192 research outputs found

    The Transition from NACA to NASA

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    The artifact that I have created to be a resource for teachers is a PowerPoint presentation on the transition from The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), to The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

    The Transition from NACA to NASA - Slides

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    The artifact that I have created to be a resource for teachers is a PowerPoint presentation on the transition from The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), to The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

    The Inclusive Growth and Development Report 2017

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    Around the globe, leaders of governments and other stakeholder institutions enter 2017 facing a set of difficult and increasingly urgent questions:With fiscal space limited, interest rates near zero, and demographic trends unfavorable in many countries, does the world economy face a protracted period of relatively low growth? Will macroeconomics and demography determine the world economy's destiny for the foreseeable future?Can rising in-country inequality be satisfactorily redressed within the prevailing liberal international economic order? Can those who argue that modern capitalist economies face inherent limitations in this regard – that their internal "income distribution system" is broken and likely beyond repair – be proven wrong?As technological disruption accelerates in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, how can societies organize themselves better to respond to the potential employment and other distributional effects? Are expanded transfer payments the only or primary solution, or can market mechanisms be developed to widen social participation in new forms of economic value-creation?These questions beg the more fundamental one of whether a secular correction is required in the existing economic growth model in order to counteract secular stagnation and dispersion (chronic low growth and rising inequality). Does the mental map of how policymakers conceptualize and enable national economic performance need to be redrawn? Is there a structural way, beyond the temporary monetary and fiscal measures of recent years, to cut the Gordian knot of slow growth and rising inequality, to turn the current vicious cycle of stagnation and dispersion into a virtuous one in which greater social inclusion and stronger and more sustainable growth reinforce each other?This is precisely what government, business, and other leaders from every region have been calling for. Over the past several years, a worldwide consensus has emerged on the need for a more inclusive growth and development model; however, this consensus is mainly directional. Inclusive growth remains more a discussion topic than an action agenda. This Report seeks to help countries and the wider international community practice inclusive growth and development by offering a new policy framework and corresponding set of policy and performance indicators for this purpose

    Sustainable Enterprise Value Creation

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    This Open Access book provides a practical guide to the creation of sustainable enterprise value and implementation of the principles of stakeholder capitalism for corporate boards and management teams. The authors argue that business leadership is on the threshold of a new era driven by major shifts in technology, society, political economy and climate change. They set this transition in international and historical context and outline a comprehensive leadership agenda for fully integrating environmental, social, governance (ESG) and data stewardship risks and opportunities into corporate governance, strategy, reporting and partnerships. This systematic approach is illustrated with good practices by leading companies and includes an explanation of how sustainability reporting is making the leap into formal accounting standards set by the same body that oversees international financial accounting standards and what companies should do to prepare. The book’s combination of scholarly analysis and practical guidance make it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to navigate the new business context, whether from the perspective of a board director, C-suite executive, manager, policymaker, scholar or student. This is an open access book

    Mainstreaming Responsible Investment

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    The outcome of a Global Corporate Citizenship Initiative's inquiry, namely: why the investment community places only modest emphasis on social, environmental, and ethical issues in investment valuation and asset allocation decisions. The report identifies obstacles and explores possible changes in policies and practices that could serve to integrate non-financial considerations into their investment strategies

    Statistische Auswertung und Interpretation von hochdimensionalen molekularbiologischen DatensÀtzen

