602 research outputs found

    A structural model for mitigation measures of critical cost overrun factors in highway projects in sindh province

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    Construction industry plays a major role in improving the socio-economic growth of any country. However, this industry is facing a serious problem of cost overrun globally and particular in Pakistan. Rapid growth in the construction sector in Pakistan has been observed along with many challenges, especially in highway projects. The most critical issues in highway projects are the cost overrun and lack of their mitigation measures. Hence, the objective of this research is to determine the critical factors of cost overrun, its significant mitigation measures and to develop a structural model of significant mitigation measures for critical cost overrun factors. The preliminary survey helped in identifying the critical factors of cost overrun in highway projects. In total, 64 common factors for cost overrun were identified from the literature review. Based on the common factors, a questionnaire was designed and distributed among the 30 selected experts to determine the critical factors of cost overrun. Out of 64 common factors, 24 were reported critical. The pilot study was carried out by developing a semi-structured questionnaire which was distributed among the same 30 construction experts for the purpose of determining the mitigation measures, which resulted in 113 measures. These mitigation measures along with the relevant 24 factors helped in the development of the final questionnaire to further narrow down the significant measures. This finalized questionnaire was distributed among 350 construction experts of highway projects to identify the significant mitigation measures for critical factors of cost overrun. The collected data was further used to develop a structural model for mitigation measures of critical factors of cost overrun by Smart PLS. Performance of the model has moderate explaining power as the predictive relevancy value is greater than 0.13. Significant mitigation measures of these critical factors were determined from the power loading of mitigations measures. This research would be helpful for construction managers in mitigating the relative risk to the project. Thus, it will directly benefit the construction community and contribute in raising the economy of the country

    Relationship between Education, Health and Employment A Time Series Analysis of Pakistan

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    This study investigates the Impact of health and education employment level in case of Pakistan over the period 1981-2012. The prime objective of the study is to identify and establish a link between health, education and employment. The Johansen co-integration approach is used to determine the long-run relationship among variables. The results show that our independent variables have significant and strong impact on the dependent variables in long run. The research also provides some suggestions for the policy purpose to increase the employment level in the country. Keywords: Health, Education, Employmen

    Relationship Between Unemployment and Human Capital

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    This study investigates the Impact of determinants of Human capital such as health, education, population and life expectancy on unemployment in case of Pakistan over the period 1981-2010. The prime objective of the study is to identify and establish a link between human capital and unemployment. The Johansen co-integration approach is used to determine the long-run relationship among variables. Further it applied VECM for short run adjustments to achieve equilibrium in long-run. The results show that our independent variables have significant and strong impact on the dependent variables in long run. The research also provides some suggestions for the policy purpose to reduce the unemployment in the country. Keywords: Unemployment, Human capita

    Effect of Cardiolipin on Cardiac KCNQ1,MIRP1 and hERG subunits of Delayed Rectifier Potassium Channel in Hyperthyroidism

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    甲状腺功能亢进是临床上常见病、多发病之一,甲状腺功能亢进可以导致心脏功能变化乃至发生甲亢性心脏病。甲状腺激素对心脏功能影响的机制复杂,钾离子通道的变化在其中有重要作用。另一方面,我们课题组前期的研究发现心磷脂参与了甲亢性心脏病的病理过程,心磷脂合成的减少可以减弱甲亢性心脏病病程中心功能变化,进一步还发现心磷脂可以影响延迟整流性钾离子通道的激活与失活过程。延迟整流性钾离子通道是心肌细胞的一种重要的离子通道,参与心肌细胞动作电位的形成,决定动作电位的时程、有效不应期的长短,与心率和心律关系密切。因此,本研究在前期的研究基础上,继续探讨甲状腺激素对心肌细胞作用过程中心磷脂对延迟整流性钾离子通道的几种...Hyperthyroidism is a common frequently presented clinical disease , it can effect heart function and a major contributor in occurrence of hyperthyroid heart disease. The mechanism and effect of thyroid hormone on cardiac function is complex , in which potassium channels play a major role .On the other hand, our group previous studies have shown that cardiolipin is involved in the pathological f...学位:理学硕士院系专业:医学院_生理学学号:2462012115438

    Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: Time Series Evidence from Pakistan

