63 research outputs found

    Analysis of DNA-Damage Response to ionizing radiation in serum-shock synchronized human fibroblasts.

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    Many aspects of cellular physiology, including cellular response to genotoxic stress, are related to the circadian rhythmicity induced by the molecular clock. The current study investigated if the cellular response to DNA damage is in relation to endogenous expression levels of the PER2 protein, a key component of the molecular regulatory system that confers rhythmicity in mammalian cells. Human normal fibroblasts (CCD-34Lu) were subjected to serum shock to induce circadian oscillations of the PER2 protein and then irradiated with \u3b3- rays at times corresponding to the trough and peak expression of the PER2 protein. To better examine cellular response to DNA damage, the experiments performed in this study were carried out in non-proliferating CCD-34Lu fibroblasts in order to maintain the cell and circadian cycles separated while they were being exposed to genotoxic stress. Study results demonstrated that clonogenic cell survival, double-strand break repair kinetics, and TP53 protein levels were affected in the cells irradiated at the trough than in those irradiated at peak expression of the PER2 protein

    Laser irradiated foam targets: absorption and radiative properties

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    An experimental campaign to characterize the laser radiation absorption of foam targets and the subsequent emission of radiation from the produced plasma was carried out in the ABC facility of the ENEA Research Center in Frascati (Rome). Different targets have been used: plastic in solid or foam state and aluminium targets. The activated different diagnostics allowed to evaluate the plasma temperature, the density distribution, the fast particle spectrum and the yield of the X-Ray radiation emitted by the plasma for the different targets. These results confirm the foam homogenization action on laser-plasma interaction, mainly attributable to the volume absorption of the laser radiation propagating in such structured materials. These results were compared with simulation absorption models of the laser propagating into a foam target

    A comprehensive view of intelligent transport systems for urban smart mobility

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    Information accuracy and decision-making speed are of paramount importance in managing today’s mobility of goods and people inside the city. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) can provide road users with updated information and forecasts on both traffic and weather conditions. The result is a higher efficiency in the use of resources and a better management of physical flows. The purpose of this paper is to conduct an in-depth review on the role of ITS supporting urban Smart Mobility, in order to identify the main gaps in the literature and propose future research streams. In total, 71 papers have been thoroughly analysed: they are mainly focused on technology, with limited attention to value creation. Even though some benefits have been examined, a general lack of quantitative models emerged. Eventually, there is a lack of contributions considering both people and freight transport, even if they are strongly related, especially in an urban environment

    Onboard Scientific Observers Provide a Realistic Picture of Harvesting and Management Priorities for the Precious Red Coral (Corallium rubrum L.)

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    Mediterranean red coral Corallium rubrum is considered the most precious coral worldwide. Harvesting activities are performed by licensed scuba divers and managed through the recent pan-Mediterranean management plan issued by General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) along with measures locally enacted, imposing limits on licenses, harvesting season, minimum depth of dive, and size. The use of Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) is prohibited, with the only exception being for scientific purposes. Despite measures already in force, the implementation of additional management tools has been recently recommended. This article reports results from the first monitoring campaign on C. rubrum harvesting based on ROVs for seabed exploration and Onboard Scientific Observers (OSOs), carried out from 2012 to 2015 along the coast of Sardinia (Mediterranean Sea—Western basin). More than 450 dives were monitored, confirming how ROV's support eases the scouting of exploitable banks, leading to increases in catches. OSOs reported the collection of colonies below the minimum reference size and catches/dive above limits. Onboard observers collected data also on colony diameter, which is crucial for the estimation of population size structure and exploitation status. OSOs proved to be valid tools in providing additional and reliable information on red coral harvesting, thus deserving to be included among mandatory measures for the sustainable exploitation of red coral in the Mediterranean Sea

    Diagnostic Methodologies of Laser-Initiated 11B(p,α)2α Fusion Reactions

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    The detection of the ionic products of low-rate fusion reactions, and in particular of the 11B(p,α)2α, is one of the recognized main problems in experiments where these reactions are initiated by tailored interaction of intense and high-energy lasers with matter. A thorough description of this important issue, with a critical comparison of the diagnostic opportunities, is indeed so far. In this work, we describe the common diagnostic methodologies used for the detection of the alpha particles generated by the 11B(p,α)2α reaction and, for each, we outline advantages and limitations, with considerations that can also be applied to other low-rate fusion reactions. We show here that, in general, the univocal characterization of the α products coming from this reaction can be achieved by the simultaneous use of several diagnostic tools placed in close proximity

