32 research outputs found

    Flecainide Paradoxically Activates Cardiac Ryanodine Receptor Channels under Low Activity Conditions: A Potential Pro-Arrhythmic Action.

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    Cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) mutations are implicated in the potentially fatal catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) and in atrial fibrillation. CPVT has been successfully treated with flecainide monotherapy, with occasional notable exceptions. Reported actions of flecainide on cardiac sodium currents from mice carrying the pro-arrhythmic homozygotic RyR2-P2328S mutation prompted our explorations of the effects of flecainide on their RyR2 channels. Lipid bilayer electrophysiology techniques demonstrated a novel, paradoxical increase in RyR2 activity. Preceding flecainide exposure, channels were mildly activated by 1 mM luminal Ca2+ and 1 µM cytoplasmic Ca2+, with open probabilities (Po) of 0.03 ± 0.01 (wild type, WT) or 0.096 ± 0.024 (P2328S). Open probability (Po) increased within 0.5 to 3 min of exposure to 0.5 to 5.0 µM cytoplasmic flecainide, then declined with higher concentrations of flecainide. There were no such increases in a subset of high Po channels with Po ≥ 0.08, although Po then declined with ≥5 µM (WT) or ≥50 µM flecainide (P2328S). On average, channels with Po < 0.08 were significantly activated by 0.5 to 10 µM of flecainide (WT) or 0.5 to 50 µM of flecainide (P2328S). These results suggest that flecainide can bind to separate activation and inhibition sites on RyR2, with activation dominating in lower activity channels and inhibition dominating in more active channels

    Regulation of gap junction conductance by calcineurin through Cx43 phosphorylation: implications for action potential conduction

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    Cardiac arrhythmias are associated with raised intracellular [Ca2+] and slowed action potential conduction caused by reduced gap junction (GJ) electrical conductance (Gj). Ventricular GJs are composed of connexin proteins (Cx43), with Gj determined by Cx43 phosphorylation status. Connexin phosphorylation is an interplay between protein kinases and phosphatases but the precise pathways are unknown. We aimed to identify key Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation sites on Cx43 that regulate cardiac gap junction conductance and action potential conduction velocity. We investigated the role of the Ca2+-dependent phosphatase, calcineurin. Intracellular [Ca2+] was raised in guinea-pig myocardium by a low-Na solution or increased stimulation. Conduction velocity and Gj were measured in multicellular strips. Phosphorylation of Cx43 serine residues (S365 and S368) and of the intermediary regulator I1 at threonine35 was measured by Western blot. Measurements were made in the presence and absence of inhibitors to calcineurin, I1 or protein phosphatase-1 and phosphatase-2. Raised [Ca2 +]i decreased Gj, reduced Cx43 phosphorylation at S365 and increased it at S368; these changes were reversed by calcineurin inhibitors. Cx43-S368 phosphorylation was reversed by the protein kinase C inhibitor chelerythrine. Raised [Ca2+]i also decreased I1 phosphorylation, also prevented by calcineurin inhibitors, to increase activity of the Ca2+-independent phosphatase, PPI. The PP1 inhibitor, tautomycin, prevented Cx43-365 dephosphorylation, Cx43-S368 phosphorylation and Gj reduction in raised [Ca2+]i. PP2A had no role. Conduction velocity was reduced by raised [Ca2+]i and reversed by calcineurin inhibitors. Reduced action potential conduction and Gj in raised [Ca2+] are regulated by calcineurin-dependent Cx43-S365 phosphorylation, leading to Cx43-S368 dephosphorylation. The calcineurin action is indirect, via I1 dephosphorylation and subsequent activation of PP1.Centro de Investigaciones Cardiovasculare

    Transcriptional profiles of genes related to electrophysiological function in Scn5a+/− murine hearts

