291 research outputs found

    An analysis of god's attributes "The Beneficent" and "The Merciful" with regard to the philosophy of islamic jurisprudence

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    I would like to begin my presentation with the quotation of the first sentence of Shafii’s Trea-tise er-Risala, the first work which has been reached us until now, concerning foundation of Islamic jurisprudence. “Praise be to God gratitude for one of His favors can only be paid through another favor of him. And this favor generates favor to be bestowed, wherefore, one should feel obliged continuously to pay gratitude to God for each favor.” It is possible to conceive that Mercy (al-Rahma), the common expression of all favors granted by the Almighty Creature of human beings, has two salient characteristics: one is vertical that is with regard to the Creator and creatures, and the other is horizontal that is concerning hu-man relations among themselves as well as with other creatures. When the concept of Mercy is evaluated in perspective of God-human being relations in the existing world, it indicates that God’s favors, without discrimination, are granted to all human beings. ..

    A texture based approach to reconstruction of archaeological finds

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    Reconstruction of archaeological finds from fragments, is a tedious task requiring many hours of work from the archaeologists and restoration personnel. In this paper we present a framework for the full reconstruction of the original objects using texture and surface design information on the sherd. The texture of a band outside the border of pieces is predicted by inpainting and texture synthesis methods. The confidence of this process is also defined. Feature values are derived from these original and predicted images of pieces. A combination of the feature and confidence values is used to generate an affinity measure of corresponding pieces. The optimization of total affinity gives the best assembly of the piece. Experimental results are presented on real and artificial data

    How Image Degradations Affect Deep CNN-based Face Recognition?

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    Face recognition approaches that are based on deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) have been dominating the field. The performance improvements they have provided in the so called in-the-wild datasets are significant, however, their performance under image quality degradations have not been assessed, yet. This is particularly important, since in real-world face recognition applications, images may contain various kinds of degradations due to motion blur, noise, compression artifacts, color distortions, and occlusion. In this work, we have addressed this problem and analyzed the influence of these image degradations on the performance of deep CNN-based face recognition approaches using the standard LFW closed-set identification protocol. We have evaluated three popular deep CNN models, namely, the AlexNet, VGG-Face, and GoogLeNet. Results have indicated that blur, noise, and occlusion cause a significant decrease in performance, while deep CNN models are found to be robust to distortions, such as color distortions and change in color balance.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Method for Optimal Sensor Deployment on 3D Terrains Utilizing a Steady State Genetic Algorithm with a Guided Walk Mutation Operator Based on the Wavelet Transform

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    One of the most critical issues of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is the deployment of a limited number of sensors in order to achieve maximum coverage on a terrain. The optimal sensor deployment which enables one to minimize the consumed energy, communication time and manpower for the maintenance of the network has attracted interest with the increased number of studies conducted on the subject in the last decade. Most of the studies in the literature today are proposed for two dimensional (2D) surfaces; however, real world sensor deployments often arise on three dimensional (3D) environments. In this paper, a guided wavelet transform (WT) based deployment strategy (WTDS) for 3D terrains, in which the sensor movements are carried out within the mutation phase of the genetic algorithms (GAs) is proposed. The proposed algorithm aims to maximize the Quality of Coverage (QoC) of a WSN via deploying a limited number of sensors on a 3D surface by utilizing a probabilistic sensing model and the Bresenham's line of sight (LOS) algorithm. In addition, the method followed in this paper is novel to the literature and the performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with the Delaunay Triangulation (DT) method as well as a standard genetic algorithm based method and the results reveal that the proposed method is a more powerful and more successful method for sensor deployment on 3D terrains

    A Primer on Vehicle-to-Barrier Communications: Effects of Roadside Barriers, Encroachment, and Vehicle Braking

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    Today, more than half of the traffic fatalities are a result of run-off-road (RoR) crashes, which usually involve a single vehicle. Roadside barriers are often the last means to mitigate the severity of a RoR crash into hazardous objects or features. While the recent research on vehicular communications primarily focus on safety related wireless communications for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) scenarios, the interactions between vehicles and barriers in next generation vehicular systems have not been well-studied. In this paper, vehicle-to-barrier (V2B) wireless communication paradigm is introduced as a potential missing link in preventing single-vehicle RoR fatalities1. V2B communications, which take place between vehicles and radios embedded in roadside barriers can contribute to keeping cars on the road and help mitigate RoR crashes. The realization of V2B communication services necessitates an in-depth understanding of the underlying physical characteristics of the environment and channel. To this end, in this paper, some of the first real world field test measurement results of V2B communications are presented. More specifically, the effects of two types of commonly-utilized barriers (rigid concrete barrier and corrugated-beam guardrail) on the V2B channel communications are illustrated. The results show that guardrail barriers exhibit a waveguiding effect on signal transmission, while higher signal attenuation is observed with rigid barriers. Moreover, experiments illustrate the characteristics of V2B orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) communication during vehicle encroachment and braking in terms of received signal strength, error vector magnitude, and phase error statistics. The results highlight that barrier-height antenna deployments result in high channel quality for long distances and are not influenced by mobility and vehicle brake during encroachment scenarios, making them a strong candidate for V2B communications

    Studi Literatur Mengenai Evaluasi Mutu Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan dengan Baldrige Excellence Framework

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    Menciptakan penyediaan layanan pendidikan membutuhkan berbagai peningkatan mutu. Dalam meningkatkan mutu sekolah terhadap konsumen mereka yaitu peserta didik, terdapat berbagai indikator yang mempengaruhi mutu Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) itu sendiri. Malcolm Baldrige for Performance Excellence (MBfPE) yang menjadi bagian dari salah satu penilaian Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) dan literasi mengenai dokumen yang memuat penilaian sekolah antara lain akreditasi, PMP (Penjamin Mutu Pendidikan) dan PKKS (Penilaian Kinerja Kepala Sekolah) yang sudah dilakukan oleh sekolah sebagai data awal yang dihubungkan dengan penilaian MBfPE. MBfPE dilakukan karena kerangka penilaian ini teruji memiliki indikator penilaian yang spesifik untuk kriteria mutu sekolah yang terukur, fleksibel dan komperhensif. Studi literatur memuat mengenai berbagai keterikatan antara penilaian mutu sekolah yang dilakukan saat ini dengan metode Malcolm Baldrige for Performance Excellence for education yang memuat berbagai kriteria dan sub-kriteria penilaian yang dapat digunakan sebagai tolok ukur penilaian yang dilakukan oleh sekolah di Indonesia selama ini
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