144 research outputs found

    On understanding the Islamic Concept of History: A Conceptual study

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    Islamic history is the science which informs us about our heritage, which makes us conscious of links with past; which makes aware of origin; and which provides us with a sense of direction for the future. Historical writing was a primary Islamic discipline that underwent profound elaboration over centuries, and in its early appearance portrayed a universal vision of humanity from creation until the present. The holy Qur’an, through the mouth and example of the Prophet (SAAS) stressed the importance of relating what has happened to nations and civilizations of the old as a warning for mankind so that historical knowledge will serve as a moral exhortations to the believers. The Qur’an states in Surah Ghafir Chapter number 40, Ayat number 21:“Have they not travelled in the land to see the nature of the consequence for those who disbelieved before them? They were mightier than thee in power and (in the) traces (which they) left behind them in the earth. Yet Allah seized them for their sins and they had no protector from Allahâ€. In this paper, an attempt has been made to describe the concept of history in Islam by highlighting the Quranic concept of history as well as the Muslim consciousness of history


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    This article aims at describing and examining life and works of Muhammad Shibli Nomani. With a historical and content analysis, this paper draws several conclusions. First, the prominent scholar of the Indo-Pak subcontinent of the modern times earns global name and fame through his multiple contributions. These include an accomplished tremendous excellence in numerous walks of human knowledge, arts and science, language and literature, research and criticism, philosophy and scholasticism, history and biography. Secondly, in all his eminent writings, Shibli makes full utilization of primary sources. It is because of this full use of the primary sources that his writings are outstanding in nature not only for the wealth of knowledge but also for interpretation and presentation of facts collected from a number of sources. Third, Shibli’s historical writings were primarily written to refute the unfounded allegations of the European writers on Islam and Muslim rule, to acquaint the Muslims with their glorious past, and to draw them out of stagnancy and obscurantism. AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan meneliti kehidupan dan karya-karya Muhammad Shibli Nomani. Dengan menggunakan analisis sejarah dan konten, penelitian ini berhasil mendapatkan beberapa kesimpulan. Pertama, sang sejarahwan terkemuka dari Indo-Pakistan memperoleh nama besar dan kemasyhuran dari beberapa kontribusi yang dia berikan. Termasuk di antaranya, pencapaian yang mengagumkan dalam beragam bidang ilmu pengetahuan manusia, seni dan sains, bahasa dan sastra, penelitian dan kritisisme, dan sejarah dan biografi. Kedua, dalam semua karya tulisnya, Shibli memanfaatkan sumber-sumber utama. Penggunaan sumber-sumber utama inilah yang menjadikan tulisan-tulisan itu sangat mengagumkan bukan hanya karena kekayaan pengetahuan namun juga karena interpretasi dan penyajian fakta yang terkumpul dari beberapa sumber tersebut. Ketiga, karya tulis kesejarahan Shibli utamanya ditulis untuk membantah tuduhan tanpa dasar dari para penulis Eropa tentang Islam dan hukum Islam, untuk memperkenalkan orang-orang Muslim dengan masa lalu mereka yang mulia, dan untuk menarik mereka keluar dari kemandekan dan obskurantisme

    Right to Life as Basic Structure of Indian Constitution

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    Right to life in the British India was not guaranteed as a constitutional right. However, its demand was tremendous. After Independence, it was incorporated in the Constitution under Article 21. However, it was not an absolute fundamental right, but could be taken away by an ordinary legislation. In early judicial challenges, it could not be recognized as a part of basic structure. Life, under right to life, was literally interpreted as a vegetative or an animal life. However, Maneka Gandhi case was a big bang in its evolutionary history, wherein the Supreme Court of India distinguished human life with an animal life, and held that it included all amenities necessary for human dignity. After recognition of the basic structure of the Constitution, it was also accepted as a part of the basic structure, which could not be taken away even by a constitutional amendment.&nbsp

    Derogation of Human Rights under the Covenant and their Suspension during Emergency and Civil Martial Law, in India and Pakistan

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    Human rights are so fundamental and inalienable that they can-not be denied to any human being on any ground. Moreover, they are always available to everyone at all times. Few are available to citizens only, and few are subject to reasonable restrictions imposed by law. In addition, they are not available when life of a nation is jeopardized, particularly, in exceptional circumstances of an emergency or Civil Martial Law. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966 as well provides human rights both in normal and abnormal situations of a State. It permits to derogate their availability. Not only the Covenant permitted derogation of human rights, in exceptional cases but the Constitutions of India and Pakistan also authorized the governments to suspend them, during the promulgation of emergencies. However, right to life was saved from the clutches of a Government, during a constitutional emergency, after 44th Amendment in the Indian Constitution. Similarly, its protection, under Article 4 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, compelled the Government to keep its hands off to suspend it during the promulgation of an emergency. Now, both in the Constitutions of India and Pakistan, it is immunized from suspension, during an emergency or Civil Martial Law, nevertheless, the protection is by two different legal schemes.&nbsp

