15 research outputs found

    Examining Game-Thinking in Human Resources Recruitment and Selection: A Literature Review and Research Agenda

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    Human resources departments have long embraced the use of technology to incorporate game-thinking to encourage potential applicants to apply for open positions and to select employees among qualified candidates. Organizations are using serious games, game-inspired design, game-like simulations, and gamification to support recruitment and selection activities and we examine the academic literature on the role of game-thinking for recruitment and selection of employees. Based on our review of 35 articles on game-thinking for recruitment and selection, we describe the state of research related to game-thinking for recruitment and selection, including theoretical foundations, targeted outcomes, and game design elements examined or discussed within this literature. Based on our systematic review of the literature, we identify opportunities for future research related to game-thinking in recruitment and selection

    Significance of Visual Realism – Eeriness, Credibility, and Persuasiveness of Virtual Influencers

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    Though human-like design can increase favorable social behaviors like familiarity and acceptance, it can also question the technology’s effectiveness, rationality, and functionality. With capabilities that allow technology to become more and more human-like, researchers and practitioners continue to delve over the efficacy and deployment of humanness in design. In this research paper, we measure positive and negative perceptions towards different levels of humanness among an emerging form of digital character: the virtual influencer. In doing so, we assess the efficacy of human-like design among virtual influencers by manipulating their visual realism and measuring the effect of this manipulation on their credibility and persuasiveness. Our experimental design also allows us to explore the existence of the uncanny valley in a novel technological context


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perkawinan di bawah tangan. Perkawinan yang telah  memenuhi rukun dan syarat tetapi belum tercatat di KUA.  Permasalahan pokok dalam tesis ini yaitu, Apa latar belakang terjadinya perkawinan di bawah tangan, bagaimana akibat perkawinan dibawah tangan yang dilakukan terhadap kehidupan keluarga, dan bagaimana upaya Pemerintah dalam meminimalisir perkawinan dibawah tangan.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian  field research melalui pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan wawancara dan dukumentasi.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan: 1) Latar belakang terjadinya pernikahan di bawah tangan antara lain : a) faktor kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat terhadap hukum, b) faktor untuk menghindari pencatatan perkawinan,  c) faktor Orang Tua,    d) faktor untuk menghindari hal-hal yang dilarang agama, 2) Akibat perkawinan dibawah tangan antara lain : a) tidak dianggap sebagai istri yang sah, b) tidak berhak atas nafkah, c) rentan terjadi KDRT, d) sulit mendapatkan akte kelahiran anak,          3) Upaya Pemerintah untuk meminimalisir  terjadinya perkawinan dibawah tangan antara lain : a) melakukan sosialisasi pentingnya pencatatan pernikahan dan dampak terhadap keluarga, b) melakukan koordinasi melalui kegiatan lintas sektoral baik di Kecamatan maupun pada internal KUA, c) membangun kemitraan dengan Penyuluh Agama Islam untuk mengadakan penyuluhan pada masyarakat mengenai prosedur pencatatan perkawinan, d) memberikan kemudahan dengan tidak meminta bayaran bagi pernikahan di Balai Nikah.Implikasi penelitian ini untuk meminimalisir angka pernikahan di bawah tangan, walaupun ada masyarakat yang melakukan perkawinan di bawah tangan itu karena mereka tidak mengetahui akibat perkawinan di bawah tangan. Secara keseluruhan masyarakat telah memahami apa akibat tindakan tersebut, tetapi tidak diiringi dengan pencatatannya, hanya sebatas pemahaman saja.Kata Kunci : Pernikahan, dibawah tangan, masyarakat  musli

    Designing a new integrated model for performance evaluation of R&D centers (Case study: Energy Research Institute)

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    The necessity of design and implementation of performance evaluation systems for project-based research and development (R&D) centers is one of the crucial issues in all countries. The purpose of this paper is to provide an integrated performance evaluation method for research and development institutes. The proposed approach is a synthesis of BSC, AHP and network DEA appropriate for engineering departments and units of these organizations. Defining Indexes as input and output, regarding different features of BSC and prioritizing them based on expert judgment, to calculate unites and sub-unit's efficiency of these organizations, network DEA will be applied.  Research and Development institutes, usually, are conglomeration of divergent administration unites and research sub-units, which could be considered as sub Decision Making Unites (sub-DMU) in this efficiency measurement model. Obtained results through this suggested integrated approach indicates its strength in the performance evaluation of R&D centers, moreover, its compatibility to be applied in all the research-oriented organizations

    Designing a new integrated model for performance evaluation of R&D centers (Case study: Energy Research Institute)

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    The necessity of design and implementation of performance evaluation systems for project-based research and development (R&D) centers is one of the crucial issues in all countries. The purpose of this paper is to provide an integrated performance evaluation method for research and development institutes. The proposed approach is a synthesis of BSC, AHP and network DEA appropriate for engineering departments and units of these organizations. Defining Indexes as input and output, regarding different features of BSC and prioritizing them based on expert judgment, to calculate unites and sub-unit's efficiency of these organizations, network DEA will be applied.  Research and Development institutes, usually, are conglomeration of divergent administration unites and research sub-units, which could be considered as sub Decision Making Unites (sub-DMU) in this efficiency measurement model. Obtained results through this suggested integrated approach indicates its strength in the performance evaluation of R&D centers, moreover, its compatibility to be applied in all the research-oriented organizations


