82 research outputs found


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    The article discusses the scientific and methodological foundations of laboratory work in vision systems using the author's algorithms for pattern recognition. The results were used to prepare masters of technical specialties at the Pskov State University. Another approach to using digital technologies for processing images of the working area is proposed. Some aspects of solving problems of identification of parts, determination of their location, control in automated assembly is described. The hardware-software complex in the article performs data processing and measurements in parallel with the flow of the technological process. The hardware and software complex expands the capabilities of flexible assembly platforms when assembling parts with different mass-inertial characteristics due to the geometric shape and dissimilar materials


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    Considers the features of the automated design of technological processes of assembly of products in mechanical engineering, in terms of their impact on production processes

    Recursos educacionais online como parte essencial do processo de aprendizagem da língua Inglesa

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    The article discusses the use of educational web resources in the process of learning English. The authors present different web resources to teach English which have proved to be an effective source in second language acquisition. Web resources help to improve the foreign language perception, to study grammar rules and correct pronunciation, to get acquainted to the culture of the target language and to heighten the interest of learning a foreign language. The advantage of using web resources lies behind the didactic principle of visibility. Visual representation of material proves to be the most important tool to better perceive information and to overall motivate children to stay focused on the task, while creating a natural language environment. As a result of this analysis the authors strongly agree on the benefits of using authentic web resources in teaching English. The analysis has also shown a complete correlation between the use of Internet technologies and course content mastering.El artículo analiza el uso de recursos web educativos en el proceso de aprendizaje del idioma inglés. Los autores presentaron diferentes recursos web para la enseñanza del idioma inglés que resultan ser una fuente eficaz en la adquisición de un segundo idioma. Los recursos web ayudan a mejorar la percepción del idioma extranjero, estudian las reglas gramaticales, enseñan la pronunciación correcta, se familiarizan con la cultura del idioma de destino y aumentan el interés en aprender un idioma extranjero. La ventaja de utilizar recursos web radica en el principio didáctico de visibilidad. La representación visual del material demuestra ser la más importante y necesaria para una mejor percepción de la información y, en general, para motivar a los niños a mantenerse enfocados en la tarea creando un entorno de lenguaje natural. Como resultado de este análisis, los autores obtuvieron una impresión completa sobre el uso de recursos web auténticos en la enseñanza del idioma inglés. El análisis también ha mostrado una correlación completa entre el uso de tecnologías de Internet y el dominio del contenido del curso.O artigo discute o uso de recursos educacionais online no processo de aprendizagem da língua inglesa. Os autores apresentam diversos recursos online para o ensino da língua inglesa que se revelam uma fonte eficaz na aquisição de uma segunda língua. Os recursos ajudam a melhorar a percepção da língua estrangeira, estudar regras gramaticais, ensinar a pronúncia correta, a se familiarizar com a cultura da língua-alvo e aumentar o interesse em aprender uma língua estrangeira. A vantagem de usar tais recursos tem por princípio a didática da visibilidade. A representação visual do material prova ser a mais importante e necessária para uma melhor percepção da informação – motivando as crianças a permanecerem focadas na tarefa ao criar um ambiente de linguagem natural. Como resultado desta análise, os autores tiveram uma visão ampla sobre o uso de recursos autênticos da web no ensino da língua inglesa. A análise também mostrou uma correlação completa entre o uso de tecnologias da Internet e o domínio do conteúdo do curso


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    A model of the processes in a galvanic bath during heating is based on the finite element method. The processes of heating the air chamber and directly the reagent solution are simulated. Based on the constructed model, an automatic control system for heating elements is being developed, which provides a sufficient heating rate, a stable temperature and protects the heating elements from burnout. An application program has been created that allows performing the calculations without studying complex modeling systems.

