497 research outputs found


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    We show how a previous demonstration of nonlocality without inequalities for two spin-half particles can be improved so that a greater proportion of the pairs are shown to be subject to a contradiction with local realism. This is achieved by considering more settings of the apparatus at each end. Also, we report on an experimental realization employing a tunable source of polarization entangled photons. The experimental results violate locality (modulo, the efficiency loophole). {copyright} {ital 1997} {ital The American Physical Society

    Biomolecular electronic devices based on self-organized deoxyguanosine nanocrystals.

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    We report on a new class of hybrid electronic devices based on a DNA nucleoside (deoxyguanosine lipophilic derivative) whose assembled polymeric ribbons interconnect a submicron metallic gate. The device exhibits large conductivity at room temperature, rectifying behavior and strong current-voltage hysteresis. The transport mechanism through the molecules is investigated by comparing films with different self-assembling morphology. We found that the main transport mechanism is connected to pi-pi interactions between guanosine molecules and to the formation of a strong dipole along ribbons, consistently with the results of our first-principles calculations

    Review of multiple hazards in volcanic islands to enable the management of long-term risks: the cases of Ischia and Vulcano, Italy

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    The management of long-term volcanic risks represents a challenge that requires a close cooperation between science and decision-making. This is particularly crucial in volcanic islands, which are characterized by multiple hazards concentrated in a relatively small environment, often associated with a large seasonality of exposure due to tourism. The scientific challenges are mainly the quantification and the characterization of the interactions among the multiple hazardous phenomena that may occur during the different “states of thevolcano” (quiescence, unrest, eruption) and the definition of robust methods to forecast the transition between these states. For these topics, the emerging scientific knowledge is often rather limited and uncertain and, also in case it was well constrained, difficult to communicate to decision makers due to its intrinsic complexity. On the other side, the challenge for decision making is to assimilate this uncertain knowledgeand translate it into actions. Here, we discuss the experience gained in two working groups (WGs) in charge of reviewing the state of knowledge about volcanic hazards for the Italian volcanic islands of Ischia and Vulcano to build the scientific ground for subsequent decision making. These WGs, formed within the agreement between INGV and the Italian Civil Protection Department, involved about 20 researchers from INGV and Universities, as well as representatives of the Italian Civil Protection, to facilitate the reciprocal understanding and to address the work toward useful results for decision making. The WGs reviewed all the potential volcanic hazards for Ischia and Vulcano based on literature, results of previous projects, as well as ad hoc audits of other experts on specific topics, and organized a workshop to present the results and receive feedbacks from the extended scientific community

    A novel immunopeptidomic-based pipeline for the generation of personalized oncolytic cancer vaccines

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    Besides the isolation and identification of major histocompatibility complex I-restricted peptides from the surface of cancer cells, one of the challenges is eliciting an effective antitumor CD8+ T-cell-mediated response as part of therapeutic cancer vaccine. Therefore, the establishment of a solid pipeline for the downstream selection of clinically relevant peptides and the subsequent creation of therapeutic cancer vaccines are of utmost importance. Indeed, the use of peptides for eliciting specific antitumor adaptive immunity is hindered by two main limitations: the efficient selection of the most optimal candidate peptides and the use of a highly immunogenic platform to combine with the peptides to induce effective tumor-specific adaptive immune responses. Here, we describe for the first time a streamlined pipeline for the generation of personalized cancer vaccines starting from the isolation and selection of the most immunogenic peptide candidates expressed on the tumor cells and ending in the generation of efficient therapeutic oncolytic cancer vaccines. This immunopeptidomics-based pipeline was carefully validated in a murine colon tumor model CT26. Specifically, we used state-of-the-art immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometric methodologies to isolate > 8000 peptide targets from the CT26 tumor cell line. The selection of the target candidates was then based on two separate approaches: RNAseq analysis and HEX software. The latter is a tool previously developed by Jacopo, 2020, able to identify tumor antigens similar to pathogen antigens in order to exploit molecular mimicry and tumor pathogen cross-reactive T cells in cancer vaccine development. The generated list of candidates (26 in total) was further tested in a functional characterization assay using interferon-gamma enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISpot), reducing the number of candidates to six. These peptides were then tested in our previously described oncolytic cancer vaccine platform PeptiCRAd, a vaccine platform that combines an immunogenic oncolytic adenovirus (OAd) coated with tumor antigen peptides. In our work, PeptiCRAd was successfully used for the treatment of mice bearing CT26, controlling the primary malignant lesion and most importantly a secondary, nontreated, cancer lesion. These results confirmed the feasibility of applying the described pipeline for the selection of peptide candidates and generation of therapeutic oncolytic cancer vaccine, filling a gap in the field of cancer immunotherapy, and paving the way to translate our pipeline into human therapeutic approach.Peer reviewe

    The Borehole Experiment: Investigation of Cortical Structures Through 3D Array Techniques

