498 research outputs found

    스포츠에 영향을 주는 동기 부여 요인 메가 스포츠 이벤트에서 자원 봉사

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    학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 대학원 :사범대학 체육교육과,글로벌스포츠매니지먼트전공,2019. 8. 김유겸.This research studies and describes the motivational factors that influence volunteering intention at mega sports events. The study examines the differences among various motivational drives and their effects on the motivation to volunteer. It was investigated the motivational factors play an essential role in targeting and addressing potential volunteers based on their motivational needs. The study found that specific motivational drivers have a significant influence on the prediction of volunteering intention. Indeed, the data proved that drivers as economical recognition and purposive motivation are essential for predisposing people to volunteer at mega sports events. Also, the result proved that factors like Psychological recognition motivation were not significant in predicting volunteers motivation and the egoistic motivation factor negatively affects the volunteering intentionChapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Objective 3 1.3. Significance 5 Chapter 2. Literature Review 6 2.1. Mega Events 6 2.2. Sport volunteering 7 2.3. Motivational models 9 2.4. Sports Volunteers Motivations 13 2.4.1. Leisure Motivation 13 2.4.2. Egoistic Motivation 14 2.4.3. Purposive Motivation 14 2.4.4. External Influence 15 2.5. Sports Volunteers Recognitions/Rewards 16 2.5.1. Psychological Recognition/Rewards 16 2.5.2. Economic Recognitions/Rewards 17 2.5.3. Managerial Recognitions/Rewards 17 2.6. Hypotheses development 18 Chapter 3. Methodology 19 3.1. Procedures and Measures 19 3.2. Analysis 23 3.2.1. Reliability analysis 24 3.2.2 Factor analysis 25 Interpretation of factors 26 Examination of the Correlation Matrix and Anti-image Correlation Matrix 28 Bartlett's Test of Sphericity and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 29 3.2.3. Regression analysis 30 Chapter 4. Results 32 4.1. Data screening 32 4.2. Descriptive analysis 32 4.2.1. Demographic profiles 33 4.3. Reliability analysis 35 4.4. Factor analysis 35 4.4.1. Sampling adequacy 36 4.4.2. Communalities 37 4.4.3. Principal components 38 4.5. Multiple linear Regression 41 Chapter 5. Discussion 44 5.1 Implications 48 5.2 Limitations 49 References 50 Appendixes 54 Appendix I 54 Appendix II Questionnaire develop by Ahn 2018 56 Appendix III: Correlations matrix 59 Appendix IV: Anti-image Covariance 63 Appendix V: Anti-image Correlation 65Maste

    Exact solutions to a class of stochastic generalized assignment problems

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    This paper deals with a stochastic Generalized Assignment Problem with recourse. Only a random subset of the given set of jobs will require to be actually processed. An assignment of each job to an agent is decided a priori, and once the demands are known, reassignments can be performed if there are overloaded agents. We construct a convex approximation of the objective function that is sharp at all feasible solutions. We then present three versions of an exact algorithm to solve this problem, based on branch and bound techniques, optimality cuts, and a special purpose lower bound. numerical results are reported.

    The stratified p-center problem

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    This work presents an extension of the p-center problem. In this new model, called Stratified p-Center Problem (SpCP), the demand is concentrated in a set of sites and the population of these sites is divided into different strata depending on the kind of service that they require. The aim is to locate p centers to cover the different types of services demanded minimizing the weighted average of the largest distances associated with each of the different strata. In addition, it is considered that more than one stratum can be present at each site. Different formulations, valid inequalities and preprocessings are developed and compared for this problem. An application of this model is presented in order to implement a heuristic approach based on the Sample Average Approximation method (SAA) for solving the probabilistic p-center problem in an efficient way.Comment: 32 pages, 1 pictur

    Cultura i perifèries. Firatàrrega, per exemple

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    The Single Period Coverage Facility Location Problem: Lagrangean heuristic and column generation approaches