    Análise semântica de unidades fraseológicas relacionadas ao campo fraseosemantic "music" no idioma inglés

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    The article deals with the systemic semantic analysis of the phraseological units related to phraseosemantic field "Music" in the English language. In this phraseosemantic field the notion “Music” is the dominant one. The main elements and means of expression of music are scale, rhythm, tempo, melody, harmony, instrumentation. According to the instrument of performance, music is subdivided into vocal, instrumental and vocal-instrumental music. Also, sometimes subdivisions into forms and kinds (opera, chamber music) and genres (song, etc.) are used. The microfields “Rudiments of Music” and “Musical instruments” studied in this paper are very closely intertwined and are united in common archiseme “Music”. In our study of communicative phraseological units, we distinguish prototype situations and prototype semes – for nominative phraseological units. Prototype situations and semes underlying the group of phraseological units studied are generally similar, but largely coinciding, they differ in subtle aspects, details and describe particular unique traditions, specifics of the daily routine and culture, historic customs of the native English speakers.El artículo trata del análisis semántico sistémico de las unidades fraseológicas relacionadas con el campo fraseosemántico "Música" en el idioma inglés. En este campo de la fraseosemántica, la noción de "Música" es la dominante. Los principales elementos y medios de expresión de la música son escala, ritmo, tempo, melodía, armonía e instrumentación. De acuerdo con el instrumento de interpretación, la música se subdivide en música vocal, instrumental y vocal-instrumental. Además, a veces se usan subdivisiones en formas y tipos (ópera, música de cámara) y géneros (canción, etc.). Los microformados "Rudimentos de la Música" e "Instrumentos musicales" estudiados en este documento están estrechamente entrelazados y están unidos en el archisema común "Música". En nuestro estudio de unidades fraseológicas comunicativas, distinguimos situaciones de prototipos y prototipos de semas, para unidades fraseológicas nominativas. Las situaciones y semas prototipo subyacentes al grupo de unidades de fraseología estudiadas son generalmente similares, pero en gran parte coinciden, difieren en aspectos sutiles, detalles y describen tradiciones únicas particulares, detalles de la rutina diaria y la cultura, costumbres históricas de los hablantes nativos de inglés.O artigo trata da análise sistêmica semântica das unidades fraseológicas relacionadas ao campo de fraseado "Música" na língua inglesa. Neste campo de frase semântica, a noção de "Música" é a dominante. Os principais elementos e meios de expressão da música são escala, ritmo, andamento, melodia, harmonia e instrumentação. De acordo com o instrumento de interpretação, a música é subdividida em música vocal, instrumental e vocal-instrumental. Além disso, subdivisões são algumas vezes usadas em formas e tipos (ópera, música de câmara) e gêneros (música, etc.). Os microformatos "Rudimentos da Música" e "Instrumentos Musicais" estudados neste documento estão intimamente interligados e estão unidos no comum arquimema "Música". Em nosso estudo das unidades fraseológicas comunicativas, distinguimos situações de protótipos e protótipos de semes, para unidades fraseológicas nominativas. Situações e semas subjacentes protótipo para unidades do grupo fraseologia estudados são geralmente semelhantes, mas em grande parte concordam, diferem em aspectos sutis, detalhes e descrever particulares tradições únicas, detalhes da rotina diária e cultura, tradições históricas de falantes nativos de Inglês

    Phytonyms in the tatar and english languages: Comparative analysis

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    The aim of the present paper is to compare the linguistic picture of the world in the Tatar and the English languages based on cognitive-onomasiology approach. Cognitive-onomasiology approach while analyzing phytonymic linguistic picture of the world in the given languages demonstrates motivational consideration in the native speakers' consciousness, the principles of the world's categorization. The analysis of characteristic features of phytonymic lexical items in both languages arises from certain classifying parameters: habitat, qualities, structure, function and appearance. According to the quantitative analysis of phytonymic vocabulary the largest lexico-semantic group in both languages is "Broadleaved trees". In this article the analysis of cognitive and nominative features of phytonymic lexis is also done with the help of framebased model. As a result six universal frame slots were identified: appearance characteristics, evaluative characteristics, temporal characteristics, locatives, size and quantity. The universal characteristics of phytonyms in the Tatar and the English languages are mostly peculiar to "locative" slot, but slots "appearance characteristics" and "evaluative characteristics" are of frequency-domain in analyzed languages. Phytonymic linguistic picture of the world in the Tatar and English languages coincides in many points as it corresponds a natural segmentation of reality


