882 research outputs found

    The Rise in Use of Emotional Support Animals by College Students: The Impact of Parenting Styles

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    As the generational context of higher education shifts, a rise of Emotional Support Animals (ESA) and mental health concerns are present for students on college campuses. While previous studies have aimed to address the relevancy and controversy of ESAs in higher education as well as their effectiveness in supporting individuals, less research has explored underlying factors that contribute to the use of an ESA. The purpose of this study was to explore the parenting behaviors of parents/caregivers of students with ESAs in comparison to parents/caregivers of students without ESAs. An embedded mixed methods design was used. Participants completed the Parenting Behaviors Questionnaire (PBQ) assessment scale and an embedded qualitative question. Findings revealed differences in the PBQ subscales of responsiveness and explaining. Students with ESAs also disclosed higher incidents of unexpected life events and caregiver instability than their non-ESA counterparts. The data provides essential assessment and intervention information for college counseling centers

    Empirical Challenges in Organizational Aesthetics Research: Towards a Sensual Methodology

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    Despite growing scholarly interest in aesthetic dimensions of organizational life, there is a lack of literature expressly engaging with the methodological mechanics of 'doing aesthetics research'. This article addresses that gap. It begins with an overview of the conceptual idiosyncrasies of 'aesthetics' as a facet of human existence and maps out the challenges these pose for empirical research methodology. A review of methodological approaches adopted to date in empirical studies of organizational aesthetics is then presented. The remainder of the article draws on the author's experiences and suggests methods and techniques to address both conceptual and practical challenges encountered during the execution of an organizational aesthetics research project. The article calls for a firmer focus on the aesthetic experiences of organizational members in addition to those of researchers and concludes with some suggestions as to the future of such 'sensual methodologies' </jats:p

    Globalização e beleza: o papel das empresas na construção de um ideal de beleza e sua representação na realidade brasileira

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Este estudo, de maneira geral, tem como objetivo identificar como se deu a criação de um padrão de beleza e quais são seus impactos na sociedade, principalmente na realidade brasileira. Hoje, as mulheres são bombardeadas de informações e imagens nos filmes, Beleza. Globalização. Indústria da Beleza. L’Óreal. Avon. Natura. televisão e nas mídias sociais, de forma que a maioria do conteúdo que consumimos todos os dias nos sugerem o que devemos vestir, como devemos nos portar, o quão magra devemos estar. Essa situação não nasce nos dias atuais, mas faz parte de uma construção histórico-social que surge desde antigamente quando a beleza era refletida nas grandes obras e esculturas. Assim, parte-se da hipótese que as empresas do setor de beleza - em sua maioria empresas ocidentais - foram primordiais para ditar os rumos do que seria definido como belo ao longo dos anos. Dessa forma, este trabalho contará com três estudos de caso, de três grandes empresas do setor, sendo a L’Oréal, a Avon e a Natura, com o propósito de analisar a representação da beleza em suas campanhas publicitárias e qual o movimento que elas tem realizado hoje, em decorrência de uma maior exigência do consumidor em ver imagens reais e não uma beleza idealizada ocidental

    Fracture Characterization from Scattered Energy: A Case Study

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    We use 3D surface seismic data to determine the presence and the preferred orientation of fracture corridors in a field. The Scattering Index method is proving to be a robust tool for detecting and mapping fracture corridors. Fracture corridors largely control permeability and fluid flow in some fractured reservoirs. To apply the Scattering Index method, we compute the scattering transfer functions from the reservoir interval using prestack migrated data collected in four azimuth sectors. By measuring the azimuthal differences in the amount of scattering, we obtain maps of density of fracture corridors and their orientation across the survey area. We use geostatistical filtering to improve the spatial correlation of scattering index maps. The distribution and orientation of the final fracture corridors are interpreted considering the structure, fault network, and stress information. In the field, we observe several regions of high fracturing near the anticline’s crest and on its steepest slopes, on the southwest flank. Around well locations, fractures are oriented to the NW and NNW, which agrees with estimates of maximum stress direction from well data.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Earth Resources Laborator

    Analysis of Scattered Signal to Estimate Reservoir Fracture Parameters

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    We detect fracture corridors and determine their orientation and average spacing based on an analysis of seismic coda in the frequency-wave number (f-k ) domain. Fracture corridors have dimensions similar to seismic wavelengths which causes scattering. The distribution of energy in shot records in the f-k domain depends upon the orientation of the records relative to the fracture strike. In the direction normal to fractures, scattered waves propagate with slower apparent velocities than waves propagating along the fracture channels. The associated f-k spectral differences allow the identification of the preferred fracture orientation and spacing. We apply our technique to a fractured reservoir in the Lynx field, in the Canadian foothills. The estimated preferential fracture orientation is about N40 E, which agrees with regional stress measurements. The average fracture spacing is 75 m on the West side of the survey, while fractures are more sparse on the East side. We also apply the Scattering Index methodology (Willis et al., 2006) to the same data, post-stack and pre-stack. This technique has higher resolution to map fracture distribution, intensity and orientation, and therefore complements the spectral method in providing an integrated description of reservoir fractures.United States. Dept. of Energy (award number DE-FC26-06NT42956)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Earth Resources Laborator

    Are You Two Just Friends? Emotional and Sexual Infidelity Across Sexual Orientations

