8 research outputs found

    Genome mining of endophytic streptomyces wadayamensis reveals high antibiotic production capability

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    The actinobacteria Streptomyces wadayamensis A23, an endophitic strain, was recently sequenced and previous work showed qualitatively that the strain inhibits the growth of some pathogens. Herein we report the genome analysis of S. wadayamensis which reveals several antibiotic biosynthetic pathways. Using mass spectrometry, we were able to identify desferoxamines, several antimycins and candicidin, as predicted. Additionally, it was possible to confirm that the biosynthetic machinery of the strain when compared to identified known metabolites is far underestimated. As suggested by biochemical qualitative tests, genome encoded information reveals that the strain A23 has high capability to produce antibiotics.The actinobacteria Streptomyces wadayamensis A23, an endophitic strain, was recently sequenced and previous work showed qualitatively that the strain inhibits the growth of some pathogens. Herein we report the genome analysis of S. wadayamensis which reve27814651475FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO2014/12727-5; 2010/51677-2; 2013/12598-8; 2015/01013-4162191/2015-4; 130933/2015-5We gratefully acknowledge FAPESP (project grant 2014/12727-5 to L. G. O. and 2010/51677-2 to M. N. E.), PETROBRAS (grant 4712-0), and the University of Campinas. C. F. F. A. and B. S. P. acknowledges CNPq (studentships 162191/2015-4 and 130933/2015-5). A

    Actinomycete integrative and conjugative pMEA-like elements of Amycolatopsis and Saccharopolyspora decoded

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    Actinomycete integrative and conjugative elements (AICEs) are present in diverse genera of the actinomycetes, the most important bacterial producers of bioactive secondary metabolites. Comparison of pMEA100 of Amycolatopsis mediterranei, pMEA300 of Amycolatopsis methanolica and pSE211 of Saccharopolyspora erythraea, and other AICEs, revealed a highly conserved structural organisation, consisting of four functional modules (replication, excision/integration, regulation, and conjugative transfer). Features conserved in all elements, or specific for a single element, are discussed and analysed. This study also revealed two novel putative AICEs (named pSE222 and pSE102) in the Sac. erythraea genome, related to the previously described pSE211 and pSE101 elements. Interestingly, pSE102 encodes a putative aminoglycoside phosphotransferase which may confer antibiotic resistance to the host. Furthermore, two of the six pSAM2-like insertions in the Streptomyces coelicolor genome described by Bentley et al. [Bentley, S.D., Chater, K.F., Cerdeno-Tarraga, A.M., et al., 2002. Complete genome sequence of the model actinomycete Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). Nature 417, 141–147] could be functional AICEs. Homologues of various AICE proteins were found in other actinomycetes, in Frankia species and in the obligate marine genus Salinispora and may be part of novel AICEs as well. The data presented provide a better understanding of the origin and evolution of these elements, and their functional properties. Several AICEs are able to mobilise chromosomal markers, suggesting that they play an important role in horizontal gene transfer and spread of antibiotic resistance, but also in evolution of genome plasticity

    A Flavin-Dependent Decarboxylase-Dehydrogenase-Monooxygenase Assembles the Warhead of α,β-Epoxyketone Proteasome Inhibitors.

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    The α,β-epoxyketone proteasome inhibitor TMC-86A was discovered as a previously unreported metabolite of Streptomyces chromofuscus ATCC49982, and the gene cluster responsible for its biosynthesis was identified via genome sequencing. Incorporation experiments with [13C-methyl]l-methionine implicated an α-dimethyl-β-keto acid intermediate in the biosynthesis of TMC-86A. Incubation of the chemically synthesized α-dimethyl-β-keto acid with a purified recombinant flavin-dependent enzyme that is conserved in all known pathways for epoxyketone biosynthesis resulted in formation of the corresponding α-methyl-α,β-epoxyketone. This transformation appears to proceed via an unprecedented decarboxylation–dehydrogenation–monooxygenation cascade. The biosynthesis of the TMC-86A warhead is completed by cytochrome P450-mediated hydroxylation of the α-methyl-α,β-epoxyketone

    A genomics-led approach to deciphering the mechanism of thiotetronate antibiotic biosynthesis.

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    Thiolactomycin (TLM) is a thiotetronate antibiotic that selectively targets bacterial fatty acid biosynthesis through inhibition of the β-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthases (KASI/II) that catalyse chain elongation on the type II (dissociated) fatty acid synthase. It has proved effective in in vivo infection models of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and continues to attract interest as a template for drug discovery. We have used a comparative genomics approach to uncover the (hitherto elusive) biosynthetic pathway to TLM and related thiotetronates. Analysis of the whole-genome sequence of Streptomyces olivaceus Tü 3010 producing the more ramified thiotetronate Tü 3010 provided initial evidence that such thiotetronates are assembled by a novel iterative polyketide synthase-nonribosomal peptide synthetase, and revealed the identity of other pathway enzymes, encoded by adjacent genes. Subsequent genome sequencing of three other thiotetronate-producing actinomycetes, including the Lentzea sp. ATCC 31319 that produces TLM, confirmed that near-identical clusters were also present in these genomes. In-frame gene deletion within the cluster for Tü 3010 from Streptomyces thiolactonus NRRL 15439, or within the TLM cluster, led to loss of production of the respective thiotetronate, confirming their identity. Each cluster houses at least one gene encoding a KASI/II enzyme, suggesting plausible mechanisms for self-resistance. A separate genetic locus encodes a cysteine desulfurase and a (thiouridylase-like) sulfur transferase to supply the sulfur atom for thiotetronate ring formation. Transfer of the main Tü 3010 gene cluster (stu gene cluster) into Streptomyces avermitilis led to heterologous production of this thiotetronate, showing that an equivalent sulfur donor can be supplied by this host strain. Mutational analysis of the Tü 3010 and TLM clusters has revealed the unexpected role of a cytochrome P450 enzyme in thiotetronate ring formation. These insights have allowed us to propose a mechanism for sulfur insertion, and have opened the way to engineering of the biosynthesis of TLM and other thiotetronates to produce novel analogues