19 research outputs found

    Analysis of Microcrafters in Materials Specimens after Long-Term Exposure on ISS Surface

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    The "Komplast" experiment has been carried out on the ISS by the Khrunichev Space Center jointly with other Russian scientific centers since 1998. The experiment incorporates the "Komplast" cartridges on the FGB exterior, which are fitted with materials specimens and sensors. The cartridges were sent into orbit together with FGB on 20 November 1998. In March 2011, two of the cartridges were taken back from the ISS by the "Discovery" American space shuttle after being exposed in the open space for 12 years. In the framework of this experiment the subject of analysis is the effect of the space environment on the exposed specimens of various materials. This report covers the analysis results of the surface morphology of various materials taken from the "Komplast" cartridges exposed to hits of micrometeors and micronic particles of space debris. Analysis is made of microcraters of 5 to 250 mcm in specimens of polished metals and silicone comprised in the sensor for micrometeoric particles. The report represents optic and scanning electron microscope images of craters formed in the specimens by high-velocity and low-velocity particles impacting the surface. By virtue of the electronic microscope, data on composition of the substance in the craters and of the substance of the low-velocity particles are obtained. The data make it possible to differentiate the particles as the natural-origin particles or anthropogenic-origin space debris particles. Distribution of craters and low-velocity particles in the size range of 5 to 50 mcm is obtained. The data are compared with the existing models of fluxes of natural-origin and artificial-origin microparticles on the ISS orbit. Inhomogeneous particles of complicated configuration are discovered on the surface of the analyzed specimens, whose origin are not uniquely determined and are to be the subject of further study

    A Study of Micro Craters in Material Samples after Long Duration Exposure on ISS Komplast Panels

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    The Komplast materials experiment was designed by the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, together with other Russian scientific institutes, and has been carried out by Mission Control Moscow since 1998. Komplast panels fitted with material samples and sensors were located on the International Space Station (ISS) Functional Cargo Block (FGB) module exterior surface. Within the framework of this experiment, the purpose was to study the effect of the low earth orbit (LEO) environment on exposed samples of various materials. The panels were sent into orbit with the FGB when it launched on November 20, 1998.

    Дослідження нефропротекторної дії чорниці при експериментальних металонефропатіях

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    Experimental studies of the effect of heavy metals, in particular, the salts of cadmium and lead, on the activity of the antioxidant system of the kidneys have been carried out and also the nephroprotective properties of the polyphenol complex of blueberries has been investigated. A positive effect of the drug in question characterized by a stimulation of the antioxidant defense system, an activation of the enzymes of the glutathione antioxidant system (GAOS) as well as increased levels of the elimination of heavy metals from the body.Проведены экспериментальные исследования влияния тяжелых металлов, в частности, солей кадмия и свинца, на активность антиоксидантной системы почек, а также изучены нефропротекторные свойства полифенольного комплекса черники. Выявлен позитивный эффект препарата, который характеризуется стимулированием системы антиоксидантной защиты, активацией ферментов ГАОС, а также ростом уровней элиминации тяжелых металлов из организма.Проведені експериментальні дослідження щодо впливу важких металів, зокрема солей свинцю та кадмію, на активність антиоксидантної системи нирок, а також досліджено нефропротекторні властивості поліфенольного комплексу чорниці. Виявлено позитивний ефект даного препарату, який характеризується стимулюванням системи антиоксидантного захисту, активацією ферментів глутатіонантиоксидантної системи (ГАОС), а також підвищенням рівнів елімінації важких металів з організму


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    The growing scarcity of resources and insufficient consumption of protein products by the majority of the world's population contributes to the rational use of all resources. Secondary milk raw materials are a source of protein and require mandatory processing. The study was aimed at developing a rational waste-free technology for processing raw milk into cheeses with high nutritional value and low cost. For research, three samples of cheeses were made: sample 1 - based on milk; sample 2 - based on cheese whey (0.3% citric acid solution was used for coagulation); sample 3 (caramel) - from a mixture of milk and whey (without curdling). Standard methods were used to determine organoleptic, physicochemical parameters. The nutritional value of the products was calculated according to the physicochemical parameters established during the study (mass fraction of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates). The proposed waste-free technology can be implemented in any cheese factory for the production of soft and hard cheeses. Products derived from whey are somewhat inferior in amino acid composition but have a relatively high value and organoleptic properties inherent in cheeses made from milk. The use of a citric acid solution for curdling makes it possible to reduce the duration of the process by 30 minutes and increase the yield of cheese by 5–7%. An evaluation of the organoleptic characteristics of the property showed that the cheese made from milk and whey does not differ. Cheese made from milk contains the largest mass fraction of proteins (17.2 g / 100g) and fats (20 g / 100g), the largest amount of carbohydrates is cheese based on a mixture of whey and milk (49 g / 100g). Cheese is made from whey and has the lowest energy value (88.14 kcal). At the same time, the mass fraction of proteins in this cheese is higher than in cheese made from a mixture of whey and milk (sample 3). The results of the study of the amino acid composition showed that all cheeses have the same qualitative amino acid composition. According to the quantitative composition of amino acids, cheeses made from milk have the highest biological value

