57 research outputs found
Grupos semânticos de adjetivos-epítetos em contos folclóricos russos
The lexical-semantic groups of adjectives-epithets in Russian folk tales are considered in the article. This is an analytical-historical research used to obtain data from the documentary methodology. The resuls showed that the semantic groups of nouns, defined by adjectives, are marked; national cultural connotations, expressed by adjectival substantive combinations, are detected in Russian tales. Various codes of culture are defined, with which described adjectives-epithets, used in direct and figurative (metaphorical and metonymic) meanings, correlate and their linguocultural significance is actualized as fragments of the Russian language picture of the world. In some cases attention is applied to use specific for Russian language suffixes in adjectives, expressing positive or, on the contrary, negative connotations.Los grupos léxico-semánticos de adjetivos-epítetos en los cuentos populares rusos se consideran en el artículo. Esta es una investigación histórico-analítica utilizada para obtener datos de la metodología documental. Los resultados mostraron que los grupos semánticos de sustantivos, definidos por adjetivos, están marcados; Las connotaciones culturales nacionales, expresadas por combinaciones sustantivas de adjetivo, se detectan en los cuentos rusos. Se definen varios códigos de cultura, con los cuales se describen los adjetivos-epítetos, utilizados en significados directos y figurativos (metafóricos y metonímicos), se correlacionan y su importancia lingüística se actualiza como fragmentos de la imagen del mundo en idioma ruso. En algunos casos, se aplica atención al uso específico de los sufijos del idioma ruso en los adjetivos, que expresan connotaciones positivas o, por el contrario, negativas.Os grupos léxico-semânticos de adjetivos-epítetos em contos folclóricos russos são considerados no artigo. Esta é uma pesquisa analítico-histórica usada para obter dados da metodologia documental. Os resultados mostraram que os grupos semânticos de substantivos, definidos por adjetivos, são marcados; conotações culturais nacionais, expressas por combinações substantivas adjetivas, são detectadas em contos russos. São definidos vários códigos de cultura, com os quais se descrevem os adjetivos-epítetos, utilizados em significados diretos e figurativos (metafóricos e metonímicos), correlacionados e seu significado linguocultural se atualiza como fragmentos da imagem de língua russa do mundo. Em alguns casos, aplica-se atenção ao uso específico de sufixos de língua russa em adjetivos, expressando conotações positivas ou, ao contrário, negativas
À pergunta sobre idioma estrangeiro e abreviaturas russas e os seus derivados no aspecto das normas de ortografia russa
This article deals with the issue of the orthography of foreign-language and Russian origin of abbreviations, as well as their derivatives. The relevance of the topic of our research is that the analysis of units that appeared in the Russian language at the end of the 20th century by abbreviation is carried out - a method of forming of new words, which is very actively implemented at the turn of the century. Abbreviations were classified according to their origin, since it was during this era that these units were not only produced in Russian, but were borrowed from English, which was not typical of the Soviet era. Abbreviations of both Russian and foreign origin as a whole are rather actively involved in the system of Russian word-production, forming new derived words. Foreign language abbreviations can retain their original spelling or function on writing in Latin and Russian graphic forms, however, in the original writing they are able to act as a component of a new complex word that has arisen on Russian soil. Derivatives from English abbreviations are mainly subject to the norms of the spelling of the Russian language. In Russian abbreviations differing in the diversity of structural types, and their derivatives, numerous spelling variants are observed, some of which are not in line with the orthographic norm and therefore need to be streamlined.Este artículo trata el tema de la ortografía de las abreviaturas de origen extranjero y ruso, así como sus derivados. La relevancia del tema de nuestra investigación es que el análisis de las unidades que aparecieron en la lengua rusa a fines del siglo XX se lleva a cabo por abreviatura, un método de formación de nuevas palabras, que se implementa muy activamente al final de el siglo. Las abreviaturas se clasificaron según su origen, ya que fue durante esta era que estas unidades no solo se produjeron en ruso, sino que se tomaron del inglés, lo que no era típico de la era soviética. Las abreviaturas de origen ruso y extranjero en su conjunto están bastante involucradas en el sistema de producción de palabras rusas, formando nuevas palabras derivadas. Las abreviaturas de idiomas extranjeros pueden conservar su ortografía original o su función en la escritura en formas gráficas latinas y rusas, sin embargo, en la escritura original pueden actuar como un componente de