72 research outputs found


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    Abstract Based on the results of the observations that researchers have done on the principal at the school in SMKN 1 Talamau, SMKN 1 Ranah Pasisie, found that the ability of the principal in preparing the program of supervision of education is still low. The purpose of this study is to describe and obtain information about the efforts of the principal's ability in preparing the program of supervision of education through the Consultative Working School Principal MKKS-based mentoring in the School. This study is a school action research. The research procedures in this study include planning, action, obeservation and reflection. This study consists of two cycles with four meetings. The subjects consist of 2 principals of Sekolah Binaan. Research data was collected using obeservation sheets. Data were analyzed using percentages. The results show that MKKS based mentoring can improve the ability of headmaster in preparing the program of supervision of education in Sekolah Binaan. This is evidenced by the increase in the ability of the principal in preparing the education supervision program from cycle I to cycle II. The average ability of headmaster in preparing the education supervision program in cycle I is 73.17 with enough category and in cycle II is 84.29 with good category. Keywords: Principal Ability, Education Supervision Program, MKK

    Potential fishery industry activities and financial aspects of east Malaysian marine fisheries

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    The South China Sea separates East Malaysia from Peninsular Malaysia that is consisted of two big states; Sarawak and Sabah. The marine resources of peninsular Malaysia have been adequately explored in last few decades whereas East Malaysian marine fisheries resources are still potential to be explored. The fisheries sector of Malaysia plays an important role by generating income and employment with foreign exchange. The contribution of marine captured fisheries was up to 89.8% of the total fish production with a value of RM3.81 billion in 1998 (Annual Fisheries Statistics, 1998). The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Malaysia in the South China Sea is approximately 198,173 km2 (Earth trend, 2004). Mainly the bulk of the unexploited resources come from offshore demersal fish, small pelagic fish, coastal tuna and oceanic tuna. Trash and low value fishes are usually dumped into the sea considering it has no market value. These unwanted fishes are potential as raw material for making fishmeal that could generate good profit. Despite having good resource base due to lack of ready and skillful labor with infrastructure, port facilities and expert advices, East Malaysian fisheries sector is not adequately contributive to the economy of the country. The study attempted to find out the potential fishing industry activities in East Malaysia. It also focuses on the financial aspects of various fisheries related activities such as fishmeal plant and ice plant by carrying out a simplified benefit-cost analysis. Fishery business makes much profit not from the capture side rather from the fish processing, marketing, ice plant and fish storage services. The study recommends that establishing and facilitating fishery industries is potential to contribute to the sector as well as to the economy significantly.East Malaysian marine fishery, Fishing industry, financial aspects, Benefit-cost ratio

    NGOs’ role in improving social forestry practice:does it help to increase livelihood, sustainability and optimum land use in Bangladesh?

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    At present, encroachment rate is too high and increasing alarmingly that causes environmental degradation as well as low forest cover and productivity in Bangladesh. Rural poverty accelerates the encroachment in meeting the demand of dwelling place and forest products. The natural encroached and degraded forest is under public management regime while a substantial amount of marginal land belongs to other semi-public agencies such as Roads and Highways, Water Development board and so on. Due to lack of initiatives and proper management these lands have been left unused and under utilized. In contrast, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are with appropriate management structure and technologies to utilize these lands in reducing poverty and enhance rural livelihood. In order to rehabilitate these encroached forests non-governmental organizations have been found to be very active and successful. They have added a new dimension in the forest management, which has ensured participation of the community people and protection of the forest, no matter artificial planting or natural. The study attempted to evaluate the social forestry activities of Four large NGOs namely BRAC, PROSHIKA, CARITAS, CARE. The study also discussed the public social forestry activities to find out the nature of the program and the involvement of the local people. By following a framework of common partnership between public and private management systems, the issue ‘property right conflicts’ has been resolved and enhanced rural life as well as created scope of utilizing the marginal lands. As an outcome of this common partnership 33,472 km roadside plantation, 53,430 ha reforestation activities and so on have been carried out in last two decades. The achievement of NGOs’ partnership in managing forest resource seems to be effective towards poverty irradiation and better livelihood.NGO, socio-economics of social forestry, positive and negative sign of NGO

    Economic Evaluation of Participatory Social Forestry Management in Dhaka and Tangail Forest Divisions in Bangladesh

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    Sal (Shorea robusta) forests in Bangladesh comprise an area of 120,255 ha and are economically and environmentally important. Overexploitation has resulted in unsustainable use of timber and other non-timber forest products (NTFPs). The participatory social forestry management approach has been implemented by the Forest Department in order to protect the forests from encroachment and illegal exploitation. The study was conducted in Dhaka and Tangail Forest Division, Bangladesh to examine the effectiveness of the participatory social forestry management. The specific objectives were: (i) to examine the financial and economic viability of agroforestry (AF) and woodlot (WL) program, (ii) to determine the distribution impact of both programs, and (iii) to estimate the poverty reduction impact of both programs. The "with and without" approach was used in the study to estimate the net incremental benefit of the programs. Data required were obtained from primary and secondary sources. The respondents were the farmers. The sample size of the study was 375 comprise of the AF (118) and WL farmers (156). The cash-flow analysis approach was employed to determine the financial and economic viability of the participatory social forestry program. As an extension of cash flow analysis, the distribution impact and poverty reduction impact analyses were also carried out to examine the welfare perspective of the programs. The results showed that the respondents were of the middle age class (mean: 47 years old). The income from timber varies significantly between agroforestry and woodlot program. The majority of the respondents had primary level of education and agricultural labour was their main occupation. The results of the financial analysis showed that agroforestry program was feasible at 7 percent real discount rate. The financial net present value, benefit-cost ratio and financial internal rate of return were Tk. 20148.23, 1.32 and 15 percent, respectively. However, the WL was not feasible at 7 percent real discount rate. Both programs were found to be economically feasible with a different level of EIRR. The agroforestry program was PEB~STRKBAP~ SULTAN kw.k wtiR6F13 WTM WYW more feasible than the WL. The Economic Net Present Value, Benefit-cost Ratio and Economic Internal Rate of Return were Tk. 492687.06,3.08 and 67 percent, respectively, for the agroforestry program. The Economic Net Present Value, Benefit-cost Ratio and Economic Internal Rate of Return were Tk. 285560.55, 2.55 and 41 percent respectively for the woodlot program. Financial sensitivity analysis of the AF indicated that the fluctuation in the values of the key variables namely, rotation period, establishment cost, price of intercrop did not affect the project decision. The economic sensitivity analysis showed that the variations in values of key variables, namely protection cost, benefits of by product did not affect project decisions substantially. The results of distribution analysis showed that the benefit gained by the participants was greater than that of the government. The Poverty Impact Ratio was estimated at 0.95 for agro forestry program and 0.96 was for woodlot program. These values revealed that the impact of participatory social forestry management has been efficient in reducing the poverty level of the participants. Further research should focus on transaction costs and environmental aspects of the participatory social forestry management to encourage its extension

    Ethics and decision making in publishing journal: Issues to be taken into account

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    One of the most prioritized questions of publishing a new journal in the almost similar fields covered by many other journals warrants certainly some clarification which needs to be addressed in the inaugural issue. A very straight response to this query is promoting business and management science in the country as well as in the region. The unique aim of IJBMR is to focus on quantitative aspects of business and management research. IJBMR has envisioned a future for IJBMR to surrogate the research works that centre around business and management problems of this century with a quantitative view. In this editorial ethical issues in publishing journal articles has been discussed from the perspective of editor, author and reviewer. For decision making in journal publication a new method has been proposed which is known as the SAFA system. the SAFA stands for the "Standardized Acceptance Factor Average". The SAFA of the articles included in this issue are also analyzed.Standardized Acceptance Factor Average, the SAFA system, IJBMR, ethics, PR-PR dilemma, Texoplagiarism


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    Seiring perkembangan zaman, dari waktu ke waktu tentu banyak perubahan diberbagai aspek kehidupan, sehingga hasil penafsiran ulama terhadap al-Qur’an pun perlu diperbarui. Oleh karena itu berbagai teori penafsiran bermunculan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut, diantaranya, teori Double Movement sebagaimana judul skripsi penulis yaitu “Teori Double Movement Fazlurrahman dalam perspektif Ulum al-Qur’an”. Akan tetapi penolakan terhadap teori yang ditawarkan oleh Fazlurrahman dikalangan para uluma masih begitu banyak dengan berbagai alasan mereka, Oleh sebab itu, dalam penelitian skripsi ini, penulis akan melihat teori tersebut dari kacamata Ulum al-Qur’an. Apakah teori tersebut bertentangan dengan ulum al-qur’an sebagai standarisasi penafsiran atau hanya mengembangkan dari salah satu bagian Ulum al-Qur’an. Adapun jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian leteratur (library research) dengan menggunakan metode penyajian secara deskriptif dan analisis. Sedangkan teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori asbab an-nuzul dan Makkiyah-Madaniyah dari Ulum al-Qur’an untuk menganalisis data dari teori double movement Fazlurrahman. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui teori double movement fazlurrahman bahwa teori tersebut hanya mengembangkan dari salah satu bagian ulum al-qur’an, sehingga tidak serta merta menolak teori yang ditawarkan oleh Fazlurrahmann, sebab tidak keluar dari standarisasi Ulum al-Qur’an yang dirumuskan oleh para ulama klasik dahulu. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam perspektif Ulum al-Qur’an teori double movement yang ditawarkan oleh Fazlurrahman hanya mengembangkan ilmu Asbab an-Nuzul dan ilmu Makiyah Madaniyah yang ada di Ulum al-Qur’an. hanya saja teori double movement lebih sistematis dan komplit

