charger based on Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is presented.

    Analisis dan Visualisasi Representasi Deret Fourier Gelombang Sinyal Periodik Menggunakan MATLAB

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    Intisari---Tulisan ini membahas tentang penggunaan program MATLAB untuk memvisualisasikan representasi deret fourier dari gelombang sinyal periodik. Sebagai contoh kasus diambil dua buah sinyal yang sangat sering digunakan sebagai sinyal masukan pada rangkaian listrik dan elektronika yaitu sinyal gelombang gigi gergaji dan sinyal gelombang persegi. Kata kunci---gelombang sinyal periodik, gelombang gigi gergaji, gelombang persegi, deret fourier.   Abstract---This paper discusses the use of MATLAB program to visualize the Fourier series representation of a periodic signal waveform. As an example case, the analysis is done for two periodic signals that are often used as an input signal to the electrical and electronic circuit is a sawtooth wave signal and a square wave signal. Keywords---periodic signal wave, sawtooth wave, square wave, Fourier series


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    The 18-pulse converter, using Y or D-connected differential autotransformer, is very interesting since it allows natural high power factor correction. The lowest input current harmonic components are the 17th and 19th. The Transformer is designed to feed three six-pulse bridge rectifiers displaced in phase by 200. This paper present a high power factor three-phase rectifier bases on 3-phase to 9-phase transformer and 18-pulse rectifier. The 9-phase polygon-connected transformer followed by 18-pulse diode rectifiers ensures the fundamental concept of natural power factor correction. Simulation results to verify the proposed concept are shown in this paper.

    Rancang Bangun Inverter 1 Phasa dengan Kontrol Pembangkit Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

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    Intisari---Inverter merupakan salah satu alat elektronika yang berfungsi untuk mengubah arus searah (DC) menjadi arus bolak-balik (AC) dengan besaran tegangan dan frekuensi dapat diatur, output suatu inverter berupa tegangan AC dengan bentuk berupa gelombang sinus (sine wave), gelombang kotak (square wave) dan gelombang sinus modifikasi (sine wave modified). Pulse width modulation (PWM) secara umum adalah sebuah cara memanipulasi lebar sinyal yang dinyatakan dengan pulsa dalam suatu perioda, untuk mendapatkan tegangan rata-rata yang berbeda. Proses pembangkitan PWM dapat dilakukan dengan cara membangkitkan gelombang segitiga dan gelombang sinus secara diskret dengan metode look up table, kemudian dilakukan perbandingan untuk masing-masing nilai amplitude gelombang sinus dan segitiga. Dari hasil analisa diketahui pengaruh mylar pada rangkaian pembangkit pulsa menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar nilai mylar yang digunakan maka frekuensi yang dihasilkan akan semakin kecil, dengan menggunakan kapasitor CT 220 nf dan resistor RT yang terdiri dari resistor 4K7 dihubung seri dengan potensiometer 100 K didapatkan frekuensi berkisar 55 Hz sampai 550 Hz, untuk menghasilkan output inverter 60 Hz digunakan kapasitor CT 220 nf dan resistor RT 5,35 K.Kata kunci---Inverter, Pulse width modulatation (PWM), Proses pembangkitan PWM                                      Abstract---Inverter is one of the electronic devices that has a function to convert direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC) where the amount of voltage and frequency are can be set, the output of an inverter is an AC voltage in variety of waveform like sinusoidal(sine wave), a square wave or modified sinusoidal wave. Generally, Pulse width modulation (PWM) in general is a way of manipulating the width of the signal represented by pulses over a longer period, to get the average voltage is different. PWM generation process can be done by a wave of the triangle and sinusoidal wave discretely with a look up table method, then do a comparison for each amplitude value of the sine wave and triangular.From the analysis, the effect mylar on pulse generator shows that the greater the value of mylar is used, the frequency generated will be smaller, by using capacitors CT 220 nf and resistor RT which consists of resistor 4K7 linked in series with a potentiometer 100 K obtained a frequency of approximately 55 Hz to 550 Hz, to produce 60 Hz output inverter used CT 220 nf capacitor and resistor RT of 5.35 K.Keywords---Inverter, modulatation Pulse width (PWM), the PWM generation proces

    Rancang Bangun Catu Daya Digital Menggunakan Buck Converter Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino

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    Intisari — Seiring perkembangan teknologi saat ini, banyak aplikasi yang membutuhkan sumber dc dimana tegangan keluarannya dapat diubah-ubah sesuai kebutuhan pemakai. Penerapan sistem buck converter sebagai salah satu regulator dc tipe switching dapat menjawab kebutuhan tersebut dengan mewujudkan sebuah sumber tegangan arus searah. Dengan memasukkan tegangan setting sesuai kebutuhan melalui keypad dan nilai pengukuran yang teraktual dari nilai arus, tegangan dan daya dapat ditampilan pada layar LCD. Serta perubahan tegangan yang terjadi tersimpan secara realtime pada data logger.Pada pengujian pada simulasi dan perangkat keras dilakukan dengan beban resistif. Dari pengujian dapat diketahui kemampuan dari catu daya yang telah dibangun yaitu memiliki kemampuan daya maksimal sebesar 170 watt,  memiliki efisiensi rata-rata sebesar 80.74% dan regulasi beban rata-rata sebesar 1.89%.Kata kunci — Catu daya, Buck Converter, efisiensi Abstract- As the grow up of technology today, many applications require the dc power source where the output voltage can be changed according to user’s requirement.  The implementation of buck converter as one of switching type DC regulator can answer this requirement by realizing a dc voltage source. By setting the voltage needed through the keypad, the measurement value of current, voltage and power can be displayed on the LCD. The change of voltage will be stored in the data logger real time.Simulation and  the hardware test done with resistive load show the maximum power of the built power supply is 170 watts, average efficiency is 80,74% and average load regulation is 1,89%.Keyword--- power supply, Buck Converter, Effecienc

    Rancang Bangun Interleaved Boost Converter Berbasis Arduino

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    Intisari — Pada dc-dc boost converter, arus masukan dan tegangan keluaran masih menghasilkan ripple yang cukup besar. Ripple merupakan masalah yang mengurangi kehandalan dari konverter itu sendiri. Sehingga diperlukan metode perbaikan untuk mengurangi ripple pada boost converter. Pada penelitian ini metode yang ditawarkan adalah menggunakan teknik interleaved pada boost converter. Teknik tersebut terbukti dapat mengurangi besar nilai ripple pada arus masukan dan tegangan keluaran secara signifikan. Dari hasil simulasi dan pengujian perangkat keras interleaved boost converter dengan nilai duty cycle yang bervariasi terlihat penurunan besar nilai ripple pada arus masukan dan tegangan keluaran boost converter jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan hasil boost converter konvensional. Kata kunci — Interleaved Boost Converter, Boost Converter, Ripple. Abstract — In the dc-dc boost converter, the input current and the output voltage still produce large enough  ripple. Ripple is the problem that reduces the reability of the converter itself. So it needs some method to reduce the ripple of boost converter. In this thesis the method that is offered is to use the interleaved technique to boost converter. The technique is proven can reduce the ripple’s value on the input current and the output voltage significantly. Based on the result of simulation and hardware testing of interleaved boost converter with variation of the duty cycle value, a decrease in the input current and output voltage boost converter were more smaller than a conventional boost converter. Keywords— Interleaved Boost Converter, Boost Converter, Ripple

    High voltage ratio interleaved boost DC-DC converter for high power fuel cell application

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    The application of fuel cell is increasing in the last years mainly due to the possibility of high efficient decentralized clean energy generation. Fuel cells are a potential power source for electric vehicle or distributed power generation system. In electric vehicle application, a high power boost dc-dc converter is adopted to adjust the output voltage, current and power offuel cell engine to meet the vehicle requirements. The major challenge of designing a boost converter for high power application is how to handle the high current at the input and high voltage at the output. In this paper, a high voltage ratio interleaved boost dc-dc converter is proposed for stepping-up the voltage on high power application. A prototype of converter system was built. The experimental waveforms of the high voltage ratio interleaved boost converter are presented

    Dynamic Evolution Control for Fuel Cell DC-DC Converter

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    Fuel cells are new alternative energy resource that has a great promise for distributed generation and electric vehicle application. However, fuel cells have a slow response due to their slow internal electromechanical and thermodynamic response. To optimize the fuel cell system performance, a fuel cell DC-DC converter with an appropriate controller which can regulate the power flow and automatically adjust the converter output voltage is needed. This paper proposes a new control technique for fuel cell DC-DC power converter. Design of the proposed control method for fuel cell DC-DC power converter is provided. A new approach for converter controllers synthesis based on dynamic evolution control theory is presented. In this paper, synthesis example of boost DC-DC converter is discussed. Performance of the proposed dynamic evolution control under step load variation condition is simulated under Matlab-Simulink environment. Simulation results show that the proposed techniques are capable for controlling fuel cell DC-DC converter

    Modeling and Simulation of Fuzzy Logic based Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) for PV Application

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    This paper presents modeling and simulation of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) used in solar PV power systems. The Fuzzy logic algorithm is used to minimize the error between the actual power and the estimated maximum power.  The simulation model was developed and tested to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed MPPT controller. MATLAB Simulink was employed for simulation studies. The proposed system was simulated and tested successfully on a photovoltaic solar panel model. The Fuzzy logic algorithm succesfully tracking the MPPs and performs precise control under rapidly changing atmospheric conditions. Simulation results indicate the feasibility and improved functionality of the system