670 research outputs found

    Trajectory computation during a maneuver: Thrust estimation with the Goddard Trajectory Determination System (GTDS)

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    Existing thrust modeling capabilities of the Goddard Trajectory Determination System (GTDS) have been enhanced to allow calibration of the onboard propulsion system. These enhancements provide one or more thrust scale factors, based on estimation using the batch least-squares technique, for the case of along-track thrust and the case of attitude-dependent thrust. The enhancements are evaluated using simulated tracking measurements for a test spacecraft and using actual tracking measurements for the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS). The effects of tracking measurement noise and distribution on the accuracy of the estimation are investigated and found to be significant. Results and conclusions of the analysis are presented

    Preliminary Orbit Determination System (PODS) for Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS)-tracked target Spacecraft using the homotopy continuation method

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    The Preliminary Orbit Determination System (PODS) provides early orbit determination capability in the Trajectory Computation and Orbital Products System (TCOPS) for a Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS)-tracked spacecraft. PODS computes a set of orbit states from an a priori estimate and six tracking measurements, consisting of any combination of TDRSS range and Doppler tracking measurements. PODS uses the homotopy continuation method to solve a set of nonlinear equations, and it is particularly effective for the case when the a priori estimate is not well known. Since range and Doppler measurements produce multiple states in PODS, a screening technique selects the desired state. PODS is executed in the TCOPS environment and can directly access all operational data sets. At the completion of the preliminary orbit determination, the PODS-generated state, along with additional tracking measurements, can be directly input to the differential correction (DC) process to generate an improved state. To validate the computational and operational capabilities of PODS, tests were performed using simulated TDRSS tracking measurements for the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite and using real TDRSS measurements for the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) and the Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) spacecraft. The effects of various measurement combinations, varying arc lengths, and levels of degradation of the a priori state vector on the PODS solutions were considered

    Preliminary navigation accuracy analysis for the TDRSS Onboard Navigation System (TONS) experiment on EP/EUVE

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    A Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) Onboard Navigation System (TONS) is currently being developed by NASA to provide a high accuracy autonomous navigation capability for users of TDRSS and its successor, the Advanced TDRSS (ATDRSS). The fully autonomous user onboard navigation system will support orbit determination, time determination, and frequency determination, based on observation of a continuously available, unscheduled navigation beacon signal. A TONS experiment will be performed in conjunction with the Explorer Platform (EP) Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) mission to flight quality TONS Block 1. An overview is presented of TONS and a preliminary analysis of the navigation accuracy anticipated for the TONS experiment. Descriptions of the TONS experiment and the associated navigation objectives, as well as a description of the onboard navigation algorithms, are provided. The accuracy of the selected algorithms is evaluated based on the processing of realistic simulated TDRSS one way forward link Doppler measurements. The analysis process is discussed and the associated navigation accuracy results are presented

    Flight dynamics facility operational orbit determination support for the ocean topography experiment

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    The Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX/POSEIDON) mission is designed to determine the topography of the Earth's sea surface across a 3 yr period, beginning with launch in June 1992. The Goddard Space Flight Center Dynamics Facility has the capability to operationally receive and process Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) tracking data. Because these data will be used to support orbit determination (OD) aspects of the TOPEX mission, the Dynamics Facility was designated to perform TOPEX operational OD. The scientific data require stringent OD accuracy in navigating the TOPEX spacecraft. The OD accuracy requirements fall into two categories: (1) on orbit free flight; and (2) maneuver. The maneuver OD accuracy requirements are of two types; premaneuver planning and postmaneuver evaluation. Analysis using the Orbit Determination Error Analysis System (ODEAS) covariance software has shown that, during the first postlaunch mission phase of the TOPEX mission, some postmaneuver evaluation OD accuracy requirements cannot be met. ODEAS results also show that the most difficult requirements to meet are those that determine the change in the components of velocity for postmaneuver evaluation

    Automation of orbit determination functions for National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)-supported satellite missions