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    Genetic factors that are an important hereditary component determining a predisposition to osteoporosis (OP) are 60–80% responsible for bone mineral density (BMD). Some polymorphic genes have been previously shown to affect the efficiency of performed anti-osteoporotic therapy.Objective: to study the impact of farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FDRS) and geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase (GGSPI) gene polymorphisms on BMD changes during 12-month therapy with bisphosphonates (BP) in women with postmenopausal OP.Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 53 women with OP. Spine and proximal femur BMD was determined using X-ray densitometry before and after BP treatment. The -99A/C and -8188T ins/del polymorphisms in the FDPS and GGPS1 genes were investigated using real-time polymerase chain reaction.Results and discussion. The BMD changes were less marked in women with the C allele of C/T -99/C polymorphism in the FDPS gene than those in carriers of the genotype AA: 2.3±3.6 and 4.4±3.8% (р = 0.062) in the spine; 0.6±3.1 and 2.8±4.5% (р = 0.075) in the femoral neck; 0.5±2.9 and 2.5±2.8% (р = 0.020) in the entire femur, respectively. Femoral neck densitometry showed a significantly weaker response to BP treatment in the patients carrying the mutant genotype del/del of GGSP1 -8188T ins/del polymorphism than in those with the wild-type genotype ins/ins (0.8±4.2 and 4.1±2.5%, respectively; р = 0.030). No significant differences for this polymorphism were found in other areas of BMD measurement.Conclusion. The described pilot study has indicated that the examined FDPS and GGSP1 gene polymorphisms may be predictors for a response to BP therapy in patients with OP. Further investigations that will contribute to the choice of the most effective therapy for this disease are needed to confirm our results

    Ассоциация между низким исходным уровнем экспрессии генов энергетического метаболизма в крови и развитием клинической ремиссии в ответ на терапию тофацитинибом у больных ревматоидным артритом

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    Background. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease of unknown etiology, characterized by erosive arthritis (synovitis) and systemic inflammation. Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors (JAKi) are small molecules that block major signal pathways of many cytokines a growth factors, associated with RA. Identification of patients sensitive to JAKi before treatment could significantly improve therapy outcomes. Currently it is not possible to predict JAKi efficacy in every patient, while some patients are non-responsive to the drug, other develop adverse effects. JAKi effect in RA patients has been recently associated with alterations in mitochondrial function and ATP production. Therefore, we hypothesized that baseline metabolic status of RA patients prior to drug administration can predict the therapeutic outcome.Objective: to investigate the predictive value of baseline expression of genes involved in energy generation in the blood of RA patients, for treatment response to JAKi.Patients and methods. We examined peripheral blood of 28 RA patients aged 52.2±15.6 years, average disease duration 3.5 years (range 0.6–19), treated with Tofacitinib (TOFA, 5–10 mg twice a day) during three months and 26 healthy age-matched control subjects. Clinical response was assessed by disease activity score (DAS28-ESR), immunological status by measurements of serum levels of anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA), rheumatoid factor (RF), and C-reactive protein (CRP). Gene expression was assessed in peripheral blood cells by realtime reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). At baseline all patients had Steinbrocker radiographic stage II–III. Most patients (85.7%) were ACPA and RF positive. Thirteen patients had medium, others – high RA activity.Results and discussion. JAKi treatment significantly decreased the inflammatory disease activity according to DAS28. At the end of the study 17 patients demonstrated moderate disease activity (3.2<DAS28<5.1), 