11 research outputs found

    Carbon management index and chemical attributes of an Oxisol under different management systems

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar mudanças nos atributos químicos, no estoque de carbono e no índice de manejo de C de um Latossolo Vermelho argiloso, sob diferentes sistemas de manejo. Avaliou-se o solo sob sistemas de manejo com diferentes históricos de uso, sob as seguintes coberturas: Zea mays, Urochloa decumbens e Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania. Como testemunha, avaliou-se área sob vegetação de cerrado. Foram coletadas amostras compostas das camadas de solo de 0–5, 5–10 e 10–20 cm. Os teores de fósforo diminuíram com a profundidade, e os maiores valores foram observados na área com P. maximum. Na área com milho, observaram-se maiores valores de K+, Ca++, Mg++, CTC, e de soma e saturação por bases. O teor de C orgânico total do solo (COT) foi maior sob cerrado e menor sob cobertura com P. maximum, à profundidade de 5–10 cm. Os maiores estoques de COT, carbono nas frações particuladas (C-MOP) e nas frações associadas à fase mineral do solo ocorreram na área com U. decumbens, o que promoveu maiores índices de labilidade e de manejo de C, similares aos da vegetação de cerrado. Em todas as coberturas, a labilidade da matéria orgânica do solo diminuiu com o aumento da profundidade. A fração C-MOP apresenta maior sensibilidade às alterações de manejo e relaciona-se ao COT.The objective of this work was to evaluate changes in the soil chemical attributes, carbon stock and in the C management index of a clayed Oxisol under different management systems. The soil under management systems with different historical usage was evaluated under the following covers: Zea mays, Urochloa decumbens, Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania. A cerrado area was used as check. Four composite samples were collected at 0–5, 5–10 and 10–20 cm soil depths. The phosphorus contents decreased with depth, and the higher values were observed in the area with P. maximum. In the area with Z. mays, higher values for K+, Ca++, Mg++, CEC, and base sum and saturation were observed. The total organic C content (TOC) was higher under cerrado vegetation cover, and smaller under P. maximum at 5–10 cm soil depth. The higher stocks of TOC, and of carbon in particulate fractions (C-POM) and in fractions associate to the soil mineral phase occurred in the area with U. decumbens, which promoted higher values for lability and C management indexes, similar to those for cerrado vegetation. In all coverings, the organic soil matter lability decreased with depth. The C-POM fraction had higher sensibility to variation in management practices, and is related to TOC.

    Atributos físicos de um Argissolo sob pastagem natural após 18 anos sob diferentes níveis de ofertas de forragem

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    The adjustment of stocking rate to the available forage is one of the most efficient ways to enhance sustainability of production in natural pastures. The definition of the best level of herbage allowance must consider results of animal performance, in association with aspects related to the soil. This research aimed to evaluate the physical attributes of a Paledult soil (300 g kg-1 clay) under natural pasture managed for 18 years with different grazing intensities, represented by daily herbage allowances of 4, 8, 12 and 16 kg dry matter per each 100 kg animal live weight. The effect of trampling and excreta accumulation due to the concentration of animals close to water sources was also evaluated, in comparison with areas regularly grazed. An area without grazing was included as a control. Changes in the soil attributes were observed. They were related to grazing intensity ant to other factors, such as trampling intensity and excreta distribution. Such alterations occurred mainly on the soil surface layer, where the soil density and microporosity increased, and macroporosity decreased in grazing areas compared to the no-grazed control. The diameter of stable soil aggregates was larger on herbage allowances of 8 and 12%. Results indicate that intermediate grazing intensities (8-12%) are more adequate for this environment.O ajuste da carga animal à oferta de forragem é uma das formas mais eficientes de conferir sustentabilidade ao uso de pastagens naturais. A definição do nível de oferta deve considerar, além do desempenho animal, aspectos relacionados à qualidade do solo. Este estudo objetivou avaliar atributos físicos de um Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo (300 g kg-1 argila) sob pastagem natural, manejada por 18 anos com intensidades de pastejo representadas por níveis de oferta diária de forragem de 4, 8, 12 e 16 kg de matéria seca para cada 100 kg de peso vivo animal, equivalentes à ofertas de 4, 8, 12 e 16%. Os efeitos do pisoteio e do acúmulo de dejetos pela concentração de animais nas proximidades de fontes de água foram avaliados, dividindo-se os piquetes em dois ambientes: áreas pastejadas normalmente e áreas de concentração dos animais. Uma área não pastejada adjacente ao experimento foi incluída como testemunha. Verificou-se que as alterações nos atributos do solo estão relacionadas à intensidade do pastejo, além de outros fatores como intensidade de pisoteio e distribuição de dejetos. Tais alterações ocorreram, principalmente, na camada superficial do solo, observando-se aumento da densidade e da microporosidade e redução da macroporosidade, quando comparadas à testemunha. Maior estabilidade de agregados foi observada nas ofertas de 8 e 12%. Os resultados indicam que intensidades de pastejo intermediárias (8-12%) são as mais adequadas para o ambiente estudado

