13 research outputs found

    A novel optical flow-based representation for temporal video segmentation

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    Temporal video segmentation is a field of multimedia research enabling us to temporally split video data into semantically coherent scenes. In order to develop methods challenging temporal video segmentation, detecting scene boundaries is one of the more widely used approaches. As a result, representation of temporal information becomes important. We propose a new temporal video segment representation to formalize video scenes as a sequence of temporal motion change information. The idea here is that some sort of change in the optical flow character determines motion change and cuts between consecutive scenes. The problem is eventually reduced to an optical flow-based cut detection problem from which the average motion vector concept is put forward. This concept is used for proposing a pixel-based representation enriched with a novel motion-based approach. Temporal video segment points are classified as cuts and noncuts according to the proposed video segment representation. Consequently, the proposed method and representation is applied to benchmark data sets and the results are compared to other state-of-the art methods

    Bilgisayar destekli okul otomasyon sistemi

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    ÖZETBİLGİSAYAR DESTEKLİ OKUL OTOMASYON SİSTEMİSon zamanlarda üzerlerinde yapılan çalışmalar büyük bir hızla artan RFID teknolojisinin uygulama alanlarından bir tanesi de eğitim-öğretim kurumlarındaki öğrenci, öğretmen ve idarecilerin rutin olarak yapmak zorunda oldukları bir takım işlemlerini bilgisayar desteği ile otomatik yaptırmayı hedefleyen okul otomasyon sistemleridir.Bu tez kapsamında RFID kart teknolojisi incelenmiş ve örnek bir uygulama olarak okul otomasyon sistemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu sistem, benzerlerinde olduğu gibi, kişilerin (öğretmen, idareci, hizmetli, ziyaretçi ve özellikle öğrencilerin) kurum bünyesinde, girişte güvenlik denetiminden başlayarak, sınıf kullanımı ve ders devam takiplerini, laboratuar kullanımı ve buraya girişe yetkili olup olmadıklarını, kantin, kütüphane kullanımları ve buralar ile ilgili işlemlerini, öğrencilerin sınavları, notları ile ilgili bilgileri hızlıca almalarını ve öğretmen-öğrenci arasındaki duyuru iletimini sağlamayı içermektedir.Bu çalışmada gerçekleştirilen otomasyon sistemini diğerlerinden farklı kılan; bu tarz sistemlerin pek çoğunun ortak ihtiyacı olan sunucu makineye bağlılığın azaltılmış olmasıdır. Böylece herhangi bir nedenle sunucu makine görev dışı kalacak olsa bile sistemin çalışmaya devam edebilmesi hedeflenmiştir.Tezin amacı RFID kartları tanımak, onları kullanarak, ağ ile birbirine bağlı bilgisayarlar arasındaki bağımlılığı en az seviyeye indirerek, kurum bünyesindeki kişilerin işlemlerini, pek çok bakımdan otomatik olarak, gerçekleştirmeyi sağlamaktır.ABSTRACTCOMPUTER AIDED SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION SYSTEMNowadays, the RFID technology has been received a growing attention and has gotten a wide range of applications including some administration systems for automatically managing students’, instructors’ and head-staffs’ routine have-to-do works with the aid of computers.In this study, RFID cards’ technology was investigated and a sample school administration system was implemented. Just like the alike ones, this system is based on; security check at entrance, student management, staff management, class attendance management, laboratory administration, and library management within the school building. It’s also capable of, exams date, students’ grades announcement and electronics information exchange between the instructor and students.Beside the similarities stated above, this study differs with one point from the others. In such administration systems the dependence to server is inevitable. In this study, the system is designed to be more server dependency-free, thus if a server crush occurs, not all the system will be affected.The purpose of this thesis is learning RFID cards’ technology and by using them, implementing a school administration system that is more server independent, which in turn will automatically manage school’s staff and students

    Video içeriklerinin üst düzey bilgiler kullanılarak ontoloji tabanlı anlambilimsel çıkarımı.

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    The aim of this thesis is the development of an infrastructure which is used for semantic retrieval of multimedia contents. Motivated by the needs of semantic search and retrieval of multimedia contents, operating directly on the MPEG-7 based annotations can be thought as a reasonable way for meeting these needs as MPEG-7 is a common standard providing a wide multimedia content description schema. However, it is clear that the MPEG-7 formalism is deficient about the semantics and reasoning support. From this perspective, additionally, we need to represent MPEG-7 descriptions in a new formalism in order to fill the gap about semantics and reasoning. Then, the semantic web and multimedia technologies intercept at this point of multimedia semantics. In this thesis, OWL Web Ontology Language, which is based on description logic has been utilized to model a connection between the ontology semantics and video metadata. Modeling the domain of the videos using ontologies and the MPEG-7 descriptions, and reasoning on the videos by the help of the logical formalism of these ontologies are the main objectives of the thesis.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Optik akış tabanlı video çerçeve bölümlendirme ve bölüm sınıflandırma.