4 patients retained high disease activity while 7, attained remission (DAS28 <2.6). Disease remission, achieved on TOFA treatment, was accompanied by significant decrease in CRP and the number of swollen and tender joints. ESR values were not changed significantly. Gene expression analysis revealed that RA patients, which attained clinical remission after TOFA treatment, demonstrated significantly lower baseline expression of genes associated with glycolysis (pyruvate kinase, PKM2) and oxidative phosphorylation (succinate dehydrogenase, SDHB) compared to other examined RA patients, but higher expression of the abovementioned genes compared to control subjects. Moreover, RA patients who attained clinical remission demonstrated a trend to increase of these gene expressions within follow-up period, while in the rest of patients these gene expression was tending to downregulate.Conclusion. Clinical remission in RA patients treated with JAKi is associated with significantly lower baseline expression of genes associated with energy generation pathways (PKM2 and SDHB) compared to other examined subjects.Ревматоидный артрит (РА) – аутоиммунное заболевание неизвестной этиологии, которое характеризуется эрозивным артритом (синовитом) и системным воспалением. Ингибиторы Янус-киназ (иJAK) являются низкомолекулярными соединениями, блокирующими основные сигнальные пути многих цитокинов и факторов роста, ассоциированных с РА. Выявление до начала лечения пациентов, чувствительных к иJAK, может значительно улучшить результаты терапии. В настоящее время невозможно предсказать эффективность иJAK в каждом случае, поскольку у одних больных может наблюдаться недостаточная восприимчивость к препарату, а у других – развиться нежелательные реакции. Недавно было показано, что действие иJAK у больных РА связано с изменениями митохондриальной функции и продукции АТФ. На этом основании было высказано предположение, что оценка метаболического статуса пациента с РА до начала лечения позволяет прогнозировать результаты терапии.Цель исследования – изучить возможность прогнозирования ответа больных РА на терапию иJAK по базальной экспрессии генов энергетического метаболизма в крови.Пациенты и методы. Была исследована кровь 28 больных РА в возрасте 52,2±15,6 года со средней длительностью заболевания 3,5 (0,6–19) года, получавших тофацитиниб (ТОФА, 5–10 мг 2 раза в день) в течение 3 мес, и 26 здоровых лиц (контроль). Клинический ответ оценивали по динамике активности заболевания (DAS28-СОЭ), иммунологический статус – по сывороточным уровням антител к циклическому цитруллинированному пептиду (AЦЦП), ревматоидного фактора (РФ), CРБ. Экспрессию генов определяли в клетках периферической крови посредством обратно-транскриптазной полимеразной цепной реакции в режиме реального времени. Исходно все больные имели II–III рентгенологическую стадию РА по Штейнброкеру. Большинство (85,7%) пациен- тов были позитивными по АЦЦП и РФ. При этом 13 больных имели умеренную, остальные – высокую активность РА.Результаты и обсуждение. Согласно оценке по DAS28, терапия иJAK значительно снижала исходные показатели воспалительной активности РА. После окончания исследования у 17 пациентов наблюдалась умеренная активность заболевания (3,2<DAS28<5,1), у 4 сохранялась высокая активность, а 7 достигли ремиссии (DAS28 <2,6). У пациентов, достигших ремиссии на фоне терапии ТОФА, отмечалось значительное уменьшение сывороточного уровня СРБ и числа припухших и болезненных суставов. Уровень СОЭ существенно не изменился. Анализ экспрессии генов показал, что эти пациенты имели статистически значимо более низкие исходные уровни генов, связанных с гликолизом (пируваткиназа, PKM2) и окислительным фосфорилированием (сукцинатдегидрогеназа, SDHB), по сравнению с другими больными РА, но более высокие уровни указанных генов по сравнению со здоровыми лицами. Также у больных, достигших ремиссии, экспрессия этих генов имела тенденцию к увеличению в процессе терапии, тогда как у остальных пациентов – к снижению.Заключение. Достижение клинической ремиссии у больных РА на фоне терапии иJAK обусловлено более низкой базовой экспрессией генов, связанных с генерацией энергии (PKM2 и SDHB), по сравнению с остальными пациентами