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    Der Einsatz von Hochdurchsatz-Methoden ist in der molekularbiologischen Forschung zu einem elementaren Werkzeug zur AufklĂ€rung der komplexen zellulĂ€ren VorgĂ€nge geworden. Ein wichtiger Aspekt bei der DurchfĂŒhrung von Hochdurchsatz-Methoden ist die Etablierung von geeigneten Algorithmen zur Auswertung der Daten. FĂŒr die DNA-Chiptechnologie sind in den letzen Jahren standardisierte Methoden zur Auswertung der Daten etabliert worden. Es hat sich jedoch gezeigt, dass die Interpretation der Daten im Kontext der biologischen Fragestellung sich trotz effizienter Datenanalyse als schwierig gestaltet. Deshalb wurde stĂ€rker darauf fokussiert, bioinformatische Methoden zur funktionellen Interpretation der Daten zu etablieren. In Kapitel 3 werden einige dieser Methoden dargestellt und anschließend auf einen Mikroarray-Datensatz angewendet, mit dem die c-Myc abhĂ€ngige Genexpression in T-Lymphozyten von transgenen MĂ€usen untersucht wird. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die hier angewendeten Methoden fĂŒr die funktionelle Interpretation von Genlisten geeignet sind. Da die Methoden zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen fĂŒhren, bzw. auf unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte fokussieren, ist es sinnvoll, mehrere Methoden parallel anzuwenden, um eine möglichst effiziente Interpretation zu erzielen. Ein Aspekt der funktionellen Analyse ist die Untersuchung von ko-regulierten Genen eines Datensatzes auf eine mögliche Regulation durch einen gemeinsamen Transkriptionsfaktor. Eine Methode zur Detektion signifikant ĂŒberreprĂ€sentierter cis-regulativer Motive in den Promotersequenzen eines Sets von ko-regulierten Genen wurde im Rahmen der Arbeit etabliert. Diese Methode beinhaltet folgende Schritte: ‱ Erstellung einer Datenbank mit orthologen Promotorsequenzen (Maus/Mensch) ‱ Maskierung von repetitiven Sequenzelementen ‱ Alignment der orthologen Sequenzen ‱ Untersuchung von konservierten Sequenzbereichen auf Transkriptionsfaktor-Bindungsstellen (TFBS) ‱ Korrektur der Anzahl der Bindungsstellen auf die LĂ€nge der konservierten Promotorsequenzen ‱ Untersuchung einer Gruppe von ko-regulierten Genen auf die Anreicherung von TFBS im Vergleich zu einem Hintergrundset Die Methode wurde auf den in Kapitel 3 verwendeten Mikroarray-Datensatzes angewendet. Position weight matrices (PWM) mit E-Box-Motiven, die als Bindungsmotive fĂŒr c-Myc bereits beschrieben wurden, konnten als signifikant ĂŒberreprĂ€sentiert gefunden werden. Zudem findet sich eine Anreicherung der PWM fĂŒr den Transkriptionsfaktor YY1, dessen konstitutive Repression durch die Überexpression von c-Myc reduziert wird. Neben der Regulation der Genexpression z.B. durch Trankriptionsfaktoren gibt es weiteren Faktoren, die eine Rolle bei der Regulation der zellulĂ€ren Prozesse spielen. Hierzu gehören u.a. die miRNAs, die als zellulĂ€re Regulatoren in den letzten Jahren vermehrt in den Fokus der molekularbiologischen Forschung gerĂŒckt sind. Es treten z.B. zeit- und gewebespezifische miRNA-ExpressionsÂŹmuster bei der Entwicklung von Pflanzen und Tieren oder bei der Regulation von physioloÂŹgischen Prozessen wie der Apoptose, der Zellteilung und der Zelldifferenzierung auf. Da hĂ€ufig eine Vielzahl von miRNAs an der Regulation eines Prozesses beteiligt sind, ist es notwendig, die Expression der verschiedenen miRNAs gleichzeitig zu messen, um so die entsprechenden Expressionmuster zu finden. Hierzu eignen sich miRNA-Mikroarrays, deren Auswertung im Rahmen dieser Arbeit etabliert wurde. Als Basis hierfĂŒr wurden die in Kapitel 2 beschriebenen Methoden verwendet. Die Algorithmen wurden dann in zwei Versuchen zur Untersuchung der N-Myc abhĂ€ngigen miRNA Expression in vivo und in vitro eingesetzt. Die Ergebnisse beider Experimente zeigen eine deutliche Überlappung auf, somit konnte sowohl in den Vorversuchen, die im Rahmen der Etablierung durchgefĂŒhrt wurden, als auch in den Experimenten gezeigt werden, dass sich die miRNA Mikroarray-Plattform fĂŒr die experimentelle Anwendung eignet und die Auswertungsroutine zu Ergebnissen fĂŒhrt. Es wurde jedoch auch deutlich, dass durch eine Optimierung des derzeitigen Array-Designs, andere Normalisierungsmethoden angewendet werden könnten, die zu einer besseren Reduzierung von systematischen Fehlern fĂŒhren könnten. Mit der RNAi-Screening Technologie steht eine weitere Hochdurchsatz-Technologie zur VerfĂŒgung, die eine Untersuchung der direkten Interaktion verschiedener Genprodukte ermöglicht. Die Screens generieren sehr große Datenmengen, die hĂ€ufig eine sehr hohe VariabilitĂ€t ausweisen, somit ebenfalls eine effiziente Datenanalyse erfordern. In dieser Arbeit wurde anhand der Auswertung eines shRNA-Screens, mit dem der Einfluss verschiedener Kinasen auf die StabilitĂ€t von c-Myc getestet werden sollte, die Etablierung einer Auswertungsroutine beschrieben

