141 research outputs found

    Dampak Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Nasional terhadap Pembentukan Gas Rumah Kaca dan Penurunan Kapasitas Sektor Ekonomi di Indonesia: Pendekatan Analisis Input-output

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    It has been proven that national economic growth which is originally expected toimprove people welfare, to balance the gaps of income, to alleviate poverty and to keepthe environmental stability could not accomplish the goal of economic development.The objectives of this research are: (1) to analyze the impact of national economicgrowth on greenhouse gases formation, especially on emission of carbon, sulphur andnitrogen, (2) to analyze the impact of greenhouse gases emission which is formed byeconomic activities as consequences of national economic growth on the capacity ofeconomic sectors, especially in declining capacity on output, income, value added andemployment. To prove those main objectives, the national Input-Output analysis is usedin this research. The data used in this research are input-output transaction matrix year1980, 1985, 1990, 1995 and 2000 which is published by Statistical Center Agency(BPS). Input-Output data analysis showed that with 4.24% of economic growth scenarioformed carbon, sulphur, and nitrogen each equal to 3,276.6 kilo ton, 44.2 kilo ton, and79.9 kilo ton respectively. By internalizing the price of carbon Rp 190,000 per mt, theywould decline the capacity of economic sectors, such as Rp 1.4 triliun of output, Rp187.9 biliun of income, Rp 657.2 biliun of value added and 33.728 persons ofemployment respectively. In conclusion, economic growth has caused the greenhousegaseous formation, and has implication on cost of externalities on environment.Furthermore, the policies to compensate the recovery of environmental degradation areneeded through some instruments of policies, such as command-and-control, and basedmarket-policies in Indonesia


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    The aimed of this study was to determine the internal and external factors supporting and inhibiting the development of the Cunca Rede Waterfall Tourism Area in Sanolokom Village, Rana Mese District, East Manggarai Regency. The method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach and the data sources used by the researcher are primary data and secondary data. . The data analysis technique used is SWOT analysis. The results show that based on the Cartesian diagram, the SWOT analysis of tourist attraction in quadrant 1 with the results of the recapitulation between strengths and opportunities has results where the dominant strength is compared to the weakness and the opportunity was greater than the threat with the following values: 1) Strengths - Weaknesses (factors internal) : 4.12-1.88=2.24) Opportunities –Threats (external factors) : 1.84-4.34 = -2.5 and the development strategy of the Cunca Rede Waterfall Tourism Area carried out by the Government was: 1) Empowering, counseling in order to grow and increase public awareness about the importance of a tourism-aware community, 2) Coordinate with the private sector to invest in tourism development problems are strongly influenced by the availability of budget funds to build and manage a tourist attraction, 3) Build and holding tourism accessibility, 4) Developing tourism attractions

    The interaction between colloids in polar mixtures above Tc

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    We calculate the interaction potential between two colloids immersed in an aqueous mixture containing salt near or above the critical temperature. We find an attractive interaction far from the coexistence curve due to the combination of preferential solvent adsorption at the colloids' surface and preferential ion solvation. We show that the ion-specific interaction strongly depends on the amount of salt added as well as on the mixture composition. Our results are in accord with recent experiments. For a highly antagonistic salt of hydrophilic anions and hydrophobic cations, a repulsive interaction at an intermediate inter-colloid distance is predicted even though both the electrostatic and adsorption forces alone are attractive.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    A Contribution to the Knowledge of Whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in Khorasan and Semnan Provinces, Iran

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    Whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) are some of the most potentially detrimental pests for agricultural crops and the ornamental plant industry in Iran. The present paper deals with the faunistic survey of whiteflies in two provinces of Iran, Khorasan and Semnan. During the survey a total of 16 species from 12 genera were collected and identified. Distribution data are given for the species

    A faunistic survey on the hover flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Golestan, Mazandaran and Semnan Provinces, Iran

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    In this paper the fauna of these beneficial insects is studied in some regions of three provinces Golestan, Mazandaran and Semnan (northern Iran). In total 43 species from 23 genera and 2 subfamilies Milesiinae and Syrphinae were collected and identified

    Effect of disc brake squeal with respect to thickness variation: Experimental Modal Analysis