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    Video information retrieval is a field of multimedia research enabling us to extract desired semantic information from video data. In content-based video information retrieval, visual content obtained from video scenes is utilized. For developing methods to cope with content-based video information retrieval in terms of temporal concepts such as action, event, etc., representation of temporal information becomes critical. In this thesis, action detection is tackled based on a temporal video representation model. Herein, the visual feature - optical flow - is our basic construct used to formalize video parts as temporal information. In the proposed model, video action detection is considered over a pieced approach composed of two parts; Temporal video segment classification and temporal video segmentation. In the first part, weighted frame velocity concept is put forward and associated with the optical flow vectors. The associated representation is used in action based video segment classification. The second part contains a new temporal video segmentation methodology providing segment candidates to segment classification methods generally. The methodology brings an approach strengthening the pixel based cut detection methods with the motion based ones. Average motion vectors are presented based on the optical flow vectors and used in pixel matching. A binary cut classification is applied to the obtained representation enriched with a sliding window based approach. Proposed methods are applied to different data sets. Analysis of the results with the state of the art methods shows that proposed temporal representation models and concepts increased the segment and cut classification performances.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Bilgisayar destekli okul otomasyon sistemi

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    BİLGİSAYAR DESTEKLİ OKUL OTOMASYON SİSTEMİ Son zamanlarda üzerlerinde yapılan çalışmalar büyük bir hızla artan RFID teknolojisinin uygulama alanlarından bir tanesi de eğitim-öğretim kurumlarındaki öğrenci, öğretmen ve idarecilerin rutin olarak yapmak zorunda oldukları bir takım işlemlerini bilgisayar desteği ile otomatik yaptırmayı hedefleyen okul otomasyon sistemleridir. Bu tez kapsamında RFID kart teknolojisi incelenmiş ve örnek bir uygulama olarak okul otomasyon sistemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu sistem, benzerlerinde olduğu gibi, kişilerin (öğretmen, idareci, hizmetli, ziyaretçi ve özellikle öğrencilerin) kurum bünyesinde, girişte güvenlik denetiminden başlayarak, sınıf kullanımı ve ders devam takiplerini, laboratuar kullanımı ve buraya girişe yetkili olup olmadıklarını, kantin, kütüphane kullanımları ve buralar ile ilgili işlemlerini, öğrencilerin sınavları, notları ile ilgili bilgileri hızlıca almalarını ve öğretmen-öğrenci arasındaki duyuru iletimini sağlamayı içermektedir. Bu çalışmada gerçekleştirilen otomasyon sistemini diğerlerinden farklı kılan; bu tarz sistemlerin pek çoğunun ortak ihtiyacı olan sunucu makineye bağlılığın azaltılmış olmasıdır. Böylece herhangi bir nedenle sunucu makine görev dışı kalacak olsa bile sistemin çalışmaya devam edebilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Tezin amacı RFID kartları tanımak, onları kullanarak, ağ ile birbirine bağlı bilgisayarlar arasındaki bağımlılığı en az seviyeye indirerek, kurum bünyesindeki kişilerin işlemlerini, pek çok bakımdan otomatik olarak, gerçekleştirmeyi sağlamaktır. ABSTRACT COMPUTER AIDED SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM Nowadays, the RFID technology has been received a growing attention and has gotten a wide range of applications including some administration systems for automatically managing students’, instructors’ and head-staffs’ routine have-to-do works with the aid of computers. In this study, RFID cards’ technology was investigated and a sample school administration system was implemented. Just like the alike ones, this system is based on; security check at entrance, student management, staff management, class attendance management, laboratory administration, and library management within the school building. It’s also capable of, exams date, students’ grades announcement and electronics information exchange between the instructor and students. Beside the similarities stated above, this study differs with one point from the others. In such administration systems the dependence to server is inevitable. In this study, the system is designed to be more server dependency-free, thus if a server crush occurs, not all the system will be affected. The purpose of this thesis is learning RFID cards’ technology and by using them, implementing a school administration system that is more server independent, which in turn will automatically manage school’s staff and students

    Development of Simultaneous Derivative Spectrophotometric and HPLC Methods for Determination of 17-Beta-Estradiol and Drospirenone in Combined Dosage Form

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    Simple, rapid spectrophotometric, and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatographic methods were developed for the concurrent analysis of 17-beta-estradiol (ESR) and drospirenone (DRS). The spectrophotometric method was based on the determination of first derivative spectra and determined ESR and DRS using the zero-crossing technique at 208 and 282 nm, respectively, in methanol. The linear range was 0.5–32.0 µg·mL(−1) for DRS and 0.5–8.0 µg·mL(−1) for EST. The limit of detection (LOD) values were 0.14 µg·mL(−1) and 0.10 µg·mL(−1) and limit of quantification (LOQ) values were 0.42 µg·mL(−1) and 0.29 µg·mL(−1) for ESR and DRS, respectively. The chromatographic method was based on the separation of both analytes on a C(18) column with a mobile phase containing acetonitrile and water (70 : 30, v/v). Detection was performed with a UV-photodiode array detector at 279 nm. The linear range was 0.08–2.5 µg·mL(−1) for DRS and 0.23–7.5 µg·mL(−1) for EST. LOD values were 0.05 µg·mL(−1) and 0.02 µg·mL(−1) and LOQ values were 0.15 µg·mL(−1) and 0.05 µg·mL(−1) for ESR and DRS, respectively. These recommended methods have been applied for the simultaneous determination of ESR and DRS in their tablets

    Development of Simultaneous Derivative Spectrophotometric and HPLC Methods for Determination of 17-Beta-Estradiol and Drospirenone in Combined Dosage Form.