    Factors affecting on student unsuccessfulness in engineering programmes in distance education

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    This study was conducted to ascertain the reasons for unsuccessfulness among students enrolling for engineering (technology) study programme in distance learning conducted by the Open University of Sri Lanka. The profile of students, students’ awareness about distance learning methodology, reasons for selecting distance learning courses, students’ appraisal of course delivery, and level of support given by the faculty were studied through a survey conducted among students who follow courses at levels 1 and 2. According to the study, it was revealed that majority of students who passed the G C E (A/L) examination were found to be either willing to continue or undecided whether to abandon or continue studies. Non-familiarity with distance learning method, lack of time, and high course fees were major reasons for deciding to give up the programme. Language difficulty and difficulty in course material were rated below other factors influencing possible student drop outs. Most students (87%) indicated securing employment and gaining knowledge as their reason for selecting the study programme in distance learning. Only a 13% joined because of persuasion by others. As far as course delivery is concerned, 86% of students needed more face-to-face teaching reflecting the fact that they have not made up minds to do self-study which is characteristic of distance learning. Further, 78% stated that even the limited face-to-face classes were not conducted to the satisfaction of students. In conclusion, it was evident that students joined the programme with an understanding of the content of the programme but they seem to find difficulty in coping due to distance learning methods. As far as delivery is concerned there were no major complaints on course material, but a more significant factor was the way faculty, staff and visiting academics conducted limited face-to-face classes. Therefore, making students, as well as all tutors and lectures who undertake to guide the students, thoroughly aware of the distance learning methods at enrolment, is strongly recommended.N/

    Capturing sequence variation among flowering-time regulatory gene homologs in the allopolyploid crop species Brassica napus

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    Flowering, the transition from the vegetative to the generative phase, is a decisive time point in the lifecycle of a plant. Flowering is controlled by a complex network of transcription factors, photoreceptors, enzymes and miRNAs. In recent years, several studies gave rise to the hypothesis that this network is also strongly involved in the regulation of other important lifecycle processes ranging from germination and seed development through to fundamental developmental and yield-related traits. In the allopolyploid crop species Brassica napus, (genome AACC), homoeologous copies of flowering time regulatory genes are implicated in major phenological variation within the species, however the extent and control of intraspecific and intergenomic variation among flowering-time regulators is still unclear. To investigate differences among B. napus morphotypes in relation to flowering-time gene variation, we performed targeted deep sequencing of 29 regulatory flowering-time genes in four genetically and phenologically diverse B. napus accessions. The genotype panel included a winter-type oilseed rape, a winter fodder rape, a spring-type oilseed rape (all B. napus ssp. napus) and a swede (B. napus ssp. napobrassica), which show extreme differences in winter-hardiness, vernalization requirement and flowering behaviour. A broad range of genetic variation was detected in the targeted genes for the different morphotypes, including non-synonymous SNPs, copy number variation and presence-absence variation. The results suggest that this broad variation in vernalisation, clock and signaling genes could be a key driver of morphological differentiation for flowering-related traits in this recent allopolyploid crop species