    Simultaneous observation of ultrafast electron and proton beams in TNSA

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    The interaction of ultra-intense high-power lasers with solid-state targets has been largely studied for the past 20 years as a future compact proton and ion source. Indeed, the huge potential established on the target surface by the escaping electrons provides accelerating gradients of TV/m. This process, called target normal sheath acceleration, involves a large number of phenomena and is very difficult to study because of the picosecond scale dynamics. At the SPARC_LAB Test Facility, the high-power laser FLAME is employed in experiments with solid targets, aiming to study possible correlations between ballistic fast electrons and accelerated protons. In detail, we have installed in the interaction chamber two different diagnostics, each one devoted to characterizing one beam. The first relies on electro-optic sampling, and it has been adopted to completely characterize the ultrafast electron components. On the other hand, a time-of-flight detector, based on chemical-vapour-deposited diamond, has allowed us to retrieve the proton energy spectrum. In this work, we report preliminary studies about simultaneous temporal resolved measurements of both the first forerunner escaping electrons and the accelerated protons for different laser parameters

    Anestesia locale computerizzata con il sistema Wand®STA®. Valutazione dell’efficacia nella terapia estrattiva dei terzi molari e della percezione dolorosa evocata in fase iniettiva

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    Il dolore percepito durante l’iniezione intraorale rappresenta la causa principale di ansia per molti pazienti che devono sottoporsi alle cure odontoiatriche. Lo studio presentato valuta la percezione del dolore e l’efficacia della metodica anestetica a flusso controllato con il dispositivo Wand® STA® in 50 pazienti sottoposti a terapia estrattiva di terzo molare. I pazienti riferiscono, attraverso la compilazione di questionari comprendenti la scala VAS (Scala Visuo-Analogica) e la scala MDAS (Modified Dental Anxiety Scale), una netta riduzione del dolore e dell’ansia in relazione alla metodica di erogazione (computerizzata rispetto a quella tradizionale), evidente soprattutto in soggetti con uno stato d’ansia basale maggiore. Il protocollo ha evidenziato l’efficacia di questa metodica anestetica pari al 90%, in una delle procedure di chirurgia orale più comuni e complesse in odontoiatria, che richiedono un effetto anestetico completo

    Osservatorio territoriale droga e tossicodipendenze. Il fenomeno delle dipendenze nel territorio della ASL della Provincia di Sondrio. Rapporto 2006

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    Report on the state of legal and illegal substances use in the territory of Sondrio Province.Il Report analizza il fenomeno delle dipendenze nel territorio Provincia di Sondrio. La descrizione del fenomeno si sviluppa intorno all\u27analisi degli indicatori individuati dall\u27Osservatorio Europeo delle Dipendenze di Lisbona (OEDT): 1-uso di sostanze nella popolazione generale (questo indicatore va a rilevare i comportamenti nei confronti di alcol e sostanze psicoattive da parte della popolazione generale); 2-prevalenza d\u27uso problematico delle sostanze psicoattive; 3-domanda di trattamento degli utilizzatori di sostanze; 4-mortalit? degli utilizzatori di sostanze; 5-malattie infettive. Altri due importanti indicatori che si stanno sviluppando, e che vengono qui illustrati, sono l\u27analisi delle Schede di Dimissione Ospedaliera (SDO) e gli indicatori relativi alle conseguenza sociali dell\u27uso di droghe (criminalit? droga correlata). Inoltre sono state applicate diverse metodologie standard di stima sia per quantificare la quota parte sconosciuta di utilizzatori di sostanze che non afferiscono ai servizi, sia per identificarne alcune caratteristiche

    Sistema Integrato Multicentrico di Indicatori. Rapporto 2005. Provincia di Milano

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    The SIMI (Integrated System of Indicators multicenter) Project contributes to the development of an integrated management of informative data streams related to drug addicted persons. This report analyzes the phenomenon of addiction on the territory of the Milan Province through a description of the network services that provide care and rehabilitation of those addicted. Besides the characteristics of users of local services for addictions, has been developed the analysis of the subjects reported to the prefectures for use of illegal drugs and any action taken. Standard methods of estimation were also applied to quantify the proportion of users of substances that do not relate to services and to identify certain characteristicsIl Progetto SIMI (Sistema Integrato Multicentrico di Indicatori) intende contribuire allo sviluppo di una gestione integrata e sinergica dei flussi informativi relativi ai consumatori di sostanze stupefacenti afferenti alle diverse amministrazioni dello Stato. In linea con quanto proposto dall\u27Osservatorio europeo di Lisbona, per la descrizione e analisi del fenomeno connesso all\u27uso/abuso di sostanze, risulta di fondamentale importanza la possibilit? di ottenere informazioni esaustive e comparabili sulle persone che usano e/o abusano di sostanze psicotrope. Il presente rapporto analizza il fenomeno delle dipendenze sul territorio della provincia di Milano attraverso la descrizione della rete dei servizi preposti alla cura e riabilitazione dei soggetti tossicodipendenti. Accanto alle caratteristiche degli utenti dei servizi territoriali per le dipendenze, ? stata sviluppata l\u27analisi dei soggetti segnalati alle Prefetture per uso di sostanze illegali e degli eventuali provvedimenti adottati. Sono state inoltre applicate metodologie standard di stima per quantificare la quota parte di utilizzatori di sostanze che non afferiscono ai servizi e per identificarne alcune caratteristiche
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