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    The Flight Dynamics Facility (FDF) at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) provides spacecraft trajectory determination for a wide variety of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)-supported satellite missions, using the Tracking Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) and Ground Spaceflight and Tracking Data Network (GSTDN). To take advantage of computerized decision making processes that can be used in spacecraft navigation, the Orbit Determination Automation System (ODAS) was designed, developed, and implemented as a prototype system to automate orbit determination (OD) and orbit quality assurance (QA) functions performed by orbit operations. Based on a machine-resident generic schedule and predetermined mission-dependent QA criteria, ODAS autonomously activates an interface with the existing trajectory determination system using a batch least-squares differential correction algorithm to perform the basic OD functions. The computational parameters determined during the OD are processed to make computerized decisions regarding QA, and a controlled recovery process isactivated when the criteria are not satisfied. The complete cycle is autonomous and continuous. ODAS was extensively tested for performance under conditions resembling actual operational conditions and found to be effective and reliable for extended autonomous OD. Details of the system structure and function are discussed, and test results are presented

    Study of geopotential error models used in orbit determination error analysis

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    The uncertainty in the geopotential model is currently one of the major error sources in the orbit determination of low-altitude Earth-orbiting spacecraft. The results of an investigation of different geopotential error models and modeling approaches currently used for operational orbit error analysis support at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) are presented, with emphasis placed on sequential orbit error analysis using a Kalman filtering algorithm. Several geopotential models, known as the Goddard Earth Models (GEMs), were developed and used at GSFC for orbit determination. The errors in the geopotential models arise from the truncation errors that result from the omission of higher order terms (omission errors) and the errors in the spherical harmonic coefficients themselves (commission errors). At GSFC, two error modeling approaches were operationally used to analyze the effects of geopotential uncertainties on the accuracy of spacecraft orbit determination - the lumped error modeling and uncorrelated error modeling. The lumped error modeling approach computes the orbit determination errors on the basis of either the calibrated standard deviations of a geopotential model's coefficients or the weighted difference between two independently derived geopotential models. The uncorrelated error modeling approach treats the errors in the individual spherical harmonic components as uncorrelated error sources and computes the aggregate effect using a combination of individual coefficient effects. This study assesses the reasonableness of the two error modeling approaches in terms of global error distribution characteristics and orbit error analysis results. Specifically, this study presents the global distribution of geopotential acceleration errors for several gravity error models and assesses the orbit determination errors resulting from these error models for three types of spacecraft - the Gamma Ray Observatory, the Ocean Topography Experiment, and the Cosmic Background Explorer

    Evaluation of advanced geopotential models for operational orbit determination

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    To meet future orbit determination accuracy requirements for different NASA projects, analyses are performed using Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) tracking measurements and orbit determination improvements in areas such as the modeling of the Earth's gravitational field. Current operational requirements are satisfied using the Goddard Earth Model-9 (GEM-9) geopotential model with the harmonic expansion truncated at order and degree 21 (21-by-21). This study evaluates the performance of 36-by-36 geopotential models, such as the GEM-10B and Preliminary Goddard Solution-3117 (PGS-3117) models. The Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) and LANDSAT-5 are the spacecraft considered in this study

    Synthesis, Structure and Thermal Properties of Volatile Indium and Gallium Triazenides

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    Indium and gallium nitride are important semi-conductor materials with desirable properties for high-frequency and power electronics. We have previously demonstrated high-quality ALD grown InN and GaN using the hexacoordinated 1,3-diisopropyltriazenide In(III) and Ga(III) precursors. Herein we report the structural and thermal properties their analogues employing combinations of isopropyl, sec-butyl and tert-butyltriazenide alkyl groups on the exocyclic nitrogen of the triazenide ligand. The new triazenide compounds were all found to be volatile (80-120 degrees C, 0.5 mbar) and showed very good thermal stability (200 and 300 degrees C). These new triazenide analogues provide a set of precursors whose thermal properties are determined and can be accordingly tailored by strategic choice of exocyclic nitrogen alkyl substituents

