132 research outputs found

    Theory of a Directive Optical Leaky Wave Antenna Integrated into a Resonator and Enhancement of Radiation Control

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    We provide for the first time the detailed study of the radiation performance of an optical leaky wave antenna (OLWA) integrated into a Fabry-P\'erot resonator. We show that the radiation pattern can be expressed as the one generated by the interference of two leaky waves counter-propagating in the resonator leading to a design procedure for achieving optimized broadside radiation, i.e., normal to the waveguide axis. We thus report a realizable implementation of the OLWA made of semiconductor and dielectric regions. The theoretical modeling is supported by full-wave simulation results, which are found to be in good agreement. We aim to control the radiation intensity in the broadside direction via excess carrier generation in the semiconductor regions. We show that the presence of the resonator can provide an effective way of enhancing the radiation level modulation, which reaches values as high as 13.5 dB, paving the way for novel promising control capabilities that might allow the generation of very fast optical switches, as an example.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figure

    Low-damping epsilon-near-zero slabs: nonlinear and nonlocal optical properties

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    We investigate second harmonic generation, low-threshold multistability, all-optical switching, and inherently nonlocal effects due to the free-electron gas pressure in an epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) metamaterial slab made of cylindrical, plasmonic nanoshells illuminated by TM-polarized light. Damping compensation in the ENZ frequency region, achieved by using gain medium inside the shells' dielectric cores, enhances the nonlinear properties. Reflection is inhibited and the electric field component normal to the slab interface is enhanced near the effective pseudo-Brewster angle, where the effective \epsilon-near-zero condition triggers a non-resonant, impedance-matching phenomenon. We show that the slab displays a strong effective, spatial nonlocality associated with leaky modes that are mediated by the compensation of damping. The presence of these leaky modes then induces further spectral and angular conditions where the local fields are enhanced, thus opening new windows of opportunity for the enhancement of nonlinear optical processes

    Array of dipoles near a hyperbolic metamaterial: Evanescent-to-propagating Floquet wave transformation

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    We investigate the capabilities of hyperbolic metamaterials (HMs) to couple near-fields (i.e., evanescent waves) emitted by a two-dimensional periodic array of electric dipoles to propagating waves. In particular, large order Floquet harmonics with transverse magnetic (TM) polarization, that would be evanescent in free space and therefore confined near the array surface, are transformed into propagating spectrum inside the HM, and thus carry power away. Because of this property, independent of the finite or infinite extent of the HM, the power generated by an array of elementary electric dipoles is strongly enhanced when the array is located near a HM surface and is mostly directed into the HM. In particular, the power coupled to the HM exhibits narrow frequency features that can be employed in detection applications. The results shown in this paper provide a clear signature on wave dynamics in HMs. A link between the results pertaining to the case of an isolated dipole on top of HM and the planar array is found convenient to explain both wave dynamics and spectral power distribution. The narrow frequency emission features appear in the array case only; they depend on its spatial periodicity and remarkable on the HM thickness.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Gain assisted harmonic generation in near-zero permittivity metamaterials made of plasmonic nanoshells

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    We investigate enhanced harmonic generation processes in gain-assisted, near-zero permittivity metamaterials composed of spherical plasmonic nanoshells. We report the presence of narrow-band features in transmission, reflection and absorption induced by the presence of an active material inside the core of the nanoshells. The damping-compensation mechanism used to achieve the near-zero effective permittivity condition also induces a significant increase in field localization and strength and, consequently, enhancement of linear absorption. When only metal nonlinearities are considered, second and third harmonic generation efficiencies obtained by probing the structure in the vicinity of the near-zero permittivity condition approach values as high as for irradiance value as low as . These results clearly demonstrate that a relatively straightforward path now exists to the development of exotic and extreme nonlinear optical phenomena in the KW/cm2 rang

    Electrodynamic modeling of strong coupling between a metasurface and intersubband transitions in quantum wells