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    This study is an attempt to signify the role of energy consumption in the economic growth of Pakistan. For this purpose 33 years data for the period 1981 to 2013 has taken to determine the long run relation between energy consumption and economic growth level in Pakistan. By applying ARDL approach it has confirmed that energy consumption plays vital role in the enhancement of economic growth level as all independent variable has positive and significant impact over dependent variable that confirms that energy is a key factor to increase the economic growth level in Pakistan. Keywords: Energy consumption, Economic Growth, ARD

    Applications of Utility-Scale Power to Gas Energy Storage Systems in Smart Grids

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    ABSTRACT This thesis aims to develop the engineering tools required to simulate, design, and optimize the operation of utility-scale power to gas (PtG) energy storage. First, a co-simulation platform for power and gas distribution networks is developed. The co-simulation platform could help quantifying the role of PtG technology in shaping the future of power distribution systems. Using the co-simulation platform, several research studies can be carried out such as operation scheduling and planning of power and gas networks. Second, a new formulation is developed for the optimal design i.e., sizing, of PtG energy storage. The developed formulation aims at minimizing the capital and operation costs of PtG and maximizing the harvested power during periods of surplus. Third, a new mathematical formulation is proposed for the optimal production scheduling of hydrogen to supply fuel cell buses. The proposed formulation takes into account the operation requirements of both power distribution and electric bus transit networks

    How do Project Teams impact on project success, A case of Heathrow Terminal 2

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    2013 dissertation for MSc in Project Management. Selected by academic staff as a good example of a masters level dissertation. TPurpose – The purpose of the research was to determine how do project teams impact on project success. Although, there exists a plethora of organisational and project management literature on soft side of project management, but there is still need for more in-depth examination of those critical success factors which either drive the project towards successful completion or otherwise failure to attain desired outcome(s) of project(s). Design/Methodology/Approach – To find out how do project teams impact on project success. This research study used structured questionnaire surveys to collect the responses from project teams currently, working on the Heathrow Terminal 2 project. Findings – The findings of the study revealed that some of the variables predicted from other literatures (clear goals, leadership and senior management support, communication and motivation) were significantly linked to the outcomes of the project. However, some key success factors or some key drivers were not paid sufficient consideration. Research Limitations/Implications – Limitations of the study included, for this research the data from 23 respondents from the project teams working on Heathrow Terminal 2 project was collected and analysed. This research can further be expanded to increase the size of data and diversity of participants. Further to this, the analysed factors for the study which significantly impacts project outcome(s) can vary from project to project; organisation to organisation and level of leadership. Practical implications – The findings of the study suggest that effective management of personnel (project teams) can drive the project towards either successful completion or otherwise failure to attain goals/objectives of the project. Originality/value – This research determines by exploring whether the effectively and efficiently managing the team practices are generic and impacts the project outputs positively or vice-versa

    Security and Foreign Policy of Landlocked States

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    Wealth and stability of the region have a direct influence on the foreign policy and security of landlocked states. Landlocked states residing in poor and unstable neighborhoods, consequently, experience instability and have more limited foreign policy options compared to those landlocked states which are located in the rich and stable regions of the world. Besides those, two other factors, nationalism and the nature of the export product, extensively influence foreign policy and security of some landlocked countries. However, they are exceptions to the rule. Wealth and stability of the neighborhood determine the direction and fate of landlocked countries foreign policies and security measures

    Transfusion Related transmission of infections among blood donors of South Punjab

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    Objective: To investigate the frequency of blood transmissible infections in the region of South Punjab. Study design: Descriptive cross-sectional Place and duration: Study was carried out from February 2019 to February 2021 over a period of 2 years at—removed for blind review--. Methodology: All voluntary and replacement donors who arrived at the hospital between the included time period were considered for the analysis. Total two blood samples were taken from each blood donor. For blood grouping and malarial parasite screening, Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) sample was collected. Clotted sample was used for screening of Anti-HCV, HBsAg, HIV and syphilis and analyzed by ELISA. Results: Our study showed cumulative frequency of 0.8 %, 0.5% and 1% for hepatitis B, syphilis and C virus respectively, and only one case of HIV and malarial parasite observed during screening for blood transfusion among blood donors. Conclusion: Increasing transmission prevalence of hepatitis as well as syphilis in our region. Keywords: blood transfusion, infection, HBsAG, HCV