6 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Sifat Fisis Batuan Nikel Di Sorowako Sulawesi Selatan

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    South Sulawesi has abundant reserve of nickel in Sorowako, East Luwu, which is still in the status of work contract bond with P.T. Vale, Indonesia. The huge nickel potential of the area and the growing production brings the need to process the exploration precisely and friendly to generate high economic value. The data reported in this study are characterization result of the elements composition, compounds and hardness of the nickel ore. Samples were prepared manually, each in size of 2cm x 2cm x 0,5cm. The analysis showed that the main composition of the nickel ore was dominated by nickel (Ni) and silicon (Si). Nickel ore hardness reaches 130 to 155 HVN-100 as well as the glass transition temperature in the range of 9000C. Based on the data found, the nickel ores are furthermore processable industrially

    Analisis Kesetaraan Nilai Kalor LPG dengan Biogas dari Biodigester Skala Rumah Tangga

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    Gas metana terbentuk karena proses fermentasi secara anaerobik oleh metan atau disebut juga bakteri anaerobik yang mengurai sampah-sampah yang mengandung bahan organik sehingga terbentuk gas metan (CH4) yang apabila dibakar dapat menghasilkan energi panas. Gas metana sama dengan gas LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas), perbedaanya adalah gas metana mempunyai satu atom C, sedangkan elpiji memiliki atom C yang lebih banyak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesetaraan nilai kalaor LPG dengan biogas dari biodigester skala rumah tangga. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan agustus sampai dengan November 2011 di Laboratorium Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai kalor bersih biogas yang dihasilkan dari biodigester skala rumah tangga sebesar 19,8 Joule/cm3, setara dengan 0,33 kg LPG dan masih jauh di bawah nilai kalor LPG, demikian pula dengan biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk menghasilkan biogas. akan tetapi cukup menguntungkan karena dapat mengurangi ketergantungan akan bahan bakar fosil yang ketersediaannya terbatas dan dapat mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan. Selain itu bahan bakar gas bio bersih tidak menghasilkan asap.Kata kunci: Nilai kalor, Biogas, LP

    Deformation Pattern of Nickel Slag Bonding on the Development of Concrete Construction

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    This paper presents an experimental work to study the deformation and compressive strength on Portland cement concrete with nickel slag aggregate. The amount of nickel slag varied were towards the total mass of coarse aggregate are 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%, respectively. Each variation of the samples was made with a dimension of 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm, and then through the curing process. After 28 days, the sample was checked using mechanical testing conducted to investigate the compressive strength. The surface of the concrete fracture after mechanical testing process shows that the bonding between the matrix of Portland cement and nickel slag is a very strong. The bonding has connected very well. Therefore, when the force was given, then the fractions of nickel slag aggregate will hold the connectivity until to the maximum of the pressure force value before the materials are a damaged. The maximum of pressure force caused by the cracks will follow the fracture pattern of the concrete materials. This indicates that the bonding between matrix Portland cement and nickel slag has become the key factor in construction high-quality concrete

    Refinement Analysis using the Rietveld Method of Nd[1.2]Fe[1]O[3] Oxide Material Synthesized by Solid-State Reaction

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    Neodymium Ferrite Oxide (Nd1.2FeO3) has been successfully synthesized using solid state reaction by varying annealing time. Structural crystallographic characteristics were obtained by X-ray diffraction. The results of X-ray diffraction analysis showed the samples had been identified composed of NdFeO3 and Nd2- O3 phase, with peak dominant correspond to hkl (121), FWHM value of 0.22° and estimated crystal size of 393 nm. Analysis using Rietveld methods obtained Nd1.2FeO3 oxide material has a crystal structure is orthorhombic with space-group of PNMA. The results are comparable as was reported elsewhere that the oxide material is useful for gas sensor application


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    This research aims to prepare powder of nickel slag from furnace machine, identify, and analyze of the elements or compounds containing in the sample. The data retrieval was done with the analysis of elemental composition, phase microstructures, crystal size, distribution, and composition mapping of the samples by using XRD, Rigaku Miniflex II, and SEM-EDS, Tescan Vega-3. XRD result indicates that the formation which the similar to amorphous phase was identified and the formation at peak 2θ = 28.01° is identified as the low quartz (SiO2). FWHM 0.18° was obtained using microcal origin 6.0 and average crystal size 53.37 nm was obtained by applying Scherer equation. SEM results show average grain size of samples which is less than 1μm and maximum to 4μm. Based on EDS result, the main constituent elements are Si 32.86 wt%, Mg 19.40 wt%, and Fe 32.03 wt%, respectively.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyiapkan bubuk slag nikel yang berasal dari furnace, yang dilanjutkan dengan mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis unsur atau paduan yang terkandung di dalamnya. Data diperoleh dengan melakukan analisis terhadap komposisi unsur, fasa mikrostruktur, ukuran Kristal, distribusi dan komposisi paduan dari sampel bubuk slag nikel furnace dengan menggunakan XRD tipe Rigaku Miniflex II dan SEM-EDS tipe Tescan Vega-3. Hasil analisis XRD menunjukkan bahwa formasi yang dihasilkan menyerupai fase amorf dan formasi yang terbentuk pada puncak 2θ = 28.01° diidentifikasi sebagai low quartz (SiO2). Dengan menggunakan microcal origin 6.0 diperoleh FWHM 0.18 ° dan menggunakan persamaan Scherer diperoleh rata-rata ukuran kristal 53.37 nm. Hasil pengukuan SEM menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata ukuran butir dari sampel bubuk slag nikel furnace bervariasi antara minimal 1μm dan maksimum 4 μm. Berdasarkan pengukuran EDS diperoleh secara berturut-turut bahwa unsur utama penyusun paduan slag nikel furnace adalah Si 32.86 wt%, Mg 19.40 wt%, dan Fe 32.03 wt%.</p