78 research outputs found

    The Effect of TEACCH Method towards Self-Help Ability on Wearing Clothes for Children with Down Syndrome

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    Children with Down syndrome have intellectual delay in their coginitive development. One of the characteristics is the low ability of self-development. The aim of this research is to describe the effect of the TEACCH method towards the ability of self-help on wearing clothes for down syndrome students. The research was arranged based on the Single Subject Research (SSR) experimental method with the A-B-A design. The conclusion of this research is that the intervention using the TEACCH method can establish the ability to wear clothes of Down syndrome students

    Effects of TEACCH Model towards the Eating Skills on Student with Autism

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the influence of the TEACCH method towards the eating skills of a grade III Student with autism. The research used the experimental method with Single Subject Research (SSR) with the A-B-A design models. The subject in this study was a 12 year old who had barriers in communication, interaction, behavior and regulate emotions. The instruments used in the form of observational checklist compiled based on task analysis in the form of an assessment rubric. The result of study was the effect TEACCH method of influence on the ability of the eating skills of student with autism at grade III.

    The Effectiveness of Video Tutorial-Based Audiovisual Media on the Aspects of Prayer Movements in 5-6-Year-Old Children

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to determine whether the use of audiovisual media in Group B at TK Muslimat NU 19 Malang affects children's knowledge of prayer movements before and after receiving treatment and to assess the effectiveness of this media. Design/methods/approach – This research employs an experimental research method with a comparative whole-group design. The research subjects consist of 30 children in Group B, comprising 14 boys and 16 girls, divided into experimental and control groups. Findings – However, after the treatment, their knowledge and skills in prayer movements improved to a good standard, based on a two-tailed signal of 0.892 in both the control and experimental groups, with a critical t-value of 0.682. It can be concluded that the significance value is greater than the critical t-value, rejecting the null hypothesis (H0) and accepting the alternative hypothesis (Ha). This demonstrates that the use of video tutorial-based audiovisual media influences the prayer movements' quality. The coefficient of determination (R2) shows a value of 0.671, indicating that 67.1% of the ability to apply religious values is influenced by audiovisual media for prayer movements, while 32.9% is influenced by other factors or variables. This suggests that the application of video tutorials is highly effective in enhancing children's knowledge and skills in performing prayer movements. Research implications/limitations – This study implies that introducing prayer in early childhood education can be done effectively with the use of audiovisual media. Practical implications – From a practical standpoint, this research provides examples of prayer movements in accordance with Islamic principles. Originality/value – The value of this research finding lies in the early introduction of prayer, assisted by audiovisual media. Paper type Case study

    Partisipasi Orang Tua dalam Transformasi Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran partisipasi orang tua dalam transformasi PHBS anak selama menghadapi perubahan situasi pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif. Responden penelitian ini adalah orang tua yang memiliki anak berusia 5-6 tahun serta menyekolahkannya pada lembaga TK yang ada di Kecamatan Bululawang. Sampel penelitian berjumlah seratus orang diperoleh melalui teknik cluster random sampling berdasarkan gugus sekolah. Angket fisik digunakan sebagai instrumen pengumpul data utama penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 1) partisipasi fisik orang tua dalam transformasi PHBS anak sangat baik sedangkan untuk partisipasi non fisiknya baik; 2) tingkat partisipasi orang tua dalam transformasi PHBS anak usia 5-6 tahun pada masa pandemi COVID-19 hasilnya tinggi.


