8 research outputs found

    The Temperatures’ Influence of Substrate and Annealing on a Surface Relief and Diffusion in Multilayer Film Systems

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    The topography’s change of surface films Fe/S and Cu/Fe/S was investigated and the diffusive profiles’ analysis of three-layer films Co/Cu/Fe/S was performed after theirs annealing. The influence of mean-square roughness and interdiffusion on a size of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect was established. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3530

    Diffusion processes and interface electron scattering in film systems based on Cu/Fe and Fe/Cr

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    Приведены результаты исследования диффузионных процессов методами ВИМС и ОЭС в пленочных системах Cu/Fe и Fe/Cr; изучено влияние температуры отжига на эффективные коэффициенты термодиффузии. Рассчитаны величины коэффициента прохождения электронами интерфейса и эффективные коэффициенты диффузии при различных процессах: конденсационно-стимулированной, ионно-стимулированной и термодиффузии. // Eng Investigation results of diffusion processes by the SIMS and the AES methods in Cu/Fe and Fe/Cr film systems are represented; influence of the annealing temperature on the effective thermal diffusion coefficients is studied. Values of the interface transmission coefficient and the effective diffusion coefficients in different processes, namely, the condensation-stimulate diffusion, the ion-stimulate one, and the thermal diffusion, are calculated. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/265

    Electrophysical, Magnetoresistivity and Magneto-optical Properties of Multilayer Materials Based on Nanocrystalline and Amorphous Films

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    In work is presented to the results of complex investigate of phase formation, thermal resistivite, magnetoresistive and magneto-optical properties of multilayers based Fe and Pd, Ag or Ge, which obtained by sequential condensation of the layers with following thermal annealing. Investigation of phase formation processes of thin film systems and established of correlation between this processes and above-mention physical properties. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3500

    Effect of substrate temperature on crystalline structure and galvanomagnetic characteristics of Ni—Cu alloy thin films

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    The phase composition, crystalline structure and magnetoresistance of the Ni-Cu alloy thin films of various thickness and concentrations have been studied. Influence of substrate temperature on the crystalline structure formation processes and phase composition of the films has been considered. Dependences of magnetoresistance ΔR/R₀ and coercive force Нс on the substrate temperature have been established.Исследованы фазовый состав, кристаллическая структура и магнитосопротивление тонких пленок сплава Ni-Cu с различными толщинами и концентрациями компонент. Рассмотрено влияние температуры подложки на процессы формирования кристаллической структуры и фазовый состав пленок сплавов. Установлены зависимости величины магнитосопротивления ΔR/R₀ и коэрцитивной силы Нс от температуры подложки.Дослiджено фазовий склад, кристалiчну структуру та магнiтоопiр тонких плiвок сплаву Ni-Cu з рiзними товщинами та концентрацiями компонентiв. Розглянуто вплив температури пiдкладки на процеси формування кристалiчної структури та фазовий склад плiвкових сплавiв. Встановлено залежностi величини магнiтоопору ΔR/R₀ та коерцитивної сили Нс вiд температури пiдкладки

    Degradation of the herbicide atrazine by the soil mycelial fungus INBI 2-26 (-), a producer of cellobiose dehydrogenase

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    Nonsporulating mycelial fungi producing cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) and isolated from soils of South Vietnam with a high residual content of dioxins are capable of growing on a solid medium in the presence of high atrazine concentrations (to 500 mg/l). At 20 and 50 mg/l atrazine, the area of fungal colonies was 1.5-1.2-fold larger, respectively, than the control colonies of the same age, whereas development of the colonies at 500 mg/l atrazine was delayed by 5 days, compared with controls grown in the absence of atrazine. Surface cultivation of the fungus on a minimal medium with glucose as a sole source of carbon and energy decreased the initial concentration of atrazine (20 mg/l) 50 times in 40 days; in addition, no pronounced sorption of atrazine by mycelium was detected. This was paralleled by an accumulation in the culture medium of extracellular CDH; atrazine increased the synthesis of this enzyme two- to threefold. Accumulation of β-glucosidase (a mycelium-associated enzyme) and cellulases preceded the formation of CDH

    Degradation of the herbicide atrazine by the soil mycelial fungus INBI 2-26 (-), a producer of cellobiose dehydrogenase

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    Nonsporulating mycelial fungi producing cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) and isolated from soils of South Vietnam with a high residual content of dioxins are capable of growing on a solid medium in the presence of high atrazine concentrations (to 500 mg/l). At 20 and 50 mg/l atrazine, the area of fungal colonies was 1.5-1.2-fold larger, respectively, than the control colonies of the same age, whereas development of the colonies at 500 mg/l atrazine was delayed by 5 days, compared with controls grown in the absence of atrazine. Surface cultivation of the fungus on a minimal medium with glucose as a sole source of carbon and energy decreased the initial concentration of atrazine (20 mg/l) 50 times in 40 days; in addition, no pronounced sorption of atrazine by mycelium was detected. This was paralleled by an accumulation in the culture medium of extracellular CDH; atrazine increased the synthesis of this enzyme two- to threefold. Accumulation of β-glucosidase (a mycelium-associated enzyme) and cellulases preceded the formation of CDH