    Poverty-environment interaction through participatory forest management in Bangladesh: an evidence of poverty reduction

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    Poverty is an obstacle in the process of socio-economic development of Bangladesh. Majority people of the country live in the rural area where subsistence income generating activities are mainly related to exploring natural resources. A high population and its basic needs, thus, cause overexploitation of resources. Forest resources are one of the most overexploited resources in the country. Presently the forest cover is 13.36% of the total land that is alarming for the environmental sustainability. In order to protect forest resources from such overexploitation, participatory forest management approach was followed by the Forest Department involving rural poor. They were provided 1ha of degraded land for plantation and in a few cases 0.5 ha for homestead area. The objective of such initiative was to develop a strong interaction between the over-exploiters and their involvement in protecting forest. The study was conducted in the sal (Shorea robusta) forest of Bangladesh with a sample size of 120. Using non-parametric statistics, the standard of living was examined. A list of opinions was sought for assuming the change in environment due to the participatory management. BCA approach was applied to estimate the distribution impact and poverty reduction impact. The findings of the study reported that there was a significant change in livelihood as well as conservation measurement. The distribution impact analysis showed that the poor people were benefited substantially. The PIR (0.95) gave the positive indication of poverty reduction impact. It was found that the involvement of rural poor could be a process of poverty-environment interaction. The approach of participatory management is useful to increase the interaction between rural poor and resource management towards environmental sustainability.participatory forest management; distribution impact Analysis; poverty reduction impact; poverty impact ratio; agroforestry program


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    The present study has attempted to investigate the contribution of tourism to various macroeconomic variables of China. Secondary data has been used in the study for the five-year period of time. The findings of the study shows that over the last five years there was a gradual positive growth in tourist receipt, employment, development of supportive industry and so forth except a sharp fall in 2003. The growth in each variable was lower in 2002 than that of 2004. The study has concluded that there was a positive impact of tourism industry on the macroeconomic development of Shanghai

    Pengendalian Intern Gaji Upah pada PT (Persero) Pelabuhan INdonesia I Cabang Belawan

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    Perusahaan Pelabuhan Negara menjadi Perusahaan Negara Pelabuhan (P. N. Pelabuhan), pada tahun 1 961 berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 15 tahun 1961 Lembaran Negara No. 1 28 tahun 1 961 , nama perusahaan Pelabuhan Negara diganti lagi menjadi Perusahaan Negara Pelabuhan Daerah I atau lebih dikenal dengan singkatan P. N. Pelabuhan. Dengan Peraturan Pemerintah No.18I1964 sistem organisasi kepelabuhan berubah. Maka Pengusaha tunggal di pelabuhan adalah "Komandan Penguasa Pelabuhan" yang didalamnya tergabung Syahbandar sebagai staff operasi dan P. N. Pelabuhan sebagai staff service atau staff jasa. Belawan termasuk kedalam Perum Pelabuhan I bersama 1 8 Pelabuhan lainnya yang berada di Sumatera Utara, Aceh dan Riau. Pejabat pimpinan dari Perum ini terdiri dari beberapa orang Direksi, sedang Pelabuhan cabangnya dipimpin oleh Kepala Cabang, sementara jabatan Adpel tetap ada. Dan sebagai Kepala Cabang Pelabuhan Belawan yang pertama setelah berjalannya Perum Pelabuhan ini adalah Soetristo Muali, yang telah dilantik pada tanggal 26 Juli 1 984. Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah RI No. 56 tahun 1 991 tanggal 1 9 Oktober 1 991 tentang perubahan status Perusahaan Umum Pelabuhan I menjadi PT. (PERSERO) Pelabuhan Indonesia I

    Influential decision factors of counterfeit consumers in Shijiazhuang city of China: A Logit analysis

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    The policies implemented towards open-economy by the Chinese government encouraged adopting foreign technology or marketing techniques. Counterfeiting has been found to be an antagonistic consequence of the policy. The study has attempted to determine the socio-demographic attributes that influence the decision of buying counterfeit. Using convenience sampling technique 301 samples were collected. Descriptive statistics, non-parametric mean test, spearman correlation and logit analysis were employed to fulfill the objectives of the study. Most of the socio-demographic attributes were found to be significant in hastening the intension to buy counterfeit. The findings showed that the deceptive consumers are slightly older than the non-deceptive consumers though the non-deceptive consumers had lower education. The study recommended that motivational work and implementation of effective legal system could protect expansion of counterfeit marketing in the study area as well as in china.Counterfeit product, china, logit model, influential factor, decision factor