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    The Scn5a gene encodes the major pore-forming Nav1.5 (α) subunit, of the voltage-gated Na+ channel in cardiomyocytes. The key role of Nav1.5 in action potential initiation and propagation in both atria and ventricles predisposes organisms lacking Scn5a or carrying Scn5a mutations to cardiac arrhythmogenesis. Loss-of-function Nav1.5 genetic abnormalities account for many cases of the human arrhythmic disorder Brugada syndrome (BrS) and related conduction disorders. A murine model with a heterozygous Scn5a deletion recapitulates many electrophysiological phenotypes of BrS. This study examines the relationships between its Scn5a+/− genotype, resulting transcriptional changes, and the consequent phenotypic presentations of BrS. Of 62 selected protein-coding genes related to cardiomyocyte electrophysiological or homeostatic function, concentrations of mRNA transcribed from 15 differed significantly from wild type (WT). Despite halving apparent ventricular Scn5a transcription heterozygous deletion did not significantly downregulate its atrial expression, raising possibilities of atria-specific feedback mechanisms. Most of the remaining 14 genes whose expression differed significantly between WT and Scn5a+/− animals involved Ca2+ homeostasis specifically in atrial tissue, with no overlap with any ventricular changes. All statistically significant changes in expression were upregulations in the atria and downregulations in the ventricles. This investigation demonstrates the value of future experiments exploring for and clarifying links between transcriptional control of Scn5a and of genes whose protein products coordinate Ca2+ regulation and examining their possible roles in BrS

    Transcriptional profiles of genes related to electrophysiological function in Scn5a+/- murine hearts.

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    The Scn5a gene encodes the major pore-forming Nav 1.5 (α) subunit, of the voltage-gated Na+ channel in cardiomyocytes. The key role of Nav 1.5 in action potential initiation and propagation in both atria and ventricles predisposes organisms lacking Scn5a or carrying Scn5a mutations to cardiac arrhythmogenesis. Loss-of-function Nav 1.5 genetic abnormalities account for many cases of the human arrhythmic disorder Brugada syndrome (BrS) and related conduction disorders. A murine model with a heterozygous Scn5a deletion recapitulates many electrophysiological phenotypes of BrS. This study examines the relationships between its Scn5a+/- genotype, resulting transcriptional changes, and the consequent phenotypic presentations of BrS. Of 62 selected protein-coding genes related to cardiomyocyte electrophysiological or homeostatic function, concentrations of mRNA transcribed from 15 differed significantly from wild type (WT). Despite halving apparent ventricular Scn5a transcription heterozygous deletion did not significantly downregulate its atrial expression, raising possibilities of atria-specific feedback mechanisms. Most of the remaining 14 genes whose expression differed significantly between WT and Scn5a+/- animals involved Ca2+ homeostasis specifically in atrial tissue, with no overlap with any ventricular changes. All statistically significant changes in expression were upregulations in the atria and downregulations in the ventricles. This investigation demonstrates the value of future experiments exploring for and clarifying links between transcriptional control of Scn5a and of genes whose protein products coordinate Ca2+ regulation and examining their possible roles in BrS

    The effects of ageing and adrenergic challenge on electrocardiographic phenotypes in a murine model of long QT syndrome type 3.

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    Long QT Syndrome 3 (LQTS3) arises from gain-of-function Nav1.5 mutations, prolonging action potential repolarisation and electrocardiographic (ECG) QT interval, associated with increased age-dependent risk for major arrhythmic events, and paradoxical responses to β-adrenergic agents. We investigated for independent and interacting effects of age and Scn5a+/ΔKPQ genotype in anaesthetised mice modelling LQTS3 on ECG phenotypes before and following β-agonist challenge, and upon fibrotic change. Prolonged ventricular recovery was independently associated with Scn5a+/ΔKPQ and age. Ventricular activation was prolonged in old Scn5a+/ΔKPQ mice (p = 0.03). We associated Scn5a+/ΔKPQ with increased atrial and ventricular fibrosis (both: p < 0.001). Ventricles also showed increased fibrosis with age (p < 0.001). Age and Scn5a+/ΔKPQ interacted in increasing incidences of repolarisation alternans (p = 0.02). Dobutamine increased ventricular rate (p < 0.001) and reduced both atrioventricular conduction (PR segment-p = 0.02; PR interval-p = 0.02) and incidences of repolarisation alternans (p < 0.001) in all mice. However, in Scn5a+/ΔKPQ mice, dobutamine delayed the changes in ventricular repolarisation following corresponding increases in ventricular rate. The present findings implicate interactions between age and Scn5a+/ΔKPQ in prolonging ventricular activation, correlating them with fibrotic change for the first time, adding activation abnormalities to established recovery abnormalities in LQTS3. These findings, together with dynamic electrophysiological responses to β-adrenergic challenge, have therapeutic implications for ageing LQTS patients

    Regulation of gap junction conductance by calcineurin through Cx43 phosphorylation: implications for action potential conduction.