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    In this paper we introduce the Single Period Coverage Facility Location Problem. It is a multi-period discrete location problem in which each customer is serviced in exactly one period of the planning horizon. The locational decisions are made independently for each period, so that the facilities that are open need not be the same in different time periods. It is also assumed that at each period there is a minimum number of customers that can be assigned to the facilities that are open. The decisions to be made include not only the facilities to open at each time period and the time period in which each customer will be served, but also the allocation of customers to open facilities in their service period. We propose two alternative formulations that use different sets of decision variables. We prove that in the first formulation the coefficient matrix of the allocation subproblem that results when fixing the facilities to open at each time period is totally unimodular. On the other hand, we also show that the pricing problem of the second model can be solved by inspection. We prove that a Lagrangean relaxation of the first one yields the same lower bound as the LP relaxation of the second one. While the Lagrangean dual can be solved with a classical subgradient optimization algorithm, the LP relaxation requires the use of column generation, given the large number of variables of the second model. We compare the computational burden for obtaining this lower bound through both models

    Exact calculation of network robustness

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    Finding the most critical nodes regarding network connectivity has attracted the attention of many researchers in infrastructure networks, power grids, transportation networks and physics in complex networks. Static robustness of networks under intentional attacks analyses the ability of a system to maintain its connectivity after the disconnection or deletion of a series of targeted nodes. In this context, connectivity is typically measured by the size of the remaining largest connected component. When targeting these nodes, previous literature has mostly used adaptive strategies that sequentially remove central nodes, or created heuristics in order to improve the results of the adaptive strategies. The proposed methodology based on mathematical programming allows to identify, for every fraction of disconnected or removed nodes, the set that minimizes the size of the largest connected component of a network, i.e. it allows to calculate the exact (most critical) robustness of a network.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Inteligencia Artificial en la Educación: Estado del Arte

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    La Inteligencia Artificial en la Educación es un campo de investigación científica que ha surgido a lo largo de 3 décadas, está particularmente interesada en el desarrollo de herramientas basadas en IA para apoyar y comprender los procesos educativos. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo presentar el estado de la Inteligencia Artificial en la Educación, utilizando un método de revisión exhaustiva de la literatura. Comprendió 3 etapas principales: selección, clasificación y análisis de la literatura. Esto permitió identificar las aplicaciones, tecnologías, desafíos e implicaciones éticas de la Inteligencia Artificial en la Educación

    Impact des inondations sur les infrastructures et reseaux techniques et solutions d’amelioration de la resilience des systemes urbains

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    Actuellement, les inondations se présentent comme une menace contre laquelle il est encore difficile de lutter. Ainsi, de graves inondations se sont produites lors de ces dernières années dans quelques villes du Nouveau-continent comme la Nouvelle-Orléans où New York, en causant des morts et occasionnant d’importants coûts concernant les dégâts. Les inondations sont, par conséquent, une menace constante qui a des répercussions catastrophiques. Le projet commence avec une première étape où s’expliquent des concepts importants reliés à la résilience urbaine et à la vulnérabilité, les types d’inondations qui menacent les villes, et l’intériorisation du risque des inondations en milieu urbain s’étudient en fonction des villes qui ont souffert de graves inondations dans les années précédentes. Postérieurement, le projet compte avec l’analyse de cinq villes, qui ont été choisies à partir des graves inondations dont elles ont souffert lors des dernières années. De manière respective ces villes sont : Londres, Prague, la Nouvelle-Orléans, Bangkok et New- York, pendant les années 2000, 2002, 2005, 2011 et 2012. Cette analyse permettra de voir l’impact des inondations sur les différentes échelles de la ville par rapport à leurs défenses. Dans la deuxième étape du projet, il s’agit d’analyser d’autres solutions d’amélioration qui se sont déjà appliquées dans des villes comme Hambourg, Dordrecht, Trondheim, etc. Ces solutions, avec celles des villes étudiées, permettront de faire une conclusion qui permettra de comparer toutes les méthodes de défense analysées lors de l’étude. Finalement, les défenses et les solutions d’amélioration trouvées permettront de discerner l’effet de chaque défense selon l’intensité de l’inondation et l’échelle affecté pour chacun des cas. Ainsi, une séparation parmi les défenses d’aléa et les défenses résilientes sera également faite avec d’autres facteurs afin d’évaluer le coût, l’emprise au sol ou encore l’effet de seuil de la défense