    Russian Non-Interventional Study of the Efficacy and Tolerability of Rifaximin-α Therapy in Patients with Uncomplicated Diverticular Disease under the Conditions of Outpatient Practice

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    Aim. This observational (non-interventional) study was aimed at obtaining data on practitioners’ commitment to prescribing rifaximin-α therapy to patients with uncomplicated diverticular disease (UDD), to assess patients’ adherence to such prescriptions, as well as to assess physicians’ and patients’ satisfaction with this drug under the conditions of outpatient practice.Materials and methods. 27 research physicians in 22 research centres located in 15 Russian cities and 250 patients participated in an open, prospective multicentre observational study. The observation lasted for 6 months with an interim assessment after 3 months. Physicians’ prescription of rifaximin-α (dose, duration of administration, number of prescribed courses) was evaluated, as well as patients’ compliance expressed as the ratio of the actual number of taken pills to the number of prescribed pills during each course according to the MMAS-4 scale. Such symptoms, as abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence and tenesmus were evaluated using a 4-score scale. At the end of the study, physicians’ and patients’ satisfaction with the treatment was evaluated using a 5-score scale.Results. One fifth — 52 patients (20.8%)—had received rifaximin-α therapy prior to inclusion in the study. Most frequently, rifaximin-α therapy was prescribed monthly at a dose of 400 mg 2 times a day for 7 days. 67.6% of patients received 6 courses of treatment during the study period. The proportion of patients who received more than one course of treatment over 6 months was 97.6%. During almost all treatment courses (97.5%), patients’ compliance was more than 80%. The total score of symptom intensity decreased from 5.6 at the inclusion visit, to 2.2 points at the second visit and to 0.9 points at the end of the observation. A statistically significant (p <0.05) positive dynamics was observed in relation to all evaluated symptoms (abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, tenesmus). By the end of the study, 59.6% of patients and 68.8% of physicians rated the treatment results as “excellent”, 25.2% of patients and 20.4% of doctors as “good”.Conclusions. During the observation, a significant decrease in the severity of UDD symptoms, such as abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence and tenesmus was noted. No adverse effects associated with rifaximin-α were reported. The data obtained confirm the previously published results of randomized controlled trials on the efficacy and safety of rifaximin-α in UDD

    Association of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein with fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events in working-age people: data from the ESSE-RF study

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    Aim. To study the relationship of different levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) with cardiovascular events and assess its contribution to the development of outcomes in Russian regions.Material and methods. The work used the data from the multicenter study ESSE-RF — a representative sample of male and female population aged 25-64 years. All participants signed informed consent. The study included 10421 people (women, 6399 (61,4%)). The cohort was followed up from 2012 to 2019 (median follow-up period, 5,5 years). A hard endpoint (cardiovascular mortality and nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI)) was determined in 187 people, while a soft endpoint (nonfatal MI, stroke, revascularization, heart failure progression and cardiovascular mortality) — in 319 people.Results. The results showed that hs-CRP is significantly associated with the main risk factors (with the exception of low-density lipoproteins). At the same time, it was found that optimal hs-CRP level for predicting the risk of cardiovascular events (CVE) in Russian population is significantly lower than 3 mg/L, but higher than 1 mg/L (1,54/1,89 mg/dL for men and women, respectively). Adding hs-CRP to sex and age significantly improved risk prediction (AUC, 79,7; 95% CI, 77,8-81,7). At the same time, adding a wide list of confounders to hs-CRP, sex and age does not improve the model’s predictive value (AUC, 79,7; 78,2-82,1).Conclusion. This study for the first time showed a significant independent contribution of hs-CRP to CVEs development in the Russian population, and the addition of hs-CRP to sex and age significantly increased the predictive value of model