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    Disc brake or rotor squeal is an ongoing problem that occurs in the automotive industry. An undesirable disc brake noise problem can arise after a period of time of usage. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the structural dynamic behaviour of disc brakes with different wear thickness by using Experimental Modal Analysis. The wear thickness of disc brake rotors are 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm and 1.5 mm from the original thickness of 15.8 mm and 3.2234 kg weight. The modal parameters such as natural frequency, damping ratio, and mode shape are obtained in a free-free condition by using an impact hammer test. For original thickness of disc brake rotor, the first eight natural frequencies are 1256.4 Hz, 2486.9 Hz, 2654.9 Hz, 3092.1 Hz, 3348.7 Hz, 3407.0 Hz, 4130.0 Hz, and 5709.6 Hz. The results show that the natural frequency decreases when the thickness reduction increased at the same mode. It can be concluded that the wear effect of the disc brake rotor is one of the factors which may lead to the brake squeal problem due to the reduction of the natural frequency of the disc brake rotor


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    Abstrak: Bencana cuaca ekstrem yang dipicu siklon tropis Seroja telah berdampak luar biasa kepada masyarakat Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Pada awal April 2021 lalu BMKG merilis adanya dua bibit siklon tropis yang dapat berdampak pada cuaca ekstrem. Salah satunya siklon tropis 99S yang kemudian dikenal luas sebagai Siklon Seroja. Upaya mitigasi bencana perlu di sampaikan kepada masyarakat terutama pada siswa sekolah dasar. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan umum terkait sadar bencana dan pemahaman mengenai pentingnya literasi kebencanaan dan spesifikasi cara pencegahan (pra bencana), menanggulangi (pasca bencana) serta evakuasi mandiri (tanggap darurat) yang dapat dilakukan oleh siswa sekolah dasar. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kontekstual berbantuan media booklet. Untuk mengetahui peningkatan belajar siswa, siswa diarahkan untuk mengerjakan soal pre-test dan post-test. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa tingkat literasi terkait mitigasi bencana bagi siswa SD Inpres Kuanheum masih kurang. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya hasil evaluasi kegiatan yang menunjukkan siswa belum terbekali dengan edukasi mitigasi yang cukup. Penggunaan media berupa booklet ringkas inovatif sesuai untuk diterapkan bagi siswa sekolah dasar SD Inpres Kuanheum untuk menggugah ketertarikan dalam membaca dan belajar. Edukasi literasi mitigasi bencana harus diimbangi dengan integrasi dalam materi pelajaran formal di sekolah dan pembiasaan secara berkelanjutan. Abstract:  The extreme weather disaster triggered by tropical cyclone Seroja has had a tremendous impact on the people of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). In early April 2021, BMKG released two tropical cyclones that could have an impact on extreme weather. One of them was tropical cyclone 99S which became widely known as Cyclone Seroja. Disaster mitigation efforts need to be conveyed to the community, especially to elementary school students. This community service activity aims to provide general insights related to disaster awareness and understanding of the importance of disaster literacy and specifications on how to prevent (pre-disaster), overcome (post-disaster) and self-evacuation (emergency response) that can be carried o ut by elementary school students. The method used is a contextual method assisted by the media booklet. To find out the improvement of student learning, students are directed to do pre-test and post-test questions. The results of the activity showed that the level of literacy related to disaster mitigation for students of SD Inpres Kuanheum was still lacking. This is shown by the results of the evaluation of activities that show that students have not been equipped with sufficient mitigation education. The use of media in the form of innovative concise booklets is suitable to be applied to elementary school students of SD Inpres Kuanheum to arouse interest in reading and learning. Disaster mitigation literacy education must be balanced with integration in formal subject matter in schools and ongoing habituation

    Universal motion of mirror-symmetric microparticles in confined Stokes flow

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    Comprehensive understanding of particle motion in microfluidic devices is essential to unlock novel technologies for shape-based separation and sorting of microparticles like microplastics, cells and crystal polymorphs. Such particles interact hydrodynamically with confining surfaces, thus altering their trajectories. These hydrodynamic interactions are shape-dependent and can be tuned to guide a particle along a specific path. We produce strongly confined particles with various shapes in a shallow microfluidic channel via stop flow lithography. Regardless of their exact shape, particles with a single mirror plane have identical modes of motion: in-plane rotation and cross-stream translation along a bell-shaped path. Each mode has a characteristic time, determined by particle geometry. Furthermore, each particle trajectory can be scaled by its respective characteristic times onto two master curves. We propose minimalistic relations linking these timescales to particle shape. Together these master curves yield a trajectory universal to particles with a single mirror plane.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, 1 PDF file containing Supplementary Text, Figures and Tabl