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    Strong light-matter coupling has recently been demonstrated in sub-wavelength volumes by coupling engineered optical transitions in semiconductor heterostructures (e.g., quantum wells) to metasurface resonances via near fields. It has also been shown that different resonator shapes may lead to different Rabi splittings, though this has not yet been well explained. In this paper, our aim is to understand the correlation between resonator shape and Rabi splitting, and in particular determine and quantify the physical parameters that affect strong coupling by developing an equivalent circuit network model whose elements describe energy and dissipation. Because of the subwavelength dimension of each metasurface element, we resort to the quasi-static (electrostatic) description of the near-field and hence define an equivalent capacitance associated to each dipolar element of a flat metasurface, and we show that this is also able to accurately model the phenomenology involved in strong coupling between the metasurface and the intersubband transitions in quantum wells. We show that the spectral properties and stored energy of a metasurface/quantum-well system obtained using our model are in good agreement with both full-wave simulation and experimental results. We then analyze metasurfaces made of three different resonator geometries and observe that the magnitude of the Rabi splitting increases with the resonator capacitance in agreement with our theory, providing a phenomenological explanation for the resonator shape dependence of the strong coupling process.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Microclimate Management for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage

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    This paper presents a line of research aimed at studying in detail the interaction between air conditioning/heating systems and thermo hygrometric conditions inside museums. An experimental test was carried out on the microclimatic conditions inside a building envelope, using as case studies the interiors of the Castle of Chiaramonte in Favara (Agrigento), and the Church of Saint Matthew (Palermo). In this phase of the work the “real” measured values and the recommended “optimal” values were compared for the various museum exhibits displayed. The analysis of the complex dynamic interaction of climate conditions, the need for the museum pieces to be preserved in a situation of maximum stability, the problems regarding thermal comfort in relation to users’ enjoyment of the exhibition space, the construction model of the building envelope – the synergy between all these variables led to establishing the final design project. This consists of an air conditioning system with radiant panels, floor heating, cooling system and primary air, in which the benefits seen from an environmental and energy point of view, are fully explained. The conservation of cultural heritage collections in museums, on the one hand implies that the attentionof the specialists must turn to the prevention of the natural degradation caused through time and on the other to improve the quality of the environment. This means environmental parameters must be checked and monitoring techniques used. Since the connective tissue between the museum and its container is the environment, the building-plant system must be held responsible for the “degradation suffered by the museum itself” or “be largely responsible for its optimal conservation with the passing of time”

    Fano collective resonance as complex mode in a two dimensional planar metasurface of plasmonic nanoparticles

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    Fano resonances are features in transmissivity/reflectivity/absorption that owe their origin to the interaction between a bright resonance and a dark (i.e., sub-radiant) narrower resonance, and may emerge in the optical properties of planar two-dimensional (2D) periodic arrays (metasurfaces) of plasmonic nanoparticles. In this Letter, we provide a thorough assessment of their nature for the general case of normal and oblique plane wave incidence, highlighting when a Fano resonance is affected by the mutual coupling in an array and its capability to support free modal solutions. We analyze the representative case of a metasurface of plasmonic nanoshells at ultraviolet frequencies and compute its absorption under TE- and TM-polarized, oblique plane-wave incidence. In particular, we find that plasmonic metasurfaces display two distinct types of resonances observable as absorption peaks: one is related to the Mie, dipolar resonance of each nanoparticle; the other is due to the forced excitation of free modes with small attenuation constant, usually found at oblique incidence. The latter is thus an array-induced collective Fano resonance. This realization opens up to manifold flexible designs at optical frequencies mixing individual and collective resonances. We explain the physical origin of such Fano resonances using the modal analysis, which allows to calculate the free modes with complex wavenumber supported by the metasurface. We define equivalent array dipolar polarizabilities that are directly related to the absorption physics at oblique incidence and show a direct dependence between array modal phase and attenuation constant and Fano resonances. We thus provide a more complete picture of Fano resonances that may lead to the design of filters, energy-harvesting devices, photodetectors, and sensors at ultraviolet frequencies.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
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