    Effects of limonene on ruminal fusobacterium necrophorum concentrations, fermentation, and lysine degradation in cattle

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    Citation: Samii, S. S., Wallace, N., Nagaraja, T. G., Engstrom, M. A., Miesner, M. D., Armendariz, C. K., & Titgemeyer, E. C. (2016). Effects of limonene on ruminal fusobacterium necrophorum concentrations, fermentation, and lysine degradation in cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 94(8), 3420-3430. doi:10.2527/jas2016-0455Previous in vitro data showed that Fusobacterium necrophorum was inhibited by limonene. We further evaluated effects of limonene on growth of F. necrophorum in vitro as well as on ruminal concentrations of F. necrophorum in vivo. With in vitro cultivation in anaerobic brain-heart infusion broth, limonene decreased growth of F. necrophorum. Thymol also reduced growth of F. necrophorum, but it was less effective than limonene. Tylosin effectively reduced growth of F. necrophorum in vitro. Although the response over fermentation times and concentrations of antimicrobials differed somewhat between tylosin and limonene, the 2 antimicrobial agents yielded similar inhibitory effects on growth of F. necrophorum at concentrations ranging from 6 to 24 mg/L. The effects of limonene on ruminal F. necrophorum concentration in vivo were tested in 7 ruminally cannulated heifers (225 kg initial BW) used in a 7 × 4 Youden square design. Treatments included: 1) control, 2) limonene at 10 mg/kg diet DM, 3) limonene at 20 mg/kg diet DM, 4) limonene at 40 mg/kg diet DM, 5) limonene at 80 mg/kg diet DM, 6) CRINA-L (a blend of essential oil components) at 180 mg/kg diet DM, and 7) tylosin at 12 mg/kg diet DM. Each period included 11 d with 10 d washouts between periods. Samples of ruminal contents were collected before treatment initiation and after 4, 7, and 10 d of treatment for measuring F. necrophorum by the most probable number method using selective culture medium. Limonene linearly decreased (P = 0.03) ruminal F. necrophorum concentration, with the lowest concentration achieved with 40 mg of limonene/kg dietary DM. Limonene tended (P ? 0.07) to linearly reduce ruminal molar proportions of propionate and valerate while tending to linearly increase (P ? 0.10) those of butyrate and 2-methyl butyrate. Limonene did not affect ruminal NH3 concentrations or degradation rates of lysine. Neither CRINA-L (P = 0.52) nor tylosin (P = 0.19) affected ruminal F. necrophorum concentrations. CRINA-L significantly decreased ruminal concentrations of NH3 and molar proportions of 3-methyl butyrate, whereas tylosin significantly decreased molar proportions of propionate while increasing those of butyrate and tending to increase those of acetate. Limonene supplementation reduced ruminal concentrations of F. necrophorum suggesting that it may have the potential to reduce the prevalence of liver abscesses, although further research is needed to assess the effect of limonene in feedlot cattle. © 2016 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved

    Synthesis and Thermal Study of Hexacoordinated Aluminum(III) Triazenides for Use in Atomic Layer Deposition

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    Amidinate and guanidinate ligands have been used extensively to produce volatile and thermally stable precursors for atomic layer deposition. The triazenide ligand is relatively unexplored as an alternative ligand system. Herein, we present six new Al(III) complexes bearing three sets of a 1,3-dialkyltriazenide ligand. These complexes volatilize quantitatively in a single step with onset volatilization temperatures of similar to 150 degrees C and 1 Torr vapor pressures of similar to 134 degrees C. Differential scanning calorimetry revealed that these Al(III) complexes exhibited exothermic events that overlapped with the temperatures of their mass loss events in thermogravimetric analysis. Using quantum chemical density functional theory computations, we found a decomposition pathway that transforms the relatively large hexacoordinated Al(III) precursor into a smaller dicoordinated complex. The pathway relies on previously unexplored interligand proton migrations. These new Al(III) triazenides provide a series of alternative precursors with unique thermal properties that could be highly advantageous for vapor deposition processes of Al containing materials