    Basic Structure of Constitution: Impact of Kesavananda Bharati on Constitutional Status of Fundamental Rights

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    Kesavananda Bharati was a mile stone in the constitutional history of India after Golak Nath. In Golak Nath, the Indian parliament was incapacitated to amend any fundamental right, guaranteed in the Constitution, while in Kesavananda case, the amendment power of Parliament was recognized, but was limited to the extent that it would not take away the basic structure of the Constitution. However, what was basic structure could be agreed upon. Gradually, in the following cases, fundamental rights were recognized as a part of basic structure therefore, unamendable by Parliament, even with hundred percent majorities of its both Houses. Later case-law, categorically established that Article 21, along with other fundamental rights, was also a part of the basic structure. Now, it is well-recognized principle that any constitutional amendment can be tested on the yardstick of Article 21.&nbsp

    Secure-Sim-G: Security-Aware Grid Simulator – Basic Concept and Structure, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2012, nr 1

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    Task scheduling and resource allocation are the key issues for computational grids. Distributed resources usually work at different autonomous domains with their own access and security policies that impact successful job executions across the domain boundaries. In this paper we present a security-aware grid simulator Secure-Sim-G, which facilitates the evaluation of the different scheduling heuristics under various scheduling criteria in several grid scenarios defined by the security conditions, grid size and system dynamics. The simulator allows the flexible activation or inactivation of all of the scheduling criteria and modules, which makes the application well adapted to the proper illustration of the different realistic scenarios and avoids the possible restriction to the specific scheduling resolution methods. The simulation results and traces may be graphically represented and stored at the server and can retrieved in different formats such as spreadsheets or pdf files

    Genetic modification of Mucor circinelloides for canthaxanthin production by heterologous expression of β-carotene ketolase gene

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    11 pags, 4 figs, 1 tab. -- he Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2021.756218/full#supplementary-materiaCanthaxanthin is a reddish-orange xanthophyll with strong antioxidant activity and higher bioavailability than carotenes, primarily used in food, cosmetics, aquaculture, and pharmaceutical industries. The spiking market for natural canthaxanthin promoted researchers toward genetic engineering of heterologous hosts for canthaxanthin production. Mucor circinelloides is a dimorphic fungus that produces β-carotene as the major carotenoid and is considered as a model organism for carotenogenic studies. In this study, canthaxanthin-producing M. circinelloides strain was developed by integrating the codon-optimized β-carotene ketolase gene (bkt) of the Haematococcus pluvialis into the genome of the fungus under the control of strong promoter zrt1. First, a basic plasmid was constructed to disrupt crgA gene, a negative regulator of carotene biosynthesis resulted in substantial β-carotene production, which served as the building block for canthaxanthin by further enzymatic reaction of the ketolase enzyme. The genetically engineered strain produced a significant amount (576 ± 28 μg/g) of canthaxanthin, which is the highest amount reported in Mucor to date. Moreover, the cell dry weight of the recombinant strain was also determined, producing up to more than 9.0 g/L, after 96 h. The mRNA expression level of bkt in the overexpressing strain was analyzed by RT-qPCR, which increased by 5.3-, 4.1-, and 3-folds at 24, 48, and 72 h, respectively, compared with the control strain. The canthaxanthin-producing M. circinelloides strain obtained in this study provided a basis for further improving the biotechnological production of canthaxanthin and suggested a useful approach for the construction of more valuable carotenoids, such as astaxanthin.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 31670064 and 31972851), the Tai Shan Industrial Experts Program tscy 20160101, and the Shandong provincial key technology R&D plan (2018GNC110039, 2018GSF121013).Peer reviewe

    Case report: A novel de novo loss of function variant in the DNA-binding domain of TBX2 causes severe osteochondrodysplasia

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    Background: T-box family members are transcription factors characterized by highly conserved residues corresponding to the DNA-binding domain known as the T-box. TBX2 has been implicated in several developmental processes, such as coordinating cell fate, patterning, and morphogenesis of a wide range of tissues and organs, including lungs, limbs, heart, kidneys, craniofacial structures, and mammary glands.Methods: In the present study, we have clinically and genetically characterized a proband showing a severe form of chondrodysplasia with developmental delay. Whole-exome sequencing (WES), Sanger sequencing, and 3D protein modeling were performed in the present investigation.Results: Whole-exome sequencing revealed a novel nonsense variant (c.529A>T; p.Lys177*; NM_005994.4) in TBX2. 3D-TBX2 protein modeling revealed a substantial reduction of the mutated protein, which might lead to a loss of function (LOF) or nonsense-mediated decay (NMD).Conclusion: This study has not only expanded the mutation spectrum in the gene TBX2 but also facilitated the diagnosis and genetic counseling of related features in affected families