5 research outputs found

    Methods to determine the interactions of micro- and nanoparticles with mucus

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    The present review provides an overview of methods and techniques for studying interactions of micro- and nanoparticulate drug delivery system with mucus. Nanocarriers trapped by mucus are featuring a change in particle size and zeta potential that can be utilized to predict their mucus permeation behavior. Furthermore, interactions between nanoparticulate drug delivery systems and mucus layer modify the viscoelasticity of mucus which can be detected via rheological studies and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) analysis. To have a closer look at molecular interactions between drug carrier and mucus small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) is an appropriate analysis technique. Moreover, different methods to determine particle diffusion in mucus such as the newly established Transwell diffusion system, rotating silicone tube technique, multiple-particle tracking (MPT) and diffusion NMR are summarized within this review. The explanations and discussed pros and cons of collated methods and techniques should provide a good starting point for all those looking forward to move in this interesting field

    A new four-point probe design to measure conductivity in polymeric thin films

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    En el desarrollo de nuevas aplicaciones de pol铆meros conductores, la medida de forma precisa de la conductividad es todav铆a un reto, especialmente para muestras muy delgadas como los obtenidos por CVD. Este estudio muestra el dise帽o de una sonda de cuatro puntas innovadora, para la caracterizaci贸n de la conductividad de capas delgadas de polypirrole sintetizadas por polimerizaci贸n por plasma. El sistema asegura la distancia m铆nima posible entre los electrodos, junto con una gran relaci贸n longitud vs espaciamiento entre los electrodos para mejorar la respuesta el茅ctrica. La sonda de cuatro puntas ha sido fabricada en una placa de circuito impreso, que ofrece algunas ventajas com煤n mejor calidad en la deposici贸n del polymer, el bajo costo o la repetibilidad en las medidas.In the development of new conducting polymers applications, the conductivity measurement is still a challenge, specially for extremely thin samples as the ones obtained by CVD. This study shows the design of a novel four-point probe for conductivity characterization of polypirrole thin films synthesized by plasma enhanced polymerization. The system possesses the minimal distance possible among electrodes, together with a high ratio of electrode length to spacing to enhance the electrical response. The four-point probe has been fabricated in a printed circuit board, which offers some advantages such as non-damaging samples, low cost or repeatability in the analysis measurements.En el desenvolupament de noves aplicacions de pol铆mers conductors, la mesura de forma acurada de la conductivitat 茅s encara un repte, especialment per a mostres molt primes com els obtinguts per CVD. Aquest estudi mostra el disseny d鈥檜na sonda de quatre puntes innovadora, per a la caracteritzaci贸 de la conductivitat de capes primes de polypirrole sintetitzades per polimeritzaci贸 per plasma. El sistema assegura la dist脿ncia m铆nima possible entre els el猫ctrodes, juntament amb una gran relaci贸 longitud vs espaiament entre els el猫ctrodes per millorar la resposta el猫ctrica. La sonda de quatre puntes ha estat fabricada en una placa de circuit impr猫s, que ofereix alguns avantatges comuna millor qualitat en la deposici贸 del polymer, el baix cost o la repetibilitat en les mesures

    Determination of squalene by-products during model compound vulcanization studies by LC-ESI-MS using silver nitrate as a post-column reagent

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    High Performance Liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS) using silver nitrate as a post-column reagent has been used for the determination of squalene by-products during model compound vulcanization studies. In this method, after all by-products were separated by reverse-phase liquid chromatography, analytes formed complexes with silver cation by mixing with a silver nitrate solution. The positive ion ESI mass spectra of squalene, squalene by-products and intermediates of vulcanization process showed [M+Ag]+and/or [M+Ag+AgNO3]+ ions. The method described in this paper overcomes the ESI technique limitations related to the ionization of hydrocarbon. Furthermore, results obtained working with this methodology helped to gain more insight into the natural rubber accelerated vulcanization process. In this sense the identification of the different crosslink types was determined, proving that the elution time increases with the decrease of sulfur chain length in the crosslink. Squalene with pendant group was also identified.La t猫cnica de HPLC-ESI-MS, fent servir nitrat de plata com a reactiu post-columna, s鈥檋a emprat per a la determinaci贸 dels productes de reacci贸 d鈥檈squal猫 durant la vulcanitzaci贸, (l鈥檈squal猫 s鈥檜tilitza com a mol猫cula model de cautx煤 natural). En aquest m猫tode, despr茅s que tots els productes s鈥檋agin separat en la columna de fase reserva, els analits formen complexos amb el cati贸 plata despr茅s de mesclar-se, despr茅s de la columna, amb una soluci贸 de nitrat de plata. Els espectres de ions positius de l鈥檈squal猫, dels productes de reacci贸 de l鈥檈squal猫 i dels intermedis de reacci贸, van mostrar l鈥檈xist猫ncia dels ions [M+Ag]+ i/o[M+Ag+AgNO3]+. El m猫tode descrit en aquest article supera las limitacions inherents a la t猫cnica de ESI referents a la ionitzaci贸 d鈥檋idrocarburs. A m茅s els resultats obtinguts mitjan莽ant aquesta metodologia han ajudat a tenir m茅s informaci贸 sobre el mecanisme de vulcanitzaci贸 de cautx煤 natural amb sofre. En aquest sentit, s鈥檋an identificat els diferents tipus de reticulaci贸, i s鈥檋a demostrat que un increment en el temps d鈥檈luci贸 cromatogr脿fic es correspon a un descens en la longitud de la cadena de sofre en la reticulaci贸. S鈥檋a identificat tamb茅 mol猫cules d鈥檈qual猫 que incorporen trossos d鈥檃ccelerant en la seva estructura

    Pol铆meros conductores basados en Biimidazol para membranas polim茅ricas intercambiadoras de protones en celdas de combustible

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    Congreso Nacional de Materiales, 2006, Vigo (Espa帽a)El presente trabajo describe la s铆ntesis de un pol铆mero conductor basado en la estructura biimidazolica para aplicaciones como membranas conductoras de protones en pilas de combustible. Para la caracterizaci贸n del pol铆mero se ha observado su resistencia t茅rmica mediante termogravimetr铆a, se ha determinado el peso molecular del pol铆mero y se ha estudiado la capacidad del nuevo material para formar membranas.Peer Reviewe

    Detection of peptide-based nanoparticles in blood plasma by ELISA

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    Aims The aim of the current study was to develop a method to detect peptide-linked nanoparticles in blood plasma. Materials & Methods A convenient enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for the detection of peptides functionalized with biotin and fluorescein groups. As a proof of principle, polymerized pentafluorophenyl methacrylate nanoparticles linked to biotin-carboxyfluorescein labeled peptides were intravenously injected in Wistar rats. Serial blood plasma samples were analyzed by ELISA and by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC/MS) technology. Results The ELISA based method for the detection of FITC labeled peptides had a detection limit of 1 ng/mL.We were able to accurately measure peptides bound to pentafluorophenyl methacrylate nanoparticles in blood plasma of rats, and similar results were obtained by LC/MS. Conclusions We detected FITC-labeled peptides on pentafluorophenyl methacrylate nanoparticles after injection in vivo. This method can be extended to detect nanoparticles with different chemical compositions