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    Lesbians are unlikely to ask if it is possible for women and women to be friends. Bisexuals have friends of each sex. It seems that it is primarily heterosexuals who have trouble with sex-of-attraction friendships. This study examined how participants perceived the emotional and sexual infidelity of their partner’s relationship with a friend differing across sexuality and biological sex. Our participants consisted of a combined sample across two studies (n = 532), participants completed measures of their perceived emotional and sexual infidelity towards 10 controlled behaviors that their partners committed with the partner’s friends. The data revealed that participants were more concerned with perceived emotional infidelity with sex(es)-of-attraction friends as a function of participants’ sexual orientation, sex, and their lover’s sexual orientation. Our evidence shows that when in relationships, people feel most threatened by the friend of the partner who possesses the same biological machinery as them. Furthermore, results suggest that people are also more likely to be threatened by their partner’s friend, who may have a mutual attraction towards their partner. The effect of the same biological machinery and the mutual attraction on perceived infidelity is additive. The pattern is seen across heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual relationships

    The PyCBC search for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence

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    We describe the PyCBC search for gravitational waves from compact-object binary coalescences in advanced gravitational-wave detector data. The search was used in the first Advanced LIGO observing run and unambiguously identified two black hole binary mergers, GW150914 and GW151226. At its core, the PyCBC search performs a matched-filter search for binary merger signals using a bank of gravitational-wave template waveforms. We provide a complete description of the search pipeline including the steps used to mitigate the effects of noise transients in the data, identify candidate events and measure their statistical significance. The analysis is able to measure false-alarm rates as low as one per million years, required for confident detection of signals. Using data from initial LIGO's sixth science run, we show that the new analysis reduces the background noise in the search, giving a 30% increase in sensitive volume for binary neutron star systems over previous searches.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Classical and Quantum Gravit


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    Over the past quarter-century, web archive collection has emerged as a user-friendly process thanks to cloud-hosted solutions such as the Internet Archive’s Archive-It subscription service. Despite advancements in collecting web archive content, no equivalent has been found by way of a user-friendly cloud-hosted analysis system. Web archive processing and research require significant hardware resources and cumbersome tools that interdisciplinary researchers find difficult to work with. In this paper, we present ARCH (Archives Research Compute Hub)1, an interactive interface, closely connected with Archive-It, engineered to provide analytical actions, specifically generating datasets and in-browser visualizations. It efficiently streamlines research workflows while eliminating the burden of computing requirements. Building off past work by both the Internet Archive (Archive-It Research Services) and the Archives Unleashed Project (the Archives Unleashed Cloud), this merged platform achieves a scalable processing pipeline for web archive research.This research was supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s Public Knowledge program, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, as well as Start Smart Labs, the University of Waterloo, and York University

    Longitudinal characterization of autoantibodies to the thyrotropin receptor (TRAb) during alemtuzumab therapy; evidence that TRAb may precede thyroid dysfunction by many years.

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    BACKGROUND Thyroid autoimmunity, especially Graves’ disease or hypothyroidism with positive autoantibodies (TRAb) to the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR), occurs in 30-40% of patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS) following treatment with alemtuzumab (ALTZ). ALTZ therapy therefore provides a unique opportunity to study the evolution of TRAb prior to clinical presentation. TRAb can stimulate (TSAb), block (TBAb) or not affect (“neutral”: TNAb) the TSHR function, causing hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism or euthyroidism, respectively. METHODS We conducted a longitudinal retrospective analysis of TRAb bioactivity over a period of 9 years in 45 MS patients receiving ALTZ using available stored serum; 31 developed thyroid dysfunction (TD) and 14 remained euthyroid despite being followed for a minimum of 5 years (NO-TD). The presence of TRAb was evaluated at standardized time points: A) pre-ALTZ, B) latest time available post-ALTZ and before TD onset, C) post-ALTZ during/after TD onset. Serum TRAb were detected by published in-house assays (ihTRAb): flow cytometry (FC) detecting any TSHR-binding TRAb and luciferase bioassays (LB) detecting TSAb/TBAb bioactivity. Purified IgGs were used to verify TSAb/TBAb in selected hypothyroid cases. Standard clinical automated measurements of TRAb (autTRAb), anti-thyroid peroxidase autoantibodies (TPOAb), thyroid stimulating hormone, free-thyroxine and free-triiodothyronine were also collected. RESULTS Pre-ALTZ, combined ihTRAb (positive with FC and/or LB), but not autTRAb, were present in 5/16 (31.2%) TD versus 0/14 (0%) NO-TD (p=0.017). Detectable ihTRAb preceded TD development in 9/28 (32.1%) and by a median of 1.2 years (range 28 days – 7.3 years). Combination testing of ihTRAb and TPOAb at baseline predicted 20% of subsequent cases of hyperthyroidism and 83% of hypothyroidism. CONCLUSIONS We present evidence that TRAb measured with custom-made assays can be detected prior to any change in thyroid function in up to a third of cases of ALTZ-related TD. Furthermore, The presence of ihTRAb prior to ALTZ treatment was strongly predictive of subsequent TD. Our findings suggest that a period of affinity maturation of TRAb may precede clinical disease onset in some cases. Combined testing of TPOAb and ihTRAb may increase our ability to predict those who will develop thyroid dysfunction post ALTZ
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