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perkawinan di bawah tangan. Perkawinan yang telah  memenuhi rukun dan syarat tetapi belum tercatat di KUA.  Permasalahan pokok dalam tesis ini yaitu, Apa latar belakang terjadinya perkawinan di bawah tangan, bagaimana akibat perkawinan dibawah tangan yang dilakukan terhadap kehidupan keluarga, dan bagaimana upaya Pemerintah dalam meminimalisir perkawinan dibawah tangan.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian  field research melalui pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan wawancara dan dukumentasi.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan: 1) Latar belakang terjadinya pernikahan di bawah tangan antara lain : a) faktor kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat terhadap hukum, b) faktor untuk menghindari pencatatan perkawinan,  c) faktor Orang Tua,    d) faktor untuk menghindari hal-hal yang dilarang agama, 2) Akibat perkawinan dibawah tangan antara lain : a) tidak dianggap sebagai istri yang sah, b) tidak berhak atas nafkah, c) rentan terjadi KDRT, d) sulit mendapatkan akte kelahiran anak,          3) Upaya Pemerintah untuk meminimalisir  terjadinya perkawinan dibawah tangan antara lain : a) melakukan sosialisasi pentingnya pencatatan pernikahan dan dampak terhadap keluarga, b) melakukan koordinasi melalui kegiatan lintas sektoral baik di Kecamatan maupun pada internal KUA, c) membangun kemitraan dengan Penyuluh Agama Islam untuk mengadakan penyuluhan pada masyarakat mengenai prosedur pencatatan perkawinan, d) memberikan kemudahan dengan tidak meminta bayaran bagi pernikahan di Balai Nikah.Implikasi penelitian ini untuk meminimalisir angka pernikahan di bawah tangan, walaupun ada masyarakat yang melakukan perkawinan di bawah tangan itu karena mereka tidak mengetahui akibat perkawinan di bawah tangan. Secara keseluruhan masyarakat telah memahami apa akibat tindakan tersebut, tetapi tidak diiringi dengan pencatatannya, hanya sebatas pemahaman saja.Kata Kunci : Pernikahan, dibawah tangan, masyarakat  musli

    Digital Transformation and Integration Process

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    Digital transformation (DT) has emerged as a revolutionary transformation of organizational structure (e.g., processes, culture, leadership) in recent years. As such, it has drawn the attention of practitioners and researchers to better understand this phenomenon and to provide guidelines for an effective and smooth organizational transformation. In this regard, information systems (IS) researchers have investigated various aspects of DT and examined their impacts on performance within organizations and stakeholder behaviors (e.g., Baiyere et al. 2020). However, the current research on digital transformation is limited, and prior research has inconsistently defined this phenomenon (for a review, see Vial 2019) and identified inadequate DT attributes. Thus, understanding how organizations can digitally transform and the processes through which DT occurs deserves more investigation. By reviewing 282 DT studies, Vial (2019) presented a framework for DT and demonstrated various building blocks of the DT process. Although this framework sheds light on the DT process, it suffers from shortcomings simply because the presented framework is built on fragmented literature. For example, while this framework shows that digital technologies lead to the change value creation paths, it does not illustrate the types of processes that may cause this change. Also, the processes in which DT impacts an organization\u27s business model have been overlooked. Two of the reasons for these shortcomings are ambiguous DT attributes and the blurry boundary between DT and IT-enabled organizations (Wessel et al. 2021). Thus, in this research, we first discuss the attributes of DT and provide a maturity model that shows how organizations can move from IT-use to IT-enabled organizations to being Digitally Transformed. To this end, we elaborate on “time” and explain that DT does not occur instantly and requires several steps. We elaborate on each of these steps and explain how technologies should be engaged in organizational processes during each step. Then, we discuss different types of processes within the organization and how technologies are embedded with each process that will eventually result in new digitally transformed processes

    Information Avoidance in Requirements Determination for Systems Development

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    Information requirements determination (IRD) is arguably the most important activity in systems development, since all remaining stages of the development process depend on its success. Since the goal of analysts is to collect an accurate and complete (to the extent possible) set of requirements, cognitive biases that obstruct or prevent this goal are a serious threat to the systems development process. The IRD process is a form of information behavior, and information avoidance is one of several related biases affecting information intake during information behavior. If an analyst has pre-conceived ideas about systems requirements, he may elicit only certain types of information from the user and he is likely to ignore conflicting information that the user may offer. This behavior can therefore result in increased risk to the accuracy and completeness of requirements for the system. The present paper investigates information avoidance in the IRD process

    Examining Game-based Approaches in Human Resources Recruitment and Selection: A Literature Review and Research Agenda

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    Human resources departments have embraced the use of technology to incorporate game-based approaches (GBA) to encourage potential applicants to apply for open positions and to select employees among qualified candidates. We examine the academic literature on the use of serious games, game-inspired design, game-like simulations, gamification, and other GBA used to support recruitment and selection activities. Based on our review of 35 articles, we describe the state of research related to GBA for recruitment and selection, including theoretical foundations, targeted outcomes, and game design elements examined or discussed within this literature. Based on our systematic review of the literature, we identify opportunities for future research related to GBA in recruitment and selection of employees