247 research outputs found

    Content Management in Ruby on Rails

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    Web development is currently driven by model-view-controller (MVC) frameworks. How has content management adapted to this scenario? This paper reviews content management features in Ruby on Rails framework and its most popular plug-ins. These features are distributed among the different layers of the MVC architectur

    A Study on the Energetic Viability of Single Board Computers for Cloud Computing Scenarios

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    [EN] The following document explores the viability of the usage of consumer-grade, ARM-based single board computers as a power saving alternative to the traditional monolithic x64-full-server based approach.By taking advantage of several capabilities provided by such devices, such as low cost, low power consumption and low on-time, the authors finally propose a scalable, energy-efficient, ARM-based cloud infrastructure.To that end, we start analyzing the current offerings in terms of capabilities, net cost, processing power and power consumption, comparing them with the relevant server-oriented offerings.We subsequently explore the adequacy of several metrics to model on-budget raw data processing, considering full-system wattage under nominal usage conditions.The low initial investment and long-term affordability of this approach results in quite a relevant case of application to Edge Cloud computing scenarios.The current work has been partially funded by the Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte of Spain.Verdugo, P.; Salvachúa, J.; Huecas, G. (2018). A Study on the Energetic Viability of Single Board Computers for Cloud Computing Scenarios. En XIII Jornadas de Ingeniería telemática (JITEL 2017). Libro de actas. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 176-181. https://doi.org/10.4995/JITEL2017.2017.6504OCS17618

    Generating Awareness from Collaborative Working Environment using Social Data

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    Nowadays, Internet is a place where social networks have reached an important impact in collaboration among people over the world in different ways. This paper proposes a new paradigm of building CSCW tools for business world following these new ideas provided by the social web to collaborate and generate awareness. An implementation of these concepts is described, including the components we provide to collaborate in workspaces, (such as videoconference, chat, desktop sharing, forums or temporal events), and the way we generate awareness from these complex social data structures. We also present figures and validation results in the paper to stress that this architecture has been defined to support awareness generation via joining current and future social data from business and social networks worlds, based on the idea of using social data stored in the cloud

    Arquitecturas de Generación de Contenido Colaborativo para sistemas basados en Realidad Aumentada Móvil

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    La evolución actual de los terminales móviles ha propiciado el surgimiento de un nuevo campo de investigación relacionado con las aplicaciones móviles colaborativas basadas en Realidad Aumentada. Debido a su inmadurez, es necesaria una conceptualización de términos que aclaren un entorno hasta el momento complejo y poco estructurado. Este artículo propone una nueva taxonomía llamada “Pirámide de Generación de Contenido Colaborativo” que clasifica este tipo de aplicaciones en tres niveles: aisladas, sociales y en tiempo real. Dicha clasificación describe las diferentes arquitecturas que se deben tener en cuenta para conseguir sistemas de cada uno de estos niveles, teniendo en cuenta la forma en que el contenido aumentado es generado y cómo se lleva a cabo la colaboración. Por tanto, el principal objetivo es clarificar terminología relativa a este nuevo paradigma, a la vez que se propone un marco para identificar y clasificar futuras investigaciones relativas a este entorno

    Collaborative Content Generation Architectures for the Mobile Augmented Reality Environment

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    The increasing adoption of smartphones by the society has created a new research area in mobile collaboration. This new domain offers an interesting set of possibilities due to the introduction of augmented reality techniques, which provide an enhanced collaboration experience. As this area is relatively immature, there is a lack of conceptualization, and for this reason, this paper proposes a new taxonomy called Collaborative Content Generation Pyramid that classifies the current and future mobile collaborative AR applications in three different levels: Isolated, Social and Live. This classification is based on the architectures related to each level, taking into account the way the AR content is generated and how the collaboration is carried out. Therefore, the principal objective of this definition is to clarify terminology issues and to provide a framework for classifying new researches across this environment

    Generación de Contexto Colaborativo a partir de herramientas CSCW 2.0

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    Actualmente Internet se ha convertido con toda probabilidad en el medio de colaboración más extendido en el mundo, permitiendo diferentes vías de llevarla a cabo. Este artículo propone un nuevo paradigma de diseño de aplicaciones CSCW orientadas al mundo empresarial siguiendo las nuevas ideas surgidas de la Web Social para, permitir una colaboración completa y además proporcionar un contexto colaborativo detallado a sus usuarios. Una implementación real de estos conceptos se detalla incluyendo descripciones de las herramientas ofrecidas para colaborar en espacios de trabajo, además de una explicación de cómo se realiza la generación de contexto colaborativo a partir de estructuras de datos sociales complejas. Adicionalmente presentamos resultados que validan esta nueva arquitectura para soportar la generación de contexto colaborativo usando datos sociales extraídos tanto de aplicaciones personales, como de aplicaciones empresariales, reforzando por tanto la idea de utilizar como entradas datos sociales alojados en la nube

    Knowledge Management and Information Systems based on Workflow Technology

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    Knowledge management is critical for the success of virtual communities, especially in the case of distributed working groups. A representative example of this scenario is the distributed software development, where it is necessary an optimal coordination to avoid common problems such as duplicated work. In this paper the feasibility of using the workflow technology as a knowledge management system is discussed, and a practical use case is presented. This use case is an information system that has been deployed within a banking environment. It combines common workflow technology with a new conception of the interaction among participants through the extension of existing definition languages