    Методичні засади вивчення питань нанотехнологій у курсі загальної фізики вищих навчальних закладів

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    The paper describes methodological aspects of students' knowledge formation about the basic concepts of nanoscience and nanotechnology in General Physics course of higher education. The inclusion of the concepts of nanophysics and nanotechnology in the fundamental physical terms and concepts general list were proposed. Physics aptitude provide formation the graduate competences in the context of nanoscience through progressive systemic administration of certain issues in the General Physics content were shown. Particular attention is paid to the selection of material for nanotechnology in teaching students of different specialties. Proved that the inclusion in the subject material the specific issues associated with nanotechnology allows you to create a culture in the use of terminology; shown the relationship of knowledge gained in the course of physics with the requirements of time; improved targeted training for current production lines universities.Работа посвящена методическим аспектам формирования у студентов знаний об основных понятиях нанонауки и нанотехнологии в курсе общей физики высших учебных заведений. Предложено включение понятий нанофизики и нанотехнологий в общий перечень фундаментальных физических терминов и представлений. Показано, что именно физика может обеспечить формирование соответствующих компетенций выпускника в контексте развития нанонауки путем постепенного системного введения отдельных вопросов в содержание общего курса. Особое внимание уделено отбору материала по нанотехнологиям при обучении студентов различных специальностей. Доказано, что включение в предметный материал конкретных вопросов, связанных с нанотехнологиями позволяет сформировать культуру в использовании терминологии; показать связь знаний, полученных в рамках курса физики с требованиями времени; улучшить целевую подготовку кадров для актуальных направлений производства высшими учебными заведениями.Робота присвячена висвітленню методичних аспектів формування у студентів знань про основні поняття нанонауки та нанотехнології у курсі загальної фізики вищих навчальних закладів. Запропоновано включення понять нанофізики і нанотехнологій у загальний перелік фундаментальних фізичних термінів і уявлень. Показано, що саме фізика може забезпечити формування відповідних компетенцій випускника у контексті розвитку нанонауки шляхом поступового системного введення окремих питань у зміст загального курсу. Особливу увагу приділено відбору матеріалу з нанотехнологій при навчанні студентів різних спеціальностей. Доведено, що включення у предметний матеріал конкретних питань, пов'язаних з нанотехнологіями дозволяє сформувати культуру у використанні термінології; показати зв'язок знань, отриманих в рамках курсу фізики з вимогами часу; поліпшити цільову підготовку кадрів для актуальних напрямків виробництва вищими навчальними закладами

    Standardization of bee venom as a raw material for the production of medicines for immunotherapy, including allergen and allergoid from bee venom [Стандартизация пчелиного яда как сырья для производства лекарственных средств для иммунотерапии, в том числе аллергена и аллергоида из пчелиного яда]

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    Introduction. Pharmaceutical industry widely uses beekeeping products to obtain medicines. Among beekeeping products for medical use, bee venom represents number three on its importance. Pharmaceuticals based on bee venom are used externally, or as injections, or for oral administration. In the production of medicines containing bee venom, it is important to take into account the dose and possible individual response of the human body. The chemical composition of raw bee venom is very complex. Currently, there is no modern normative documentation for standardization of bee venom as a raw material for pharmaceutical preparations. Hence, quality control and standardization of the substance of bee venom intended for the production of medicines represent the urgent need. Aim of research is to study the physicochemical characteristics of raw bee venom of various batches in order to evaluate and standardize its quality. Material and methods. We have studied 5 batches of raw bee venom from the same manufacturer. The analysis was carried out on the basis of GOST 30426-97 Methods of purification and standardization of purified bee venom were developed in this study. Those included gel chromatography and PAAG electrophoresis. Results. According to the results of studies of raw bee venom, 4 batches of 5 did not correspond the requirements of the GOST 30426-97 in terms of mass fraction of water-insoluble impurities (6.01 %); mass fraction of water (9.17 %); hemolysis time (300 s), mass fraction of melittin and apamin (35 %; 0.6 %), respectively. Methods for the purification and standardization of preparations from raw bee venom were suggested. Conclusion. In our study, we have proven the low level of the standardization of raw poison. The lack of approved normative documents leads to the fact that different pharmaceutical companies use different methods for evaluating the quality of raw materials and methods for their purification, which, in turn, affects the quality of final pharmaceutical products. Therefore the part of General Pharmacopoeia «Raw Bee Poison» (related to standardization of raw materials from which pharmaceuticals are being obtained) should be developed. © 2021 Meditsina Publishers. All rights reserved