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    The potential of fisheries in Bengkulu Province is very large. Kaur Regency is one of the regencies in Bengkulu Province, which has a trend of vannaamei shrimp (L. vannamei) production in Kaur Regency which always increases every year. Production of vannamei shrimp (L. vannamei) in 2019 reached 950 tons in 2021, it reached 4,524 tons. This study aims to determine what alternatives can be done for planning the construction of a vannamei shrimp (L. vannamei) freezing plant. This study uses the SWOT analysis method. The results showed that the strategy needed was aggressive. Alternative strategies are; to improve the quality of materials and equipment for cultivation processes; recruit competent workforce in the field of marketing for the expansion of the domestic market; improve the quality of human resources in facing the international market; the vast market share of shrimp provides an opportunity for Kaur Regency to develop a frozen shrimp processing industry which is also strongly supported by the government; build cold storage to accommodate the production of vannamei shrimp (L. vannamei); the government or related stakeholders can immediately build facilities such as an ice factory and add electricity to support the continuity of the shrimp industry in Kaur Regency; increase capital by borrowing from banks or partners to increase production or expand shrimp marketing; and build relationships between the government, stakeholders related to shrimp farmers to collect production results.Keywords: SWOT analysis; Alternative Processing Unit Development Plannin

    Improving Reading Skills Of Beginning Deaf Students Through Global Reflective Maternal Methods Controlled Learning Motivation

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    Deaf students have barriers to listening skills, so they need appropriate and structured instruction for teaching early reading. Researchers combined MMR and the global method into the Global Reflective Maternal Method (MMG) for early reading learning for deaf students at the elementary level. Learning motivation needs to be owned by students both intrinsic and extrinsic. Through this research, the researcher wanted to know the effect of the application of MMG on the early reading skills controlled by the learning motivation of the basic level deaf students in SLB Kabupaten Madiun. The real experimental method (true experimental) was applied in this study with a pretest posttest control group design. The results pre-test of the initial reading skills of the control group had an average of 33.5% with less criteria, and the experimental group had an average of 28.6% with less criteria. The post test of the control group had an average of 32.8% with less criteria, and the experimental group had an average of 62.1% with sufficient criteria. Based on the significant test through t-test mean pre-test and post-test and compare the results of t-test with t-table 5%. The results of the significance test showed t = 3.42 < t table 5% = 1.79 then the results were significant. Reinforced the results of the hypothesis test with the results of 3.42 < 1.79 which means the Global Reflective Maternal Method (MMG) has an effect on the beginning reading skills of basic deaf students in SLB Kabupaten Madiun. The results of the observation of the learning motivation of the control group and the experimental group showed that the motivation of the experimental group was better than the control group. And when compared, the learning outcomes of the experimental group were higher than the control group

    Pengembangan Media Apron Sistem Pencernaan Manusia untuk Siswa Tunarungu

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    Hasil observasi tentang pembelajaran IPA kelas VIII SMPLB, materi paling sulit dipahami adalah sistem pencernaan, dikarenakan guru memiliki keterbatasan media. Tujuan penelitian menghasilkan produk media Apron Sistem Pencernaan Manusia untuk siswa tunarungu kelas VIII SMPLB. Penelitian menggunakan metode pengembangan model Borg and Gall. Data yang digunakan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan tes. Teknik analisis data meliputi deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan media layak digunakan siswa tunarungu kelas VIII SMPLB. Kesimpulan dari penelitian media Apron Sistem Pencernaan Manusia berhasil dikembangkan. Saran bagi guru dianjurkan menggunakan media apron, bagi peneliti selanjutnya disarankan mengembangkan media pada materi lain.From the observations of science teaching in class VIII SMPLB, the material most difficult to understand is the digestive system. That is because teachers have limited media. The purpose of this research and development was to produce products an Apron media of Human Digestive System for students with hearing impairment class VIII in SMPLB. This research method was adapted from Borg and Gall development model. The type of data was obtained by the qualitative and quantitative data. The collection of data was obtained using questionnaires and tests. Data analysis techniques was including qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis. The result of this research was media well-used for students with hearing impairment of class VIII in SMPLB. The conclusion of this study media Apron Human Digestive System for deaf students of class VIII SMPLB has been successfully developed. Suggestions for teachers are encouraged to use apron media, for further research is suggested to develop media on other materials


