1,086 research outputs found

    AGC 226067: A possible interacting low-mass system

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    We present Arecibo, GBT, VLA and WIYN/pODI observations of the ALFALFA source AGC 226067. Originally identified as an ultra-compact high velocity cloud and candidate Local Group galaxy, AGC 226067 is spatially and kinematically coincident with the Virgo cluster, and the identification by multiple groups of an optical counterpart with no resolved stars supports the interpretation that this systems lies at the Virgo distance (D=17 Mpc). The combined observations reveal that the system consists of multiple components: a central HI source associated with the optical counterpart (AGC 226067), a smaller HI-only component (AGC 229490), a second optical component (AGC 229491), and extended low surface brightness HI. Only ~1/4 of the single-dish HI emission is associated with AGC 226067; as a result, we find M_HI/L_g ~ 6 Msun/Lsun, which is lower than previous work. At D=17 Mpc, AGC 226067 has an HI mass of 1.5 x 10^7 Msun and L_g = 2.4 x 10^6 Lsun, AGC 229490 (the HI-only component) has M_HI = 3.6 x 10^6 Msun, and AGC 229491 (the second optical component) has L_g = 3.6 x 10^5 Lsun. The nature of this system of three sources is uncertain: AGC 226067 and AGC 229490 may be connected by an HI bridge, and AGC 229490 and AGC 229491 are separated by only 0.5'. The current data do not resolve the HI in AGC 229490 and its origin is unclear. We discuss possible scenarios for this system of objects: an interacting system of dwarf galaxies, accretion of material onto AGC 226067, or stripping of material from AGC 226067.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 6 pages, 4 figure

    Nr-CAM and neurofascin interactions regulate ankyrin G and sodium channel clustering at the node of Ranvier

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    AbstractVoltage-dependent sodium (Na+) channels are highly concentrated at nodes of Ranvier in myelinated axons and play a key role in promoting rapid and efficient conduction of action potentials by saltatory conduction. The molecular mechanisms that direct their localization to the node are not well understood but are believed to involve contact-dependent signals from myelinating Schwann cells [1] and interactions of Na+ channels with the cytoskeletal protein, ankyrin G [2]. Two cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) expressed at the axon surface, Nr-CAM and neurofascin, are also linked to ankyrin G and accumulate at early stages of node formation, suggesting that they mediate contact-dependent Schwann cell signals to initiate node development [3]. To examine the potential role of Nr-CAM in this process, we treated myelinating cocultures of DRG (dorsal root ganglion) neurons and Schwann cells with an Nr-CAM-Fc (Nr-Fc) fusion protein. Nr-Fc had no effect on initial axon-Schwann cell interactions, including Schwann cell proliferation, or on the extent of myelination, but it strikingly and specifically inhibited Na+ channel and ankyrin G accumulation at the node. Nr-Fc bound directly to neurons and clustered and coprecipitated neurofascin expressed on axons. These results provide the first evidence that neurofascin plays a major role in the formation of nodes, possibly via interactions with Nr-CAM

    Dust Properties and Star-Formation Rates in Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxies

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    We have used the Spitzer Space Telescope to study the dust properties of a sample of star-forming dwarf galaxies. The differences in the mid-infrared spectral energy distributions for these galaxies which, in general, are low metallicity systems, indicate differences in the physical properties, heating, and/or distribution of the dust. Specifically, these galaxies have more hot dust and/or very small grains and less PAH emission than either spiral or higher luminosity starburst galaxies. As has been shown in previous studies, there is a gradual decrease in PAH emission as a function of metallicity. Because much of the energy from star formation in galaxies is re-radiated in the mid-infrared, star-formation rate indicators based on both line and continuum measurements in this wavelength range are coming into more common usage. We show that the variations in the interstellar medium properties of galaxies in our sample, as measured in the mid-infrared, result in over an order of magnitude spread in the computed star-formation rates.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, ApJ accepte

    HI study of extremely metal-deficient dwarf galaxies. I. The Nancay Radio Telescope observations of twenty-two objects

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    The goal of this study is to measure parameters of the integrated HI emission for twenty-two dwarf galaxies with oxygen abundance 12+log(O/H) in the range of 7.42 to 7.65, which are representatives of the eXtremely Metal-Deficient (XMD) galaxy group. Some of them are expected to be similar to the well-known candidates for local young galaxies, IZw18 and SBS 0335-052 that have most of their baryon mass in the form of neutral gas. Therefore, the HI 21-cm line observations are crucial to understanding their group and individual properties. The Nancay Radio Telescope (NRT) with the upgraded focal receiver was used for observations of the 21-cm HI-line. This permitted the detection of the faintest sources with rms of ~1 mJy per 10.5 km/s resolution element. For eighteen detected galaxies we present the parameters of their integrated HI line emission and describe the data on individual objects in more detail. For four undetected XMD galaxies, we give upper limits on their M$(HI). For 70% of the twenty studied non low surface brightness XMD galaxies, we find evidence (both from HI and optical data) for their interaction with neighboring objects. In the brief discussion of the group HI properties of the observed subsample (the total O/H range is of 0.23 dex, or a factor of 1.7), we underline the broad distributions of the HI mass (range is of 2 orders of magnitude), of the ratio M(HI)/L_B (of 1 order of magnitude), and of the blue luminosity (range is of 2 orders of magnitude). We also obtained HI parameters of six galaxies that do not belong to the XMD sample. These data increase the number of XMD galaxies with known integrated HI parameters (or upper limits) by a factor of two. This allows us to address statistical properties of this group, which will be presented in a forthcoming paper. (Abridged).Comment: 11 pages, including 2 tables and 2 postscript figures. Accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Tully-Fisher Relation and H_not