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    Over the last few years it is growing the need to monitor the volcanic activity with modern technology in order to mitigate volcanic hazard through the detection of any possible precursor phenomena. The use of high performance seismic stations, such as borehole instruments, may increase the signal to noise ratio (SNR), improving the capability to detect very small signals. Over the past 40 years much attention has been given to the use of seismic arrays to measure the slowness vector of coherent signals. The main advantage of seismic arrays consists in their ability to detect weak or emergent signals, and to allow for an effective noise reduction through multichannel waveform stacking. A reliable prediction of the ray-path back-propagated from the recording site to the source is strongly limited by the poor knowledge of the local shallow velocity structure. Usually in volcanic environments the propagation of seismic signals through the shallow layers is strongly affected by lateral heterogeneity, attenuation, scattering, and interaction with the free surface. Driven by these motivations, on May 2014, in collaboration with the colleagues of Osservatorio Vesuviano (INGV), we deployed a 3D seismic array in the area where the borehole seismic station called Pozzo Pitarrone is installed at a depth of about 130 meters. This will improve our knowledge about: • the structure of the top layer and its relationship with geology; • analysis of the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of volcanic signals as a function of frequency; • study of seismic ray-path deformation caused by the interaction of the seismic waves with the free surface; • evaluation of the attenuation of the seismic signals correlated with the volcanic activity. The results of these analyses will improve the general knowledge of wave propagation in the shallow layers and will give a new contribution to the seismic monitoring of Etna volcano.PublishedNicolosi (Catania), Italy1T. Struttura della Terr

    Surface ruptures following the 26 December 2018, Mw 4.9, Mt. Etna earthquake, Sicily (Italy)

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    We present a 1:10,000 scale map of the coseismic surface ruptures following the 26 December 2018 Mw 4.9 earthquake that struck the eastern flank of Mt. Etna volcano (southern Italy). Detailed rupture mapping is based on extensive field surveys in the epicentral region. Despite the small size of the event, we were able to document surface faulting for about 8 km along the trace of the NNW-trending active Fiandaca Fault, belonging to the Timpe tectonic system in the eastern flank of the volcano. The mapped ruptures are characterized in most cases by perceivable opening and by a dominant right-oblique sense of slip, with an average slip of about 0.09 m and a peak value of 0.35 m. It is also noteworthy that the ruptures vary significantly in their kinematic expression, denoting locally high degree of complexity of the surface faulting.Published831-8372T. Deformazione crostale attivaJCR Journa

    Surface ruptures database related to the 26 December 2018, MW 4.9 Mt. Etna earthquake, southern Italy

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    We provide a database of the surface ruptures produced by the 26 December 2018 Mw 4.9 earthquake that struck the eastern flank of Mt. Etna volcano in Sicily (southern Italy). Despite its relatively small magnitude, this shallow earthquake caused about 8 km of surface faulting, along the trace of the NNW-trending active Fiandaca Fault. Detailed field surveys have been performed in the epicentral area to map the ruptures and to characterize their kinematics. The surface ruptures show a dominant right-oblique sense of displacement with an average slip of about 0.09 m and a maximum value of 0.35 m. We have parsed and organized all observations in a concise database, with 932 homogeneous georeferenced records. The Fiandaca Fault is part of the complex active Timpe faults system affecting the eastern flank of Etna, and its seismic history indicates a prominent surface-faulting potential. Therefore, this database is essential for unravelling the seismotectonics of shallow earthquakes in volcanic areas, and contributes updating empirical scaling regressions that relate magnitude and extent of surface faulting.Publishedid 422T. Deformazione crostale attivaJCR Journa

    Introducing the “analogs for Venus’ geologically recent surfaces” initiative: an opportunity for identifying and analyzing recently active volcano-tectonic areas of Venus trough a comparative study with terrestrial analogs

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    Several missions to Venus have been recently selected for launch [1–6], opening a new era for the exploration of the planet. One of the key questions that the future missions need to address is whether Venus is presently volcanically active [7–15]. Studying areas of active volcanism and tectonism on Venus is crucial to reveal clues about the geologic past of the planet, as well as provide information about the volatile content of its interior and the formation of its dense atmosphere. The “Analogsfor VENus’ GEologically Recent Surfaces” (AVENGERS) initiative aims to build a comprehensive database of terrestrial analog sites for the comparative study of recent and possibly on- going volcanic activity on Venus. Besides its scientific relevance, the AVENG- ERS initiative also acts as a bridge for international scientific collaboration, including the leadership and/or team members from the currently selected missions to Venus

    Il terremoto di Fleri (Etna) del 26 dicembre 2018 Mw 4.9. Parte II: rilievo degli effetti di fagliazione cosismica superficiale

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    Il terremoto del 26 dicembre 2019, ore 02:19 UTC, che ha colpito il basso versante sud-orientale dell’Etna, ha prodotto non solo danni gravi e distruzioni nell’area epicentrale, pari al grado 8 EMS (Azzaro et al., in questo volume), ma anche vistose rotture superficiali lungo la faglia di Fiandaca, che è la struttura più meridionale del sistema tettonico delle Timpe (Fig. 1a). Gli effetti di fagliazione cosismica in area etnea sono storicamente piuttosto frequenti in occasione di terremoti superficiali (< 2-3 km), anche per valori di magnitudo relativamente modesti (M ≥ 3.5, vedi Azzaro, 1999). Con una magnitudo Mw 4.9 (Regional Centroid Moment Tensors, https://doi.org/10.13127/rcmt/italy), il terremoto in questione rappresenta l’evento più significativo, in termini di entità e complessità della fagliazione associata, verificatosi nell’area etnea negli ultimi 70 anni, con una estensione della rottura superiore rispetto a quelle storiche (< 6.5 km). Il gruppo di emergenza per il rilievo degli effetti geologici cosismici EMERGEO (http://emergeo.ingv.it) dell’INGV, si è pertanto attivato effettuando quattro campagne di misura con squadre che si sono alternate sul terreno (per un totale di 60 gg/persona), supportate da personale del proprio Centro Operativo per l’organizzazione dei dati e il popolamento del database (43 gg/persona). Il rilievo ha consentito la raccolta e catalogazione di circa 900 punti di misura relativi a posizionamento, geometria, rigetto e cinematica delle fratture cosismiche.UnpublishedRoma2T. Deformazione crostale attiv
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