2,522 research outputs found

    Capability of an optical sensor in verifying the sugarcane response to nitrogen rates

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    Técnicas de agricultura de precisão são alternativas para otimizar a utilização de insumos, dentre eles o nitrogênio. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a possibilidade de uso de um sensor ótico ativo comercial na cultura da cana-de-açúcar, verificando sua capacidade em identificar a resposta da cultura a diferentes doses de nitrogênio (N). Para tanto um experimento em blocos ao acaso foi instalado em área experimental de cana-de-açúcar de terceiro corte, colhida mecanicamente, com diferentes doses de N (0, 50, 100, 150 e 200 kg ha-1) e quatro repetições. Aos 30, 60 e 90 dias após o corte (DAC) realizou-se a mensuração do NDVI (índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada) a partir do sensor ótico. Não se obteve resposta do NDVI mensurado aos 30 e 60 DAC, porém aos 90 DAC se verificou que o sensor foi capaz de diferenciar as doses de N aplicadas, correlacionando-se positivamente com a produtividade final de colmos obtida. Este trabalho dá subsídios a trabalhos de mesma natureza que visem a gestão da adubação nitrogenada em cana-de-açúcar a partir de sensores óticos.Techniques of precision agriculture are alternatives to optimize the use of inputs, among them nitrogen. The present work had as its objective to verify the possibility of use of a commercial optical sensor in sugarcane, verifying its capability in identification of the crop response to different nitrogen (N) rates. An experiment was installed in randomized blocks in an experimental area with third sugarcane ratoon, harvested mechanically, with different N rates (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha-1) and four repetitions. At 30, 60 and 90 days after the harvest (DAH) the measuring of NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) was accomplished starting from the optical sensor. No response was verified of NDVI on measurements at the 30 and 60 DAH, however at 90 DAH the sensor was capable to differentiate the doses of applied N, positively correlated with the sugarcane final production. This work gives subsidies to studies of same nature that seek the management of the nitrogen fertilization in sugarcane using optical sensor.FAPES

    Method for evaluation of guidance equipments for agricultural vehicles and GNSS signals effect

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    Pesquisas indicam que o uso de novas técnicas no campo da mecanização agrícola, como o tráfego controlado por meio de direcionamento com auxílio de Sistemas de Navegação Global por Satélites (GNSS), pode diminuir as exigências por energia associadas às operações de campo e aumentar a produtividade da mão de obra e da cultura. Alguns autores já utilizaram diferentes metodologias para avaliar erros de paralelismo em sistemas de orientação de veículos, porém não há um procedimento-padrão para medi-los. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi implementar uma planilha eletrônica específica, determinar e comparar a acurácia no paralelismo de dois sistemas distintos de orientação de veículos (uma barra de luz e um piloto automático com atuador de volante) em trajetórias retilíneas e utilizando sinal de GPS com dois sistemas de correção diferencial (um com algoritmo interno e outro, um sinal via satélite com acurácia submétrica). Para a avaliação dos sistemas de correção, utilizou-se como referência o sinal de correção diferencial RTK (Real Time Kinematic) para realização de cinco passadas paralelas sucessivas para cada sistema de correção, caracterizando cinco repetições de cada tratamento. A planilha viabilizou o método de avaliação utilizado e os erros apresentados para as correções nos dois equipamentos analisados mostraram-se compatíveis com operações que exijam acurácia de paralelismo da ordem de decímetros.Researches indicate that the use of new techniques in agricultural machinery, as controlled traffic by steering systems with the use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) may decrease the energy demand associated to field operations and increase labor efficiency and crop yield. Some authors already use different methodologies to evaluate the parallelism errors in guidance systems for vehicles, but there is no standard methodology to measure them. So, the objective of these work was to develop a specific spreadsheet, determinate and compare the accuracy in the parallelism of two distinct guidance systems (a light bar and an universal autopilot) working at straight path using GPS signal with two differential correction systems (one with internal algorithm and the other with satellite signal and sub metric accuracy). To evaluate both systems a RTK (Real Time Kinematic) differential correction was used, realizing five parallel and successive paths for each system, characterizing five replications for each treatment. The spreadsheet enabled the evaluation method used, and the errors for both equipments and signals analyzed, showed to be compatible with field operations that demand parallelism accuracy in the order of decimeters.FAPES