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    The use of the Tully-Fisher (TF) relation for the determination of the Hubble Constant relies on the availability of an adequate template TF relation and of reliable primary distances. Here we use a TF template relation with the best available kinematical zero-point, obtained from a sample of 24 clusters of galaxies extending to cz ~ 9,000 km/s, and the most recent set of Cepheid distances for galaxies fit for TF use. The combination of these two ingredients yields H_not = 69+/-5 km/(s Mpc). The approach is significantly more accurate than the more common application with single cluster (e.g. Virgo, Coma) samples.Comment: 10 pages, including 2 figures and 1 table; uses AAS LaTex. Submitted to ApJ Letter

    Metal Abundances of KISS Galaxies. I. Coarse Metal Abundances and the Metallicity-Luminosity Relation

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    We derive metal abundance estimates for a large sample of starbursting emission-line galaxies (ELGs). Our sample is drawn from the KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey (KISS) which has discovered over 2000 ELG candidates to date. Follow-up optical spectra have been obtained for ~900 of these objects. A three step process is used to obtain metal abundances for these galaxies. We first calculate accurate nebular abundances for 12 galaxies whose spectra cover the full optical region from [OII]3726,29 to beyond [SII]6717,31 and include detection of [OIII]4363. Using secondary metallicity indicators R_23 and p_3, we calculate metallicities for an additional 59 galaxies with spectra that cover a similar wavelength range but lack [OIII]4363. The results are used to calibrate relations between metallicity and two readily observed emission-line ratios, which allow us to estimate coarse metallicities for 519 galaxies in total. The uncertainty in these latter abundance estimates is 0.16 dex. From the large, homogeneously observed sample of star-forming galaxies we identify low metallicity candidates for future study and investigate the metallicity-luminosity relation. We find a linear metallicity-luminosity relation of the following form: 12 + log(O/H) = 4.059 - 0.240 M_B, with an RMS scatter of 0.252. This result implies that the slope of the metallicity- luminosity relation is steeper than when dwarf galaxies are considered alone, and may be evidence that the relationship is not linear over the full luminosity range of the sample.Comment: 15 pages, including 7 figures and 4 tables. To appear in May, 2002 A

    A Test of the Standard Hypothesis for the Origin of the HI Holes in Holmberg II

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    The nearby irregular galaxy Holmberg II has been extensively mapped in HI using the Very Large Array (VLA), revealing intricate structure in its interstellar gas component (Puche et al. 1992). An analysis of these structures shows the neutral gas to contain a number of expanding HI holes. The formation of the HI holes has been attributed to multiple supernova events occurring within wind-blown shells around young, massive star clusters, with as many as 10-200 supernovae required to produce many of the holes. From the sizes and expansion velocities of the holes, Puche et al. assigned ages of ~10^7 to 10^8 years. If the supernova scenario for the formation of the HI holes is correct, it implies the existence of star clusters with a substantial population of late-B, A and F main sequence stars at the centers of the holes. Many of these clusters should be detectable in deep ground-based CCD images of the galaxy. In order to test the supernova hypothesis for the formation of the HI holes, we have obtained and analyzed deep broad-band BVR and narrow-band H-alpha images of Ho II. We compare the optical and HI data and search for evidence of the expected star clusters in and around the HI holes. We also use the HI data to constrain models of the expected remnant stellar population. We show that in several of the holes the observed upper limits for the remnant cluster brightness are strongly inconsistent with the SNe hypothesis described in Puche et al. Moreover, many of the HI holes are located in regions of very low optical surface brightness which show no indication of recent star formation. Here we present our findings and explore possible alternative explanations for the existence of the HI holes in Ho II, including the suggestion that some of the holes were produced by Gamma-ray burst events.Comment: 30 pages, including 6 tables and 3 images. To appear in Astron. Journal (June 1999

    Emission-Line Galaxy Surveys as Probes of the Spatial Distribution of Dwarf Galaxies. I. The University of Michigan Survey

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    Objective-prism surveys which select galaxies on the basis of line-emission are extremely effective at detecting low-luminosity galaxies and constitute some of the deepest available samples of dwarfs. In this study, we confirm that emission-line galaxies (ELGs) in the University of Michigan (UM) objective-prism survey (MacAlpine et al. 1977-1981) are reliable tracers of large-scale structure, and utilize the depth of the samples to examine the spatial distribution of low-luminosity (MB>_{B} > -18.0) dwarfs relative to higher luminosity giant galaxies (MB≤_{B} \leq -18.0) in the Updated Zwicky Catalogue (Falco et al. 1999). New spectroscopic data are presented for 26 UM survey objects. We analyze the relative clustering properties of the overall starbursting ELG and normal galaxy populations, using nearest neighbor and correlation function statistics. This allows us to determine whether the activity in ELGs is primarily caused by gravitational interactions. We conclude that galaxy-galaxy encounters are not the sole cause of activity in ELGs since ELGs tend to be more isolated and are more often found in the voids when compared to their normal galaxy counterparts. Furthermore, statistical analyses performed on low-luminosity dwarf ELGs show that the dwarfs are less clustered when compared to their non-active giant neighbors. The UM dwarf samples have greater percentages of nearest neighbor separations at large values and lower correlation function amplitudes relative to the UZC giant galaxy samples. These results are consistent with the expectations of galaxy biasing.Comment: 17 pages, 4 tables, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in the Ap
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