    Связь полиморфизма Q141K гена ABCG2 с эффективностью уратснижающей терапии у пациентов с подагрой (пилотное исследование)

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    Achieving the target serum uric acid (UA) level is a priority in the treatment of gout.Objective: to study the relationship of the ABCG2 gene polymorphism (rs2231142) with the efficacy of allopurinol and febuxostat in patients with gout.Patients and methods. The study included 82 patients with gout over 18 years of age with serum UA level >360 μmol/L who did not take uratelowering therapy.All patients were prescribed allopurinol 100 mg daily, followed by its titration until the target UA level was reached (<360 μmol/L or <300 μmol/L in patients with chronic tofus gout), up to a maximum of 900 mg/day, in patients with glomerular filtration rate <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 – up to 300 mg/day. Patients who did not reach the target UA level when using allopurinol were prescribed febuxostat 80 mg/day, which, if necessary, was increased to 120 mg/day. Monitoring of each patient was continued until the target serum UA level was reached.All patients underwent genotyping of the C>A polymorphism (rs2231142) of the ABCG2 gene. We compared the probability of achieving the target UA level, the mean values of a decrease in the serum UA level, and the mean doses of urate-lowering drugs in patients with different genotypes (CC, CA, AA) of the ABCG2 gene.Results and discussion. The target UA level in 45 (55%) of 82 patients was defined as <300 μmol/L, in the remaining 37 – as <360 μmol/L.In 26 patients, the dose of allopurinol did not exceed 300 mg/day. In 28 (34%) patients treated with allopurinol, the target UA level was achieved, in the remaining 54 (66%) patients, allopurinol was substituted by febuxostat, and in 22 (41%) of them the UA level decreased and was below the target.The CC genotype of the ABCG2 gene was detected in 51 (62%) patients, the CA genotype in 30 (37%) and the minor genotype AA in 1 (1%).The probability of achieving the target UA level during therapy with allopurinol in carriers of homozygous CC genotype and genotypes CA or AA did not differ: 17 (33%) and 11 (35%) cases, respectively, but patients with CA and AA genotypes required a significantly higher dose of allopurinol (365±102 mg/day) than patients with the CC genotype (290±85 mg/day), p=0.002. Of the 54 patients who took febuxostat and did not reach the target UA level, 30 (56%) had the CC genotype and 24 (44%) had the CA genotype, the probability of reaching the target UA level was also comparable (p=0.22).Conclusion. The probability of reaching the target serum UA level in patients with gout taking allopurinol is not associated with the C>A polymorphism of the ABCG2 gene, but the presence of CA and AA genotypes is identified with a higher dose of the drug. The C>A (rs2231142) polymorphism of the ABCG2 gene does not affect the ability to achieve the goal of therapy when using febuxostat in patients with allopurinol ineffectiveness.Приоритетной задачей лечения подагры является достижение целевого уровня МК в сыворотке крови.Цель исследования – изучение взаимосвязи полиморфизма (rs2231142) гена ABCG2 с эффективностью аллопуринола и фебуксостата у пациентов с подагрой.Пациенты и методы. В исследование включено 82 пациента с подагрой старше 18 лет с сывороточным уровнем МК >360 мкмоль/л, не принимавших уратснижающие препараты.Всем пациентам назначался аллопуринол в дозе 100 мг/сут с последующим ее титрованием до достижения целевого уровня МК (<360 мкмоль/л или <300 мкмоль/л у страдающих хронической тофусной подагрой), максимально – до 900 мг/сут, при скорости клубочковой фильтрации <60 мл/мин/1,73 м2 – до 300 мг/сут. Пациентам, не достигшим целевого уровня МК при использовании аллопуринола, назначался фебуксостат в дозе 80 мг/сут, которая при необходимости увеличивалась до 120 мг/сут. Наблюдение за каждым пациентом продолжали до достижения целевого уровня МК сыворотки.Всем пациентам проводилось генотипирование полиморфизма С>А (rs2231142) гена ABCG2. Сравнивали вероятность достижения целевого уровня МК, средние значения снижения сывороточного уровня МК, средние дозы уратснижающих препаратов у пациентов с разными генотипами (СС, СA, AA) гена ABCG2.Результаты и обсуждение. Целевой уровень МК у 45 (55%) из 82 пациентов был определен как <300 мкмоль/л, у остальных 37 – как <360 мкмоль/л. У 26 больных доза аллопуринола не превышала 300 мг/сут. У 28 (34%) пациентов на фоне терапии аллопуринолом зарегистрирован целевой уровень МК, у остальных 54 (66%) пациентов аллопуринол был заменен на фебуксостат, при этом у 22 (41%) из них уровень МК снизился и не превышал целевой.Генотип СС гена ABCG2 выявлен у 51 (62%) пациента, генотип СА – у 30 (37%) и минорный генотип – АА у 1 (1%). Вероятность достижения целевого уровня МК на фоне терапии аллопуринолом у носителей гомозиготного генотипа СС и генотипов СА или АА не различалась: 17 (33%) и 11 (35%) случаев соответственно, но пациентам с генотипами СА и АА требовалась значимо большая доза аллопуринола (365±102 мг/сут), чем пациентам с генотипом СС (290±85 мг/сут), р=0,002. Из 54 пациентов, принимавших фебуксостат и не достигших целевого уровня МК, 30 (56%) имели генотип СС и 24 (44%) – генотип СА, вероятность достижения целевого уровня МК у них также была сопоставимой (p=0,22).Заключение. Вероятность достижения целевого уровня МК сыворотки крови у пациентов с подагрой, принимающих аллопуринол, не связана с полиморфизмом С>А гена ABCG2, но наличие генотипов СА и АА отождествляется с большей дозой препарата. Полиморфизм С>А (rs2231142) гена ABCG2 не влияет на возможность достижения цели терапии при применении фебуксостата у пациентов с неэффективностью аллопуринола