    High Density Planting in Mango cv. Alphonso

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    A trial was conducted to optimize spacing for high density planting in mango cv. Alphonso to obtain higher yield/ unit area at the Agriculture Research Station, Mulde, during 2006-07 to 2008-09 with four close spacings and one normal spacing as control. Highest yield (6.4 MT/ha) was recorded with a spacing of 5 m x 5 m without reduction in fruit size in 10 year old plants compared to the mean yield of 1.12 MT/ha in 10m x 10m normal spacing. High density plantation helped to get significantly higher yield per unit area compared to the normal spacing, without affecting size and quality of mango fruits. The highest cost:benefit ratio (2.33) was recorded in high density plantation of 5m x 5m, with maximum net returns of Rs.1,12,000/- per hectare. The present findings show promise for more yield and returns per unit area during the initial years of mango plantation by adopting 5m x 5m high density planting

    Aortic dilatation in Marfan syndrome: Role of arterial stiffness and fibrillin-1 variants

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    Objective: Marfan syndrome (MFS) is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder characterized by aortic root dilation and dissection and an abnormal fibrillin-1 synthesis. In this observational study, we evaluated aortic stiffness in MFS and its association with ascending aorta diameters and fibrillin-1 genotype. Methods: A total of 116 Marfan adult patients without history of cardiovascular surgery, and 144 age, sex, blood pressure and heart rate matched controls were enrolled. All patients underwent arterial stiffness evaluation through carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) and central blood pressure waveform analysis (PulsePen tonometer). Fibrillin-1 mutations were classified based on the effect on the protein, into 'dominant negative' and 'haploinsufficient' mutations. Results: PWV and central pulse pressure were significantly higher in MFS patients than in controls [respectively 7.31 (6.81-7.44) vs. 6.69 (6.52-6.86)m/s, P=0.0008; 41.3 (39.1-43.5) vs. 34.0 (32.7-35.3)mmHg, P<0.0001], with a higher age-related increase of PWV in MFS (β 0.062 vs. 0.036). Pressure amplification was significantly reduced in MFS [18.2 (15.9-20.5) vs. 33.4 (31.6-35.2)%, P<0.0001]. Central pressure profile was altered even in MFS patients without aortic dilatation. Multiple linear regression models showed that PWV independently predicted aortic diameters at the sinuses of Valsalva (ß=0.243, P=0.002) and at the sinotubular junction (ß=0.186, P=0.048). PWV was higher in 'dominant negative' than 'haploinsufficient' fibrillin-1 mutations [7.37 (7.04-7.70) vs. 6.60 (5.97-7.23)m/s, P=0.035], although this difference was not significant after adjustment. Conclusion: Aortic stiffness is increased in MFS, independently from fibrillin-1 genotype and is associated with diameters of ascending aorta. Alterations in central hemodynamics are present even when aortic diameter is within normal limits. Our findings suggest an accelerated arterial aging in MFS

    Evidence for tuning adipocytes ICER levels for obesity care.

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    Abnormal adipokine production, along with defective uptake and metabolism of glucose within adipocytes, contributes to insulin resistance and altered glucose homeostasis. Recent research has highlighted one of the mechanisms that accounts for impaired production of adiponectin (ADIPOQ) and adipocyte glucose uptake in obesity. In adipocytes of human obese subjects and mice fed with a high fat diet, the level of the inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER) is diminished. Reduction of ICER elevates the cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) activity, which in turn increases the repressor activating transcription factor 3. In fine, the cascade triggers reduction in the ADIPOQ and GLUT4 levels, which ultimately hampers insulin-mediated glucose uptake. The c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) interacting-protein 1, also called islet brain 1 (IB1), is a target of CREB/ICER that promotes JNK-mediated insulin resistance in adipocytes. A rise in IB1 and c-Jun levels accompanies the drop of ICER in white adipose tissues of obese mice when compared with mice fed with a chow diet. Other than the expression of ADIPOQ and glucose transport, decline in ICER expression might impact insulin signaling. Impairment of ICER is a critical issue that will need major consideration in future therapeutic purposes

    High resolution optothermal spectroscopy of pyridine in the S-1 state

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    The optothermal technique has been utilized to obtain the first high resolution spectrum of pyridine in the region of the S1←S0 electronic transition. Rotational profiles for several vibronic bands (000,6a10,16b206a10,6a20,1210) were measured and found to be severely homogeneously broadened with linewidths of the order of 3–5 GHz, in agreement with previous lifetime measurements. Rotational constants of pyridine in the excited S1 vibronic levels were extracted by a band contour analysis. The values obtained are in good agreement with results from ab initio calculations, also presented here