    Crop rotation affects soybean performance in no-tillage system under optimal and dry cropping seasons

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    Abstract The purpose of this research was to assess the crop rotation affects on agronomic traits of soybean in optimal (OCS) and dry cropping seasons (DCS). This research was carried out in 2010/2011 (OCS) and 2011/2012 (DCS) in a Rhodic Hapludox soil. The experimental design was set up in a randomized complete block and the treatments were arranged in a factorial 9 x 2, consisting of 9 crop rotations systems and two cropping seasons, with four replications. The soybean (Glycine max cv. BMX-Potência RR) was sowed on October 20 th 2010 and October 10 th 2011 (spring-summer season) 20 days after the fall-winter cover crops desiccation. It was assessed in the R8 reproductive stage (Full maturation) the plant height, the height of the first pod insertion, number of pod per plants, number of branches per plant, number of seed per pod, 1000-grain weight and grain yield. It was observed that in drought stress (DCS), the number of branches decreased, this reduction was 36% in relation to OCS. For the traits as plant height, first pod height, 1000-grain weight and yield, it was showed small values in DCS in contrast to OCS. It is feasible to introduce these cover crops in fall-winter season to make part of a crop rotation system. The number of pod per plant showed higher values under the crop rotation of corn/rapeseed/soybean, which showed highly associated with the soybean grain yield. This research brought options for cover crops system to be viable in no-till system with soybean in spring-summer season

    Organic matter composition in density fractions of Cerrado Ferralsols as revealed by CPMAS 13C NMR: Influence of pastureland, cropland and integrated crop-livestock

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    7 páginas.-- 4 tablas.-- 40 referenciasIntegrated crop-livestock (ICL) is a promising land use system for the Brazilian Cerrado, but little is known about what this system might change in chemical composition of soil organic matter. In three long-term experiments (9–11 years old), located on Cerrado Ferralsols in Dourados, Maracaju and Campo Grande (Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil), we assessed the impact of continuous cropland (CC), ICL, and permanent pasture of Brachiaria decumbens (PP) on the C concentration and composition of the free light fraction (FLF), occluded light fraction (OLF) and heavy fraction (HF) of soil in the 0–5 cm layer. CPMAS13C NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the percentage of alkyl, O-alkyl, aromatic and carboxyl C types. In Dourados and Maracaju, PP had the highest concentrations of organic C in whole soil and physical fractions, while ICL was intermediate and CC lowest. In Campo Grande, soil organic C concentration was similar among management systems. Distribution of organic C across physical fractions was not affected by management nor by experimental site, and on average the FLF, OLF and HF contained 7%, 26% and 67% of the total storage, respectively. Signal peaks of the four main C types appeared in all CPMAS 13C NMR spectra, but at different intensities. O-alkyl was the major C type (about 50%), carboxyl was the minor representative (generally less than 10%) and alkyl and aromatic C were intermediates. From FLF to OLF, the alkyl and aromatic C concentrations increased, possibly due to selective preservation of waxes, resins, cutin, suberin and lignin. The HF had greater O-alkyl and lower aromatic C concentrations than OLF, which might have been related to the accumulation of microbial carbohydrates on mineral surfaces of the HF. Along the sequence CC–ICL–PP, the most evident changes were greater of O-alkyl and lower alkyl C types, practically in all fractions and sites. In FLF and OLF, these changes were attributed to greater biomass input and less seed drill-induced disturbance of soil surface (lower decomposition of residues) in the PP and ICL. Additionally, in OLF, greater O-alkyl concentration in PP and ICL was attributed to physical protection of particulate organic matter derived from grass roots occluded inside soil aggregates. Our results suggest that PP and ICL systems increased or maintained soil organic C concentrations compared to CC, associated with a qualitative increase of the chemically labile O-alkyl C type which was possibly related to greater biomass addition and less soil disturbance.Peer reviewe

    Variáveis relacionadas à estabilidade de complexos organo-minerais em solos tropicais e subtropicais brasileiros Selected soil-variables related to the stability of organo-minerals complexes in tropical and subtropical brazilian soils

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    A estabilidade de complexos organo-minerais é uma característica importante quanto à química e física de solos tropicais e subtropicais. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar variáveis relacionadas à estabilidade de complexos organo-minerais, avaliada pela energia de ultra-som necessária para a dispersão total do solo em partículas primárias, em seis solos das regiões Sul e Centro-Oeste do Brasil com textura e mineralogia distintas. A energia de ultra-som necessária para dispersão total dos solos variou de 239 a 2.389J mL-1, sendo diretamente relacionada aos teores de carbono orgânico (R²=0,799, PThe stability of organo-mineral complexes is an important characteristic related to the soil chemistry and physics of tropical and subtropical soils. This study was aimed at identifing the variables related to the stability of organo-mineral complexes, evaluated by ultrasonic energy necessary to complete soil dispersion, of six soils from South and West-Center regions of Brazil with distint texture and mineralogy. The ultrasonic energy to complete soil dispersion varied from 239 a 2389J mL-1, and was positively related to the soil organic carbon concentrations (R²=0.799, P<0.05). The clay mineralogy had an important role to the stability of organo-mineral complexes, which were related to the content of low cristalinity iron oxides (R²=0.586, P<0.10), but did not had relationship with the total pedogenic iron oxides. The qualitative analysis of the clay mineralogy, by X-ray diffraction, evidenced that gibbsite and goethite are the main clay minerals related to the stability of organo-mineral complexes, reinforcing the importance of these minerals on the physical protection and coloidal stability of the soil organic matter in the tropical and subtropical soils

    Soil physical properties and interrill erosion in agricultural production systems after 20 years of cultivation

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    Agricultural management significantly influences soil physical properties and soil erosion. However, there are few studies investigating the long-term effects of agricultural management on soil erosion and physical properties. Here, we assessed the impacts of 20-year agricultural land uses under different management practices on soil physical properties and interrill erosion. This study was conducted on an experimental farm of the Embrapa Western Agriculture, Brazil, and the treatments consisted of soybean cropping under conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT), crop-livestock integration during the cropping phase (CL-C) and the livestock phase (CL-L), and Brachiaria decumbens pasture under rotational grazing (PP). Soil samples were taken to evaluate the soil physical properties, and 25 rainfall simulations with an intensity of 60 mm h -1 were carried out by using a portable rainfall simulator with runoff plots of 0.7 m 2 to quantify surface runoff and interrill erosion. After two decades, the crop-livestock systems (CL-L and CL-C) presented better soil physical properties in the topsoil layer (0.00–0.05 m) with a higher level of aggregation. Soil and water losses ranged from 4.7 to 14.4 × 10 -3 kg m -2 and 4.9 to 12.4 mm, respectively. A higher reduction in soil erosion was observed in NT, while CT showed the highest soil erosion rates. These findings indicate an opportunity for a reduction of soil erosion by 60 % by adopting crop-livestock integration comparing CL-C with CT, while livestock under an integrated system (CL-L) decreased water loss by 30 % compared with PP. This study is a starting point for future research, and the findings reveal the potential to minimize the agriculture footprint