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    Cardiac arrhythmias are associated with raised intracellular [Ca2+] and slowed action potential conduction caused by reduced gap junction (GJ) electrical conductance (Gj). Ventricular GJs are composed of connexin proteins (Cx43), with Gj determined by Cx43 phosphorylation status. Connexin phosphorylation is an interplay between protein kinases and phosphatases but the precise pathways are unknown. We aimed to identify key Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation sites on Cx43 that regulate cardiac gap junction conductance and action potential conduction velocity. We investigated the role of the Ca2+-dependent phosphatase, calcineurin. Intracellular [Ca2+] was raised in guinea-pig myocardium by a low-Na solution or increased stimulation. Conduction velocity and Gj were measured in multicellular strips. Phosphorylation of Cx43 serine residues (S365 and S368) and of the intermediary regulator I1 at threonine35 was measured by Western blot. Measurements were made in the presence and absence of inhibitors to calcineurin, I1 or protein phosphatase-1 and phosphatase-2.Raised [Ca2+]i decreased Gj, reduced Cx43 phosphorylation at S365 and increased it at S368; these changes were reversed by calcineurin inhibitors. Cx43-S368 phosphorylation was reversed by the protein kinase C inhibitor chelerythrine. Raised [Ca2+]i also decreased I1 phosphorylation, also prevented by calcineurin inhibitors, to increase activity of the Ca2+-independent phosphatase, PPI. The PP1 inhibitor, tautomycin, prevented Cx43-365 dephosphorylation, Cx43-S368 phosphorylation and Gj reduction in raised [Ca2+]i. PP2A had no role. Conduction velocity was reduced by raised [Ca2+]i and reversed by calcineurin inhibitors. Reduced action potential conduction and Gj in raised [Ca2+] are regulated by calcineurin-dependent Cx43-S365 phosphorylation, leading to Cx43-S368 dephosphorylation. The calcineurin action is indirect, via I1 dephosphorylation and subsequent activation of PP1

    Ion channel gating in cardiac ryanodine receptors from the arrhythmic RyR2-P2328S mouse

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    Mutations in the cardiac ryanodine receptor Ca2+ release channel (RyR2) can cause deadly ventricular arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation (AF). The RyR2-P2328S mutation produces catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) and AF in hearts from homozygous RyR2P2328S/P2328S (denoted RyR2S/S) mice. We have now examined P2328S RyR2 channels from RyR2S/S hearts. The activity of wild-type (WT) and P2328S RyR2 channels was similar at a cytoplasmic [Ca2+] of 1 mM, but P2328S RyR2 was significantly more active than WT at a cytoplasmic [Ca2+] of 1 µM. This was associated with a >10-fold shift in the half maximal activation concentration (AC50) for Ca2+ activation, from ∼3.5 µM Ca2+ in WT RyR2 to ∼320 nM in P2328S channels and an unexpected >1000-fold shift in the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) for inactivation from ∼50 mM in WT channels to ≤7 μM in P2328S channels, which is into systolic [Ca2+] levels. Unexpectedly, the shift in Ca2+ activation was not associated with changes in sub-conductance activity, S2806 or S2814 phosphorylation or the level of FKBP12 (also known as FKBP1A) bound to the channels. The changes in channel activity seen with the P2328S mutation correlate with altered Ca2+ homeostasis in myocytes from RyR2S/S mice and the CPVT and AF phenotypes.The work was supported by grants to A.F.D. and N.A.B. from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (APP108477 to A.F.D., APP1021342 to N.A.B and A.F.D.), to C.L-H.H. from the Medical Research Council (MR/M001288/ 1), the Wellcome Trust (105727/Z/14/Z) and British Heart Foundation (PG/14/79/ 31102 and PG/15/12/31280), and the Isaac Newton Trust/Wellcome Trust ISSF/ University of Cambridge Joint Research Grants Scheme (to J.A.F.). Deposited in PMC for immediate release