80 research outputs found

    Student Training in a University Setting Voice Clinic- How do we do it?

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    This presentation will discuss the challenges that clinical supervisors face when trying to balance efficient graduate student training and patient welfare in university voice clinics. We will propose a model in which we seek to balance the needs of the patient, student clinician, and clinical instructor

    Spin-Hall effect and circular birefringence of a uniaxial crystal plate

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    The linear birefringence of uniaxial crystal plates is known since the 17th century, and it is widely used in numerous optical setups and devices. Here we demonstrate, both theoretically and experimentally, a fine lateral circular birefringence of such crystal plates. This effect is a novel example of the spin-Hall effect of light, i.e., a transverse spin-dependent shift of the paraxial light beam transmitted through the plate. The well-known linear birefringence and the new circular birefringence form an interesting analogy with the Goos-H\"anchen and Imbert-Fedorov beam shifts that appear in the light reflection at a dielectric interface. We report the experimental observation of the effect in a remarkably simple system of a tilted half-wave plate and polarizers using polarimetric and quantum-weak-measurement techniques for the beam-shift measurements. In view of great recent interest in spin-orbit interaction phenomena, our results could find applications in modern polarization optics and nano-photonics.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Optic

    Formulasi Dan Karakteristik Fisik Sediaan Plester Hidrogel Ekstrak Daun Ciplukan (Physalis angulata L.) Dan Batang Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum burmannii)

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    Diabetes mellitus is a degenerative disease caused by the damage of beta pancreatic cells. This caused many complication such as diabetic ulcer which left untreated can cause an open wound hard to heal thereby reducing the quality of life. Treatment of diabetic ulcer despite using antidiabetic also using an antibiotic therapy like Mupirocin. In its development, the use of natural ingredients is known to be used as adjuvant therapy for diabetic ulcer such as Ciplukan leaves and Kayu Manis bark. Both of the plant contain phytochemical compound like sinamaldehid, tannin, polyphenol and flavonoid which can work as wound healer. To increase its efficacy then Ciplukan leaves and Kayu Manis bark were formulated as hydrogel patch. Hydrogel patch are known has advantages like better penetration, hygienic and easy to administered Ciplukan (Physalis angulata L.) leaves and Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum burmannii) Bark extracted with maceration technique. The extracts then made into matrix type hydrogel patch with 10% HPMC and 5% PVA as backing patch. The backing patch and extract then placed on a square cast and dried under room temperature for 24 hours. The hydrogel patch then evaluated for physical characteristic including organoleptic aspect, weight uniformity, moisture content and pH. The results showed that Ciplukan leaves and Kayu Manis Bark hydrogel patch have a semi solid consistency, transparent greenish color and distinctive smell. The average pH is 5,5 and have average weight around 1,18 grams. The moisture contens of hydrogel patch is 2,42%. The Ciplukan leaves and Kayu Manis bark is able to formulated into hydrogel patch. The hydrogel patch is showing good appearance and having good properties as topical dosage form. The pH of the hydrogel patch is suitable with pH of the skin and have no intention to irritate the skin. Hydrogel patch also giving a cooling sensations in wound area thus increase patients convenience and acceptability.  Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, extract, drug delivery system, hydrogel patch, adjuvant therap

    Les hémodialysés HVC sont-ils vraiment des patients difficiles à traiter?

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    L'hépatite C demeure la principale infection virale chez l'hémodialysé, dont la prise en charge thérapeutique ainsi que la gestion de ses effets secondaires restent difficiles. Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective portant sur tous les patients atteints d'hépatite C chronique ayant une insuffisance rénale chronique sous hémodialyse, suivis au service de gastroentérologie au CHU Mohamed VI de Marrakech sur une période de Janvier 2004 à Décembre 2014. Sur un total de 355 cas d'hépatite virale C, 13 patients étaient hémodialysés (3,66%). Dix patients ont été traités, soit 76,94% des cas. Le traitement n'était pas indiqué chez 2 patients ayant une fibrose minime sans cytolyse. Il était contre indiqué chez une patiente multitarée. Deux malades ont eu une réponse virologique rapide et 5 une réponse virologique précoce. Le taux de réponse virologique soutenue était de 40%, 30% des patients étaient non répondeurs. Le traitement fut arrêté chez 2 patientes pour effets secondaires sévères. Un seul patient a été candidat à une transplantation rénale. En analyse multivariée, la réponse virologique soutenue a été significativement associée à certains facteurs prédictifs de bonne réponse thérapeutique : Age jeune ≤40 ans (P=0,0057), fibrose minime F1-F2 (P=0,03), génotype non 1 (P=0,0064), charge virale préthérapeutique <800000 UI/ml (P=0,013), et l'absence d'arrêt thérapeutique (P=0,028). La gestion efficace des effets secondaires du traitement de HVC permet d'obtenir chez l'hémodialysé un taux de réponse virologique soutenue avoisinant celui de la population générale

    Lactuca sativa Sebagai Terapi Alternatif Terapi Pada Pasien Dengan Gangguan Tidur

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    Tidur merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang sangat penting. Untuk melakukan aktivitas normal, seorang manusia membutuhkan kualitas dan jumlah tidur yang cukup. Selain itu, tidur juga memiliki peran yang sangat kompleks dalam membantu penyembuhan tubuh baik secara fisik maupun secara emosional. Pengobatan pada penderita gangguan tidur selama ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan agen farmakologis seperti benzodiazepin. Namun, penggunaan obat ini secara jangka panjang dapat menyebabkan efek samping, metode nonfarmakologis menggunakan bahan alami dari tanaman pada saat ini telah banyak diamati dan disarankan sebagai salah satu pendekatan alternatif tetapi dengan efek samping yang lebih ringan dibandingkan obat konvensional. Pada penelitian ini dibahas mengenai potensi Lactuca sativa sebagai obat alternatif pada pasien dengan gangguan tidu