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    Simple, rapid spectrophotometric, and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatographic methods were developed for the concurrent analysis of 17-beta-estradiol (ESR) and drospirenone (DRS). The spectrophotometric method was based on the determination of first derivative spectra and determined ESR and DRS using the zero-crossing technique at 208 and 282 nm, respectively, in methanol. The linear range was 0.5–32.0 µg·mL(−1) for DRS and 0.5–8.0 µg·mL(−1) for EST. The limit of detection (LOD) values were 0.14 µg·mL(−1) and 0.10 µg·mL(−1) and limit of quantification (LOQ) values were 0.42 µg·mL(−1) and 0.29 µg·mL(−1) for ESR and DRS, respectively. The chromatographic method was based on the separation of both analytes on a C(18) column with a mobile phase containing acetonitrile and water (70 : 30, v/v). Detection was performed with a UV-photodiode array detector at 279 nm. The linear range was 0.08–2.5 µg·mL(−1) for DRS and 0.23–7.5 µg·mL(−1) for EST. LOD values were 0.05 µg·mL(−1) and 0.02 µg·mL(−1) and LOQ values were 0.15 µg·mL(−1) and 0.05 µg·mL(−1) for ESR and DRS, respectively. These recommended methods have been applied for the simultaneous determination of ESR and DRS in their tablets

    Reducing arsenic and groundwater contaminants down to safe level for drinking purposes via Fe3+-attached hybrid column

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    Monitoring of groundwater is fundamentally important due to it has emerged as a major source of drinking water and also used for irrigation purposes in many places in the world. Arsenic contamination in surface water and groundwater resources is a major concern due to its presence at high concentration and associated adverse health effects. Thus, the remediation of As in water resources, alongside other chemical species including fluoride, lithium, vanadium aluminium and nitrate is necessary. We have designed a hybrid [polyethyleneimine (PEI)-supported Fe3+-attached poly-(HEMA-co-GMA)] column for the reduction of arsenic (III and V) and other groundwater chemicals from natural groundwater as a potential contribution to water resource management. Swelling behaviour and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed for the characterization of hybrid material. For the optimization of experimental conditions, the effects of pH and initial arsenic concentrations on adsorption were studied using arsenic solutions. Maximum adsorption capacity in equilibrium was 11.44 and 5.79 mg/g polymer for As(III) and As(V), respectively at pH 7. The reduction of metalloids and other subsurface chemicals were carried out with natural groundwater samples obtained from local sources. The mean concentrations of arsenic were recorded between 44.96 and 219.04 μg/L and of which 71.3–95.4 % (0.32–1.22 mg/g) were removed. The average removals were determined as F−1 50–86%, Li+ 43.2–99.7%, Al+3 83.8–91.4%, NO3 – 48.4–72.2% and V 91.3–95.7. Chemical-loaded hybrid columns were regenerated successfully 15 times with only a loss of 5% in adsorption capacity by 0.01 M NaCl- treatment for potential adaptation into water industry. No pre-oxidation of As species was performed for the treatment of ground water samples prior to the hybrid column testing

    Event Extraction from Turkish Football Web-casting Texts Using Hand-crafted Templates

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    In this paper, we present a domain specific information extraction approach. We use manually formed templates to extract information from unstructured documents where grammatical and syntactical errors occur frequently. We applied our approach to primarily Turkish unstructured soccer Web-casting texts. Compared to automated approaches we achieve high precision-recall rates (97% - 85%). In addition to that, unlike automated approaches we do not use part-of-speech taggers, parsers, phrase chunkers or that kind of a linguistic tool. As a result, our approach can be applied to any domain or any language without the necessity of successful linguistic tools. The drawback of our approach is the time spent on crafting the templates. We also propose the means to decrease that time

    Event Boundary Detection Using Audio Visual Features and Web casting Texts with Imprecise Time Information

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    We propose a method to detect events and event boundaries in soccer videos by using web-casting texts and audio-visual features. The events and their inaccurate time information given in web-casting texts need to be aligned with the visual content of the video. We overcome this issue by utilizing textual, visual and audio features. Existing methods assume that the time at which the event occurs is given precisely (in seconds). However, most web-casting texts presented by popular organizations such as uefa.com (the official site of Union of European Football Associations) provide the time information in minutes rather than seconds. We propose a robust method which is able to handle uncertainties in the time points of the events. As a result of our experiments, we claim that our method detects event boundaries satisfactorily for uncertain web-casting texts, and that the use of audio-visual features improves the performance of event boundary detection