    Agregação e estabilidade de agregados do solo em sistemas agropecuários em Mato Grosso do Sul Soil aggregation and aggregate stability under crop-pasture systems in Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil

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    Sistemas de manejo do solo, incluindo lavouras em plantio direto, lavouras (soja) em rotação com pastagens em plantio direto e pastagens permanentes (Brachiaria sp.), foram avaliados quanto à agregação do solo e estabilidade dos agregados. Em três experimentos de longa duração (9 e 11 anos) localizados em Mato Grosso do Sul, o solo foi amostrado nas camadas de 0 a 5, 5 a 10 e 10 a 20 cm, para determinação da estabilidade dos agregados em água e a seco. Foram calculados o diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP) e o índice de estabilidade dos agregados (IEA). Em todos os experimentos, nos sistemas com pastagens, seja de forma isolada ou em rotação com lavouras, foi verificado maior volume do solo, constituindo agregados com tamanho superior a 4,76 mm. Os sistemas com pastagens também apresentaram maior DMP e maior IEA em todos os experimentos. O sistema apenas com lavouras apresentou, nos três experimentos, o maior volume de solo com agregados de tamanho entre 0,25 e 2,00 mm. Esses efeitos ocorreram de forma semelhante em todas as profundidades avaliadas. Entre os locais, observou-se o efeito do teor de argila na agregação, sendo maior em Maracaju e menor em Campo Grande. Foi observada estreita relação entre a estabilidade dos agregados e o teor de C no solo. A formação de macroagregados parece estar relacionada à presença de raízes, que são mais abundantes sob pastagem de gramíneas.<br>Soil management systems, with crops under no-tillage (NT), crops (soybean) in rotation with pastures under NT and permanent pastures (Brachiaria sp.), were evaluated for soil aggregation and aggregate stability. Three long-term experiments (9 and 11 years) in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul were sampled in the layers 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm for determination of the aggregate stability in wet and dry sieving. The mean weight diameter (MWD) and the aggregate stability index (IAS) were calculated. In all experiments, the greatest soil volume was verified in the systems with isolated pastures or in rotation with crops, constituting aggregates of over 4.76 mm. The soil volume was largest in the crop system, in the three experiments, with aggregate sizes between 0.25 and 2.00 mm. These effects ocurred similarly at all studied depths. In the pasture systems, the MWD was largest and IAS highest in all experiments. The clay effect in the aggregation was greatest in Maracaju and lowest in Campo Grande. A close relation between the IAS and soil carbon was observed. The formation of macro-aggregates seems to be related to the presence of roots, which are more abundant under grass pastures

    Índice de manejo de carbono e atributos químicos de Latossolo Vermelho sob diferentes sistemas de manejo

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar mudanças nos atributos químicos, no estoque de carbono e no índice de manejo de C de um Latossolo Vermelho argiloso, sob diferentes sistemas de manejo. Avaliou-se o solo sob sistemas de manejo com diferentes históricos de uso, sob as seguintes coberturas: Zea mays, Urochloa decumbens e Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania. Como testemunha, avaliou-se área sob vegetação de cerrado. Foram coletadas amostras compostas das camadas de solo de 0-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm. Os teores de fósforo diminuíram com a profundidade, e os maiores valores foram observados na área com P. maximum. Na área com milho, observaram-se maiores valores de K+, Ca++, Mg++, CTC, e de soma e saturação por bases. O teor de C orgânico total do solo (COT) foi maior sob cerrado e menor sob cobertura com P. maximum, à profundidade de 5-10 cm. Os maiores estoques de COT, carbono nas frações particuladas (C-MOP) e nas frações associadas à fase mineral do solo ocorreram na área com U. decumbens, o que promoveu maiores índices de labilidade e de manejo de C, similares aos da vegetação de cerrado. Em todas as coberturas, a labilidade da matéria orgânica do solo diminuiu com o aumento da profundidade. A fração C-MOP apresenta maior sensibilidade às alterações de manejo e relaciona-se ao COT