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    The purposes of this research are to Describe: 1) the process of learning in improving students with Intellectual Disabilityscience achievement of clasifying animals based on the kind of food using Example non Example learning model, 2) Student with Intellectual Disabilityscience achievement of clasifying animals based on the kind of food using Example non Example learning model.The result of this research showed that: 1) The using of Example non Example learning model consiting of preparing of learning tools, showing animal pictures, students discussion, group presentation and conclusion, 2) The result of the study showed the students achievement is improved, approximately 43,33% in pre activity with complete learning at 16,66% to be 68,33% with coplete learning at 33,34% in the first cycle and then improved approximately 90,00% with classically coplete learning 83,34% in the second cycle. Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) Mendeskripsikan proses pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA pada siswa tunagrahita dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Example non Example, 2) Mendeskripsikan peningkatan hasil belajar IPApada siswa tunagrahita dengan model pembelajaran Example non Example.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 1) Penggunaanmodel pembelajaran Example non Exampleyang meliputi persiapan perangkat pembelajaran, menampilkan gambar-gambar hewan, diskusi siswa, presentasi kelompok dan kesimpulan, 2) Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil belajar siswa meningkat, pada prakegiatan rata-rata mencapai 43,33% dengan ketuntasan belajar sebesar 16,66% menjadi 68,33% dengan ketuntasan belajar sebesar 33,34% pada siklus I dan meningkat rata-ratanya menjadi90,00% dengan ketuntasan belajar klasikal sebesar 83,34% pada siklus II

    Spelling Puzzle dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Kata Siswa Tunagrahita

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan membaca kata siswa tunagrahitasebelum diberikan intervensi, dan saat diberikan interensi berupa permainan spelling puzzle, sertamendiskripsikan ada tidaknya pengaruh permainan spelling puzzle terhadap kemampuan membacakata pada siswa tunagrahita. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metodeeksperimen dengan menggunakan Single Subject Reseach (SSR) dengan model desain A-B-A. Hasilpenelitian menunjukan perolehan mean level yang meningkat, dan persentasi overlap 0%, yang artinyaada pengaruh permainan spelling puzzle sebagai bentuk intervensi terhadap peningkatan kemampuanmembaca kata sebagai target behavior. Kesimpulan secara keseluruhan menunjukan bahwa permainanspelling puzzle dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca kata siswa tunagrahita kelas 1.This study was aimed to describe the effect of spelling puzzle to word reading ability ofstudent with Intellectual Disabilities. The research method used is experimental method using SingleSubject Research (SSR) with A-B-A design. The research results show that the overlap percentage is 0%,it’s mean there is influence of spelling puzzle as an intervention to increase student’s word reading asa target of behavior.It is recommended of this study that the teachers can use media in learning processbased on the characteristics and the students’ needs


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    Budidaya karang hias dengan teknik transplantasi bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberhasilan teknik transplantasi dalam budidaya karang hias berdasarkan tingkat pertumbuhan dan kelulushidupan dari beberapa fragmen karang. Lokasi penempatan media budi daya dilakukan di sebelah timur perairan Pulau Samatellu dengan kedalaman 3-4 meter saat surut. Dalam penelitian ini dicoba 7 jenis karang dengan masing-masing fragmen sebanyak 50 jenis yang ditempatkan pada 9 rak yang berbentuk persegi secara acak sebanyak 2-9 fragmen per jenis. Selama masa budidaya dilakukan pembersihan terhadap lumut dan biota penempel pada rak dan substrat budidaya. Pengukuran pertumbuhan mutlak dan kelangsungan hidup dilakukan pada hari ke-77 masing-masing dengan menggunakan kaliper dan menghitung secara langsung jumlah fragmen karang yang mati atau bertahan hidup. Setelah pemeliharaan selama 77 hari didapatkan nilai sintasan yang cukup tinggi yaitu berkisar 65,19 ??? 94,67% dengan pertumbuhan mutlak berkisar 0,11 ??? 1,81 cm. Sintasan dan pertumbuhan mutlak yang tinggi ditemukan pada karang bercabang dari jenis Acropora sp., Acropora formosa, dan Pocillopora verrucosa. Sedangkan sintasan yang rendah pada jenis Euphyllia sp, dan untuk pertumbuhan mutlak yang rendah pada jenis karang daun yaitu Turbinaria sp. dan Montipora sp
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