8 research outputs found

    Implication of the oep16-1 mutation in a flu-independent, singlet oxygen-regulated cell death pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Singlet oxygen is a prominent form of reactive oxygen species in higher plants. It is easily formed from molecular oxygen by triplet–triplet interchange with excited porphyrin species. Evidence has been obtained from studies on the flu mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana of a genetically determined cell death pathway that involves differential changes at the transcriptome level. Here we report on a different cell death pathway that can be deduced from the analysis of oep16 mutants of A. thaliana. Pure lines of four independent OEP16-deficient mutants with different cell death properties were isolated. Two of the mutants overproduced free protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) in the dark because of defects in import of NADPH:Pchlide oxidoreductase A (pPORA) and died after illumination. The other two mutants avoided excess Pchlide accumulation. Using pulse labeling and polysome profiling studies we show that translation is a major site of cell death regulation in flu and oep16 plants. flu plants respond to photooxidative stress triggered by singlet oxygen by reprogramming their translation toward synthesis of key enzymes involved in jasmonic acid synthesis and stress proteins. In contrast, those oep16 mutants that were prone to photooxidative damage were unable to respond in this way. Together, our results show that translation is differentially affected in the flu and oep16 mutants in response to singlet oxygen

    The Outer Chloroplast Envelope Protein OEP16-1 for Plastid Import of NADPH:Protochlorophyllide Oxidoreductase A in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The outer plastid envelope protein OEP16-1 was previously identified as an amino acid-selective channel protein and translocation pore for NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase A (PORA). Reverse genetic approaches used to dissect these mutually not exclusive functions of OEP16-1 in planta have led to descriptions of different phenotypes resulting from the presence of several mutant lines in the SALK_024018 seed stock. In addition to the T-DNA insertion in the AtOEP16-1 gene, lines were purified that contain two additional T-DNA insertions and as yet unidentified point mutations. In a first attempt to resolve the genetic basis of four different lines in the SALK_024018 seed stock, we used genetic transformation with the OEP16-1 cDNA and segregation analyses after crossing out presumed point mutations. We show that AtOEP16-1 is involved in PORA precursor import and by virtue of this activity confers photoprotection onto etiolated seedlings during greenin

    Implications de la protéine OEP16 dans la photoprotéction d'Arabidopsis thaliana lors du stress lumineux

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    In angiosperms, singlet oxygen is a prominent form of reactive oxygen species that is produced during photosynthesis. Its excess causes photooxidative damage leading to cell death, demonstrated in mutants impaired in the chlorophyll biosynthetic pathway. In the present work, we used mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana that exhibit a conditional seedling lethal phenotype caused by the absence of the outer plastid envelope protein, OEP16-1. This protein is involved in the transport of amines, amino acids and is also implicated in the import of the key enzyme of chlorophyll synthesis, NADPH: Protochlorophyllide oxydoreductase A (PORA), into the plastids. Using a reverse genetic approach, four independent Atoep16-1 mutants were isolated and characterized, with different combinations of cell death properties and presence/absence of PORA. Two of the mutants overproduced free protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) in the dark and died after illumination. Pchlide operated here as a photosensitizer triggering singlet oxygen formation. The other two mutants avoided excess Pchlide accumulation and greened normally. Using the mutant of barley, tigrina d12 as reference, we show that cell death induced in the photobleaching Atoep16-1 mutants occurs in a flu-independent pathway. Translation initiation at 80S ribosomes was identified to be a major target of singlet oxygen in the early hours of greening. At a delayed stage, singlet oxygen caused ribosome dissociation. We provided evidence that both effects on translation are genetically linked and they can be further studied using the Atoep16-1 mutant that we isolated and the previously described flu mutant.Chez les angiospermes, l'oxygène singulet est la forme majoritaire des espèces réactives de l'oxygène, étant produite lors de la photosynthèse. Son excès provoque le dommage photooxidatif conduisant à la mort cellulaire, observée chez les mutants affectés dans la voie de la biosynthèse de la chlorophylle. Dans ce travail, nous avons utilisé des mutants d'Arabidopsis thaliana qui manifestent le phénotype conditionnel de la mort cellulaire, causée par l'absence d'une protéine de l'enveloppe externe des plastes, OEP16-1. Cette protéine est impliquée dans le transport des amines, acides aminés et également dans l'import d'une enzyme clé de la synthèse de la chlorophylle, NADPH: Protochlorophyllide oxydoreductase A (PORA), dans les plastes. Une approche génétique inverse a permis d'isoler et de caractériser quatre mutants indépendants Atoep16-1, ayant différentes combinaisons des propriétés de la mort cellulaire et de la présence/absence de la PORA. Deux des mutants accumulent en excès de la protochlorophyllide libre (Pchlide) à l'obscurité et meurent après illumination. Dans ce cas, la Pchlide agit comme un photosensibilisateur déclenchant la production de l'oxygène singulet. Les deux autres mutants évitent la surproduction de la Pchide et verdissent normalement. En utilisant le mutant de l'orge, tigrina d12 comme référence, nous avons montré que la mort cellulaire induite lors du photoblanchiment chez les mutants Atoep16-1, intervient dans la voie flu-indépendante. L'initiation de la traduction sur des ribosomes 80S, a été identifiée comme étant une cible majeure de l'oxygène singulet, au cours des premières heures du verdissement. Dans un stade plus tardif, l'oxygène singulet a provoqué la dissociation des ribosomes. Nous avons ainsi fourni des preuves que les deux effets sur la traduction sont génétiquement liés et qu'ils peuvent être ensuite étudiés à l'aide des mutants Atoep16-1 que nous avons isolé et du mutant flu, préalablement identifié