    Recent and subfossil diatom assemblages as indicators of environmental change (including fish introduction) in a high-mountain lake

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    We investigated modern-littoral and subfossil sediment-core diatoms in the shallow (max depth 6.4 m) high-mountain Lake Balma in the Orsiera Rocciavrè Nature Park (Italian Western Alps). Our study provided evidence that might be related to the response of diatom assemblages to fish introduction, in particular the decreasing of the nutrient-enrichment sensitive low-profile life-form/ecological guild and the increase in species known to react positively to the augmented nutrient availability due to fish excretions (e.g., Fragilaria nanana, Pseudostaurosira brevistriata, Staurosirella neopinnata). We are, however, aware that some of these effects could as well have been caused by pastures and cattle watering, and by increased temperatures due to global warming, and we acknowledge the typical complex-interaction pattern among different stressors. High-mountain lakes are ‘‘early warning systems’’ for the whole alpine system and can contribute valuable information also on the interactions between environmental global changes and anthropogenic impacts. Benthic diatoms, in particular, can provide useful indications on the deleterious effects of non-native fish introduction, cattle grazing, and global warming, and thus support an adaptive and sustainable management of high-mountain lakes for the sake of nature conservation

    Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    BACKGROUND: The extracranial venous outflow routes in clinically defined multiple sclerosis (CDMS) have never been investigated. METHODS: Sixty-five patients affected by CDMS, and 235 controls composed, respectively, of healthy subjects, healthy subjects older than CDMS patients, patients affected by other neurological diseases, and older controls not affected by neurological diseases but scheduled for venography (HAV-C), blindly underwent a combined transcranial and extracranial Color-Doppler high-resolution examination (TCCS-ECD) aimed at detecting at least two of five parameters of anomalous venous outflow. According to the TCCS-ECD screening, patients and HAV-C further underwent selective venography of the azygous and jugular venous system with venous pressure measurement. RESULTS: CDMS and TCCS-ECD venous outflow anomalies were dramatically associated (OR 43, 95% CI 29-65, p<0.0001). Subsequently, venography demonstrated in CDMS, and not in controls, the presence of multiple severe extracranial stenosis, affecting the principal cerebrospinal venous segments; it configures a picture of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) with four different patterns of distribution of stenosis and substitute circle. Moreover, relapsing-remitting and secondary progressive courses were associated to CCSVI patterns significantly different from those of primary progressive (p<0.0001). Finally, the pressure gradient measured across the venous stenosies was slightly but significantly higher. CONCLUSION: CDMS is strongly associated with CCSVI, a picture never been described so far, characterized by abnormal venous haemodynamics determined by extracranial multiple venous strictures of unknown origin. The location of venous obstructions plays a key role in determining the clinical course of the disease

    Scale-free random branching tree in supercritical phase

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    We study the size and the lifetime distributions of scale-free random branching tree in which kk branches are generated from a node at each time step with probability qkkγq_k\sim k^{-\gamma}. In particular, we focus on finite-size trees in a supercritical phase, where the mean branching number C=kkqkC=\sum_k k q_k is larger than 1. The tree-size distribution p(s)p(s) exhibits a crossover behavior when 2<γ<32 < \gamma < 3; A characteristic tree size scs_c exists such that for sscs \ll s_c, p(s)sγ/(γ1)p(s)\sim s^{-\gamma/(\gamma-1)} and for sscs \gg s_c, p(s)s3/2exp(s/sc)p(s)\sim s^{-3/2}\exp(-s/s_c), where scs_c scales as (C1)(γ1)/(γ2)\sim (C-1)^{-(\gamma-1)/(\gamma-2)}. For γ>3\gamma > 3, it follows the conventional mean-field solution, p(s)s3/2exp(s/sc)p(s)\sim s^{-3/2}\exp(-s/s_c) with sc(C1)2s_c\sim (C-1)^{-2}. The lifetime distribution is also derived. It behaves as (t)t(γ1)/(γ2)\ell(t)\sim t^{-(\gamma-1)/(\gamma-2)} for 2<γ<32 < \gamma < 3, and t2\sim t^{-2} for γ>3\gamma > 3 when branching step ttc(C1)1t \ll t_c \sim (C-1)^{-1}, and (t)exp(t/tc)\ell(t)\sim \exp(-t/t_c) for all γ>2\gamma > 2 when ttct \gg t_c. The analytic solutions are corroborated by numerical results.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure