1,221 research outputs found

    Shifting the Narrative: Disabilities are Superpowers

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    Drawing from first-hand experiences as a special education teacher\u27s aide, I have witnessed students’ struggle, but I have also seen them be exceptional. Stories about disabilities and by people with disabilities continue to be hard to find. To understand the lived perspectives of people with various disabilities, I conducted a literature review of interviews and profiles featuring people with disabilities talking about their experiences and strengths in their own words. This research project aims to answer the question, “How can lived experience narratives better showcase individuals\u27 diverse abilities and strengths.” This project focuses on individuals with autism, Down syndrome, dyslexia, and hearing loss. This literature review found that individuals with these disorders were able to accomplish many things, such as creating strong community ties, earning a college degree, running a marathon, and having strong artistic abilities. I conducted this research to shift the narrative from “suffering” with a disability to “living” with a disability. This research argues that we need more accessible stories showcasing the diverse lived experiences of people living with disabilities. Especially for teachers, other authority figures, and the general public, there is a need to be educated and trained to listen to these people and share their stories to promote understanding of those who are different from ourselves

    The Will to Write: An Assessment of the Perceptions of Writing Readiness and Success of First-Generation Students

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    Writing is one of the most influential means of communication utilized in all disciplines across the world. This pragmatic, qualitative study sought to explore students’ perceptions of writing preparedness and success, as well as first-generation students’ transition into college writing. Seven first-generation college students at a small, private, four-year institution located in Massachusetts were interviewed. The findings of this study indicated that for this sample, the transition into college writing was marked by a drastic change in expectations at the postsecondary level. Moreover, students faced challenges regarding writing style, frequency, and research. In order to successfully master college writing, students pursued additional support, including professorial support and writing and research center services. Recommendations for practice include writing introductory courses be restructured, and diagnostic assessment of students be completed in order to appropriately place them. Moreover, higher education institutions should encourage writing through co-curricular activities. Lastly, partnerships between faculty, writing support specialists, and secondary level instructors should be established

    The effect of retinal GABA Depletion by Allylglycineon mouse retinal ganglion cell responses to light

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    International audienceThe inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) is metabolized by glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) which exists in two iso-forms in the mature CNS, GAD65 and GAD67. Allylglycine, a glycine derivative, is a nonspecific inhibitor of both GAD isoforms. Prolongedexposure to allylgycine can therefore deplete the tissue of endogenous GABA over time (Orlowski et al, 1977; Chabrol et al., 2012). Herewe applied Allylglycine (ALLYL) in vitro over several hours to gradually deplete GABA in the adult mouse retina and compared the effectsof GABA depletion on retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) receptive fields with those obtained by simultaneously blocking all GABAergic recep-tors (type A, B and C)


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    Com a adoção das IFRS, esperava-se que a Contabilidade se aproximasse mais de sua essência econômica. Contudo, alguns estudos apontam evidências da permanência da utilização de certas práticas da Contabilidade anterior. Dessa forma, o principal objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a evolução da divulgação e da apresentação, nas demonstrações financeiras anuais, das informações referentes à depreciação dos ativos imobilizados no Brasil. Para isso, utilizou-se Análise de Conteúdo nas demonstrações financeiras padronizadas de 74 companhias abertas listadas na BM&FBOVESPA de 2006 a 2012. Os resultados mostraram que o nível de utilização das taxas fiscais era muito maior antes da adoção das novas normas, mas algumas empresas já utilizavam outras taxas nesse período. Após a adoção, passou-se a utilizar com mais frequência a apresentação através de taxas médias. Com o passar dos anos, as taxas de depreciação quase não se alteraram em todos os grupos de ativos imobilizados analisados. Contudo, antes e depois da adoção das IFRS, algumas empresas não apresentaram informações obrigatórias, mesmo com a exigência das normas vigentes. Constatou-se também que, antes das IFRS, a depreciação acumulada era apresentada no cálculo do valor líquido do imobilizado; e após, passou a ser apresentada na composição do saldo do mesmo, junto à depreciação do período. Conclui-se que as Notas Explicativas sobre depreciação sofreram mudanças consideráveis, principalmente após a adoção das IFRS, mas ainda permanecem muitos resquícios da cultura anterior. With the adoption of the IFRS, it was expected that the Accounting would get closer to its economic essence. However, some studies point to the existence of evidences of the permanence of the use of certain practices of the previous Accounting.  Therefore, the main goal of this study was to analyze the evolution of the disclosure and presentation, in the annual financial statements, of the information about the depreciation of property, plant and equipment in Brazil. To do so, Content Analysis was used in financial statements of 74 public companies listed in BM&FBOVESPA from 2006 to 2012. The results have shown that the tax rates levels of use were bigger before the adoption of the new rules, but some companies already used other rates in this period. After the adoption, the presentation method of average rates began to be used more frequently. Over the years, the depreciation rates almost did not change in all the analyzed assets groups. However, before and after the adoption of the IFRS, some companies did not present the mandatory information, even with the requirement of the existing rules. It was also verified that before the IFRS, the accumulated depreciation was presented in the calculus of the net value of property, plants and equipment; and after, it began to be presented inside the reconciliation of the carrying amount, alongside with the depreciation.  It is possible to conclude that the Notes about depreciation had suffered considerable changes, especially after the adoption of the IFRS, but residues of the previous culture remain.Con la adopción de las IFRS, se esperaba que la contabilidad se mueve más cerca de la esencia económica. Pero, estudios apuntan evidencias de la permanencia de la utilización de determinadas prácticas contables anteriores. Así, el objetivo principal del estudio ha sido analizar la evolución de la divulgación y presentación, en los estados financieros anuales, de las informaciones relativas a la depreciación de los activos fijos en Brasil. Para eso, se utilizó el análisis de contenido en los estados financieros de 74 empresas cotizadas en la BM&FBOVESPA en 2006-2012. Los resultados mostraron que el nivel de utilización de las tasas de impuestos era mucho mayor antes de la adopción de las nuevas normas, pero algunas empresas han utilizado otros tipos en este periodo. Después de la adopción, han empezado a usar con más frecuencia la presentación a través de tasas medias. Con los años, las tasas de depreciación prácticamente no cambiaron en todos los grupos de activos fijos analizados. Pero antes y después de la adopción de las IFRS, algunas empresas no proporcionaron información obligatoria, aún con la exigencia de las reglas existentes. También se descubrió que antes de las IFRS, la depreciación acumulada se presentó en el cálculo del valor del activo neto, y después, comenzó a ser presentada en la composición del saldo del mismo, junto con la depreciación del período. Se concluye que las notas explicativas sobre la depreciación han sufrido cambios considerables, especialmente después de la adopción de las IFRS, todavía han muchos restos de la cultura anterior


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    Propõe-se analisar a legitimidade das famílias simultâneas/paralelas a partir do Acesso à Justiça, valendo-se da conceituação mais ampla de Acesso à Justiça para justificar a legitimidade do arranjo familiar. De forma objetiva, buscou-se: (i) contextualizar o Acesso à Justiça em seus conceitos amplo e estrito; (ii) analisar o que se entende por família simultânea/paralela e o imbróglio legislativo, doutrinário e jurisprudencial que envolve esse arranjo familiar; para, por fim, (iii) discorrer sobre a legitimidade da família simultânea/paralela, valendo-se do Acesso à Justiça como fundamento da legitimidade. Concluindo-se que a visão estritamente legalista da família simultânea/paralela conduz à ilegitimidade, mas a tese do Acesso à Justiça como direito fundamental, no seu conceito mais amplo de acesso aos direitos, pode legitimar o arranjo familiar, concedendo-lhe efeitos jurídicos desde que presente a boa-fé do(a) companheiro(a) superveniente. Na fase de Investigação utiliza-se o Método Indutivo, na fase de Tratamento de Dados o Método Cartesiano e no Relatório dos Resultados a Base Lógica indutiva

    The Case for Revamping New Faculty Orientation: Integrating Case-Based Learning Into Faculty Onboarding.

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    Introduction: New faculty orientation (NFO) for onboarding faculty members is replete with critical information and resources. Most NFO sessions are facilitated through lecture-based slide presentations. We employed a case-based learning (CBL) format to promote learner engagement through active use of the content being taught. We hypothesized that a CBL format would lead to improved learner satisfaction. Methods: An inventory of topics presented at NFO was generated by reviewing previous orientation sessions. Cases and discussion questions were developed to link to specific content areas from previously delivered lectures. Participants were assigned cases with discussion questions, followed by a large-group debriefing. In 2014, 105 faculty members participated in NFO. An additional 232 faculty members participated from 2014 to 2017 with the revised format. Results: Participants completed evaluations following each session. A specific item gauged the effectiveness of the format on a 9-point Likert scale. Scores were compared to 2014 evaluations using the unpaired Student t test. In 2014, participants rated the program format as 7.17 (mean) out of 9. Faculty orientation sessions in 2015, 2016, and 2017 scored 7.90 (p \u3c .05), 8.00 (p \u3c .05), and 8.40 (p \u3c .01), respectively. Discussion: We proposed a new format for NFO using a CBL-based format. Feedback highlighted faculty satisfaction with the new format. Qualitative feedback suggested that this new design in NFO sessions promotes learner engagement, networking, and collegiality. The format also models a pedagogy that faculty can implement directly in their respective teaching environments