    The Kinase STATE TRANSITION 8 Phosphorylates Light Harvesting Complex II and Contributes to Light Acclimation in <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i>

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    Phosphorylation of the light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) is a central trigger for the reorganization of the photosynthetic complexes in the thylakoid membrane during short-term light acclimation. The major kinase involved in LHCII phosphorylation is STATE TRANSITION 7 (STN7), and its activity is mostly counteracted by a thylakoid-associated phosphatase, PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE 1/THYLAKOID ASSOCIATED PHOSPHATASE 38 (PPH1/TAP38). This kinase/phosphatase pair responds to the redox status of the photosynthetic electron transport chain. InArabidopsis thaliana, Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 subunits of the LHCII trimers are the major targets of phosphorylation and have different roles in the acclimation of the photosynthetic machinery. Another antagonistic kinase and phosphatase pair, STATE TRANSITION 8 (STN8) and PHOTOSYSTEM II PHOSPHATASE (PBCP) target a different set of thylakoid proteins. Here, we analyzed double, triple, and quadruple knockout mutants of these kinases and phosphatases. In multiple mutants, lacking STN7, in combination with one or both phosphatases, but not STN8, the phosphorylation of LHCII was partially restored. The recovered phosphorylation favors Lhcb1 over Lhcb2 and results in a better adaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus and increased plant growth under fluctuating light. This set of mutants allowed to unveil a contribution of STN8-dependent phosphorylation in the acclimation to rapid light variations

    Protein kinases and phosphatases involved in the acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus to a changing light environment

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    Photosynthetic organisms are subjected to frequent changes in light quality and quantity and need to respond accordingly. These acclimatory processes are mediated to a large extent through thylakoid protein phosphorylation. Recently, two major thylakoid protein kinases have been identified and characterized. The Stt7/STN7 kinase is mainly involved in the phosphorylation of the LHCII antenna proteins and is required for state transitions. It is firmly associated with the cytochrome b(6)f complex, and its activity is regulated by the redox state of the plastoquinone pool. The other kinase, Stl1/STN8, is responsible for the phosphorylation of the PSII core proteins. Using a reverse genetics approach, we have recently identified the chloroplast PPH1/TAP38 and PBPC protein phosphatases, which counteract the activity of STN7 and STN8 kinases, respectively. They belong to the PP2C-type phosphatase family and are conserved in land plants and algae. The picture that emerges from these studies is that of a complex regulatory network of chloroplast protein kinases and phosphatases that is involved in light acclimation, in maintenance of the plastoquinone redox poise under fluctuating light and in the adjustment to metabolic needs

    Identification of a photosystem II phosphatase involved in light acclimation in Arabidopsis

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    Reversible protein phosphorylation plays a major role in the acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus to changes in light. Two paralogous kinases phosphorylate subsets of thylakoid membrane proteins. STATE TRANSITION7 (STN7) phosphorylates LHCII, the light-harvesting antenna of photosystem II (PSII), to balance the activity of the two photosystems through state transitions. STN8, which is mainly involved in phosphorylation of PSII core subunits, influences folding of the thylakoid membranes and repair of PSII after photodamage. The rapid reversibility of these acclimatory responses requires the action of protein phosphatases. In a reverse genetic screen, we identified the chloroplast PP2C phosphatase, PHOTOSYSTEM II CORE PHOSPHATASE (PBCP), which is required for efficient dephosphorylation of PSII proteins. Its targets, identified by immunoblotting and mass spectrometry, largely coincide with those of the kinase STN8. The recombinant phosphatase is active in vitro on a synthetic substrate or on isolated thylakoids. Thylakoid folding is affected in the absence of PBCP, while its overexpression alters the kinetics of state transitions. PBCP and STN8 form an antagonistic kinase and phosphatase pair whose substrate specificity and physiological functions are distinct from those of STN7 and the counteracting phosphatase PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE1/THYLAKOID-ASSOCIATED PHOSPHATASE38, but their activities may overlap to some degree