una nueva palabra compleja que surgió en suelo ruso. Los derivados de las abreviaturas en inglés están sujetos principalmente a las normas de ortografía de la lengua rusa. En las abreviaturas rusas que difieren en la diversidad de los tipos estructurales y sus derivados, se observan numerosas variantes ortográficas, algunas de las cuales no están en línea con la norma ortográfica y, por lo tanto, deben simplificarse.Este artigo trata da questão da ortografia de abreviações de origem estrangeira e russa, bem como seus derivados. A relevância do tema de nossa pesquisa é que a análise das unidades que apareceram na língua russa no final do século XX por abreviação é realizada - um método de formação de novas palavras, que é muito ativamente implementado na virada o século. As abreviaturas foram classificadas de acordo com a sua origem, uma vez que foi durante esta época que estas unidades não foram apenas produzidas em russo, mas foram emprestadas do inglês, o que não era típico da era soviética. As abreviações da origem russa e estrangeira como um todo estão bastante ativamente envolvidas no sistema de produção de palavras russas, formando novas palavras derivadas. Abreviaturas de língua estrangeira podem manter sua grafia original ou função na escrita em latim e russo formas gráficas, no entanto, na escrita original eles são capazes de atuar como um componente de uma nova palavra complexa que surgiu em solo russo. Derivativos das abreviaturas inglesas estão principalmente sujeitos às normas da ortografia da língua russa. Nas abreviaturas russas que diferem na diversidade dos tipos estruturais e seus derivados, são observadas numerosas variantes ortográficas, algumas das quais não estão alinhadas com a norma ortográfica e, portanto, precisam ser simplificadas
Rheological parameters of the water-saturated clay soils on the theory of aging
Розглянуті реологічні зміни перезволожених глинистих грунтів при компресійному стисненні та співставленні з класичними теоріями фільтраційної консолідації Терцагі-Герсеванова. Встановлено, що коефіцієнти відносного стиснення mvi при різних факторах часу ti суттєво збільшуються. Збільшення коефіцієнта mvi виникає під час завершення консолідаційної фільтрації tf. При співставленні зміни порових тисків uw та осадки в часі t в перезволожених глинистих грунтах, на прикладі суглинку видно, що криві, отримані шляхом експеременту відрізняються від класичної теорії Терцагі-Герсеванова в кількісному відношенні.Considered rheological changes waterlogged clay soils with compression and compression compared with the classical theories of filtration consolidation Terzaghi-Gersevanov. Found that the coefficients of relative compression mvi factors at different time ti increase significantly. mvi coefficient greater increase occurs during the completion of filtration consolidation tf. When comparing the change in pore pressure uw and precipitation over time t in waterlogged clay soils, loam example shows that the curves obtained an experimental way, different from the classical theory of Terzaghi-Gersevanov quantitatively.Рассмотрены реологические изменения переувлажненных глинистых грунтов при компрессионном сжатии и сопоставлены с классическими теориями фильтрационной консолидации Терцаги-Герсеванова. Установлено, что коэффициенты относительного сжатия mvi при разных факторах времени ti существенно увеличиваются. Увеличение коэффициента mvi возникает во время завершения консолидационной фильтрации tf. При сопоставлении изменения поровых давлений uw и осадки во времени t в переувлажненных глинистых грунтах, на примере суглинка видно, что кривые, полученные эксперементальным путем, отличаются от классической теории Терцаги-Герсеванова в количественном отношении
Commercially available diagnostic device use in educational process: Experience and innovation
The publication material discloses the use of the methodology of psychopedagogical diagnostics in working with children and students of different age groups, organized under the leadership of the school psychologist, social educator, school or university teacher or students in Elabuga educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan. Here an analysis of the experience of the diagnostic and commercially available device use by the teachers and students of Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University (EI KFU) is described, in particular: "Activation meter - AC-9k", "Comfort LOGO", "Personality factor questionnaire (diagnosis of personality traits according to the procedure designed by P. Cattell)". Particular attention is paid to the organization of work with children in the mode of "a fairy-tale therapy": - "Lord of Wonderland", "Island of Childhood" and some other activities. A technology of modified diagnostic children's games (children's game kits) development is proposed as an innovative direction in commercially available diagnostic device use in school and university educational work. The article describes ways to design children's game kits, the techniques and methodology of their use in working with students in schools, additional educational institutions, as well as in the classroom at the children's camp "Intel Summer" and teenage associations "Junior Programmer" and "Young Physicist". According to the authors, the development of commercially available diagnostic children's game kits, as well as their use contribute to professional and creative development of all the members of educational process
A study of socialization of children and student-age youth by the express diagnostics methods
The article reveals the research methodology and describes approaches to study psychological and pedagogical level of socialization of children and student-age youth in Russia using advanced technological equipment. The authors carry out the analysis of the conventional and up-to-date methods of psycho-pedagogical investigation through the express diagnostics. One of these methods consists in the application of the diagnostic game designers, their integrated effect on the human body, based on measurement of physical and biological processes. The article describes experience in application of contemporary equipment for diagnostics of the social qualities of the people, as well as application features of technical devices, in particular "AR-101", "AR-600", and "Jibo" programmable microcontrollers of android family, and variety of medical, sporting, and household electronic game designers in the activity of pupils, students and educators. The authors consider in detail the design methods, the results of scientific research, and the technology of using several game designers in the express diagnostics.Based on the data, obtained during the study, the authors assess the socialization level of the students of supplementary education institutions, tested at the children's recreation camp "Intelletto", pupils of "Children's University" and "Entertaining Physics" and "Junior Programmer" teenage associations, as well as undergraduate students specializing in pedagogy at the Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University (EI KFU)
Методами металлографического анализа, измерения содержания водорода, измерения микротвердости исследованы нижнее и верхнее электронно-лучевые сварные соединения, вырезанные из топливного канала РБМК -1000 второй загрузки после эксплуатации в течение 22 лет. Установлено, что толщина оксида со стороны теплоносителя не превышает 120 мкм, со стороны графитовой кладки – 5 мкм. Средневзвешенное содержание водорода не превышает 30 ppm. Толщина стенки канала, не повреждённой коррозией, в исследованных зонах сохранилась в пределах допусков. По результатам измерения микротвердости материал исследованных зон имеет достаточно высокие прочностные свойства на уровне прочности металла трубы канала.By methods of metallographic analysis, hydrogen content measurement, and microhardness measurement the lower and upper electron-beam welded joints cut from the second loading RBMK -1000 fuel channel after operation for 22 years were investigated. It was found that the oxide thickness on the coolant side does not exceed 120 μm, on the graphite masonry side - 5 μm. The weighted average hydrogen content does not exceed 30 ppm. The thickness of the channel wall, not damaged by corrosion, in the investigated zones remained within tolerances. According to the results of microhardness measurement, the material of the investigated zones has sufficiently high strength properties at the level of channel pipe metal strength.Выражаем благодарность Старицыну С.В. и Вельмогину Д.Н. За определение содержания водорода
Hydride Clusters Formed in Zr — 2,5% Nb Alloy at Long Low Temperature Neutron Radiation
Методами оптической и электронной микроскопии: металлография, рентгеноструктурный анализ, сканирующая электронная микроскопия, исследованы гидридные скопления, образующиеся в сплаве Zr — 2,5%Nb после длительного низкотемпературного нейтронного облучения. Оценена структура и фазовый состав гидридных цепочек и гидридных образований. Выявлено влияние структуры циркониевого сплава на размеры гидридных скоплений и морфологию гидридов.The methods of optical and electron microscopy: metallography, X-ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy were used to study the hydride accumulations formed in the Zr — 2,5%Nb alloy after prolonged low-temperature neutron irradiation. The structure and phase composition of hydride chains and hydride formations are estimated. The effect of the structure of the zirconium alloy on the size of hydride accumulations and the morphology of hydrides is revealed.Авторы выражают благодарность научному руководителю — доктору технических наук, профессору А.А. Попову.The authors express their gratitude to the scientific supervisor — doctor of sciences in engineering, professor A.A. Popov
Direct results of surgery for patients with acute aortic dissection type A in FCCS named after S. G. Sukhanov
The article discusses the risk factors for acute aortic dissection type A, and methods of surgical treatment and immediate results.В статье рассмотрены факторы риска острого расслоения аорты типа А, а также способы хирургического лечения и непосредственные результаты
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